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The Last of Us: Remastered MP |OT| For the love of god please stop running.

I've played through almost both factions, and even with several matches under my belt I still don't seem to grasp how it calculates your supply totals after the match. You get a supply for every 50 parts in a match. That I get. You can also loot supplies off executed enemies. I get that too. But it appears that all of these supplies show during the match as you play. However, after a match ends it gives me a grand total that is different than what I ended the match with (as far as I can tell). What is being calculated to fill the discrepancy? Any help would be appreciated.
Maybe wins/losses? I also know that parts spent add to the total. But this may not be what you are asking.

In a related questions: Why the fuck can I not get better at this game?

Change up the way you play and/or change up your load-outs. I found that flanking enemies and taking them by surprise is a very worthwhile tactic, if a little risky. Every single match I have is composed of people rushing to the same area to have a fire-fight. I take advantage of that.


Can anyone tell me why some people just randomly stand up instead of stayin invisible with crouch? Or worse, they sprint and reveal themselves on radar when they could have slipped away for a stealth advantage? Do people not know that standing reveals you in listen mode and sprinting makes it even worse?


Can anyone tell me why some people just randomly stand up instead of stayin invisible with crouch? Or worse, they sprint and reveal themselves on radar when they could have slipped away for a stealth advantage? Do people not know that standing reveals you in listen mode and sprinting makes it even worse?
The simple answer is that some people are retarded and don't give two hoots about stealth.


Can anyone tell me why some people just randomly stand up instead of stayin invisible with crouch? Or worse, they sprint and reveal themselves on radar when they could have slipped away for a stealth advantage? Do people not know that standing reveals you in listen mode and sprinting makes it even worse?
Sometimes if I'm with a friend one runs for bait and the other stays hidden for shiv flanking...


Sometimes if I'm with a friend one runs for bait and the other stays hidden for shiv flanking...
Nah, that's strategy. I can recognize that. This is just like when they are waiting for a potential enemy sighting and stand up to walk a couple steps like a fool. Or they'll sprint to new cover and I want to wring their neck.
Change up the way you play and/or change up your load-outs. I found that flanking enemies and taking them by surprise is a very worthwhile tactic, if a little risky. Every single match I have is composed of people rushing to the same area to have a fire-fight. I take advantage of that.

I try to do that, but then I am off by myself and cannot aid the team; and if I happen to get ambushed, then I am normally the one who goes down. I try stealth, but then I am so far behind my team I am practically worthless. When I change tactics the new ones rarely go my way... I am starting to use Hawkeye 3 so that at least if I hit someone he and his teammates are marked-- that has helped immensely to feel valuable to my team.

Also, no idea what this guy was doing, but at the beginning of every match he would empty all his bullets in the air. Once when I died I looked in on him and he was standing on a car in Bill's town, pointing up, and emptying his shotgun. The next round he decided to shot every bullet he had at me. He started this from match one, so it couldn't have been because I did something to piss him off. I really don't get some of these guys...

Also, is the semi-auto better than the Variable? The variable's ammo is sooooo cheap that I never worry about running out and with my bad aiming having more ammo is good, sometimes I max at 40, but I think it takes more bullets to down? Is the RoF faster?


Also, no idea what this guy was doing, but at the beginning of every match he would empty all his bullets in the air. Once when I died I looked in on him and he was standing on a car in Bill's town, pointing up, and emptying his shotgun. The next round he decided to shot every bullet he had at me. He started this from match one, so it couldn't have been because I did something to piss him off. I really don't get some of these guys...
I think Grey matter got split from his team and was just helping them out.
Also, is the semi-auto better than the Variable? The variable's ammo is sooooo cheap that I never worry about running out and with my bad aiming having more ammo is good, sometimes I max at 40, but I think it takes more bullets to down? Is the RoF faster?

I haven't used the variable rifle, but you can't go wrong with the semi-auto, especially a silenced semi-auto. I'd give that a go, if I were you.
Just finished this game for the first time and gotta say it was incredible. There's no game that mixes story telling and gameplay as good as this game does. Uncharted is B tier compared to this game. I now can call them naughty gods!
Matchmaking is hilarious on this game. It's as if they deliberately try to make the matches lopsided.

Just my last match, there was a player at week 90, another at 74, me at 52, two 20s, one 4, and two 0s. The 90 and 74 were paired up together. Ok, maybe I just have a better K/D ratio then both of them. But enough to pair me with the two 0s and the 4? I don't think so. Two 0s should never be paired together.

At one point during the match our supply raid stock number looked like a countdown clock. We were dropping like flies, I just couldn't help but laugh. Needless to say, we lost.

I feel your pain. The matchmaking in this game is stupid. 3 0's on my team facing a 45, a 80, a 3, and a 0
Not being available enough to commit to party play, I'm also playing randomly and lone wolf and it has become more miserable lately.

