nah bruh
short hair korra = asami > all
Woah now, short hair Korra is gorgeous but lets not go crazy. Asami is still in a league of her own.
nah bruh
short hair korra = asami > all
Asami is perfect looking. Perfect is hot, but it's also somewhat boring.Woah now, short hair Korra is gorgeous but lets not go crazy. Asami is still in a league of her own.
Good list. For me, Korra wins because of her win over Vaatu and her reestablishment of the Avatar in the world. How do you top that? Though, they walked different paths in different time periods. Seems like the writers gave her more to overcome...
Korra is the better Avatar, but I think Aang would destroy her in a fight. Boy Aang vs. adult Korra, to be clear.
We really need to start that rewatch.
I'm halfway through Season 2 right now of ATLA.
I'm so excited to start LoK later this month!
btw Zuko Alone>>>Korra Alone
btw Zuko Alone>>>Korra Alone
Gotta love TNG.Not even a contest, I believe Zuko Alone is one of the greatest episodes on the entire franchise. It perfectly explains who Zuko is and why, his relationships with his family, and how the world has been affected by the war in a kind of lower deck episode way, all in the span of 22 minutes,
Not even a contest, I believe Zuko Alone is one of the greatest episodes on the entire franchise. It perfectly explains who Zuko is and why, his relationships with his family, and how the world has been affected by the war in a kind of lower deck episode way, all in the span of 22 minutes,
Good list. For me, Korra wins because of her win over Vaatu and her reestablishment of the Avatar in the world. How do you top that? Though, they walked different paths in different time periods. Seems like the writers gave her more to overcome...
Korra is the better Avatar, but I think Aang would destroy her in a fight. Boy Aang vs. adult Korra, to be clear.
Good list. For me, Korra wins because of her win over Vaatu and her reestablishment of the Avatar in the world. How do you top that? Though, they walked different paths in different time periods. Seems like the writers gave her more to overcome...
Korra is the better Avatar, but I think Aang would destroy her in a fight. Boy Aang vs. adult Korra, to be clear.
I was wondering if anybody can recommend me animes to watch here, trying to fill the korra void, so far I have seen,
Kill la Kill
Psycho Break
Durarara (Season 1)
I generally prefer shorter animes, that last a few seasons as opposed to having over a 100 episodes.
I think bending was nerfed a lot in Korra so they could focus more on fight choreography, or so that's what it feels like to me.
It's kind of like the DBZ to DBGT shift. everybody became weak as shit.
I was wondering if anybody can recommend me animes to watch here, trying to fill the korra void, so far I have seen,
Kill la Kill
Psycho Break
Durarara (Season 1)
I generally prefer shorter animes, that last a few seasons as opposed to having over a 100 episodes.
Watch Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
NOW. It's 50-60 episodes but it's legitimately one of the GOAT. I watched it while Korra season three was airing and it was amazing. It's in a league beyond Korra, and I personally think it's better than TLA as well.
Aku no Hana
Hellsing OVA
Deadman Wonderland
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
One Outs
Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster (then Diebuster)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Alright guys! Thanks for the recommendations!
I'm going to watch a season of Black Lagoon to see how it is, and then i'll jump into your recommendations
No problem! Very excited to hear your impressions on Black Lagoon. Like BKatastrophe said, if you start on anything from my list after Black Lagoon I would definitely recommend giving FLCL a look. An amazing show with a wonderful soundtrack to boot.
Black Lagoon is good shit. Also, given the choice I'd pick ATLA over FMAB. FMAB is good, but it doesn't have anything outstanding. It just does everything well, but there's nothing that stands out above the rest.
And I have genuinely had this debate in my head as to whether FMAB or ATLA
Also, FLCL is a genuinely good recommendation, since Bryan and Mike drew inspiration from it while doing both ATLA and TLoK.
They're both excellent, but I think FMA:B takes the edge for me, being slightly less tropey in a few ways.
TLA will hold a special place because of the nostalgia (and the fact that it's damn good), but FMA:B blew me away.
