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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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Bandits were all over beforehand? They were only history because of Kuvira as far as the show is concerned. The one example we seen was a sizable group ambushing trains/cargo around unpledged provinces near the end of Kuvira's campaign. This implies that similar situations are ongoing with other provinces that had not pledge allegiances.

Why would she imprison water and fire benders during her campaign to unite the former Earth Kingdom when she was sanctioned by other world leaders from the start? Such actions, of which even a whiff of it comes back to any of the world leaders would endanger her initial legitimacy. In this kind of false campaign of uniting the former kingdom for Wu, these people would not oppose Kuvira. Even when after her intentions were made clear, are there any reasons not to either evict or convert the water&fire benders once she proclaim her empire? Oh, she can't because she already sent them to the camps, for unprovoked charges of destabilization during her 3 years of sanctioned actions.

Unless the bandits in Book 3 that Korra and Asami took out were my imagination, then I would imagine that before Kuvira and before the Earth Queen's death, that there were bandits about. Maybe not as many, but bandits were definitely out there.

They straight up say in Book 4, that after Kuvira proved herself by retaking Ba Sing Se, that the world leaders put their trust and control in her hands. Raiko was busy coddling Wu, Tenzin was running the new Air Nation, and I'm sure Desna and Eska didn't give a fuck. Tonraq was in the Southern Tribe, doing Southern Tribe things and watching over Korra's healing process. The Fire Nation is isolated, and Izumi clearly is not a fan of meddling in affairs that don't affect her nation (save for protecting Republic City). They make it clear that the mentions are rumors, but after Kuvira proved herself, the world leaders had no reason to distrust her. I assume she did a good job of covering it up, because they lacked proof. She was a woman with a plan and very thorough, so she very likely covered all her bases. The only reason those refugees that Varrick and Bolin helped got through the perimeter was because Varrick and Bolin helped. She had shit on lock. At least, she managed until her speech at Republic City, at which point all bets are off. Why does she need to care after that?


I'd be down for some DnD Avatar stuff to play with you folks online.

for real. i can help organize stuff and come up with a campaign. no way i could do it by myself though. i play pathfinder
Unless the bandits in Book 3 that Korra and Asami took out were my imagination, then I would imagine that before Kuvira and before the Earth Queen's death, that there were bandits about. Maybe not as many, but bandits were definitely out there. Plus, outside of Ba Sing Se I don't think there was a big cross-continental rail road until Kuvira's campaign so there wouldn't have been bandits taking out trains beforehand anyways. The bandits that took out Kai and Opal's cargo were the same ones Kuvira captured beforehand, and she sent them to do it to force the town into pledging allegiance.

They straight up say in Book 4, that after Kuvira proved herself by retaking Ba Sing Se, that the world leaders put their trust and control in her hands. Raiko was busy coddling Wu, Tenzin was running the new Air Nation, and I'm sure Desna and Eska didn't give a fuck. Tonraq was in the Southern Tribe, doing Southern Tribe things and watching over Korra's healing process. The Fire Nation is isolated, and Izumi clearly is not a fan of meddling in affairs that don't affect her nation (save for protecting Republic City). They make it clear that the mentions are rumors, but after Kuvira proved herself, the world leaders had no reason to distrust her. I assume she did a good job of covering it up. She was a woman with a plan and very thorough, so she very likely covered all her bases. The only reason those refugees that Varrick and Bolin helped got through the perimeter was because Varrick and Bolin helped. She had shit on lock. At least, she managed until her speech at Republic City, at which point all bets are off. Why does she need to care after that?

As a said before, much like its counterpart Dynastic China, it had problems with bandits, but it got way worse with a fall of a legitimate government. Kai and Opal also encountered other bandits as well and the governor in that provinces notes that two people are not enough. Indicating that it's a continuing problem and requires a stable force to deal with the bandits.

Still, why imprison the fire&water benders? If they are such a minority that they all can be easily imprison, I doubt they can do jack to affect her idea of stability. Are all of them at once fight against a new regional power? What loyalties can fire&water benders have for the Earth Kingdom? It makes more sense to use resources to test the loyalties of former officials and weed out the unfaithful soldiers within her empire than to attack people who had no vested interest in the whole affair from the start. There could have been a lot ways to write the reasons behind imprisoning foreigners under Kuvira's regime and"stability yo" just doesn't cut for me. Xenophobia, "they took our job!", historical resentment, a call for slave labour to build a better tomorrow for rest of us, etc etc. Unfortunately, to me, it was just a throw-away line to make Kuvira a Hitler without the substance of even Hitler.


That sounds hilarious.

