Finishing the game on Level 69 or lower nets you 100 of all sepith, an Attack 1 quartz and a Seram Powder; Level 70-79 earns you the same but 300 sepith and an additional Soul Blur quartz; and if you go beyond level 80 in Cold Steel, you get all of the above, but 500 of each sepith and the Saint Force quartz (boosting STR and DEF with +25%).If there weren't save bonuses for the sequel I would have imported the NA version a long time ago. Now I still have to wait until the 29.1 for the European version to release.
What are the bonuses anyway? Are you penalized if you start at level 1 in CSII?
Finishing Cold Steel on Academic Rank A1 nets you a Silver Badge and A0 - surprise, surprise - a Golden Badge. The Silver Badge boosts your HP with 500 and EP 50 while the Gold Badge doubles that and throws in a +10 stat boost for STR, DEF, ATS and ADF.