Playing PARTIES ALLOWED is un fun because half the games you're randoms against a team that just rapes. They are so OP they just rush and overwhelm. After 13-20 someone quits on your side. Then at 10-18 another quits then its just a slaughter house ...

Playing no parties, the balancing system is as random as it was before. The kind of match depends on the lobby draw, and half the time the match making creates this lopsided game where people start to quit. if not in game, then in the lobby after the game as they think "this setup isn't fun", so there is *no time for friendships to form* on *either side* because if the losing group quits out the winning group ends up busted up.

And if you get dumped out, there is this long-ass delay finding enough to make a game, OR, you get dumped into a rape in progress as a victim, because a hole left by someone quitting is usually bad news, not bad connection.

On top of these issues the mic use is dropping off to nearly zero! I'm often the only person with a speaker icon showing and if there is another one or two, I just hear coughs or TV noise. People have given up communicating outside parties perhaps because it is bad audio. Could be in my australia region I'm getting thrown in with taiwan or japan or something. Perhaps the communicators have all moved to party play. Don't know. Either way it sucks. Losing is still ok if people are talking. Not fun in silence.

Maybe these issues are not in prime time US with a larger player pool? but they are driving me away from MP now in my time zone.

A lot of it is down to the small team size. 4v4 was always going to be a problem for matchmaking.

How to fix? I don't know. Release larger maps and larger teams like 8v8 would help but that isn't going to happen. Fix the chat outside parties would be nice.

I know good players will say this is just whining and nothing is broken but think about it, if you're always killing 3 for every 1, there are two explanations, first is, you're the best. Second is, you're too often playing people in lower leagues and they are as miserable as you are happy.

In starcraft or hearthstone, you generally lose as often as you win no matter your skills, and there is a visible progression first in league then finally in world ranking.

This isn't a feature of this game.


Neo Member
I've been searching this thread for the past 30 minutes or so and I cannot find the video of the gaffer using the Grenade Launcher to phenomenal effect. Can anyone repost?

Should probably point out that this was a little swayed towards me and my team. Couple of players on the other team were just running at us for the entire match (and consequent ones). Still, I guess it shows off the potential of the weapon!
Also, is the semi-auto better than the Variable? The variable's ammo is sooooo cheap that I never worry about running out and with my bad aiming having more ammo is good, sometimes I max at 40, but I think it takes more bullets to down? Is the RoF faster?

Four shots to down with variable vs three shots with semi. One headshot and two bodies vs. One headshot and a body.
I think Grey matter got split from his team and was just helping them out.

Well, this did come to mind-- a broken team...

I haven't used the variable rifle, but you can't go wrong with the semi-auto, especially a silenced semi-auto. I'd give that a go, if I were you.

Four shots to down with variable vs three shots with semi. One headshot and two bodies vs. One headshot and a body.

Gonna give that a shot again tomorrow, though I always feel like I run out of bullets too quickly and the semi's bullets are expensive. I'll write it again... bullets should be infinite.

Maybe these issues are not in prime time US with a larger player pool? but they are driving me away from MP now in my time zone.

Do not, under any circumstance, play parties allowed by yourself! And those are all issues in the US, too.


Not being available enough to commit to party play, I'm also playing randomly and lone wolf and it has become more miserable lately.

Playing PARTIES ALLOWED is un fun because half the games you're randoms against a team that just rapes. They are so OP they just rush and overwhelm. After 13-20 someone quits on your side. Then at 10-18 another quits then its just a slaughter house ...

Playing no parties, the balancing system is as random as it was before. The kind of match depends on the lobby draw, and half the time the match making creates this lopsided game where people start to quit. if not in game, then in the lobby after the game as they think "this setup isn't fun", so there is *no time for friendships to form* on *either side* because if the losing group quits out the winning group ends up busted up.

And if you get dumped out, there is this long-ass delay finding enough to make a game, OR, you get dumped into a rape in progress as a victim, because a hole left by someone quitting is usually bad news, not bad connection.

On top of these issues the mic use is dropping off to nearly zero! I'm often the only person with a speaker icon showing and if there is another one or two, I just hear coughs or TV noise. People have given up communicating outside parties perhaps because it is bad audio. Could be in my australia region I'm getting thrown in with taiwan or japan or something. Perhaps the communicators have all moved to party play. Don't know. Either way it sucks. Losing is still ok if people are talking. Not fun in silence.

Maybe these issues are not in prime time US with a larger player pool? but they are driving me away from MP now in my time zone.

A lot of it is down to the small team size. 4v4 was always going to be a problem for matchmaking.

How to fix? I don't know. Release larger maps and larger teams like 8v8 would help but that isn't going to happen. Fix the chat outside parties would be nice.

I know good players will say this is just whining and nothing is broken but think about it, if you're always killing 3 for every 1, there are two explanations, first is, you're the best. Second is, you're too often playing people in lower leagues and they are as miserable as you are happy.

