I couldn't stand FC on PSP (mostly because of the loading times when going in/out buildings and areas), but I absolutely loved it on PC.
You kidding me?
I was beyond hooked the minute you meet Olivier
Depends. I have bought because of cross-save. The ps3 graphics are a little better and they don't have that weird blurring effect that happens on the vita in some places. Load times about the same, pretty bad on both imo.Playing on PC also helped of course.
Anyway I haven't bought Cold Steel yet. Which version does GAF prefer? I own both PS3 and Vita.
Im always flat broke in this game, besides getting all the sepith mass. How do I fucking make some mira in this game? Im always broke and can barely afford a damn thing.
Im always flat broke in this game, besides getting all the sepith mass. How do I fucking make some mira in this game? Im always broke and can barely afford a damn thing.
Im always flat broke in this game, besides getting all the sepith mass. How do I fucking make some mira in this game? Im always broke and can barely afford a damn thing.
Been replaying Cold Steel on NIghtmare to finish up on trophies. Currently in Chapter 5: going throughLohengrin Castle and it only just struck me (cuz I forgot) that there's another mysterious door like the one in the Old Schoolhouse inside. Is there another Knight sleeping within the castle? Is that what Celine and Emma were talking about, hoping that Laura "would notice"?
Can't believe I didn't make the connection before.
Just make sure melee characters like Rean & Laura have the best weapons. No need to give better weapons to characters who are better at casting spells or supporting your damage dealers. Occasionally upgrade other equipment if you feel like enemies are a bit too efficient in diminishing your characters' HP.Im always flat broke in this game, besides getting all the sepith mass. How do I fucking make some mira in this game? Im always broke and can barely afford a damn thing.
Quick question: How long is the final chapter if I'm doing every sidequest, getting most NPC-dialouge?
I'm probably gonna finish up this game tomorrow, but need some estimate so I can set aside enough time for it.
Yeah I got the Weapons for at Rean and Laura straight away. If Laura wasn't there I got someone else's weapon as well such as Fie or whoever. Never bothered with armour. Money was tight but it was never really had a problem. At least until Chapter 4 and when j wanted tk buy some Evergreens and Passionate Rouge.>Not spending all your mira and sepith on Laura to try to crack out her attack power as high as possible
eeeh, I have a very hard time imagining anyone running through it in less than an hour unless you skipped a lot of battles or had gone completely overboard with Laura's OPness (at least I personally tried to avoid making her way too OP on my first playthrough, just to maintain some challenge for tougher enemies/bosses in the first time). There are so many battles all in all that those alone will probably take more than hour combined with how many big bawdazz enemies there are that can take 2-5 minutes to win (especially when there are several of them in a row, so even spamming S-crafts isn't necessarily possible). I'm fairly certain it took me at least 2-3 hours and I used a guide because I just wanted to be done with it.Several hours for the last dungeon? Really? I think I got all items and fought all enemies at least once and I did it well within an hour. It's longer than everything else but not that long
Well, they should be starting the recordings of the voice acting for II in the next week or two or three. It's getting closer, not too long anymore!So I just finished the game after 82 hours. I really shouldn't have watched the opening for II, now I'm in full hype mode with a vague 2016 release date damn it![]()
So I just finished the game after 82 hours. I really shouldn't have watched the opening for II, now I'm in full hype mode with a vague 2016 release date damn it![]()
eeeh, I have a very hard time imagining anyone running through it in less than an hour unless you skipped a lot of battles or had gone completely overboard with Laura's OPness (at least I personally tried to avoid making her way too OP on my first playthrough, just to maintain some challenge for tougher enemies/bosses in the first time). There are so many battles all in all that those alone will probably take more than hour combined with how many big bawdazz enemies there are that can take 2-5 minutes to win (especially when there are several of them in a row, so even spamming S-crafts isn't necessarily possible). I'm fairly certain it took me at least 2-3 hours and I used a guide because I just wanted to be done with it.
