Hurry up then.Lol I really do need to finish that game.
Hurry up then.Lol I really do need to finish that game.
I've had it for years. My backlog is fucking huge. I still have unbeaten Playstation 2 games. A lot actually. And I just remembered that I have unbeaten Playstation 1 games.Hurry up then.
I've had it for years. My backlog is fucking huge. I still have unbeaten Playstation 2 games. A lot actually. And I just remembered that I have unbeaten Playstation 1 games.
A lot of my games I don't hate. When you have a regular job and you constantly buy games shit really just piles up, but I do know what you're saying.Backlog, shmacklog. I used to say shit like that when I needed an excuse not to play or watch something, but then I realized it made it sound like my hobby was a chore, when it isn't. If you don't want to play/watch/read something, then don't and just say that you don't want to. No reason to make it seem like a "To Do List."
aang turning into a giant spirit thingy is kinda different from korra's since he just acts as a vessel for the spirit of the ocean to wreck shit on the fools that killed his partner. it's a quick, convinient way to clean up the siege on the water tribe, since Zhao's plan had already failed thanks to Yue.
Meanwhile, giant spirit Korra is her becoming a giant kaiju by sitting in a tree for a while because reasons and then having a giant Pacific Rim fight that had to be resolved via a deus ex machina so hard not even the creator himself could explain it.
Here's a pretty cool gif of the Political World map of the Avatar world over the course of the entire series.
You didn't go in it, did you? You did. Aw man, now why'd you do that?
Missing how the Earth Kingdom was divided into several provinces in the end
And hey, say what you will about Kuvira, but she was really effective at conquering.
Hm... I have to rewatch the finale then. It was either a republic replacing the empire or provinces gaining their independence. Realistically, if that tone can be honestly be apply here, the Earth Empire would most likely return to the chaotic state it was in prior. Instead of unprofessional bandits being Warlords, it would be remnants of Kuvira's armee. You declare regions their independence AND destroy a centralize government without consequence. So in the end the people of the central continent got screwed over again. Lost economically viable lands of Republic City (situated close to two neighbouring nations) and a modern centralized government.
Prince Wu stated he would let each province have their own elected leaders making it an Earth Confederacy or the United States of Earth.
Steam got it right, it's a "library".A lot of my games I don't hate. When you have a regular job and you constantly buy games shit really just piles up, but I do know what you're saying.
I need two life times to finish my "library" too many unfinished JRPG's.Steam got it right, it's a "library".
I have 569 games on steam alone, but I have learned to not give a crap about it like most steam users.I need two life times to finish my "library" too many unfinished JRPG's.
At least Steam tells you how many you have. I lost count a good long time ago. I'll try to eventually finish the games I actually like. Ass Creed can kiss the crack of my ass but I do want to finish SMT 3: Nocturne, Persona 3 and 4 and Digital Devil Saga.I have 569 games on steam alone, but I have learned to not give a crap about it like most steam users.
I'm the type of nutcase that envisions himself riding on the back of a Utahraptor or some shit. So I guess a Shirsu at the very least for me. Maybe even a Badgermole. In fact, fuck it Dragons.I wish I had my very own Naga
Please. I can't wait to see your intergalactic space Nazi.I never noticed until now but in Mass Effect the femshep I made a year ago looks and acts almost exactly like Kuvira.
I started a year ago but the moment I hit ME3 I lost all steam to keep playing. I have all this dlc that I never touched so now I'm forcing myself through it.
I'll try and post a pic.
The Avatar series is asking for an RPG.
Why does Ryuko have a stronger bond with a sailor uniform than Korra does with her friends?
The Avatar series is asking for an RPG.
It just occured to me how much like Kuvira she was. No wonder I like Kuvira so much....I have a type.
This may or may not include book 2 abusive Korra
crap quality but its all I got.
EDIT: You can't tell in this pic but she's got her hair in a bun like Kuvira.
Could the Krew survive Mass Effect 2's suicide mission?
But the Persona 4 crew could with flying colors.
Gaang would fare better cause Zuko did the loyalty missions.
It was a fun read. Azula's edits had me dying
Sounds like somebody accidentally walked into some Destiji shenanigans.Browsing Tumblr for some fan art, found.... something with I think was Aang and Kai (!!!) and now I want to take a fifth of anti freeze to the head.![]()
Bolin wouldn't even pay attention during the mission briefing. Naoto would plan the shit out of that suicide mission.Could the Krew survive Mass Effect 2's suicide mission?
But the Persona 4 crew could with flying colors.
I'm not exactly sure how that's going to be implemented in a nation full of chaos, but good luck to Wu.
The Avatar series is asking for an RPG.
[Kuvira Shepard]
This would be so good. I wouldn't like to play as the Avatar though, I would want to play as a normal bender, and have the ability to choose the element of bending I want to use in the CC screen(Firebending for life), so that we could actually focus on developing our element and unlock its advanced techniques, rather than diluting the whole system by having all four basic elements, and having to stick with only them, because being the Avatar and having every advanced technique open to you would break the game.
