I also just realized that Meelo must have inherited Sokka's sexism.
Bataar was one of the series worst characters.
I also just realized that Meelo must have inherited Sokka's sexism.
Numerous times. Kuvira unlocked the mans hidden blood lust.He fucking growled.
Tenzin turned Pema into a brood mare.His reason for existing was tenzin needed more airbenders. Jinora was the only kid who was important to the plot.
We need to make a list of characters who could be cut from the show without affecting it's quality. I suspect that it would be a damn long one.
We need to make a list of characters who could be cut from the show without affecting it's quality. I suspect that it would be a damn long one.
Meelo should have never been in the show or simply a background character, the story where he became a ruthless tyrant was the worst.
His reason for existing was tenzin needed more airbenders. Jinora was the only kid who was important to the plot.
We need to make a list of characters who could be cut from the show without affecting it's quality. I suspect that it would be a damn long one.
lol Meelo
Rohan lol
Who mattered less? Rohan or Kai.
Meelo doesn't need to be cut. Rohan either. Neither character gets significant screen time that is better spent on another character or situation.
I consider Varrick to be a very casual villain. He only pulled the shit he did because he saw a profit from it. I think the technical term is "punch clock villain." After season 2 he was just a quirky affable genius lunatic.Varrick ended up being the star of the show. I still find his villain plot in Book 2 kind of strsnge in hindsight.
Meelo doesn't need to be cut. Rohan either. Neither character gets significant screen time that is better spent on another character or situation.
No one needs to be cut.
Nah, Kai needs to be cut. Everything he did aside from that thief nonsense should be given Jinora. Bataar was just a bad character who acted like a raging dick for no true reason. His "arc" isn't even that.
I felt meelo occupied his role and lane just fine. I would no sooner cut him than Bumi or Kya.
Nah, Kai needs to be cut. Everything he did aside from that thief nonsense should be given Jinora. Bataar was just a bad character who acted like a raging dick for no true reason. His "arc" isn't even that.
I felt meelo occupied his role and lane just fine. I would no sooner cut him than Bumi or Kya.
Meelo had borderline no character growth. He's nothing but a running fart joke with a tacked on drill sergeant mentality.
Well I guess not farting to save Tenzin during the final battle could be considered character growth.
Biggest problem was:
I. Side plot when there wasn't enough time for main plot.
II. The writers squandering time that could have been used effectively.
I do think them adding more characters when the main characters already lacked time was baffling. But I still say the issue was the way they handled plot. It was all about time management.
Well I guess not farting to save Tenzin during the final battle could be considered character growth.
I think it stemmed from not knowing what to do with the main 'Team Korra' cast as people. Mako and Bolin were already kind of interchangeable in terms of utility (much closer in power set and ability than say Katarra and Toph), and take away the romance angle from Mako and the two of them are almost like hired muscle for Korra or something.
I think it stemmed from not knowing what to do with the main 'Team Korra' cast as people. Mako and Bolin were already kind of interchangeable in terms of utility, and take away the romance angle from Mako and the two of them are almost like hired muscle for Korra or something.
What does Kai do to justify his existence?
When he's introduced, you thought Korra would become his mentor. You thought you'd see Kai find family in team Avatar and travel with them, becoming his own person in the process. But he's shipped off to the Western Air temple and continues to to subvert Jinora's personal story. She's damseled three entire times so that Kai could play the hero, yet somehow we're supposed to buy that Jinora is worth airbender tattoos at season's conclusion.
That's a good point about Mako and Bolin.
On that note, in Book 1 and 2, did anyone NOT buy any of Team Avatar's friendship?
Granted, ATLA had characters bullshitting around, but that's what friends do.
What does Kai do to justify his existence?
When he's introduced, you thought Korra would become his mentor, to the benefit of her characterization and his. You thought you'd see Kai find family in team Avatar and travel with them, becoming his own person in the process. But he's shipped off to the Western Air temple and spends the remainder of the season subverting Jinora's personal story. She's damseled three entire times so that Kai can play the hero, yet somehow we're supposed to buy that Jinora is worthy of airbender tattoos at season's conclusion.
Then the man ceases to exist almost entirely in season 4.
Actually Asami makes sense.I didn't buy their friendship at all, Asami especially should have dropped them like a hot rock in a middle of summer after that bullshit in season 1, but apparently it seems like she has no other friends?????
I don't know what the fuck was going on there.
I didn't buy their friendship at all, Asami especially should have dropped them like a hot rock in a middle of summer after that bullshit in season 1, but apparently it seems like she has no other friends?????
I don't know what the fuck was going on there.
Actually Asami makes sense.
After she goes through what she does with her father at the end of season 1 she has no family left and she could and probably does view Korra and Mako as her family and would hold tight regardless of Mako being a douche.
Actually Asami makes sense.
After she goes through what she does with her father at the end of season 1 she has no family left and she could and probably does view Korra and Mako as her family and would hold tight regardless of Mako being a douche.
Actually Asami makes sense.
After she goes through what she does with her father at the end of season 1 she has no family left and she could and probably does view Korra and Mako as her family and would hold tight regardless of Mako being a douche.
Actually Asami makes sense.
After she goes through what she does with her father at the end of season 1 she has no family left and she could and probably does view Korra and Mako as her family and would hold tight regardless of Mako being a douche.
So, what I'm getting is that team Avatar was made up of a bunch of loners who didn't fit well into whatever other group for one reason or another?
Oh, for the love of.....no wonder the group dynamic was so fucked up.
They're not even real loners, it's just that their lives outside of Team Avatar wasn't even defined.
Toph was a true loner.
So, what I'm getting is that team Avatar was made up of a bunch of loners who didn't fit well into whatever other group for one reason or another?
Oh, for the love of.....no wonder the group dynamic was so fucked up.
They could have done so much if they spent a little bit on Mako and Bolins gang connections or something. Instead the back story we get is them meeting their family in Ba Sing Se, which wasn't bad, but I would've liked to see it myself rather than be told about it.
I do hate that it was so half assed. LGBT deserved more. Representation isn't just being represented. Women are reprsented in media. It's the quality of said representation (and sadly far too often women are not reprsented in a good way). That matters. That said, I do get that Bryke probably had push back and limitations because of the network. That the shitty world we live in makes creators scared to show basic human love between two people. There is something wrong with this world.
Actually Asami makes sense.
After she goes through what she does with her father at the end of season 1 she has no family left and she could and probably does view Korra and Mako as her family and would hold tight regardless of Mako being a douche.
They could have done so much if they spent a little bit on Mako and Bolins gang connections or something. Instead the back story we get is them meeting their family in Ba Sing Se, which wasn't bad, but I would've liked to see it myself rather than be told about it.