Åesop;128364323 said:
Players are rated based on their combined leaderboard KDR values from Supply Raid and Survivors.Teams are balanced such that the sums of each team's player ratings are as close as possible. This also applies to parties, however when parties are involved the assignments of players are more limited so the team balance may not be as close.
This is probably my only major complaint about the game. Granted, I'm biased because it's punishing me, but I think it's a really terrible way to try to balance the teams. If you take me for example...I have a high-ish KDR, but I'm rarely the points leader on my team. I'm actually probably last as often as I'm first, even though I'll usually have the best KDR. I play fairly defensively and try to minimize deaths above all else. A really good game for me might be 8-10 executions. More often, I'm in the 5-6 range. To get to my point, someone going 12-8 is more valuable to their team than someone going 4-2. If they really want to balance teams by execution efficiency, they should calculate average net kills (i.e. avg. # of executions - avg. # of deaths). Even win % would be a better way to do it.
All that said, I wish they would just randomize the teams in the no-parties lobbies and be done with it. I get that more balanced matches are more fun for everyone, but punishing players for getting better at the game by constantly putting them on the weaker team hardly seems fair. If you leave it to chance, some games will be well balanced and some won't be, but at least nobody is getting screwed a majority of the time.