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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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Yeah, want to get at least one thing published, and have a lot of original stuff. But I can't get a coherent feel on any of it.

The longest story that is all original, is 36000 words long.

Nice, it's one of my dreams to get something out there too! I attempted NaNo, but I had too much shit going on in November.

My advice, if it's worth anything, would be to sit on your ideas. I've been conceptually writing a massive story (series totaling around 10 novels) for quite some time and am currently finishing the first book, but the idea has been floating around in my head for years.

I think of something cool and original, but nothing to connect it to any sort of story. So I jot it down, and sit on it. Eventually I think of cool connections I can make to other plot points and a story slowly forms. But even that isn't the final say because things change so much. The "final" product I'm sitting on is ridiculously different to what I had had in mind when I first started.

Force yourself to think about it for at least 15-60 minutes a day if you have a chance, only reason I'm saying this is because my buddy also had a similar issue with having amazing ideas but no framework to base a story and this helped :)

if Korra somehow took after Kyoshi, the entire LoK series would've been done in like 1 or 2 episodes.

Kills Amon the moment she sees him, kills Unalaq the moment she feels he's bullshitting her, goes on a crusade against all Red Lotus members before the main four we see even break out, and hell, probably would've killed Kuvira the moment she said she'll fix the Earth Kingdom.



Nice, it's one of my dreams to get something out there too! I attempted NaNo, but I had too much shit going on in November.

My advice, if it's worth anything, would be to sit on your ideas. I've been conceptually writing a massive story (series totaling around 10 novels) for quite some time and am currently finishing the first book, but the idea has been floating around in my head for years.

I think of something cool and original, but nothing to connect it to any sort of story. So I jot it down, and sit on it. Eventually I think of cool connections I can make to other plot points and a story slowly forms. But even that isn't the final say because things change so much. The "final" product I'm sitting on is ridiculously different to what I had had in mind when I first started.

Force yourself to think about it for at least 15-60 minutes a day if you have a chance, only reason I'm saying this is because my buddy also had a similar issue with having amazing ideas but no framework to base a story and this helped :)

Thanks, I can usually have a basic idea of where a plot is headed. The problem is getting those ideas down correctly. Its tough, and you don't want the situation to come off as awkward or strange to the reader.

You also need to push their interest too.

I always want to make a interesting world, and if I can't do that, at least make fun and interesting characters.
Thanks, I can usually have a basic idea of where a plot is headed. The problem is getting those ideas down correctly. Its tough, and you don't want the situation to come off as awkward or strange to the reader.

You also need to push their interest too.

I always want to make a interesting world, and if I can't do that, at least make fun and interesting characters.

Pushing interest is something I struggle with too, especially regarding setting. I rely too much on characterization to be a segway into the world itself sometimes.

Feedback is also an amazing tool as well, send it off to a variety of people with different tastes to kind of get a general sense of things. I'm taking a course in Creative Writing this semester and can't wait to learn as much as I can.


Pushing interest is something I struggle with too, especially regarding setting. I rely too much on characterization to be a segway into the world itself sometimes.

Feedback is also an amazing tool as well, send it off to a variety of people with different tastes to kind of get a general sense of things. I'm taking a course in Creative Writing this semester and can't wait to learn as much as I can.

Yeah, I think I'm actually going to write something today.

Also, all of you need to watch

Little Witch Academia

It's amazing, and it's only 26 min long


I;m slowly making my way through Book 4. I just got to the part where Kuvira (ep 11 i think)
haz an effin huge ass Mech!
I'm getting some strong gundam-like vibes. lol it's genius. How can you not like Kuvira? :) Welp, gonna wrap this one up and then wait until I can watch it over with the gf and act surprised.

Beth Cyra

I;m slowly making my way through Book 4. I just got to the part where Kuvira (ep 11 i think)
haz an effin huge ass Mech!
I'm getting some strong gundam-like vibes. lol it's genius. How can you not like Kuvira? :) Welp, gonna wrap this one up and then wait until I can watch it over with the gf and act surprised.
woah the Gundam thing I don't get.

Gundam's are small for robots generally and excellent at moving. Other then her arm canon which is more like Megatron's and weaker then stuff like Twin Satalite Canon i can't see the gundam like vibes.



