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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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SS vs TP and the viability of Fi as a companion.

My complete thoughts on SS if you're interested though.

TLDR version? Fuck Fi.

Psh. Heathen.

TP was my first Zelda and while I ordinarily pride myself on a pretty sharp memory, I played it 8 years ago and just don't remember much except that I really liked it. But I was a totally different gamer back then. Who knows how I'll feel about it now. I'll eventually replay it.

But I am never replaying SS unless they come out with a remastered edition or something that speeds up the text and allows the option to turn Fi off.

On Ratchet and Clank, I actually feel I got burned out on the PS2 era and never played the PS3 games. They just started blurring together and feeling like the same game after a while.

Sorry, I meant least favorite 3D Zelda.

My personal ranking for the 3D games is
Majora's Mask
Ocarina of Time
Wind Waker tied with Skyward Sword
Twilight Princess

Jaded, the first Ghirahim fight was the point where I started to understand how to play the game. I kept dying then I realized waggling and attack randomly didn't work. When I realized how you were suppose to swing it became much easier.
Sorry, I meant least favorite 3D Zelda.

My personal ranking for the 3D games is
Majora's Mask
Ocarina of Time
Wind Waker tied with Skyward Sword
Twilight Princess

Jaded, the first Ghirahim fight was the point where I started to understand how to play the game. I kept dying then I realized waggling and attack randomly didn't work. When I realized how you were suppose to swing it became much easier.
Sounds like it's one of those things that requires patience. I got passed it, but that bug boss thing that would move it's weak spot around was probably the thing that threw me over the edge.


read it and i disagree on somestuff like for example the alternate ways since iirc some said it wasn't possible, he tried one in Chains but was ultimately denied by an asshole enemy and i'm not sure how he would face them constantly yet having that image of your ultimate mistake lol.

Also i think he should have died in GOW1 since that would have placed the tale to a close of doing all of that shit which includes killing a god but still couldn't get rid of the thing he wanted so he just ends it with nothing solved (and probably in Hell unable to do nothing but relive it for the rest of all time)

I will agree that he did blame everyone else (Ares was a massive dick but hey) but himself and it took about 5 games until he finally realized it haha. Also the writing is all over the place.

There's nothing indicating it wasn't possible. Believe me, I played through the whole series, I was on the lookout. But even if it was, the point is he doesn't even try. The point is he doesn't even think to attempt to make amends. He feels some kind of guilt over having killed his family, but he doesn't seem to understand he did something wrong by hurting others and is just trying to figure out a way to make himself stop hurting.

Asshole enemy nothing. It's not like she specifically went out of her way to screw him over, she was trying to do something else and that was just how reality worked. Actually, if Persephone hadn't said anything, Kratos wouldn't even known he had to abandon his daughter and wouldn't have even gone after her, ensuring the success of her plan. Death by idiocy, that's the classic GoW way.

I wouldn't say Ares is even notably dickish. He's about as bad as everyone else in the franchise.

Sorry, I meant least favorite 3D Zelda.

My personal ranking for the 3D games is
Majora's Mask
Ocarina of Time
Wind Waker tied with Skyward Sword
Twilight Princess

I'm currently on windwaker, inching through it between school and other stuff. After that, Majora's Mask, which I've been greatly recommended by a friend. OoT was really good too though. Then, hopefully Nintendo puts out a WiiU remaster of TP.
I feel like I'm the only person on this board who never played a Zelda game. I played the first one on the NES and that was fun, but I never owned a Nintendo console since then.
I feel like I'm the only person on this board who never played a Zelda game. I played the first one on the NES and that was fun, but I never owned a Nintendo console since then.

I feel ya brother mine. Although, in my case I have never owned a console, just a PC. Sooo that may or may not contribute to why.

Veelk is not making me want to watch One Piece. I guess there's a reason why I just stayed clear the fuck away from the big 3 of Bleach, One Piece and Naruto.


Veelk is not making me want to watch One Piece. I guess there's a reason why I just stayed clear the fuck away from the big 3 of Bleach, One Piece and Naruto.
Well, I don't mean to quite do that. OP is a very unique manga. Even if I don't like it, a lot of people do and I admit a lot of my dislike is preference based. This is one of those you have to try on your own to really know if you like it, because there really are a good deal of things that are good in it. But it's up to you.
Veelk what do you think about Naruto
My gateway anime and Manga that brimmed with potential in its early days. I am deeply saddened to see fall off as bad as it did. It deserved better.

