Not being available enough to commit to party play, I'm also playing randomly and lone wolf and it has become more miserable lately.
Playing PARTIES ALLOWED is un fun because half the games you're randoms against a team that just rapes. They are so OP they just rush and overwhelm. After 13-20 someone quits on your side. Then at 10-18 another quits then its just a slaughter house ...
Playing no parties, the balancing system is as random as it was before. The kind of match depends on the lobby draw, and half the time the match making creates this lopsided game where people start to quit. if not in game, then in the lobby after the game as they think "this setup isn't fun", so there is *no time for friendships to form* on *either side* because if the losing group quits out the winning group ends up busted up.
And if you get dumped out, there is this long-ass delay finding enough to make a game, OR, you get dumped into a rape in progress as a victim, because a hole left by someone quitting is usually bad news, not bad connection.
On top of these issues the mic use is dropping off to nearly zero! I'm often the only person with a speaker icon showing and if there is another one or two, I just hear coughs or TV noise. People have given up communicating outside parties perhaps because it is bad audio. Could be in my australia region I'm getting thrown in with taiwan or japan or something. Perhaps the communicators have all moved to party play. Don't know. Either way it sucks. Losing is still ok if people are talking. Not fun in silence.
Maybe these issues are not in prime time US with a larger player pool? but they are driving me away from MP now in my time zone.
A lot of it is down to the small team size. 4v4 was always going to be a problem for matchmaking.
How to fix? I don't know. Release larger maps and larger teams like 8v8 would help but that isn't going to happen. Fix the chat outside parties would be nice.
I know good players will say this is just whining and nothing is broken but think about it, if you're always killing 3 for every 1, there are two explanations, first is, you're the best. Second is, you're too often playing people in lower leagues and they are as miserable as you are happy.
In starcraft or hearthstone, you generally lose as often as you win no matter your skills, and there is a visible progression first in league then finally in world ranking.
This isn't a feature of this game.