Replace English teacher with "fans".

It is hard to tell what is intentional and what is coincidental with most works, especially when new information comes to light. But some hardcore fans look into it way too much. Confirmation bias is a funny thing.


toa's alt discovered, send backup

in all seriousness, it's because she has no character beyond "evil Hitler"

Understandable, I just finished watching the episode and she's cold blooded for sure. I mean damn. Or maybe she was just letting go of her earthly tethers. :p I like her but I still would probably put some of the other villains ahead of her in terms of how radical their visions were. Although her execution and ruthless strategy, so far she is something else, imo.

woah the Gundam thing I don't get.

Gundam's are small for robots generally and excellent at moving. Other then her arm canon which is more like Megatron's and weaker then stuff like Twin Satalite Canon i can't see the gundam like vibes.

It was more about how she was controlling it and not so much the agility that gave me those vibes. I am in no way a gundam expert though but it came to mind. Iirc, there was a gundam series where they controlled the mech by their movements.
It was more about how she was controlling it and not so much the agility that gave me those vibes. I am in no way a gundam expert though but it came to mind. Iirc, there was a gundam series where they controlled the mech by their movements.

G-Gundam, the best non-UC gundam show.


This article seems to reflect a decent amount of what I see in Asami, woo!

Read more at http://lokgifsandmusings.tumblr.com...ortrait-of-asamis-devotion-anon-meta-analysis
A Portrait of Asami’s Devotion: anon meta analysis of Korrasami

Hey guys. I received an absolutely amazing analysis on Asami’s characterization throughout the seasons and how Korrasami was most certainly seeded along the way, and is the most natural outcome for her. The author is a philosophy graduate who prefers to remain “Anonymous Asami Admirer.” This is a MUST read IMO, and eloquently conveys a lot of what I’ve been struggling to put into words for a while. And it’s also quite enjoyable! Without further ado…


There are many reasons why Korrasami might seem too subtle or underdeveloped and it has been discussed ad nauseum all around the internet. But what is abundantly certain upon multiple viewings is that Asami was indeed in love with Korra long before Korra was able to reciprocate those feelings. The problem is that taking each Asami “gesture” by itself is not enough to convince anyone definitively, but if everything she did is taken as a whole, the picture becomes a lot clearer. I will try to present the whole picture as I see it:

A PORTRAIT OF ASAMI’S DEVOTION (a.k.a. Asami Kicks Your Ass at Love… and Probably Everything Else Too)

1. Asami, the Rich and Beautiful… Spy?

Asami is strongly drawn to Korra at first sight. Why? Because Asami is, at heart, a deeply just person who believes in equality, compassion, and kindness - the very qualities the Avatar is meant to embody. This is why Asami cannot even bring herself to dislike Korra for “stealing” Mako away. Asami, being more sophisticated and savvy, knows how to impress people and “play the game”, but she is still young enough to be idealistic and impressionable. Showing Korra around her mansion and taking her racing are meant to impress - these “generosities” are easy for an heiress like Asami. As fate would have it, Korra comes along at a time when Asami’s moral compass is about to be severely tested by her father. It seemed as though Asami passed the test with ease but it’s likely that the “aura of the Avatar” made all the difference. Asami is at an age when society presses you to choose between finding your own path or grasping at the carrots society dangles at you. She decided to stand by her own principles and that also meant standing by the Avatar.


Calling Asami “generous” seems insufficient when you look at her total contribution. She never HAD to give anything; nobody would have blamed her if she quietly tended to her own life of rebuilding the company and trying to redeem the family name after her father’s betrayal. However, we witness Korra (and what Korra represents) gradually becoming Asami’s personal and moral center of gravity. It’s very satisfying to find your true direction in life, especially when you’ve lost everything! Asami repaid this new-found purpose to Team Avatar with as much kindness as she could muster, i.e., providing all manner of technological, logistical, and personal support. Viewed in this way, Asami’s generosity seems grander than just being a kind person, it points to a deep devotion to a cause - and that cause is twofold: Korra as friend and Korra as Avatar/physical representation of Asami’s drive to create a better world.