I had meant to do a reread of it over winter break but never got around to it
Well, I don't mean to quite do that. OP is a very unique manga. Even if I don't like it, a lot of people do and I admit a lot of my dislike is preference based. This is one of those you have to try on your own to really know if you like it, because there really are a good deal of things that are good in it. But it's up to you.
I don't even like the art style of One Piece. It's one of the main reasons why I never bothered with it. Granted yes I made the mistake of thinking FMA was a kids show and once I saw that it wasn't I 180'd on that show fast and became a fan of it. One Piece just doesn't seem like my thing. I'll get my weird shonen fix off of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure for the time being. It's pretty fun and I like the weirdness and the characters for the most part. That and Jojo takes it's fights rather seriously. Shit very rarely happens without them doing a complete info dump to explain what happened and how it worked.
OG Naruto was too good. It's kinda weird and I feel like a lot of people are like this, but the story for Naruto got so stupid and bad in shippuden, yet I still had fun following that nonsense till the end (for the most part) just because I was already so invested with the characters and the world.
I didn't even feel bad for him in God of War 1. Here's the other analysis explaining why if your interested while you wait for my response to OP

Well....in most of my analysis, I can pick out things that pretty much everyone agrees are bad. Logical errors, bad characterization, plot holes, etc. One piece is slightly different because it does a lot of things right. Not just kinda right, but things like maintaining continuity for 15+ years is impressive. The way it brings back past characters into the fold is impressive. The foreshadowing is really good, so when the plot twists come, they're still unexpected, but they make sense. And the things it does wrong, like not making sense, people either tolerate or embrace it because the manga clearly does not care about it.

However, what this series does is push a lot of my buttons. For example, on general principle, I don't like series that flat out tell me "haha, just have fun and don't worry about how this makes sense!" and One Piece is a series that exactly that. OP is a series that rarely contradicts it's own internal rules, but has absolutely no regard for how things are supposed to make sense beyond that and we're supposed to accept them. For me, this really lessens the impact of anything, because it feels like there is no integrity to how the world is supposed to work. This basically dissipates any tension in conflicts for me because at any point, they're going to pull out some inane BS that solves their problems. Recent example, Robin's attack on Diamante in the last chapter. Diamante attacks with his snake sword or whatever and she sprouts hands making a butterfly symbol that somehow averts the attack. Apparently, somehow she is flapping her hands in that super inefficient way makes enough of a gust to deflect the blow. This kind of stuff simply drives me up the wall. There is no way this should work, but it does, because her hands look like butterflies, and therefore gust of wind strong enough to do that.

And whenever I bring this sort of stuff up, people just tell me not to overthink it and just have fun, which is why I said debates with OP fans tend to get heated with me. Because it's kind of insulting to basically be told you're thinking about it wrong and that makes you a drag. This kind of stuff isn't fun to me, it's just stupid. It's becomes too nonsensical to enjoy for me. So just the way the vast majority of events play out for me is just frustrating to watch, because a lot of it is plot important stuff. For example, the way he beat Crocodile. Crocodile can turn to sand at any moment of impact. He has such control over sand that he can create sand hurricanes and fire it at such a rate that it cuts like a sword...but he can't activate it because Luffy is using TINY amounts of water from his bloodied knuckles? Why? How can that tiny amount of water incapacitate someone who can do all that? And that's not even getting started on the higher level powers. Law has control over fucking spacetime, he should be able to incapacitate anyone. Look, I know it's fiction and that means I have to make some allowances on logic. Avatar itself asks a fair bit in this because firebending should not work the way it does, scientifically speaking, but it tries it's best to make sense otherwise. But OP has kind of stuff happening nearly scene by scene, and I cannot accept it at that staggering amount. It drives me up the fucking wall.