So you would create your character, choose your element, and as you make progress in the game and get more powerful, you start unlocking advanced bending techniques:
Firebenders: Lightning and Combustion
Waterbenders: Bloodbending and Healing(turning water into ice will just be part of the normal waterbending skill tree)
Earthbenders: Lavabending and Metalbending
Airbenders: Flight and Astral Projection(LOL! Just joking about astral projection) Airbenders will get something which is actually a subset of airbending lol
Now all I gotta do is go and pitch this game to a big time RPG dev.
We are in community section, that means we can do whatever we want.what is this thread even about anymore
kuvira has no meaning
we need community rewatch so bad
what is this thread even about anymore
kuvira has no meaning
we need community rewatch so bad
Because people don't have "bonds" like that in real life.Why does Ryuko have a stronger bond with a sailor uniform than Korra does with her friends?
Because people don't have "bonds" like that in real life.
Just finished watching kill la kill. What a stupid show.
There lies the problem with how the situation after the Earth Kingdom fell played out in the show. Based from what was said by other characters there were problems with bandits and isolated provinces because of said rampant bandits. It's a situation similar to the Warlord Period in 20th century China, former generals of the old regime declare themselves protectors of their respective provinces and lay de jure claim to others. Much like what happened after the dynasty fell the roving band of bandits went up to 11 since the fall of a legitimate government. In this situation, as you just said, it is very easy for other powers to take advantage of this situation, e.g. Imperial Japan to decentralized China. So I disagree that only in Ba Sing Se is the only place in chaos. Also, on the subject of a "Mein Kampf" for Kuvira, we don't see a lot of reasons for her sudden interest in "pure" Earth citizens. There was no fore-bearers of such ideas in the Earth Kingdom or central continent, unlike Hitler whom had a Karl Lueger for combing anti-Semite feelings and populist politics.Well, let's be honest: The only thing that was really in chaos was Ba Sing Se. The rest of the Earth Kingdom, as far as we know, kept to them selves and just paid their individual state taxes (if it even worked like that). So, deposing the Queen wouldn't have caused that much of an issue, I'd think. I would imagine most of the villages and states would stick to themselves (like Zaofu) and just cheer for the fact that they didn't have to pay anything extra. Special cases are there, sure, but ultimately I doubt it would've changed much. Really, it was Raiko (and maybe some other world leaders) wanting a piece of that action. Honestly that's the major reason Kuvira did what she did: she was sick and tired of the Earth Kingdom being taken advantage of by others. In light of that, she decided "let's unite everything and make it pure Earth Kingdom."
I hope she writes a book. What do you think for a title? Mein Kampf a little too on the nose?
There lies the problem with how the situation after the Earth Kingdom fell played out in the show. Based from what was said by other characters there were problems with bandits and isolated provinces because of said rampant bandits. It's a situation similar to the Warlord Period in 20th century China, former generals of the old regime declare themselves protectors of their respective provinces and lay de jure claim to others. Much like what happened after the dynasty fell the roving band of bandits went up to 11 since the fall of a legitimate government. In this situation, as you just said, it is very easy for other powers to take advantage of this situation, e.g. Imperial Japan to decentralized China. So I disagree that only in Ba Sing Se is the only place in chaos. Also, on the subject of a "Mein Kampf" for Kuvira, we don't see a lot of reasons for her sudden interest in "pure" Earth citizens. There was no fore-bearers of such ideas in the Earth Kingdom or central continent, unlike Hitler whom had a Karl Lueger for combing anti-Semite feelings and populist politics.
Her reasons are stated: she wants to 100% unite the Earth Kingdom and she didn't want her people to be taken advantage of. In her mind, the best way to do that is to remove non-Earth citizens and that includes non-earthbenders (save for non-benders who are Earth citizens). Also, any dissenters to her got thrown in camps, too. If you look at her army, it was strictly earthbenders mixed with non-benders willing to dedicate themselves to her.
The Earth Queen wanted a similar scenario, but she was willing to use airbenders as a military force, since after Harmonic Convergence she was planning some sort of attack to re-take Republic City.
I did forget about the mention of bandits, so that's true. Still, bandits were all over beforehand, too.
what is this thread even about anymore
kuvira has no meaning
we need community rewatch so bad
It's no vidya game, but for those who like pen 'n paper RPGs there is a pretty good fanmade ATLA ruleset for 4th edition Dungeon n Dragons. It has rules each bending type, each of which can gain the specialized bending arts as a prestige class.
I used it previously to run a campaign back around the first season of Korra. It works pretty well for the players; the DM needs to put in some work since it doesn't include any pregenerated enemies, but I was used to making all of my own stuff in custom campaigns. We actually got through a "Book" and a half before too much stuff got in the way and the group disbanded, but it was pretty fun. Lots of misadventures, especially since the person playing the avatar's gimmick was that he was the world's shittiest avatar (and no I don't mean he was playing Korra, shut up.) Highlights include the avatar unsuccessfully trying to steal a baby badgermole, the avatar successfully kidnapping the king of Omashu (age 9), the avatar losing an Agni Ki to a fire nation captain but then Team Avatar stealing his boat anyways, and the avatar going several play sessions with his face stolen by Koh. The game petered out around the time Team Avatar was using one of their members to impersonate a long lost Fire Nation princess so they could usurp the Firelord.
Good times.
rescue your bae Toa!!!