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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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The entire Tenzin/Kya/Bumi story in season 2 was basically 'dad kind of sucked, played favorites, and ran away/avoided real challenges in our lives when we needed him to be there for us'.

Apparently he never fully got over being that young boy who was all set to run away instead of killing the FireLord until a magic turtle gave him Energy Bending.

I was going to say "I mean we're not talking Goku levels here but-", Ang still doesn't seem like he was a very good dad, even considering the importance he had to place on Tenzin for the Air Bender culture. Ang was always a little flaky as a child, and he never seemed to have grown out of that at least when it came to his children. It will be interesting to see a season 2 re-watch.

Even if that was the totality of it, that's still being a shitty father.

Kids complain about their parents. Doesn't mean their parents were shitty. Even then, if that is what makes parents shitty, then all parents are shitty. Aang had to be the Avatar, on top of he was trying to carry on the airbending legacy. That arc during Spirits was also about Tenzin coming to terms with the fact that he isn't Aang, and even he talked about how much pressure Aang had put on him. It took Aang showing up in that Fog (which may or may not have been Aang) to make Tenzin realize that he can never be Aang.

Lin is an intelligent, independent woman with her own money. I'd like to think she wasn't always that fucking salty. Granted yes I do joke that Tenzin left Lin to be in a relationship where he can actually play the "male" role.

Tenzin dropping Lin is probably what killed Aang, his heart just couldn't withstand the shock of it.

Change pretty much confirms that Lin was always that salty. Absent (and unknown) father, carefree and absent mother who buried herself in her work. Delinquent half-sister that mom always let get away with things.

Yeah, Lin is the very definition of "salt."
Kids complain about their parents. Doesn't mean their parents were shitty. Even then, if that is what makes parents shitty, then all parents are shitty. Aang had to be the Avatar, on top of he was trying to carry on the airbending legacy. That arc during Spirits was also about Tenzin coming to terms with the fact that he isn't Aang, and even he talked about how much pressure Aang had put on him. It took Aang showing up in that Fog (which may or may not have been Aang) to make Tenzin realize that he can never be Aang.

Change pretty much confirms that Lin was always that salty. Absent (and unknown) father, carefree and absent mother who buried herself in her work. Delinquent half-sister that mom always let get away with things.

Yeah, Lin is the very definition of "salt."
I would like to think she felt something for Tenzin. The moment Su brought it up she straight threw a rock at her head and she did harbor a grudge with Tenzin over it signifying some hurt feelings over it. But yeah I'm not going to lie, Lin's fucking salty. Lin just licks up that salt:


Getting information on Aang's adult life through the perspective of his children is probably the best executed use of an AtLA character in LoK. In fact, most of the stuff surrounding the throwbacks was at least inoffensive.


Kids complain about their parents. Doesn't mean their parents were shitty. Even then, if that is what makes parents shitty, then all parents are shitty. Aang had to be the Avatar, on top of he was trying to carry on the airbending legacy. That arc during Spirits was also about Tenzin coming to terms with the fact that he isn't Aang, and even he talked about how much pressure Aang had put on him. It took Aang showing up in that Fog (which may or may not have been Aang) to make Tenzin realize that he can never be Aang.

Fair enough, but none of his children paint an especially glowing picture of him and what they do say about him really is in keeping with the flaws we saw him have in TLA. I don't consider their perspectives to be that of unreliable narrators. Children (who are grown adults) also say good things about their parents, and the overwhelming take away they all had from 'dad' is that he was a flawed person. Was he a good dad in that he wasn't an abusive alcoholic, sure, but it seems like the infrastructure that his circumstance put around his children had more of a parenting role than anything he did directly (with the exception of Tenzin whom he pretty much drilled to be the Air Bending guru from childhood onward).

Honestly 'dad Ang' sounds a lot like of of the 'group misunderstandings because someone is taking things a bit far!' episodes in TLA, except Ang went nuts for an entire generation. XD
I would like to think she felt something for Tenzin. The moment Su brought it up she straight threw a rock at her head and she did harbor a grudge with Tenzin over it signifying some hurt feelings over it. But yeah I'm not going to lie, Lin's fucking salty.

Man, Lin had some solid writing behind her. It's weird, considering Spirits and Balance have her as significantly more absent than Air and Change.

Lin and Su: A better story about two sisters than Frozen
I've never fucking seen Frozen
Man, Lin had some solid writing behind her. It's weird, considering Spirits and Balance have her as significantly more absent than Air and Change.

Lin and Su: A better story about two sisters than Frozen
I've never fucking seen Frozen
Probably less incest implied than Frozen.
Probably less incest implied than Frozen.

I just saw it the other day. Pretty good actually.
I just wanted to point out that these two being the opinions on Frozen, and how funny I find that.

Getting information on Aang's adult life through the perspective of his children is probably the best executed use of an AtLA character in LoK. In fact, most of the stuff surrounding the throwbacks was at least inoffensive.

I had read that wrong at first. I agree with you.