Well, they should be starting the recordings of the voice acting for II in the next week or two or three. It's getting closer, not too long anymore!(though even a day is too long)
So I just finished the game after 82 hours. I really shouldn't have watched the opening for II, now I'm in full hype mode with a vague 2016 release date damn it![]()
Yeah I made the same mistake lol
That trailer shows WAY too much
I did skip enemies, but only the second time around like I do everywhere else. I'll fight each enemy once, but if I come across the same enemy again (not enemy type. As in the same enemy in a particular location on a field) I'll run past them next time around. I did go overboard with Laura and Rean though. As much Str as possible combined with Domination and Megalith/Force and then Brilliant Spin/Gale/S-Break to victory in 1 or 2 turns for mobs, and then Vermillion/Orochi/Murakumo for bosses.
I've resisted the urge to watch any trailers so far thankfully. What I did do was come acrossI really want the next game nowthe outfits for the cast in the nest game. So much better than what we got in this game and I like quite a few of them. Also said outfits also confirm there is no more school setting! So that's a massive plus and I can already imagine exploring and going to different areas in Erebonia without feeling as shackled as I did.
Dude agreed!! And Way overdue!
So tired of looking at the Uniforms. They dropped the ball in the first game
Thing is they're not just slightly better. They're monumentally better. Even people likeClaire
They also fixed the running animations, and the clothes and hair bob while running properly.
No more groundsurfing from Rean and company. RIP forward moonwalking Elise, you will be missed.
It is decently long, sorry I don't really have a time estimate for you. I'd set aside several hours though.
They also fixed the running animations, and the clothes and hair bob while running properly.
No more groundsurfing from Rean and company. RIP forward moonwalking Elise, you will be missed.
On top of the animations in Sen II/CS2, Kondo's also promised that the visuals have been upgraded considerably for the upcoming Sen III, as well. We just haven't seen it directly yet.
Well yeah. Visuals have to be better since instead of Vita I'll be playing this one on PS4![]()
That post was more in jest than anything else. While graphics may improve as they say I'm not expecting anything amazing or PS3 quality let alone PS4 for obvious budget reasons. The 3rd game will be on Vita no doubt. Probably PS3 as well. I'm just hoping they add a PS4 on top.We have no evidence that it'll be on PS4 yet, and Kondo's stated that he doesn't like the idea of players having to jump systems for games between the story arcs.
I want it on PS4, too, but I don't want to jump the gun on excitement there yet. That only sets up for potential disappointment in the future.
Has anyone found the endings on Youtube? Anyone found the rest because unless I'm blind I only saw a couple.
The only other one I've found is (this is the whole ending so obviously don't click unless you've completed the game once):
Alisa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IuGki8uZh8 (around 55 minutes in)
I now wish I recorded the Millium and Emma ones which I got but oh well. :/
I missed this before and I might be a bit late now. But when I said within an hour, I onky meant the dungeon itself. If you add all the cutscenes and other random stuff, i'd definitely try and set aside at least 2-3 hours. I didn't and found I couldn't let myself stop there, and ended up trying (and failing after that end) to go to sleep at 3am.Thanks!
Since some things came up, I need to split my finale into two gaming sessions anyway. I'm playing similary to Shahed as well, so I think I'll manage to get it done.
Will be back with impressions soon. And probably lots of anticipation frustrations.
The only thing this game (well, series) burnt for me is interest in other series that are (remotely) similar. With a promising year of a long awaited Final Fantasy XV, Dragon Quest XI, Persona 5 and a new Pokémon gen, the one game I want more than anything else is the new Trails game.Hmm.
Iv been hearing good things about this game but it does look unbearably boring from a distance. Iv also looked at the first hour or so on youtube and the production values seem to hurt the presentation; kind of reminds me of Tales of Xillia in that aspect. But Iv heard about this from numerous sources like RPGFan podcast and other places.
Seeing this thread with so many posts makes me want to jump in -_- On the other hand Iv been burned by Gaf hype before. After seeing the GearsUE issues I think I should give this a try.
Iv been hearing good things about this game but it does look unbearably boring from a distance. Iv also looked at the first hour or so on youtube and the production values seem to hurt the presentation; kind of reminds me of Tales of Xillia in that aspect. But Iv heard about this from numerous sources like RPGFan podcast and other places.