As for the Aang vs Korra thing i will give the edge to Aang.
The execution just made Korra's feat feel inferior even though in concept they are way better things to have on a Avatar resume.
Also FLCL is alright (episode 6 is what redeems it for the most part)
mfw fanfiction does LoK better than Bryke did.
You motherfucker
I finally got to this video...Varrick and Jinora are shockingly perverted. I can see Jinora going all 50 Shades of Grey on wonder why he stopped talking.
Black Lagoon is good...way better than Baccano. It's got two seasons and an OVA, watch all of it. Also try Claymore, The Seven Samurai, Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit, Spice and Wolf, Outlaw Star, Escaflowne, Gunslinger Girl, Full Metal Panic and Soul Eater. My mind tends to just draw a blank on the anime I've watched and I don't have time to thumb through my collection.Alright guys! Thanks for the recommendations!
I'm going to watch a season of Black Lagoon to see how it is, and then i'll jump into your recommendations
I just saw that Korra thread on OT lololol
I'm quite sure that's Amon's Lieutenant.
His electric tonfas or whatever were pretty cool. He was great in that fight aboce the stadium. After that he got jobbed hard, still fun to watch though.I always found him to be a complete badass. Sure he just existed to job, but you have to give him props for how good he was as a non bender and his persistence. I kind of wish we got to see some of him post Amon.
MOAR AvatarParallels from Tumblr
His electric tonfas or whatever were pretty cool. He was great in that fight aboce the stadium. After that he got jobbed hard, still fun to watch though.
I think the orcs lost to everybody that wasn't Sean Bean.Poor dude, at least he doesn't have it as bad as the Orcs in the middle earth movies, who are huge hulking beasts in steel armour who job to everyone including random peasants and little kids.
Heh, I just started playing Divinity: Original Sin which I got off the steam sale. Since its main gimmick is having two main playable custom characters, and I still got avatar on the brain, I decided to model my characters off of Korra and Aang. Roleplaying the two of them and having their personalities bounce off each other should be pretty fun. I was able to make a decent Korra, but unfortunately couldn't make a decent looking Aang. Male character model is way too bulky, no good asian facial structure and this must be the only western RPG in all of history to not have a bald option for hair.
Buuuuut, then I realized the default female model with black hair basically is Asami... so now my playthrough is just going to be one giant Korrasami fanfic. No regrets.
I thought the artbook cover was confirmed to be of Korra and Kuvira?....and just like that Divinity is on my wishlist.
I really hope the cover art for the artbook 4 is just the holding of hands with the spirit portal in the distance. It would be so fucking good.
I think the orcs lost to everybody that wasn't Sean Bean.
I thought the artbook cover was confirmed to be of Korra and Kuvira?
I thought the artbook cover was confirmed to be of Korra and Kuvira?
I really need to watch those again, just never feel like watching one thing for over 3 hours. I just remember Sean Bean being Sean Bean and parts of the Two Towers, Brad Douriff being Grima Wormtongue and epic Vigo Mortensen and Christopher Lee. It might be time for a rewatch...if I can stay awake for the whole thing.That White Orc leader Gothmog was doing a fairly decent job in beating Gondor till Rohan and Aragorn's ghost army ruined his party.
Ok thanks for the correction.There is zero chance that is the cover art. More likely placeholder either by Nick/Darkhorse/Amazon.
Look at all the other artbooks including Airbenders, no chance. Seems like a standard, less then stellar photoshop job when all the other artbooks (and Bryke always comments this) where artworks that they (darkhorse) chose and really love.
It's my 2014 GOTY, it's that good.....and just like that Divinity is on my wishlist.
I really hope the cover art for the artbook 4 is just the holding of hands with the spirit portal in the distance. It would be so fucking good.
I really need to watch those again, just never feel like watching one thing for over 3 hours. I just remember Sean Bean being Sean Bean and parts of the Two Towers, Brad Douriff being Grima Wormtongue and epic Vigo Mortensen and Christopher Lee. It might be time for a rewatch...if I can stay awake for the whole thing.
Ok thanks for the correction.