Fair enough, but none of his children paint an especially glowing picture of him and what they do say about him really is in keeping with the flaws we saw him have in TLA.
By the end of it all, his kids also acknowledge that they really were a happy family. The way they do it kind of reminds me of when, in ATLA, they found a picture of Zuko's family and wondered what went wrong.
Honestly wasn't a fan of the Aang thing since it was such a departure, especially with the implication that Katara allowed that shit to happen. But even if he did there was never another side of the story, shown only on the basis of the children who all had chips on their shoulders (hell Katara said jack shit for/against).

Very unfortunate events but they eventually made it out ok i guess.

I would like to think she felt something for Tenzin. The moment Su brought it up she straight threw a rock at her head and she did harbor a grudge with Tenzin over it signifying some hurt feelings over it.

I personally think she did but whatever bitterness she had made her too much for him to the point Pema just snuck in and took the prize LOL.

Her cold interactions with him and his family showed it but her "sacrifice" changed that somewhat.
I personally think she did but whatever bitterness she had made her too much for him to the point Pema just snuck in and took the prize LOL.

Her cold interactions with him and his family showed it but her "sacrifice" changed that somewhat.
Lin was probably pissed as hell that she got dumped for a younger woman. I still think she tried to kill her after the break up.
Korra should've returned her tapes.
This is fanfic Korra:


Fair enough, but none of his children paint an especially glowing picture of him and what they do say about him really is in keeping with the flaws we saw him have in TLA.

I wasn't really surprised to discover this. I always suspected Aang would become sort of obsessed with making sure airbending would survive, so when Tenzin turned out to be his only airbending child, he devoted all his time to him.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
I just wanted to point out that these two being the opinions on Frozen, and how funny I find that.

Haha! People were pestering me to watch it for months (as they expected me to ship the hell out of them) but at the time I was too lazy (read as: wrapped up in TERA). Now that I'm away from my main comp I had nothing better else to do. :lol


I wasn't really surprised to discover this. I always suspected Aang would become sort of obsessed with making sure airbending would survive, so when Tenzin turned out to be his only airbending child, he devoted all his time to him.

Like I said 'Dad Aang' seemed like a those semi filler episodes of TLA where one character 'takes things a bit too far and goes a little crazy even though his/her has their heart in the right place!' and it went on for decades as oppose to a 30 minute episode. XD
Plus, as far as we know neither Bumi nor Kya had kids, and presumably their kids could have potentially been airbenders. So the only chance for airbenders was with Tenzin.

Too bad Aang was destroyed and never got to see the return of the Air Nation after Harmonic Convergence through Korra’s eyes.


Most of the people that hate Korra don't actually come here but wait to pounce on any non-OT.

Yeah, hahaha. At least we actually enjoy the world and what not. Some people legit don't even like the Avatarverse at all.

(Which is fine, since Season 1 of ATLA was super slow without anything of interest happening. And Korra is hard to get into for plenty of reasons.)
Yeah, hahaha. At least we actually enjoy the world and what not. Some people legit don't even like the Avatarverse at all.

(Which is fine, since Season 1 of ATLA was super slow without anything of interest happening. And Korra is hard to get into for plenty of reasons.)
I didn't even remember what the mid season break was for Book 1 of ATLA. I only really remember the first few episodes and the ending. Oh and Zuko and Zhao's agni kai.


I didn't even understand what he was talking about.

Was he saying that Bryke Lucased Korra and it was comparable to the prequel trilogy?

I *think* he's saying anyone who felt the prequels were bad are entitled SW fans, and we in this LoK OT are as entitled as said fans.


I didn't even understand what he was talking about.

Was he saying that Bryke Lucased Korra and it was comparable to the prequel trilogy?

No he was saying that fans are entitled babies who basically want everything to be perfect and shit on everything for the sake of it (like StarWars fans).


I thought s/he was being serious with the Star Wars comment, but their reply made it seem like a joke.

I sure hope it was.


No he was saying that fans are entitled babies who basically want everything to be perfect and shit on everything for the sake of it (like StarWars fans).

But the prequels were awful though.

Like artistically awful. Almost like The Room.

"We need to kill these Jedi"

*gasses room with poison*

*sends droids in room*




I can see where the confusion comes from, my only conclusion is that said poster also likes the prequel trilogy. It and Korra are the 'sequels' to the well regarded original entries in their respective franchise, ones that a lot of people say 'doesn't measure up/sucks/etc'. To him

StarWars fans who shit on the PT


Avatar Fans who shit on TLOK


I can see where the confusion comes from, my only conclusion is that said poster also likes the prequel trilogy. It and Korra are the 'sequels' to the well regarded original entries in their respective franchise, ones that a lot of people say 'doesn't measure up/sucks/etc'. To him

StarWars fans who shit on the PT


Avatar Fans who shit on Korra

That's how I see it too, and that's why my sides were in pain reading his post.

If the whole show was like Book 2 and they removed Wan's origin story and they replaced with some bullshit (aliens), it would be comparible to me personally.
Some of them comments throwing shade at AvatarGAF though lol
It's not like all of those are completely wrong.

