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The latest Star Wars Trilogy is pandering towards SJWs - How?



Unconfirmed Member
I have heard it multiple times on this forum or elsewhere in the web, that the latest trilogy is pandering towards SJWs and forces an agenda onto the viewer.
This was one of the reasons why I have never bothered to watch episode VIII and IX.
VII and Rouge One I've watched at release in the cinema and enjoyed them, but the negativity that the then following movies received kept me from watching those. Until now. I've watched the entire trilogy in the last 2 days via. Disney+ and I just don't get it. What are you talking about? What agenda? Where is the "super obvious" SJW pandering?

The Lunch Legend

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist


A woman has the lead role and they conveniently forget major plot points to prove points they couldn’t do otherwise. Good example: “Rey defeated Kylo in the first movie!” Without mentioning once he was walking around with a gaping hole in his abdomen.

The last Jedi was originally my favorite Star Wars movie but upon reflection I could give or take it.

Rise of Skywalker was a hot mess start to finish.


Its mainly the 2nd one. RJ's movie.

Basically every guy is emasculated and turned into dumb idiots. Poe's whole story line is he is a dumb idiot and should just listen to STRANG WAMANZ. Holdo might as well just been named STRANG WAMAN because that was essentially her character.

The first and third one not so much, outside of Rey being a mary sue and clearly an attempt to make the force FEMALE and to appeal to WAMANZ. Nothing really wrong with that but Star Wars appealed to Women anyways even with male leads. The bigger problem is that they shit on the OG cast and the third one was straight up stupid and retarded. The first one is probably the best. But that also has baggage as it starts so many threads that get dropped so its almost a waste of a movie.
Only knuckle daggers will quickly say SJWs. But the writing is garbage, Rey accomplishes everything with minimal effort and ends up being a chosen one replica. Being told she is a literal no one in Episode VIII then Episode IX tells her she is a Palpatine clone. Finn from the get go has an interesting premise that falls apart at FTL speeds and eventually ends up as Eddie Murphy in space. Poe is just Oscar Isaac.


Taken as a trilogy they are fucking awful.

The mad ramblings of a SJW can at least be entertaining.
These films on the other hand (other than Moulin Rouge One) are just boring.

It's Jeff

The primary reason for this claim is that the sequel trilogy treats diversity as a substitute for character. Finn could be anybody and functionally contributes nothing to the story. He's black though, so that's 10 free Rotten Tomatoes points. Rey's a nothing, emotionless slack jaw that doesn't offer much but a view of her top row of teeth. Girl protagonist, so that's 14 free Rotten Tomatoes points. Rose is largely reviled for grandstanding about space capitalism but is a girl and a minority. Liberates space horses but leaves children enslaved. 11 free Rotten Tomatoes points. Holdo is a high ranking officer that showed up out of nowhere, portrayed an arrogant character who's entire mystery is whether she's a regular or sympathetic asshole, then broke the entire concept of "Star Wars" by unnecessarily introducing f=ma and proving that the Death Star could be destroyed with a bowling ball attached to a hyperdrive. But hey! Looked cool! Hair purple. Awesome girl sacrifice! 8 free Rotten Tomatoes points.

Oh, and Leia survives decompression. Floats through space, barely managing to get the cross on her back through the door while Poe Dameron opens the film with a juvenile "yo mama" joke in a galaxy far, far away. He's chastised for questioning orders while being the best pilot of a rebellion.

There's more... but this is the obvious stuff.


The primary reason for this claim is that the sequel trilogy treats diversity as a substitute for character. Finn could be anybody and functionally contributes nothing to the story. He's black though, so that's 10 free Rotten Tomatoes points. Rey's a nothing, emotionless slack jaw that doesn't offer much but a view of her top row of teeth. Girl protagonist, so that's 14 free Rotten Tomatoes points. Rose is largely reviled for grandstanding about space capitalism but is a girl and a minority. Liberates space horses but leaves children enslaved. 11 free Rotten Tomatoes points. Holdo is a high ranking officer that showed up out of nowhere, portrayed an arrogant character who's entire mystery is whether she's a regular or sympathetic asshole, then broke the entire concept of "Star Wars" by unnecessarily introducing f=ma and proving that the Death Star could be destroyed with a bowling ball attached to a hyperdrive. But hey! Looked cool! Hair purple. Awesome girl sacrifice! 8 free Rotten Tomatoes points.

