just keep bryke away from it
I really wouldn't mind a series or something showing off the young red lotus members, especially considering how they ended up... Imagine the era in between the end of TLA and LoK, seeing their optimistic beginnings

"Bryan Konietzko: As one of the primary gatekeepers of what is canon in the Avatarverse, I have to make it clear that Ming-Hua was born without arms, due to a congenital disorder. This is a cool alternate interpretation by Eugene, though!
Joaquim Dos Santos: If the story did not make you somewhat sympathetic to Zaheer and his gang, then maybe this image, which captures them in an earlier time, before lifes trials and tribulations have hardened them, will.
Young Red Lotus members by Eugene Lee (The Legend of Korra: The Art of the Animated Series, Book 3: Change, p. 183). "
To this:

"Team Red Lotus" should have been a little more fleshed out, maybe had an episode devoted to their earlier days and how they ended up how they did.