In terms of the characters, I hate nearly everybody and simply do not accept them as human beings. This is for a number of reasons. For one, there is just the manga aesthetic. I really don't like the overly cartoony aesthetic that OP has, but I've mostly gotten over it and tolerate it at this point. However, what I haven't gotten over is the faces they make on emotional scenes. You do the face fault kind of stuff when you want to do a comedic moment, to show it's over the top. OP does it with crying faces as well, which ruins a lot of the emotional moments. For example, when Ace died, I was legitimately sad. I was engaged and immersed in the scene. You know how it happens when you are super into the world and giving it your full attention. Then Luffy cries, and what should be the moment of my deepest emotional connection to Luffy's loss is utterly ruined by that stupid pez dispenser face he makes. It's like being dunked with ice water. I'm no longer in the moment, I'm reading a manga, and the connection I've felt with the character is severed. This is still the most tragic death in the entire series of a character I liked more than most, and I am completely indifferent to it.

There's also the way it's structured. Have you ever imagined how OP would read without the flashbacks? For me, it seems like it'd be a super happy series where the Strawhats just come in and punch away all the problems for reasons none of the main characters fully understand. Because for the most part, there is a severe disconnect between the present and the past. The flashbacks are just a way of showing how problems came to be and where all the tragic stuff happens. The present is Luffy solving those problems by punching. Korra would be proud I guess, but for me it creates an air of artificiality, because without even knowing the content of the flashback, I essentially already know the conclusion. If it's a flashback, it's going to end with the character whose helping the character having the flashback dying. If it's the present, it's going to end with Luffy solving everything by punching the guy, who is usually the guy that killed whoever in the flashback. It's so repetitious that it's boring, and it absolves any tension in the present because I always know the bad guys are going to get their comeuppance. Again, I really like the Marineford arc because it is a complete subversion of this tired formula. I also liked the Usopp conflict in Waters 7-Ennes Lobby, because it was an ongoing conflict whose resolution I cannot predict. Even the current arc, I can tell you that there is a 95% chance that Doflamingo will just get his ass beat and then show up some later time. THe only reason that's not 100% is because he's coming off as a much more important 'boss' character than other boss characters have been thus far, but that's still somethign I'm sure is going to happen. His cutting off of Law's arm will be either undone or actually improve Law's abilities (another thing I've noticed. No injury ever seems to actually injure people. Any disability that someone has is somehow overcompensated for.). Basically, I'm saying that for all the deaths and terror it has, OP lacks grit. Very rarely do I ever feel any kind of tension for the characters, and would like more conflicts like Usopp.

And then there's just the way the characters act. This might be wierd to say, but it's so hard for me to picture the Strawhat crew as actual friends. It's more like they are a collection of highly empathetic people who have VERY strict policy on not abandoning nakama. But that's not necessarily friendship to me. We get all these flashbacks, but a large point is made that Luffy (and presumably none of other strawhats) ever really inquire about their past. They never get into any kind of deep conversation about their beliefs, their differences, why they follow their dreams, if they're actually afraid of wherever their crazy captain is going to take them next, whats going to happen if one of them actually gets killed or whatever. They just bicker and have fun together, but that makes them playmates to me, with the only thing that actually binds them in friendship is an unusual sense of loyalty to one another. It also stalls character development. There is so much stuff that happened, but I don't feel any of characters actually changed that much. Usopp got slightly less afraid? Maybe? Luffy went thought a pretty heavy experience, but no one seems to ask him "hey, you okay there man?" They don't know what he went through in the 2 year time skip, but oh, he's acting like classic Luffy, he must be fine! There are some subtleties to the characters, but they are drowned out to me by how they are much more like like archtypes that never really change in a big way. They simply do not act like real people to me and I can almost never get invested in whatever personal conflicts they are having. Again, the Usopp conflict is one of the rare exceptions because that's one of the few times I felt things were actually changing within the dynamic of the crew, and nothing like that has been seen since.

And not being emotionally invested is a really big problem, because this series all but runs on emotion. It tries to force me into the pathos of what is happening so often. Character does something. "X JUST DID THAT!!!", as if the manga is trying to bring the reader into the manga by having him be part of the spectators who are slackjawed at what is happening. This is present in way too many scenes. There is so much yelling in this series, over mundane things anyone can see happening. And there are always dramatic close ups when villains do something particularly bad. There is such an emphasis on those moments, often complete with BWAHAAHAHAHAHA! to try and make me feel as bad as possible. But that stuff just doesn't work on me. It just feels like the series is trying to manipulate me, to which my natural response is "No, fuck you, I'm not going to care no matter how much you try to make me!" I really like Akainu, because he doesn't engage in that sort of BS. He just does things and it feels like natural storytelling to say, Hody's "NOW LET ME TWIRL MY MUSTACHE AS I DO THIS TOTALLY UNNECESSARILY CRUEL THING BECAUSE I'M EEEEEEEEVUL AHAHAHAHA!"

