Guys, I think Estelle may be one of my favorite JRPG protagonists ever.
It's okay, I'm in the same boat.
I'm in chapter 2 right now, and doing both games back to back, I love the character progression. I mean, the ending to FC is a really high mark in JRPGs for me, but the way they deal with the fallout of
that moment is really good. I feared everything would feel slow, coming off the roller coaster of FC's last few hours, but I'm thoroughly enjoying all the character building moments.
It's hard to qualify, but I think I love how solid the writing is. You don't have to have the most original ideas to write a good story, clearly delineated and relatable characters who grow over time, plot execution, universe building and stakes slowly increasing will do wonders. These guys are seriously good. I hope the other games are as well written.
I'm almost happy I won't be home for another week to receive my Cold Steel copy, that spares me a dilemma.