Oh, and Leia survives decompression. Floats through space, barely managing to get the cross on her back through the door while Poe Dameron opens the film with a juvenile "yo mama" joke in a galaxy far, far away. He's chastised for questioning orders while being the best pilot of a rebellion.

There's more... but this is the obvious stuff.

You forgot the dumb chinese girl that keeps Finn from his heroic death (that is a part in many good stories). She is just in the movie to scratch the balls of the chinese people but most chinese people hate stuff like this. They dont like it if something is put in just to please the chinese market. She wasnt even a good example of feminism, letting thousands of people die just to be an annoying little egoistical bitch.
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I mean, there was the whole Lesbian kiss in Rise of The Skywalker.
Don't get me twisted here, I love some girl on girl action, but this had nothing to do with the plot other than pushing an agenda.


I only think RoS is a decidedly bad film, I personally enjoyed it alot but it's the weakest link. If Trevarrow would have been allowed to do his script I think the trilogy would have been amazing.


They are some of the least offensive, most fan wanky films ever made which is exactly what SJW types like.
Bizarre pandering aside that amounted to nothing, the films are generally aimless and stitched together without proper thought for either narrative or character development.

There are a lot of 'globalist theories' out there that you could look up, or I might expand on later.


I have heard it multiple times on this forum or elsewhere in the web, that the latest trilogy is pandering towards SJWs and forces an agenda onto the viewer.
This was one of the reasons why I have never bothered to watch episode VIII and IX.
VII and Rouge One I've watched at release in the cinema and enjoyed them, but the negativity that the then following movies received kept me from watching those. Until now. I've watched the entire trilogy in the last 2 days via. Disney+ and I just don't get it. What are you talking about? What agenda? Where is the "super obvious" SJW pandering?



I wanted to ask a sincere thing for you guys. Do these movies actually appeal to girls or do they just fail to appeal to guys while also failing to appeal to girls?

I mean... I'll take my own daughter as an example. She is 6, she loves the Star Wars universe, but she does because of Darth Vader and Yoda. She normally doesn't care about the girl characters in action stuff. She is really into super hero, super sentai, transformers, thundercats, really, a lot of action stuff, anything involving robots, dinosaurs, heroes, etc, and it's always the male heroes that attract her. She was never into any princess stuff and her main hobby is Lego.

What I'm trying to understand here is... do girls like when stuff pander directly to them or would they like the action stuff as it was anyway? I started to think about it when I was finishing Robocop arcade with a friend of mine last weekend (thinking about how pure action flicks are almost inexistent these days).

The girls that I met, throughout my life, who were into action stuff, be it movies, games, animes, etc, they liked the stuff because of how the stuff originally was... Hell, even my mom, her favorite movie franchise was Die Hard. I think these changed universes may attract more people, I guess, but I have the impression it taints the legacy and the girls who would like this stuff would have done it anyway if they didn't. Does my point make any sense?

Davey Cakes

I still haven't seen RoS but I saw nothing SJW about The Force Awakens, Mary Sue stuff aside.

Forced diversity is not a thing in a movie series about life in other galaxies.
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Kev Kev

i dont really see it either

i loved all of the new trilogy and solo and rogue. i just love the SW universe

TFA has aged extremely well. that mvie gets better every time i watch it. TLJ may be my favorite SW movie ever (ok i kid i kid its right behind ESB of course lol). and RoS was amazing for the first half, and ended a little strange, but endings are rarely ever done well so i was like ok whatever its over that was cool lets move on to some new SW stories!

im ready for them to move on from the skywalker stuff tho. im super excited to see them really explore the SW universe
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I used to think that The Force Awakens was quite a decent film, that was until The Last Jedi came along and not only ruined the entry for Episode 8 but effectively ruined the film that came before it. It highlighted how creatively bankrupt the story was in TFA and that it really was doomed from the get go.