Ugh, there is more, but that's the general gist.

So why do I even read it, I hear you asking? Well, for all that it does to drive me away, there are certain mysteries I'm curious about. Namely, the void century. But honestly, if Oda would publish a fictional history book on OP that just explains it, I'd rather read that than the actual series, because I couldn't care less about Luffy achieving his dream or whatever, and care very little about any other character.

I read this and while i disagree on some things it still makes sense why you have these issues, especially with your penchant of deep analysis.

Note i agree with a bunch of your issues (like the enemy formula, Hody who was fucking terrible even my OP standards, the concept of the crew on a deeper level since their developments are usually very subtle at times, Usopp stuff because he's usually the one that doesn't have the previous issue, mainly due to his archetype).

Props for laying it out and being respectable instead of throwing fans and sometimes the author under the bus or fucking whatever.

Veelk is not making me want to watch One Piece. I guess there's a reason why I just stayed clear the fuck away from the big 3 of Bleach, One Piece and Naruto.

Nah Veelk is just being Veelk with this. (though i can see why he would have those criticisms even i might not agree with some of them) OP is not without flaws (like everything else really) but what is there is pretty decent especially with the shitty expectations of Shonen manga (Hunter x Hunter counts in this category as well but IIRC Veelk has issues with that also LOLOLOL)

Well, I don't mean to quite do that. OP is a very unique manga. Even if I don't like it, a lot of people do and I admit a lot of my dislike is preference based. This is one of those you have to try on your own to really know if you like it, because there really are a good deal of things that are good in it. But it's up to you.


My gateway anime and Manga that brimmed with potential in its early days. I am deeply saddened to see fall off as bad as it did. It deserved better.

I had meant to do a reread of it over winter break but never got around to it

Now this i really want to hear because i'm honestly in the same boat with that fucking series. There was a time Naruto was my favorite out of the big 3 :/.

There's nothing indicating it wasn't possible. Believe me, I played through the whole series, I was on the lookout. But even if it was, the point is he doesn't even try. The point is he doesn't even think to attempt to make amends. He feels some kind of guilt over having killed his family, but he doesn't seem to understand he did something wrong by hurting others and is just trying to figure out a way to make himself stop hurting.

Asshole enemy nothing. It's not like she specifically went out of her way to screw him over, she was trying to do something else and that was just how reality worked. Actually, if Persephone hadn't said anything, Kratos wouldn't even known he had to abandon his daughter and wouldn't have even gone after her, ensuring the success of her plan. Death by idiocy, that's the classic GoW way.

I wouldn't say Ares is even notably dickish. He's about as bad as everyone else in the franchise.

IIRC there was a throwaway line with him asking once only for it to not be answered relegated so his task at hand was done.

eh Ares was pretty bad but he was the God of War and then with the sequels everyone basically was on that level apparently.

I don't even like the art style of One Piece. It's one of the main reasons why I never bothered with it. Granted yes I made the mistake of thinking FMA was a kids show and once I saw that it wasn't I 180'd on that show fast and became a fan of it. One Piece just doesn't seem like my thing. I'll get my weird shonen fix off of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure for the time being. It's pretty fun and I like the weirdness and the characters for the most part. That and Jojo takes it's fights rather seriously. Shit very rarely happens without them doing a complete info dump to explain what happened and how it worked.

See now this is an unfortunate reason and i know a few manga that didn't get its due because of this.

I would urge to pass that but i feel it might be for naught since a perception is already made and once something is found while going through that confirms it, then the work in hand will be dropped.

I don't like Luffy's spaghetti flailing arms nonsense. I like some Shonen shows, but not a lot of them. They just last too long and I heard this one has a lot of filler. I might give it a shot one day, but considering how I have yet to watch more than like...I think 2 eps of Naruto cause Naruto's voice actor is FUCKING ANNOYING in the dub then that means it'll be awhile.