Whether she is fully aware or not, Asami is already in full-steam-ahead mode at the end of season 1, unlike Mako, who only really got there in the series finale. Mako, being a more self-centered person, never 100% trusted that Korra was truly an altruistic person (to him, Korra was human first, Avatar second), so he was constantly doubting or dismissing her thoughts and feelings, seeing her as he saw himself, whereas Asami trusted Korra 100% from the moment she turned on her father - that was her point of no return. I think this is why Bryke felt that Asami was a compelling character and changed their minds for her arc, because she could have easily gone another way, because many people would have. But she didn’t. She chose to give it all up for the greater good. For herself and for Korra. And this immediately puts her in first place as Korra’s spiritual equal. Spoiler: Nobody will catch up to her. She peaks early.


I'll read this Ser/Lady Lethe, but seeing that line saying this is from a Ph. D. psych student makes me worry. Bryke have nothing on this person in trying to convey a characteristic of a person.


I'll read this Ser/Lady Lethe, but seeing that line saying this is from a Ph. D. psych student makes me worry. Bryke have nothing on this person in trying to convey a characteristic of a person.

Haha, there was absolutely a few times where I was like 'you're reaching bro!' but overall he actually pointed out a few details that I missed, and his overall point was pretty hard to argue with. There's being a friend to someone and then there's how Asami acts to Korra.


Haha, there was absolutely a few times where I was like 'you're reaching bro!' but overall he actually pointed out a few details that I missed, and his overall point was pretty hard to argue with. There's being a friend to someone and then there's how Asami acts to Korra.


Question: Where's the rest of the write up? That link doesn't go to any article. Instead, it links to a bunch of hilarious comics.


This article seems to reflect a decent amount of what I see in Asami, woo!

Read more at http://neodusk.deviantart.com/gallery/50426502/Legend-of-Korra


That was a damn good read. I actually had many of the same thoughts when watching the show, but he put it down into words.

That part about Asami not being able to bring herself to hate Korra after she stole her man part though, maybe if she only did it once, but that shit happened twice(mostly due to Mako being a fucking piece of shit), and Asami still found it hard to hate Korra? Asami must have really had a thing for Korra if she was willing to put up with all that, I would have bailed.

Asami is the perfect women though, so it makes sense :p



That was a damn good read. I actually had many of the same thoughts when watching the show, but he put it down into words.

That part about Asami not being able to bring herself to hate Korra after she stole her man part though, maybe if she only did it once, but that shit happened twice(mostly due to Mako being a fucking piece of shit), and Asami still found it hard to hate Korra? Asami must have really had a thing for Korra if she was willing to put up with all that, I would have bailed.

Well as you say, that was all down to Mako being a piece of shit, and the way that Korra and Mako broke up the... "third" time made it clear that the lying wasn't why. Asami probably also came to realize that Mako doing that didn't mean that she was inferior to Korra, it meant that Mako was a selfish brat who could never make up his mind. She already found Korra inspiring, attractive, and probably a better person/catch over Mako, so I can see why she didn't let herself hate Korra even if her love was merely platonic at the time.

I'm pretty sure both Korra and Asami found the other interesting/attractive even back in season 1. Asami was probably the first person to realize that she loved the other, regardless of if there was was a sexual attraction present at the time.

and that cause is twofold: Korra as friend and Korra as Avatar/physical representation of Asami’s drive to create a better world.

The article isn't wrong about how Korras' role as the Avatar basically fits perfectly with Asami's values and simultaneously gave Asami a reason to be close to, learning to know and love, the woman herself. If not for the fact that Korra became completely smitten with Asami's devotion you could almost say that Asami was dedicating her life to Korra out of a sort of unrequited love.

And yeah Korra absolutely head over heels loving Asami by the end, what we do see of Korra reacting to Asami in season 4 is basically how she reacted to Mako but on steroids/feels/not just hormones).

We got so few lines of dialogue to highlight it, but Asami WAS always there, doing her best for her. She was always actively fighting for Korra in ways that were far bigger than throwing a punch, she was fighting using industry,humanitarianism, and against public opinion. She probably hated the idea of anyone disliking Korra ('being wrong about Korra' would be a synonym for Asami here), or viewing Korra as a disappointment as the Avatar.