What they should have done was set the new trilogy far in the future, beyond the lives of the OT characters. That way the end of ROTJ could still have had some reverence.

Star Wars isn’t some allegory for society in modern times, it’s a space opera fairy tale. Disney just need to let it do it’s thing.


For me it was clear from a couple of things. The Intentional and visible focus on diversity in the casting. Maybe not "SJW targeted" exactly, but the casting is pure woke late 2010's compared to what came before, you just need to open your eyes. lol @ the initial trailer showing a stormtrooper in desert...wait for it.....takes helmet off.....OH MY GOD HE'S BLACK!
The creative team pushing THE FORCE IS FEMALE has obvious influence on the cast and plotting (Mary Sue & Useless Chrome Cunt & LOL HOLDO)

I haven't watched anything Star Wars since seeing TLJ in theatres. Killed any interest I had left.
Its simple. They just very obviously wanted to let all the white male fans since the 70's know that all of their childhood heroes will be shit upon or killed off and that the series is going for a more broad appeal. They expected all of the old fans to eat up the new stuff anyways but it didn't really happen and the series reputation fell off a cliff by the end of the 3rd trilogy.


I wanted to ask a sincere thing for you guys. Do these movies actually appeal to girls or do they just fail to appeal to guys while also failing to appeal to girls?

I mean... I'll take my own daughter as an example. She is 6, she loves the Star Wars universe, but she does because of Darth Vader and Yoda. She normally doesn't care about the girl characters in action stuff. She is really into super hero, super sentai, transformers, thundercats, really, a lot of action stuff, anything involving robots, dinosaurs, heroes, etc, and it's always the male heroes that attract her. She was never into any princess stuff and her main hobby is Lego.

What I'm trying to understand here is... do girls like when stuff pander directly to them or would they like the action stuff as it was anyway? I started to think about it when I was finishing Robocop arcade with a friend of mine last weekend (thinking about how pure action flicks are almost inexistent these days).

The girls that I met, throughout my life, who were into action stuff, be it movies, games, animes, etc, they liked the stuff because of how the stuff originally was... Hell, even my mom, her favorite movie franchise was Die Hard. I think these changed universes may attract more people, I guess, but I have the impression it taints the legacy and the girls who would like this stuff would have done it anyway if they didn't. Does my point make any sense?
No, they don’t. As a father of two girls, my girls liked BB8 the most. They kinda liked Rey at first but they’ll rewatch hunger games and Harry Potter over and over and over and haven’t touched Star Wars sequel trilogy since they came out on blu ray.


Hold onto your panties
Woke-ology. Gotta have one of 4 different types to please SJWs:
1. Beta male semi-protagonist
2. Masculine or feminist-type female lead
3. At least one borderline gay or lesbian looking character
4. One character from a minority race or ethnicity*

*About 4: I'm pretty sure when Billy Dee Williams was cast as Lando in the original trilogy; they weren't putting him in the film to say to the audience: "See -- we put a black dude in." Not really, he's just as much a regular with Star Wars history as anything else. If you read the rants of "injustice" on Twitter by the guy who played Finn in the recent trilogy; there's obviously a big difference on how they percieve minorities in Star Wars compared to my generation. Even being cast as a main supporting character; he still griped that it was all racism. Never heard Billy Dee Williams talking like that in the interviews he made about Star Wars.