I pass on most anime because of artstyle
Most actually aren't that bad. Do you pass on the super deformed shows or just all of them?
I pass on most anime because of artstyle


there are better reasons to pass imo.

also to add to the zelda stuff i only beat Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask sucked (props for them going dark and trying to change the formula up a bit but nope).

The NES/SNES stuff i played for a bit but never finished.

The after 64 stuff i have never played kanyeshrug.jpg

I don't like Luffy's spaghetti flailing arms nonsense. I like some Shonen shows, but not a lot of them. They just last too long and I heard this one has a lot of filler. I might give it a shot one day, but considering how I have yet to watch more than like...I think 2 eps of Naruto cause Naruto's voice actor is FUCKING ANNOYING in the dub then that means it'll be awhile.

Most actually aren't that bad. Do you pass on the super deformed shows or just all of them?

The OP anime is crazy due to the length, filler (though some of them were actually decent) and apparently the molasses pacing they employed during the Marineford arc and onward.

read the manga instead since its way shorter to go through and no filler.
Most of them.... Eh I don't know, a lot of them tend to look very similar to each other. Just that anime "look." Funny cause I wouldn't call it ugly at all, it just doesn't grab me most of the time. The ones that try to be different, I just find ugly usually.

Art styles I do like are

Attack on Titan
Kill La Kill

yeah. Like I said, it doesn't really do anything to grab me. I've still made exceptions with things like Initial D and Sword Art Online. The environments tend to look beautiful, but it's the character art that usually doesn't do anything to draw me in.
there are better reasons to pass imo.

He needs to go watch some Gundam where they solve all their arguments by slapping the shit out of each other.



Most of them.... Eh I don't know, a lot of them tend to look very similar to each other. Just that anime "look." Funny cause I wouldn't call it ugly at all, it just doesn't grab me most of the time. The ones that try to be different, I just find ugly usually.

Art styles I do like are

Attack on Titan
Kill La Kill

yeah. Like I said, it doesn't really do anything to grab me. I've still made exceptions with things like Initial D and Sword Art Online. The environments tend to look beautiful, but it's the character art that usually doesn't do anything to draw me in.
Try watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Art style is unique, but still good looking, though colorful at times.
He needs to go watch some Gundam where they solve all their arguments by slapping the shit out of each other.



Funnily enough the original gundam was one of those series for me basically of how old it was. Tried to get into it by watching an few eps but i could not and realized it was that and early Amuro was an annoying piece of shit.

Note: that was just the original series and not the others listed there (Chars Counterattack was pretty dope)
Funnily enough the original gundam was one of those series for me basically of how old it was. Tried to get into it by watching an few eps but i could not and realized it was that and early Amuro was an annoying piece of shit.

Note that was just the original series and not the others listed there (Chars Counterattack was pretty dope)

Early Amuro did not get slapped enough. If he pulled the shit he did with the people in Zeta then welp he would've gotten his ass kicked. I've gotten so used to the Gundam tropes that it for the most part doesn't really bother me too much anymore. You might want to try one of the non UC shows. I wonder what your impression is of Kamille.

Early Amuro did not get slapped enough. If he pulled the shit he did with the people in Zeta then welp he would've gotten his ass kicked. I've gotten so used to the Gundam tropes that it for the most part doesn't really bother me too much anymore. You might want to try one of the non UC shows. I wonder what your impression is of Kamille.

He got better once he got older thankfully (once again Chars Counterattack for me).

Wasn't sure if that was actually Kamille in the first gif since i didn't watch that one but i remember hearing he was kind of a shitstain as well lol (or maybe i'm mis-remembering).

Also non UC shows was my introduction to Gundam via best in the world Gundam Wing. :p

that show is my DBZ for Gundam lore in that when really going through and analyzing everything, it sucks but man was it crazy to shut your brain off and enjoy the spectacle. It being the first Gundam series i ever watched just added to that reverence for me.

G Gundam was cool, SEED was alright since they tried to merge the UC stuff with the crazy AU stuff but FUCK SEED DESTINY.

Also liked Gundam 00

For UC

0080 although the main character sucked, everything else was more interesting.
08 ms team
chars counterattack
gundam unicorn (not all eps)
Who the heck is Lu Ten?
Iroh's...first Iroh's dead son.
He got better once he got older thankfully (once again Chars Counterattack for me).

