My fucking god.
also finished watching akame ga kill. wtf, it's so why
The manga did most of it better, but it feels very Violent for the sake of Violent. Did you love all those character deaths?
It's the best kind of trollin'. Like if you get dumped you either date that persons best friend or sibling just to rub their face in it.
it was all b.s. like they were going for shock factor or whatever.tatsumi's death was rushed, leone didn't even need to die
whoops my badThat's Unalaq, dammit.
Y'all getting your Water Tribe Villains all confused.
Tarrlok = 3 ponytails, tragic suicide
Unalaq = Vaatu's lover, evil uncle
Pretty good. Where's Asami thoughMy fucking god.
Taking up her rightful spot in the background some where.whoops my bad
Pretty good. Where's Asami though
Gold Samurai Ranger is best sixth ranger. That is all.
Taking up her rightful spot in the background some where.
Kuvira would've made a good sixth ranger for the Krew, not as a villain.
My fucking god.
Go Green RangerKuvira = Tommy confirmed.
Green uniform.... Check
Can legit fight .... Check
Long black hair.... Check
Has personal megazord.... Check
The Tenzin one is hilarious and Unalaq is spot on.The Bolin one is killing me.
Bataar is Padme confirmed.
Bolin is Jar Jar.Does that make Mako Jar Jar?
Bolin is Jar Jar.
Not our fault there's more Korra characters than Prequel characters. Somebody else probably has a better idea of the placements on here. Maybe Korra can be Ashoka? Granted I like Ashoka more.Then where does that leave Korra and everyone else??
Kuvira would've made a good sixth ranger for the Krew, not as a villain.
Her pulling a Satsuki in preparation for evil spririt Aang or Kyoshi or whatever would've really helped her character.I was totally on board with the idea a ways back, from the beginning of Balance until at least the halfway point, that Kuvira was being a dictator in preparation for a bigger threat. Or that her messing with the spirit vines would unleash a bigger threat and she'd have to switch sides, and that this threat would make her realize "I dun fucked up" and she'd stop.
I was genuinely on board with that, and if I recall it was a fairly popular idea being batted around.
I have a special LoK gif of the day for you guys. It's a crossover
Hawkeye would turn any woman.I have a special LoK gif of the day for you guys. It's a crossover
Her pulling a Satsuki in preparation for evil spririt Aang or Kyoshi or whatever would've really helped her character.
Hawkeye would turn any woman.
I guess I have too much of a hard on for Hawkeye. Winry's nice...she's just not Hawkeye.Double post, but that's Winry Rockbell.
It's a trope that's existed in multiple forms for a long, long time. That being said, it worked with Kuvira's character more than any other villain. Getting put in her place as punishment for her ambition, or establishing total dominance in order to have full control of the defense against said major threat.
That being said, I'd rather her pull a Satsuki as opposed to "Oh shit I fucked up," mostly because it would mean that we'd get a giant spirit villain again. Not something I'd particularly want. If she was uniting people in preparation for say, Raiko's evil world-conquering plot, I'd be super down with that. Especially considering that there didn't seem to be an in depth representation of the political conflict in that season. One of the only times I can utilize "wasted potential" as an actual gripe.
Man, Raiko should have been a big bad.
I guess I have too much of a hard on for Hawkeye. Winry's nice...she's just not Hawkeye.
Raiko was the bad guy. Anybody trying to set up an incompetent puppet regime just so they can exploit their resources is some George W. Bush era bullshit. He's Reagan without the CIA.
The dude was trying to start up an arms race. I'm not arguing with you, but if Kuvira didn't think of it first he wouldn't have cared. Personally I would've preferred if Kuvira actually refined the spirit energy as an energy source. Everybody would've wanted that and they wouldn't have tried to depose her. They would've had to initiate trade talks with her to even get access to it.Yeah, but that was never put in any real focus and he was never played up as an antagonist. Besides, he didn't have various camps and WMDs. He wanted to make WMDs, but he didn't have any.
The dude was trying to start up an arms race. I'm not arguing with you, but if Kuvira didn't think of it first he wouldn't have cared. Personally I would've preferred if Kuvira actually refined the spirit energy as an energy source. Everybody would've wanted that and they wouldn't have tried to depose her. They would've had to initiate trade talks with her to even get access to it.
Because they wanted the laziest politician in animation history to be a good guy. Raiko would've gotten steamrolled in either Code Geass or a Gundam show.Like I said, Raiko's an asshole, but he's never played up as an antagonist outside of Spirits. Even then, he has a point.
To be fair, that was what Varrick was doing initially. It begs the question though: Was Kuvira planning on building the Colossus all along, and Varrick's accidental discovery got turned into the spirit cannon and was added on later? Or was she planning on using spirit vines as a weapon the whole time?
Because they wanted the laziest politician in animation history to be a good guy. Raiko would've gotten steamrolled in either Code Geass or a Gundam show.
I'm not refuting that. Raiko just couldn't play politics to save his life. Lelouche would've just shamed him without even dipping into his Geass power.That's because all politicians are scumbags in Code Geass (except Euphemia) and/or die.
More "special" gifs please.
No more proper airbending history, unless they want to hit up Zaheer.So what if Tenzin died as a kid, and Aang became a super pissed/grumpy/depressed person, then impregnated Katara again, but ended up on his death bed before that kid was born.
No more proper airbending history, unless they want to hit up Zaheer.
Ok, finally finished the second season of young justice last night and three things:
1. Obligatory screw you to CN
2. Really loved the animation, the guys at Warner Bros Animation are amazing
3. Season with Darksied would have been the shit.
4. Screw you CN
Without Tenzin there's nobody there to teach history. I guess the air acolytes can do it, Tenzin was really schooled in the history and he seemed to teach the acolytes as well.I didn't say the kid wouldn't be an airbender. I'm just trying to create a dark situation for Aang.
It's a better ship than their canon ships.Reading another Korvira fic, man I'm such a sucker for crack ships.
Or The Vision of Escaflowne, Yu Yu Hakusho, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Kill La Kill, Zeta Gundam, Outlaw Star.Watch Fate/Zero to fill the void.
Toa TAK said:
So I was going through OT1, and I found this
Toa's reaction to it(and many other pics)
Good ol Iahfy, her and Owler combined provided the Korra fandom with crazy amounts of NSFW pics. Her tumblr got hacked and now she does SFW these days while Owler still does NSFW. They reblog each other's pics all the time so it's kinda easy to get them confused.
Used to be Kyhu or something right?
That was good times.