Besides, people trying to make creative works seem completely objective and then the only defense against criticisms is "opinions and other people" is the most fun trainwreck of an argument I've ever seen.

Plus, as far as we know neither Bumi nor Kya had kids, and presumably their kids could have potentially been airbenders. So the only chance for airbenders was with Tenzin.

Too bad Aang was destroyed and never got to see the return of the Air Nation after Harmonic Convergence through Korra’s eyes.
Well, Bumi and Kya probably couldn't have had airbenders. Although after Change it's a possibility, but Bumi's old and far too wild to settle down. We don't know how people get bending, but what we do know is that it's somewhat genetic. Like, the general pattern seems to be that as long as the dad is a bender, even if the mom isn't, the kids will most likely be benders (Ozai's family, Haru's family). If neither of the parents are benders, than the daughter seems to usually end up being a bender (Katara, Toph). If both parents are benders, than the kids being benders is incredibly high (which makes Bumi a bit of an anomaly).

Granted, it's a completely bullshit theory that I am genuinely pulling out of nothing.

Honestly wasn't a fan of the Aang thing since it was such a departure, especially with the implication that Katara allowed that shit to happen. But even if he did there was never another side of the story, shown only on the basis of the children who all had chips on their shoulders (hell Katara said jack shit for/against).

Very unfortunate events but they eventually made it out ok i guess.

How do we know Katara said anything? We never got her view on the matter. We only know their kids perspectives, and kids are always going to have some shit to say about their parents.


Azula is handling things pretty well on the OT side. I noticed a fair amount of old faces in that thread as well. This community has been through changes indeed.


People just seem to confuse criticism with full on hate. I'm still buying the blu rays of the show.

That always pisses me off. It personally irks me.

I can pick Kingdom Hearts apart like stray hairs, but that hasn't stopped me from playing every game in the series.


People just seem to confuse criticism with full on hate. I'm still buying the blu rays of the show.

Yep. I have massive issues with the plot and many of the characters in the Mass Effect games, but I've still played through each game at least 7 times. You can still love something whilst criticising it, hell, parents do it all the time lol


I anticipate another large discussion on why and how Korrasami was both successful and more complex than anything put in in ATLA pretty soon.

Gotta get those writeups.
That always pisses me off. It personally irks me.

I can pick Kingdom Hearts apart like stray hairs, but that hasn't stopped me from playing every game in the series.

Yeah, but then you look at the Naruto community, in which most people really disliked the series and only stuck through because they felt obligated (for some reason). Games can at least be fun to play, and I am totally with you on KH (I mean, we both post in that OT).

Criticism is easy to mistake for hate when there's a shit ton of it. Sometimes it goes overboard, but I've said my piece before. About how the series doesn't really have that much wrong with it as people make it seem. It passes the class, but falls short on the extra credit, is what I think most of it boils down to. That's just what I see, though.


I think the failings of the writing in Korra become most apparent when you think back on book 2. To wit: Korra starts a civil war among her people, and never seems particularly fussed about it. She also attempts to defraud the United Forces of its entire Navy in order to launch an offensive against her sister tribe. Varrick also threatens Bolin and Asami's life. Asami has no qualms about profiting from war. It's like she has no automotive or infrastructure contracts at all in season 2.

Like what even is this shit?
Yep. I have massive issues with the plot and many of the characters in the Mass Effect games, but I've still played through each game at least 7 times. You can still love something whilst criticising it, hell, parents do it all the time lol
Sometimes you have to take what you love to the woodshed.
I think the failings of the writing in Korra become most apparent when you think back on book 2. To wit: Korra starts a civil war among her people, and never seems particularly fussed about it. She also attempts to defraud the United Forces of its entire Navy in order to launch an offensive against her sister tribe. Varrick also threatens Bolin and Asami's life. Asami has no qualms about profiting from war. It's like she has no automotive or infrastructure contracts at all in season 2.

Like what even is this shit?

I just watched that season, and she was extremely upset about. It's 100% of the reason she has her fucking meltdown, leaves Republic City, gets attacked by an evil spirit and her cousins, ends up on the island, and has to reconnect with Raava. Besides, Iroh was on board with going after the Northern Water Tribe and Raiko, while his isolationism is more than understandable, was being stupid about it to some extent. Shit was happening on his own turf because of the Civil War, and he wasn't doing much to stop that. Lin wasn't helping either. Mako straight called Korra out on how stupid she was being. It's why they broke up.

As far as Asami and Bolin, neither of them were in any danger. Varrick just wants Mako off his back, but he was never going to do anything to that degree. When Mako wouldn't bail, he got him framed. Plus Asami figured it was going to help the Southern Water Tribe, which she was on board for. She had two reasons for entering that contract. Bolin was helping get Varrick to the point he wanted, by being the star of Varrick's war propaganda. When Raiko wouldn't listen, Varrick tried to have him kidnapped, although I'm not sure if he intended for Bolin to step in or not. That part, I was actually confused on. I knew the purpose (to get Raiko to jump in on that war action), but I wasn't really getting the actual play.
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