Wasn't sure if that was actually Kamille in the first gif since i didn't watch that one but i remember hearing he was kind of a shitstain as well lol (or maybe i'm mis-remembering).

Also non UC shows was my introduction to Gundam via best in the world Gundam Wing. :p

that show is my DBZ for Gundam lore in that when really going through and analyzing everything, it sucks but man was it crazy to shut your brain off and enjoy the spectacle. It being the first Gundam series i ever watch just added to that reverence for me.

G Gundam was cool, SEED was alright since they tried to merge the UC stuff with the crazy AU stuff but FUCK SEED DESTINY.

Also liked Gundam 00
Yeah first gif is Kamile. He spends like the first 20 getting punched I swear at times. It's worth a watch at least to see his character growth, but Zeta is one of the darker Gundams shows, so if you can't handle that one then do not touch Victory Gundam. Fuck Seed Destiny indeed. I only can tolerate Athrun from the Seed shows. Shinn's worse than Kamille actually. You just want somebody to flat out body slam the douche bag. Seed isn't exactly a UC merging. It's pretty much just an homage. If you watch Zeta and then Seed Destiny you can easily see some of the recycled plot points in it. Wing's my first Gundam too, it's what got me into the franchise.
They probably pulled out.

He was referenced a couple of times. Iroh showing weakness over him dying and then pulling out of Ba Sing Se is one of the reasons that Azula has no respect for Iroh. She wondered why he didn't just soldier on and sack Ba Sing Se.

i think he was named in that Tales of Ba sing se ep where Iroh just owned his day in the city(?)

Or was it before (i remember his son being mentioned before but not sure if his name was also uttered at that point)

Yeah, that must be around the large gap of episodes I missed when it first aired. Really should go back and look at them.
Yeah first gif is Kamile. He spends like the first 20 getting punched I swear at times. It's worth a watch at least to see his character growth, but Zeta is one of the darker Gundams shows, so if you can't handle that one then do not touch Victory Gundam. Fuck Seed Destiny indeed. I only can tolerate Athrun from the Seed shows. Shinn's worse than Kamille actually. You just want somebody to flat out body slam the douche bag. Seed isn't exactly a UC merging. It's pretty much just an homage. If you watch Zeta and then Seed Destiny you can easily see some of the recycled plot points in it. Wing's my first Gundam too, it's what got me into the franchise.

Might check it out as i have heard of Zeta and also Victory Gundam (how Tomino was apparently depressed when he was making it so it had some crazy shit).

And when i meant merge i was talking about the aspects of UC (the story, intrigue, political shit, newtype expy, etc) and not the actual UC itself. Then merged it with the AU aspects (the style, design, action, etc).

As you said the better word was homage
Might check it out as i have heard of Zeta and also Victory Gundam (how Tomino was apparently depressed when he was making it so it had some crazy shit).

And when i meant merge i was talking about the aspects of UC (the story, intrigue, political shit, newtype expy, etc) and not the actual UC itself. Then merged it with the AU aspects (the style, design, action, etc).

As you said the better word was homage
Based on the tone of Victory Gundam Tomino must have been borderline suicidal. That whole thing is bat shit and at the same time hilarious. There's so much tonal dissonance in that show too. Happy as all hell theme song, and the protagonist of the whole thing is a 13 year old fighting for a downtrodden low budget militia. I like that and Zeta the most oddly. I think you might enjoy Zeta once it eventually gets rolling. Great mobile suit design too.


Nah Veelk is just being Veelk with this. (though i can see why he would have those criticisms even i might not agree with some of them) OP is not without flaws (like everything else really) but what is there is pretty decent especially with the shitty expectations of Shonen manga (Hunter x Hunter counts in this category as well but IIRC Veelk has issues with that also LOLOLOL)

No idea what your talking about. I love Hunter x Hunter. There are issues in HxH, largely surrounding Togashi's laziness, but it's fantastic otherwise.

Now this i really want to hear because i'm honestly in the same boat with that fucking series. There was a time Naruto was my favorite out of the big 3 :/.

Another time. I have too busy a day today. :(
IIRC there was a throwaway line with him asking once only for it to not be answered relegated so his task at hand was done.

eh Ares was pretty bad but he was the God of War and then with the sequels everyone basically was on that level apparently.

