So.... CS2 spoilers are okay when people are complaining about a certain CS2 character's design (which happened for several pages in this thread waaaaay waaaaaay back), but not okay now? lol
I really don't like being spoiled the death of characters in a sequel i haven't played.
Being told "oh their costumes have changed" is a minor problem... The fate and death of characters in the lore is.
Again ... common sense is a key point here... Not every spoiler has the same value...even so when it's a spoiler to THE VERY END of CS2.
Is that so laughable ? I don't think so ..i mean goddamit , we have people here still playing the game at chapter 2 ( 3 now ). Come on
Say I'm in a thread about a game I've already completed. I know what happens already so I can't be spoiled. When you're in the thread and want to follow the discussion you can usually pretty much click on all the spoiler tags since they should be safe. It kind of becomes instinctive to click on them as you scroll down in order to not slow down or interrupt your reading when you get to that point..That post has a spoiler tag for a game you have yet to play? Click it anyway, bro.
Seriously though, why would you even click a spoiler tag for a game you haven't played and intend to play eventually? Spoiler tags are used for information that could/would spoil a game/book/movie/whatever for you. Hence, the name spoiler tag. If the post is about something you haven't played/read/watched and you don't wanna get spoiled, just don't click it. Simple, right?
An intelligent argument against the general use of spoiler tags has yet to be made in this thread.
An intelligent argument against the general use of spoiler tags has yet to be made in this thread.
Say I'm in a thread about a game I've already completed. I know what happens already so I can't be spoiled. When you're in the thread and want to follow the discussion you can usually pretty much click on all the spoiler tags since they should be safe. It kind of becomes instinctive to click on them as you scroll down in order to not slow down or interrupt your reading when you get to that point..
So a sudden spoiler about something else not specific to the thread itself can catch people off guard. It didn't happen to me, but it clearly happened to others.
Spoiler tag for games other than the one of the thread are against the rules
Here's the argument .. have fun refuting that
People have been posting tagged spoilers from CS2 and even from the 3rd, Zero and Ao in this thread since 2015 and with zero issues until now, so that's already a moot point.
Nobody posted the end of CS2 in this thread ( until that point )..
so stop your whinning already..
so YES i'm freaking angry
Pointless. Spoiler are spoilers regardless of how big they are, and Gu4n even pointed out it was a big deal.
Why do i even have to explain that spoiler for the end of the sequel have no place in a thread discussing the first game When there is a dedicated kiseki thread for those kind of things.
OK it's now clear that you've no indication on how an healty community / discussion work .. so i'll just say ( for the record ) that your attitude is despicable and ignorant
But yeah i'm whinning, your contribution certainly HELPS
The spoilers were unfortunate, but can't really do anything about it now you guys.
No need to get combative. We're all friends here I hope. lol
I got on the last chapter earlier this year and stopped playing since. I will wait for like a week before the release of CS2 then I'll continue playing since I heard that the cliffhanger for this game is much worse than trails in the sky 1.
I feel the same way .. it's a shame and really unfortunate and that's all i'm saying. Hopefully i'll be able to forget in december 2016
It's still december , right ?
the pre-order dlc bonus will exist in the west?
What were they? Costumes?
I don't get it toRanks?
Well, do remember that Trails of Cold Steel 1's release date was announced IN December FOR December. That XSeed hasn't announced a release date yet should be of little concern, the game could still very well be a September release that gets announced less than a month before release. If we haven't heard about a September release by mid-to-late August, maybe then start to freak out a little bit, but as of now we are still far enough from a September release that a smaller release like Trails of Cold Steel II doesn't necessarily have to have a release date set yet.I was really hoping CS2 would be out sooner rather then later and while I know they've said they don't want to give a date because they think the series is cursed because of SC the more time that passes that we don't get a date just makes me think that it'll be coming out later in the fall rather then sooner.
Was really hoping for an August/Early September release so it would avoid FF15 entirely (not that I personally care mind you, given the choice between CS2, FF15, and Persona 5 on the same day I would play CS2 first) since it'll get squashed in terms of publicity, sales, and attention but it seems that isn't likely to happen anymore and I'm guessing it'll be a mid October release.
Well, do remember that Trails of Cold Steel 1's release date was announced IN December FOR December. That XSeed hasn't announced a release date yet should be of little concern, the game could still very well be a September release that gets announced less than a month before release. If we haven't heard about a September release by mid-to-late August, maybe then start to freak out a little bit, but as of now we are still far enough from a September release that a smaller release like Trails of Cold Steel II doesn't necessarily have to have a release date set yet.![]()
Yeah, it was announced for December 22nd on, like, December 2nd or 3rd.They dated it that close? That's exciting.