Why wouldn't Asami just flat out tell Korra how she felt? After season 3 started she probably valued the friendship and didn't want to put that in danger, to say nothing of Korra almost dying at the end.

Hence: "Really!? :D" and then nervousness and worry. Not worry that she got it wrong, but worry all the what ifs, also relief of a profound tension within her, and a resignation to the reality of something she probably even spent some time denying to herself or trying not to think about too much because it scared her.

Wow. I'm not done reading yet, but this essay is convincing me that Asami wanted to get into Korra's pants.

I don't think there is any doubt. She desperately wanted to get into Korra's pants for some time, but in that 'Hey I'm Asami (the quiet badass' and I'm here to help' sort of way. Korra almost dying at the end of season 3 probably pushed whatever remaining mental road blocks she had to flat out loving Korra emotionally/romantically/sexually out the window. The shock of almost losing her probably also terrified Asami and made her more aggressive in helping Korra and more hesitant and fearful at confessing or even admitting to herself. She clearly loved Korra prior to it becoming much more than that as time went on.

Korra herself: Everything Asami had done for her through the years wore Korra down in a good way and Korra reached her breaking point somewhere. She doesn't seem the type that falls for people lightly. Heck she acted like more of a bashful school girl in Season 4 than when she was trying to get with Mako in Season 1. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a moment where her heart randomly hit her throat and her mind spat out "I think that Asami Sato is perfection and apparently I'm very gay for her x_x".
This article seems to reflect a decent amount of what I see in Asami, woo!

Read more at http://lokgifsandmusings.tumblr.com...ortrait-of-asamis-devotion-anon-meta-analysis

hmm.. pretty good read with a few long grabs. Noticeable lack of season 2 re/development mentioned there, heh.
Also, there's a live-stream archive of a interview with a person from LoK's production team. http://new.livestream.com/accounts/535791/events/3674802 The audio quality is meh. Mentioned Korrasami idea kicked around since season 1. Also, a possible scene during the metal dance or whatever was cut where Su was like "Kuvira git gud". Tch, every Hitler needs an troubled arts endeavor I supposed.
You know, I thought they were gonna go that direction when they made Mako a detective.
They kinda did. In season one, Bolin gets caught by the Equalists while doing a job for the Triple Threat Triad in order to get cash for the Pro Bending Tournament. In season 2, there's a whole episode where Mako makes a deal with said Triple Threats in order to get information on the bombing. Varrick uses this very incident to set Mako up and put him in jail. Sure, they didn't go as in depth, but we didn't need much more of it. Plus, there were a couple of animated shorts that aired on Nick sometime between Books 1 & 2 called "Republic City Shuffle." Don't know if they're still on the site, but they featured young Bolin and Mako basically pulling an Aladdin.

Man, y'all love to complain.
Hey now, I'm trying to be positive.

People are going to hate me for this, but I didn't even think Mako was a big douche in season one. All that was just love triangle bullshit and teenage romance. It happens. Is it interesting? No, but Bryke don't really have a track record of writing believable romance as it is.

My problem with Mako was season two where he gets back with amnesia Korra after hooking up with Asami or whatever. That literally made no sense. But then again, Lin, Korra, Bolin, and even Asami all seem to have had brain aneurisms in that season. Lin is the world's dumbest police chief. Korra is mentally unstable and violent. Bolin sexually assaults Ginger. Asami is too dumb to see how she is getting played by Varrick.

All the characters are written so badly in season two that I just sort of dismiss it all. I try not to think about it.
The characters really aren't that badly written at all. The character arcs are pretty logical for the most part, and I 100% understood where they were going. Unlikable characters are not necessarily poorly written characters. If that were the case, shows like Breaking Bad, Seinfeld, and a multitude of others would be regarded as having shit writing on the character front, and they aren't. Although the argument of "fallacy of the majority" comes to mind, but then we're traveling down a rabbit hole that I don't want to. Anyways, back on point: Mako getting back together with Korra makes sense because the entire time he was with Asami, they were in denial about their relationship. Even Asami knew that it wasn't necessarily the right thing, and Bolin called them on it immediately. Plus, Mako was buried in solving this case and obsessed with putting down Varrick. He also expressed worry for Korra. There was no way that Asami and Korra was a permanent thing, and I never saw Mako and Korra as a completely clean break from either angle.


