Mainly existed to show that Zuko had kids and that they had kids as well. Maybe Dante Basco was just too busy to reprise the character more ofter. I honestly have no idea.General Iroh all around felt like a wasted character, it seemed to me he was supposed to be a major supporting character but really never made it past minor recurring chracter for some reason.
I really need to do a full rewatch of the venture brothers. I've forgotten so much.I also always pegged him to be the true love interest of Korra after the Mako thing ended. Also, note to Legend of Korra, go watch Venture Brothers and learn how to properly utilize a large cast.
That would have being an interesting direction to take due to the age gap. Dude is in his 40s now right.I also always pegged him to be the true love interest of Korra after the Mako thing ended. Also, note to Legend of Korra, go watch Venture Brothers and learn how to properly utilize a large cast.
I really need to do a full rewatch of the venture brothers. I've forgotten so much.
So I thought about how they found out Aang was the Avatar by presenting him with a set of toys when he was very young and he chose the one that belonged to his previous lives Korras the only Avatar that the next one will have a connection to. I didnt have any toys in mind so I used the betrothal necklace from my previous comic. Also, imagined Asami joining the White Lotus when she was much older (after Korra passes) to help look for the next Avatar and the result is this. xD
Gave the kid Heterochromia due to mixed heritage because why not
Going through that comic reminds me of just how bullshit the whole Avatar reincarnation thing is. How do loved ones of the previous Avatar even handle that shit, knowing that the new Avatar has no recollection of any of them, even though the Avatar spent decades with them in their past life?
All those memories, the laughs, the tears, the good times and the bad, everything you shared with them, is all forgotten. Fuck that shit.
tbf it seems the avatar lives longer than usual (barring some other shit) to where most loved ones might not be around once they die and another successor is found.
tbf it seems the avatar lives longer than usual (barring some other shit) to where most loved ones might not be around once they die and another successor is found.
Aang was a special case due to his ice prison snafu (and the one person who was eligible was kinda unhinged but yet was glad to see him back regardless).
I think the question is how the Avatar deals with it.
Talking about Avatar lifespans....Isn't it weird that out of all the Avatars we got to know, Kyoshi is the only one who lived out her full lifespan(though it seems it was abnormally long, even among Avatar)?
Wan-Died after battle
Kuruk-Died young after taking the biggest L in history
Roku-Killed by poisonous volcanic gases
Aang-Died young because Tenzin dumped Lin for Pema
I really wouldn't be surprised if it was rare for Avatars to live past 70 due to the amount of dangerous situations they constantly find themselves in.
Nobody was expecting Tenzin to toss away the rich hot chick he grew up with.Damn it Tenzin!!!
Damn it Tenzin!!!
Not to be a buzzkill...but unless Korra becomes super, almost suicidally blind to what she does, there is no way Asami outlives her.
Going through that comic reminds me of just how bullshit the whole Avatar reincarnation thing is. How do loved ones of the previous Avatar even handle that shit, knowing that the new Avatar has no recollection of any of them, even though the Avatar spent decades with them in their past life?
All those memories, the laughs, the tears, the good times and the bad, everything you shared with them, is all forgotten. Fuck that shit.
Nobody was expecting Tenzin to toss away the rich hot chick he grew up with.
It's a bit different but Deep Space 9 sorta deals with this kinda stuff.
They eventually patched it up though Pema probably makes sure they don't hang too often for fear of being relegated to "side chick."she was even going to sacrifice herself to save his family
that's a type of woman you need in your life, not dump!!! stupid Tenzin!!!
Tenzin dun goofed
Does the show ever state how long Tenzin and Lin were together. If it lasted like a decade or something then I could understand Lin being salty about the break up.He really did. Lin wouldn't tolerate being his brood mare, so he left her and severely downgraded to Pema because she would settle for being his baby factory as long as she was with him. His decision was
Does the show ever state how long Tenzin and Lin were together. If it lasted like a decade or something then I could understand Lin being salty about the break up.
We didn't forget. You want kids then impregnate a concubine several times. Doesn't mean you have to drop Lin.People keep forgetting that Lin didn't want kids. WHATSOEVER! like not even one. Probably due to her relationship with her own family. So Tenzin being like the only Airbender around, and him being responsible for rebuilding the air nomads, it was pretty much the one area he couldn't ignore.
Going through that comic reminds me of just how bullshit the whole Avatar reincarnation thing is. How do loved ones of the previous Avatar even handle that shit, knowing that the new Avatar has no recollection of any of them, even though the Avatar spent decades with them in their past life?
All those memories, the laughs, the tears, the good times and the bad, everything you shared with them, is all forgotten. Fuck that shit.
We didn't forget. You want kids then impregnate a concubine several times. Doesn't mean you have to drop Lin.
We didn't forget. You want kids then impregnate a concubine several times. Doesn't mean you have to drop Lin.
Oh I know. It's just something to joke about. Dude wanted to single handedly recreate the air nation, at the expense of Pema's uterus. We don't even know how many kids Pema wanted. She probably wanted to stop at Ikki for all we know.I'm sure Tenzin probably would have actually wanted to raise his kids/Not have the complications of something like that.
Does the show ever state how long Tenzin and Lin were together. If it lasted like a decade or something then I could understand Lin being salty about the break up.
If that's the case Pema and Tenzin are lucky that Lin isn't a lava bender. I'd bury their asses in that shit and they'd never find the bodies if that shit happened to me.I saw this tumblr post that kinda breaks it down. Given the information that they've known each other since they were kids, they broke up when Pema confessed her love for Tenzin, Pema was at least old enough to leave her parent's to join the Air Acolytes and that Pema is 16 years younger than Tenzin, they didn't break up until they were both in their mid-30s. Depending on when they started dating, the years they were in a relationship easily could of been double digits.
somehow I'm in the top 10 posters of this thread
a kuvira thread
brb gonna go take a shower and contemplate my life
somehow I'm in the top 10 posters of this thread
a kuvira thread
brb gonna go take a shower and contemplate my life
How do you even check
How do you even check
Noooooback out to the forum page and click on the number under the replies column for this thread...
for example, you see:
Legend of Kuvira: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT OWLER 7,456 <--- click that number
You replaced Uniter with... Owlerwhat i do?
Patches and Joanna talk to Jeremy and Ben one last time about the sonic details from Legend of Korra Books 3 and 4
The perks of being a rapid fire lewd maniac that also makes a point from time to time.Jaded is so far ahead of everyone in posts. I've got no chance of ever catching up.
The hip swaying motion of Naga is almost hypnotic.
You can't even see her hip!The hip swaying motion of Naga is almost hypnotic.
Shoulder or whatever, the rocking motion is trance inducing.You can't even see her hip!
I told people that swaying was hypnotic.Dat swaying motion