It was, we had a real good group. We even had a couple of side games set in the Korra timeline. The first was a one-shot where the party decided to pick a fight with triad members in a noodle shop, but then the party's firebender decided to set the place on fire (tactics!) only for the whole place to burn down and everone got arrested by Lin, except for the firebender who peaced out when the cops came.

The other side game was an Indiana Jones-style adventure where the party was racing against Equalists to find the lost tribe of the Sun Warriors since the Equalists believe that if they extinguish the Eternal Flame the Sun Warriors protect, then it will extinguish all firebending. The party was doing fine until they ran afoul of a few dragons.


Unless the bandits in Book 3 that Korra and Asami took out were my imagination, then I would imagine that before Kuvira and before the Earth Queen's death, that there were bandits about. Maybe not as many, but bandits were definitely out there.

They straight up say in Book 4, that after Kuvira proved herself by retaking Ba Sing Se, that the world leaders put their trust and control in her hands. Raiko was busy coddling Wu, Tenzin was running the new Air Nation, and I'm sure Desna and Eska didn't give a fuck. Tonraq was in the Southern Tribe, doing Southern Tribe things and watching over Korra's healing process. The Fire Nation is isolated, and Izumi clearly is not a fan of meddling in affairs that don't affect her nation (save for protecting Republic City). They make it clear that the mentions are rumors, but after Kuvira proved herself, the world leaders had no reason to distrust her. I assume she did a good job of covering it up, because they lacked proof. She was a woman with a plan and very thorough, so she very likely covered all her bases. The only reason those refugees that Varrick and Bolin helped got through the perimeter was because Varrick and Bolin helped. She had shit on lock. At least, she managed until her speech at Republic City, at which point all bets are off. Why does she need to care after that?

Would we classify them as Bandits though. As quoted by them "You're on the wrong side of this fight avatar! That gold belongs to the people, not the Queen!" I'd say they were more anti Earth Queen rebels. Showing that the Earth Queen was slowly losing control over her Kingdom.
Wonder how many revolts the Earth Queen had to deal with before Red Lotus eventually took her out.
Would we classify them as Bandits though. As quoted by them "You're on the wrong side of this fight avatar! That gold belongs to the people, not the Queen!" I'd say they were more anti Earth Queen rebels. Showing that the Earth Queen was slowly losing control over her Kingdom.
Wonder how many revolts the Earth Queen had to deal with before Red Lotus eventually took her out.

True, but they were still taking other people's gold that was going to be paid. Rebels or not, they were probably just assholes.
did zuko and toph ever go on a side mission in the comics?

so those people actually caved to a bunch of shippers?

Not really. People didn't start seriously shipping the pairing until the end of Book 3, which the relationship had been planned before that (around the time the book was green lit, which was part way through 2's broadcast). So, you could argue that if you want, but according to them, that wasn't the case.


What about that thread Azula was making? Or someone else was? I was re-watching all of TLoK and trying to talk about it. I like to think I started a few good convos here and there. Topics change but it always comes back to the same fan fiction and fan art and complaining about how TLoK isn't another show.

It's genuinely just a weird community thread at this point.

The thread is meant to be coming this week or next week from what I gathered. The rewatch will should start once it's open.
Because people don't have "bonds" like that in real life.

Just finished watching kill la kill. What a stupid show.
I will always say that KLK is one of those shows where you were like "fuck it I'm in" or "what the fuck is this bullshit?" and turned it right the fuck off. I got into it after the third episode. It's just not for everybody.
This image perfectly encapsulates my feelings.

But she's not mah "bae".
I see you finally admit that you want to caress Kuvira's abs just like everybody else.


I see you finally admit that you want to caress Kuvira's abs just like everybody else.

It's that the fanbase won't leave her alone.

Here have some nice Kuvira fanart




Any more DC animation recommendations?

Justice League still holds up very well, especially if you're in the mood for seeing more of the Justice League in action.
If you feel like more Flash, you should definitely watch The Flashpoint Paradox as it's great. Also surprisingly violent and brutal at times.
Justice League still holds up very well, especially if you're in the mood for seeing more of the Justice League in action.
If you feel like more Flash, you should definitely watch The Flashpoint Paradox as it's great. Also surprisingly violent and brutal at times.
There's also Superman The Animated Series. Not as good as the Batman show, but still good. Also has the best Darkseid in Michael Ironside.
I'm not going to participate in the re-watch, but I may pop in to the new OT for discussion and whatnot. I've already done my yearly ATLA re-watch and I've re-watch TLoK already as well. I'm good.

Plus, I have all the shows on right now and I'm watching through Once Upon a Time for the first time. So my time is taken.


But seriously, how did this whole Suvira thing start? They don't seem close to each other at all, so the whole shipping thing is weird.
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