Replace English teacher with "fans".

It is hard to tell what is intentional and what is coincidental with most works, especially when new information comes to light. But some hardcore fans look into it way too much. Confirmation bias is a funny thing.

I've been saying this for awhile, but it's for a different reason though. I think that a lot of people try to read way more into the show than what the show is presenting, but the reason why I think it's an issue stems more from people trying to say that this show failed in a bunch of different aspects when it really didn't. People just want to say it does so they can feel better about the expectations they had. "Oh no, show didn't live up to my goals and my expectations, therefore bad." Get over it, honestly. Critiques are fine to a degree, but at some point you have to let go and just acknowledge the show for what it is on its own, and not hold shit against it because (in this case anyway) it wasn't ATLA 2.0.

Another point I have to make is that it seriously bothers me that people say that Korrasami was a crutch and that the writers used it so they could be lazy. Are you fucking serious? Do you realize what you are actually saying? You are saying that people who love and adore this property, who pretty fucking clearly put a lot of love into the story they wanted to tell, decided "Eh fuck it" and just threw some shit on there at the end? Oh my goodness. It's the equivalent of the whole "lazy devs" bullshit that gets thrown around on the gaming side. Just because it wasn't done to your liking, doesn't mean it was lazy.

I like the discussions that happen on here, and it's nice to have a group of people who can go as in depth as I can in a genuine manner. But I swear, some of the shit that gets said is just a more elaborate way of saying "I didn't get what I want, so fuck Bryke."


That being said, there is a lot more wrong with Korra than it not being ATLA 2.0 and even compared to shorter animated series. (FMA:B) Or longer ones (Yu Yu Hakasho)

It falls flat in a lot of areas of basic story telling. I didn't want it to be ATLA but I still expected to know how to tell a coherent story will developed characters.
I was thinking of a base for a fan fiction of the kind I like to think about, wherein our Earth is actually the World of Avatar 70,000 years after a massive catastrophe (known to us as the Toba Catastrophe).

This catastrophe, whatever it was, reshapes the world's geography, drives countless species to extinction, sends humanity back to a hunter gather society, severs the Spirit World from the physical, and strips bending from all life.

This happened when Korra and Asami were in the Spirit World. Cut off and finding no way back, they entered the Tree of Time and went into a deep stasis where they technically "died" allowing Raava, being immortal, to find a way back.

In 1979 an Israeli ship carrying a tiny piece of frozen spirit vine that survived in the antarctic exploded in the south Indian Ocean (Vela Incident) and created a microscopic tear in the barrier between worlds. After working at it for a decade, Raava finally broke through and made a new Avatar.

The process of breaking through weakened Raava enough that she remained dormant within the new Avatar until awoken suddenly in 2015. This new Avatar must come to terms with their role and power while trying to find a way to create new spirit portals before the next Harmonic Convergence at the end of the year so that bending can be restored to the world.
My job hired a useless glasses wearing wannabe hipster simp to take over my old position...he's useless, I'm thinking about nicknaming him Bataar Jr. but at the very least Junior designed that fucking robot. My replacement is just a beyond useless unfocused simp...Is there any other Avatar character that would be a fitting insult name?



Haha, nice.

I see the spirits invented smartphones lol

My job hired a useless glasses wearing wannabe hipster simp to take over my old position...he's useless, I'm thinking about nicknaming him Bataar Jr. but at the very least Junior designed that fucking robot. My replacement is just a beyond useless unfocused simp...Is there any other Avatar character that would be a fitting insult name?

What was the name of that lazy airbender dude who lived in his mum's basement before going to the temple?


Haha, nice.

I see the spirits invented smartphones lol

What was the name of that lazy airbender dude who lived in his mum's basement before going to the temple?

That would be Ryu. Though he seems to be a pretty decent airbender nowadays.
I suppose Kuruk would be a better insult?
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