You remember incorrectly. I recently played through the series and the possibility of his family's resurrection is not something he even considers. His singular goal the entire game is to 'make the nightmares go away', not 'amend the wrong I have done'. I paid careful attention to this detail. He just takes 'Being forgiven' as for that to mean the same thing.

Besides, that doesn't make any sense. Kratos came back. Hell, the boat captain came back after the Barbarian (who also died but came back) summoned him. You have the explicit ability to summon souls from hades in all 3 games.

There is no way bringing back Kratos' wife and kid is anywhere near impossible.


OG Naruto was too good. It's kinda weird and I feel like a lot of people are like this, but the story for Naruto got so stupid and bad in shippuden, yet I still had fun following that nonsense till the end (for the most part) just because I was already so invested with the characters and the world.

How I feel Part 1 had a huge amount of potential, but it really didn't use any of it.
No idea what your talking about. I love Hunter x Hunter. There are issues in HxH, largely surrounding Togashi's laziness, but it's fantastic otherwise.

I think it was about finishing arcs and not being a fan of the Ant arc ending (which i really dug by the way) so i thought it was another series to not escape the "Veelk criticism".

Apologies then.

Also HxH is fucking dope and its a shame its weak link is the author himself and his actions (dude came back for just 9 FUCKING CHAPTERS before disappearing in the void again) :/

Another time. I have too busy a day today. :(


You remember incorrectly. I recently played through the series and the possibility of his family's resurrection is not something he even considers. His singular goal the entire game is to 'make the nightmares go away', not 'amend the wrong I have done'. I paid careful attention to this detail. He just takes 'Being forgiven' as for that to mean the same thing.

Besides, that doesn't make any sense. Kratos came back. Hell, the boat captain came back after the Barbarian (who also died but came back) summoned him. You have the explicit ability to summon souls from hades in all 3 games.

There is no way bringing back Kratos' wife and kid is anywhere near impossible.

hmm could have sworn he said something about them in that regard of getting them from their current place or wondering if it was possible.

oh well.

as i said everything after 1 i mostly ignore since he's laying comfortably in the bed he made at that point.

Based on the tone of Victory Gundam Tomino must have been borderline suicidal. That whole thing is bat shit and at the same time hilarious. There's so much tonal dissonance in that show too. Happy as all hell theme song, and the protagonist of the whole thing is a 13 year old fighting for a downtrodden low budget militia. I like that and Zeta the most oddly. I think you might enjoy Zeta once it eventually gets rolling. Great mobile suit design too.

Will check it when i have the chance...maybe...if time allows (its the main reason i don't watch anime anymore)


Kratos became a super baby From GoW 2 an onward. Hell, the entire crux of GoW2 story is Kratos being an dick and all the Gods hating his guts, he was barely better than Ares.


I think it was about finishing arcs and not being a fan of the Ant arc ending (which i really dug by the way) so i thought it was another series to not escape the "Veelk criticism".

Apologies then.

Also HxH is fucking dope and its a shame its weak link is the author himself and his actions (dude came back for just 9 FUCKING CHAPTERS before disappearing in the void again) :/

I liked the ending of the Ant arc in how it concluded the King's character arc and the reprecussions it left, but it was obviously a rushed product so the pacing was slightly off. But Meruem is seriously one of the best characters in any manga, so I can't hate too hard since he got his ending right.

There is no series that escapes Veelk Criticism. It is a black hole, a singularity. Once you are caught within my reach, no book or game or show or movie gets away unscathed. If they are good enough, they may survive. Thrive, even, in the desolate wastes left after the cleansing flames of my critical eye, a place where only the best survive, where the best can survive...but nothing escapes.

Except Gurren Lagann. And Kill la Kill. Those two are...special.

hmm could have sworn he said something about them in that regard of getting them from their current place or wondering if it was possible.

oh well.

Sorry, but no. I tried to paint Kratos in as positive a light as possible, but he really does care for nothing except himself. Not just in the latter games, but even the first one. Fuck Kratos. He's the most reprehensible piece of shit in all of gaming.
Even Kill La Kill escapes that massive wall of text black hole that is the Veelk criticism post. Fuck the haters and praise be to Yevon and all that shit.
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