I was really hoping CS2 would be out sooner rather then later and while I know they've said they don't want to give a date because they think the series is cursed because of SC the more time that passes that we don't get a date just makes me think that it'll be coming out later in the fall rather then sooner.
Was really hoping for an August/Early September release so it would avoid FF15 entirely (not that I personally care mind you, given the choice between CS2, FF15, and Persona 5 on the same day I would play CS2 first) since it'll get squashed in terms of publicity, sales, and attention but it seems that isn't likely to happen anymore and I'm guessing it'll be a mid October release.
30 hours. The story tends to get longer in each chapter.
Yeah, it was announced for December 22nd on, like, December 2nd or 3rd.
Shit, that's a long ass game. How do people finish these things? I still haven't played Trials in the Sky. I bought it, and now I have to finish that too? And the sequel? I am never gonna catch up to these.
Just finished, took me 95 hours. AMAZING game. This series is so good, the three games I've played (FC, SC, CS) are my favorite jrpg by far.
I'm still so hyped and shocked by the finale and the cliffhanger, I can't believe I have to wait months for the next installment.
For people complaining about CS2 spoilers in a CS1 thread, can you please avoid even mentioning the nature of the spouler. I didn't click it and shouldn't have to put up with open spoilers from irate people who can't resist a black bar.
Being told "oh their costumes have changed" is a minor problem.
Say I'm in a thread about a game I've already completed. I know what happens already so I can't be spoiled. When you're in the thread and want to follow the discussion you can usually pretty much click on all the spoiler tags since they should be safe. It kind of becomes instinctive to click on them as you scroll down in order to not slow down or interrupt your reading when you get to that point..
So a sudden spoiler about something else not specific to the thread itself can catch people off guard. It didn't happen to me, but it clearly happened to others.
For people complaining about CS2 spoilers in a CS1 thread, can you please avoid even mentioning the nature of the spouler. I didn't click it and shouldn't have to put up with open spoilers from irate people who can't resist a black bar.
Sorry for interrupting the fighting, but is there a list of what carries over to CS2 from a clear file from CS1?
Yes, apparently any costumes you unlock in CS, either through gameplay or by DLC, will be available in CSII when you transfer your clear save.
(I'm not quoting your entire post, because you did kind of reveal the nature of the spoiler outside of spoiler tags, and people are complaining about that, too.)
That was hardly the end of the conversation, as it was pretty much the complete destruction of a character they haven't even seen yet, just because people didn't like her costume. And there were some pretty heavy near endgame spoilers being thrown in spoiler tags, and it didn't become a problem then.
Or what about the spoilers for endgame SC that have been thrown around in here, too? Maybe they shouldn't have been used at all, because there are probably people playing CS that haven't played FC or SC yet.
And I'm sorry you had to get spoiled about it in such a way, I seriously am, but this feels like it's easier to put blame on everyone else instead of just think 'maybe I should've read the text that clarifies the spoiler more clearly.'
PS: There have also been a lot of assumptions in your outburst posts in here that aren't exactly correct about CS2, as well.
Sold an upgraded weapon by mistake. Is there any way to buy it back?
Okay, thanksI don't believe so. Once something's sold it's gone for good.
Quick question. Do orbment color lines have any effect on equipped quartz?
I'm not sure if you can have two exact same buff quartzes on one person, even on separate lines. But you can have Action 1 on one line and Action 2 on another, but not Action 2 & Action 2. Unless I've already completely forgotten how the Orbment stuff in this work.As far as I can tell, longer lines means you have more EP, so if you unlock slots on on one line you'll have access to a larger EP pool. Shorter lines are useful too. They can be used to stack status boost quartz like you can have Action 2 on one line and Action 2 on another and have Action 4 as total. I think that's how it works, pretty new to the ARCUS and orbment system myself.
You might start getting some excess U-Materials later on in the game, if I remember correctly. Don't remember lack of U-materials really being too much of a problem for upgrading weapons past the first few chapters.Okay, thanksThose U-Materials were not exactly easy to come by.
This. Action 1 is one line, Action 2 in another and Action 3 in a third line. Action 3 in two lines is not possible to slightly limit the breakability of the game.I'm not sure if you can have two exact same buff quartzes on one person, even on separate lines. But you can have Action 1 on one line and Action 2 on another, but not Action 2 & Action 2. Unless I've already completely forgotten how the Orbment stuff in this work.
I'm not sure if you can have two exact same buff quartzes on one person, even on separate lines. But you can have Action 1 on one line and Action 2 on another, but not Action 2 & Action 2. Unless I've already completely forgotten how the Orbment stuff in this work.