Seeing this thread with so many posts makes me want to jump in -_- On the other hand Iv been burned by Gaf hype before. After seeing the GearsUE issues I think I should give this a try.
This is actually kind of true of myself. I enjoyed Trails a few months ago, ut I didn't think it was all that. But then I replayed FC when SC launched, and then played SC and Cold Steel all in the short span. All of a sudden I'm really into the series as a whole and think about it regularly. I think I'll continue to do so until we get a Cold Steel II release date and then I'll finally relax.The only thing this game (well, series) burnt for me is interest in other series that are (remotely) similar. With a promising year of a long awaited Final Fantasy XV, Dragon Quest XI, Persona 5 and a new Pokémon gen, the one game I want more than anything else is the new Trails game.
The only thing this game (well, series) burnt for me is interest in other series that are (remotely) similar. With a promising year of a long awaited Final Fantasy XV, Dragon Quest XI, Persona 5 and a new Pokémon gen, the one game I want more than anything else is the new Trails game.
Has anyone found the endings on Youtube? First playthrough IAnyone found the rest because unless I'm blind I only saw a couple.chose Laura and seen here end. I don't mean the dance event but the little scene when Rean escapes in Valimar. I liked Laura's scene well enough. Touching without being over extravagant. Second playthrough I chose Sara but considering the situation it's understandable she doesn't appear. I found endings for Machias and Fie and despite not really liking them all that much I was surprised to see I liked theirs as well. I'd like to see the ones for all the cast but I'd rather watch it then go through the entire ending again especially since my only saves are Nightmare and not everyone is unlocked.
That where i'm at right now too, haha.
I was all excited for all these other games before, but now the only thing that has a presence in my waking thoughts is the wait and my insatiable thirst for Cold Steel II.
I had so much fun playing through FC, SC, and Cold Steel back-to-back-to-back over the course of one and a half months that it's actually difficult for me to get into other games right now without just wanting to go back and play through those three games again instead.
Is this a thing people want?All the festival scenes and ending scenes?
Across three saves that I have, I haveI can record PS3 footage too.all the choices for the dance scene available.
I can just make a compilation video with all of them in it. It'd probably take me a week or so to actually go through it all, but it's something I can readily do pretty easily. It seems like enough people mention it here anyways that would merit me doing it.
Just theend scenes. I've seen all the festival dance scenes and I'm pretty sure those are already on YouTube. The one with a specific character before Rean flies off. I've only seen Laura's, and watched Machias, Fie and Alisa on YouTube. While I would appreciate if you can upload the rest, I wouldn't really want or expect you to go through the effort since I couldn't be bothered myself.
That where i'm at right now too, haha.
I was all excited for all these other games before, but now the only thing that has a presence in my waking thoughts is the wait and my insatiable thirst for Cold Steel II.
I had so much fun playing through FC, SC, and Cold Steel back-to-back-to-back over the course of one and a half months that it's actually difficult for me to get into other games right now without just wanting to go back and play through those three games again instead.
Depending on how Cold Steel II ends, we'll be the same for Cold Steel III. Except this time the wait will be even longer. Part of me still thinks I should have waited till the 2nd game came out before I played this. The anticipation and wait will kill me.Same here. I've been apathetic about FFXV for a long time now and DQXI is pretty much a mystery. I'm kind of excited for P5, but nothing comes close to Cold Steel II. Nothing.
Depending on how Cold Steel II ends, we'll be the same for Cold Steel III. Except this time the wait will be even longer. Part of me still thinks I should have waited till the 2nd game came out before I played this. The anticipation and wait will kill me.
I don't mind the wait, it will only make actually playing it so much better. It always feels a bit like you're meeting friends you haven't seen for a while and it really enhances the experience for meAs long as the localizations are confirmed and aren't stuck in limbo, I'm happy with it. And I 100% believe we'll get Cold Steel III
Depending on how Cold Steel II ends, we'll be the same for Cold Steel III. Except this time the wait will be even longer. Part of me still thinks I should have waited till the 2nd game came out before I played this. The anticipation and wait will kill me.