In starcraft or hearthstone, you generally lose as often as you win no matter your skills, and there is a visible progression first in league then finally in world ranking.

This isn't a feature of this game.

Add me dude I'm in aus. Psn- wowlace.

I have a bunch of other Aussies I play parties with. No dedication required. The party roster is liquid. People play for 2-3 games then leave, it's all good.
Gonna give that a shot again tomorrow, though I always feel like I run out of bullets too quickly and the semi's bullets are expensive. I'll write it again... bullets should be infinite.

Wait, you buy bullets? For a few more Parts, you could slap a Lv. 1 upgrade on your Revolver instead. It'll make do until you reach a supply box to get free ammo for the Semi-Auto, if not both weapons if both are empty/near-empty.
So, do you guys prefer the bigger maps, or the smaller maps?

Bus Depot


Water Tower

I love the big maps.

Gray Matter

I don't condone quitting matches but i understand why someone would mid-match who's getting slaughtered. It's just not fun. But I really don't understand why someone would stay the whole time getting beat down for 15 minutes and in the last seconds leave the match.

I do to, but this wasn't the only time. I guarantee you every time that I play factions, almost every game multiple people quit.


I don't condone quitting matches but i understand why someone would mid-match who's getting slaughtered. It's just not fun. But I really don't understand why someone would stay the whole time getting beat down for 15 minutes and in the last seconds leave the match.

They probably quit so their stats on that particular game don't hurt them on the metagame or their K/D ratio if they care.


Me and bro was doing good in our 2 person party, winning games and such, but we lost the last interrogation so bad that I was about to rage quit. Basically, they began farming us in interrogation, we scored a total of 0 interrogations with a team of 3 against a team of 3. The third guy constantly running on spawn didn't work in our favour either.

I hope they don't upload the match lol.
If everyone has 1 bar (including your teammates), then it's probably your connection that's lagging.

Perhaps someone in your home was streaming Netflix/downloading torrents?
Wait, you buy bullets? For a few more Parts, you could slap a Lv. 1 upgrade on your Revolver instead. It'll make do until you reach a supply box to get free ammo for the Semi-Auto, if not both weapons if both are empty/near-empty.

I am a bad shot, so I need the extra ammo. Anyway, putting this game down for now-- Destiny!
Awesome comeback!

nice, the other team definitely let you off the hook. coming at you individually. props nonetheless

Now that's what you call a comeback.

Thanks guys! The enemy team definitely had a lack of coordination which gave me a few lucky breaks. I find most teams near the end just start to rush so they can finish the game but it opens them up to a strong counterattack that can catch them off guard. It sure was thrilling though. I think I forgot to breathe for most of it.

Fady K

Just started this game for the first time last night, (haven't played it on PS3), and that first hour was the best start to a videogame I've been through. Unbelievable.


Just started this game for the first time last night, (haven't played it on PS3), and that first hour was the best start to a videogame I've been through. Unbelievable.

mp is good but not that good. gonna assuming you accidentally posted in MP thread but are talking about SP intro? :)

Fady K

mp is good but not that good. gonna assuming you accidentally posted in MP thread but are talking about SP intro? :)

Whoops! You're right! I completely missed the MP haha. Naughty Dog seems to be competent at MP but not spectacular like their SPs, how does it compare their other MPs (Uncharted 2 and 3)? Is it their best MP effort yet?
Whoops! You're right! I completely missed the MP haha. Naughty Dog seems to be competent at MP but not spectacular like their SPs, how does it compare their other MPs (Uncharted 2 and 3)? Is it their best MP effort yet?

Personally, yes. It's a lot more tactical and less shootbangy compared to the TPS-ilk. It also emphasizes the importance of teamwork - something rarely happens in most of these games. Rewards are based off resources you pick out of dead bodies.

The objective is to last a 12 week standoff against your opponents (you can choose either the fireflies or bandits) and each week demands a higher resource requirement than the last. Interesting take of the multiplayer to which I will be glad to put hours in once I get the remastered (and the oh so glorious 60fps). Clearly, the best part of the game exceeding the single-player experience, IMO.
Whoops! You're right! I completely missed the MP haha. Naughty Dog seems to be competent at MP but not spectacular like their SPs, how does it compare their other MPs (Uncharted 2 and 3)? Is it their best MP effort yet?

It's an amazing multiplayer. It plays like no other mp I've played. It's very methodical and then explodes into action.
I hope naughty dog keeps revamping and improving their multiplayer mode so that the inevitable last of us 2 is even better. I really think this game could be Sonys gears of war just with a much much better single player experience
Okay gonna be streaming for the next hour or so. Come join me in my salty adventures. Probably the last time I'll play until the tournament is finished, oh and dat Destiny, yo.

Edit: GGs to Bamf, Evolved1, Dan, and RoeBear. Had some pretty rough starting matches, but we went "DUKE MODE" on the rest. :D

Gonna be streaming later tonight as well.
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