Woke-ology. Gotta have one of 4 different types to please SJWs:
1. Beta male semi-protagonist
2. Masculine or feminist-type female lead
3. At least one borderline gay or lesbian looking character
4. One character from a minority race or ethnicity*

*About 4: I'm pretty sure when Billy Dee Williams was cast as Lando in the original trilogy; they weren't putting him in the film to say to the audience: "See -- we put a black dude in." Not really, he's just as much a regular with Star Wars history as anything else. If you read the rants of "injustice" on Twitter by the guy who played Finn in the recent trilogy; there's obviously a big difference on how they percieve minorities in Star Wars compared to my generation. Even being cast as a main supporting character; he still griped that it was all racism. Never heard Billy Dee Williams talking like that in the interviews he made about Star Wars.

Cause Billy Dee was a cool motherfucker, not a sniveling millennial little candy ass.
Sometimes I wonder how a movie like Aliens would be perceived today. Im sure there would be some that would cry out in distain about its feminist agenda but its just so much better crafted that you don't care. Ripley's progression from space trucker to survivor to warrior to broken warrior feels deserved and natural over the first 3 films. Her motivations and being pushed to the absolute brink just make sense and feels correct.

What I'm trying to say is that there will be a crowd that shouts "SJW!" no matter what, but I honestly believe a bigger part of the backlash is the contrivances that are shoved in there.

Holdo is a perfect example of this since she was a total shit leader that belittled the people under her and communicated so horrifically that it led to a mutiny...but shes held in reverence by the end since she sacrificed herself to save the crew. Its presented as the only option but it doesnt take much to think that there might have been a better solution if she actually talked to her crew.

Also, Poe is painted like an asshole but why? He has a commander that, as far as he knew, had zero plans to address the crisis and wouldnt even talk to her crew about what was going on. Why wouldn't you mutiny? Is he just supposed to blindly trust this person that he doesnt know with not only his life, but the life of his friends, and everything they have fought for?

Its bullshit writing just to crowbar in a message of hot headed MEN could not solve this problem, only a strong WOMAN could and she doesnt need to answer to anybody.


Conservatives digging for SJW nonsense to be upset by is just as eye roll inducing as leftists crying over lack of diversity and inclusion.


Last Jedi was the antithesis of the major Hollywood blockbuster, as much as a Disney produced Star Wars could be. The very fact that so few are able to give the film that credit is unfortunate. People point to Luke drinking milk from an alien teet as to why the movie stunk, but I'd argue that's exactly why it was awesome. Different horses for different courses, I guess.
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Mostly it is because of VIII spends all its time lecturing the male heroes. Do you recall lots of lecturing in previous Star Wars films? Yet we have Poe getting chewed out by Holdo in a terrible subplot. We have Finn getting lectured by Rose. He was a hero in the last film, his hero turn was the first scene of the movie, and yet he still must be lectured to. By a new character who we haven’t seen before. Two main heroes who spend a good deal of time getting lectured to on heroics, by women who are literally fucking things up to the point of getting almost the entire resistance killed off. If that isn’t forcing in an agenda I don’t know what is.

So instead of the heroes working together they are all split up to be lectured to. That does not an enjoyable film make. Then we learn that Luke is suicidal. Again not enjoyable to watch a suicidal mopey person. Do you recall any suicidal main characters in previous Star Wars films? No. It was a massive waste of time. Why is it here? Rian wants to tell us that heroes aren’t all that great. No shit? So the same thing he is telling in the Poe and Finn stories. Coincidentally every single male hero is learning that heroes are bad. Yeah no agenda /s

Ultimately all you have to do is look at how all the male characters were treated. Han Solo’s arc of becoming a committed leader was rejected to make him a dead beat dad. Feminism thinks fatherhood is evil. This is why there are no nuclear families in the series. Luke apparently dies alone. Kylo Ren turned to patricide (for which he is rewarded). Lando even had his child stolen from him into slavery. Not a single male character has a good ending.

All you have to do is watch Return of the Jedi and look at where it points to vs where we ended up. Yoga’s dying wish to Luke was “pass on what you have learned” but Luke is a shit teacher as well as a shit hero apparently.

If you refuse to see it then you are unwilling to be critical of corporate product.
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