I will man every deck and make the non believers clean that ship with their tongues.You and me both.
But Korvirasami is a ship I will gladly serve aboard.Eat it Toa
I will man every deck and make the non believers clean that ship with their tongues.You and me both.
But Korvirasami is a ship I will gladly serve aboard.Eat it Toa
I have looked over that art book from cover to cover and I remember no such thing.
I think I would have remembered an important detail like that.
What page is it on?
Before the elaboration of how the Avatar came to be in "Beginnings, Part 1" and "Beginnings, Part 2", Michael Dante DiMartino stated in Avatar: The Last AirbenderThe Art of the Animated Series, page 14, that "in the series bible, we [he and Bryan Konietzko] wrote that 'the Avatar is the incarnation of the Spirit of the Planet in human form,' though we later dropped that idea for the series"; however, no mention of the Avatar Spirit's origin is made in the released version of the series bible. On page 28 of the artbook, DiMartino further elaborates on the status of the series bible, saying that it is sixty-five pages in length. Contrarily, the released version of the bible, entitled "Avatar: The Last Airbender I.P. Bible", is only nine pages long. Despite these claims, the original assertion apparently found in both series bibles must be considered true if one takes stock in a statement on an archived Nick.com page of the Wayback Machine, which one must do as all that is revealed by Nickelodeon is canonical. At this URL, within the tab titled "THE LEGEND" is a subsection (in itself another tab) that reads "THE AVATAR". Its response to the question of "What is the Avatar?" is "The Avatar is the incarnation of the Spirit of the Planet in human form." Due to the fact that the Nick.com statement was released while the series was running, the information was technically a part of the series as well. Therefore, although even one of Avatar: The Last Airbender's creators seems not to believe so, DiMartino's conceptional idea of the Avatar reigned true, if inadvertently.
I don't own it myself, but here's what the wiki said on it
Things like this is why I take what the creators say as a passing suggestion at best. Their original idea is much better.
The idea that 4 old farts, skilled benders or not, can take on a literal army of roided up firebenders forted up in one of the most defensible cities ever more absurd than the idea that nonbenders can fight on equal terms with benders.
The result of any competition is not what you can do, but simply what you do. Performance, not ability. A bender that has 100 more options available to him than his opponent is still going to lose, even to a less skilled nonbender, if he picks the wrong one. Fighting is not determined by what you can do, but simply what you do.
And this is evident by the fact that the scenerio you are describing simply never happens, not in TLA nor in real life. There are no perfect copies and any real fight is asymmetrical. Name one fight where X fought X+bending, in a place of complete neutrality.
You and me both.
But Korvirasami is a ship I will gladly serve aboard.Eat it Toa
do i sense a canon debate coming up?
Raava and Vaatu were the spirits of the planet, representing the light and darkness of Earth. It all fits together: the human vessel of the light planet spirit is the Avatar. Wan imbibed the cosmic energy of harmonic convergence alongside the good planet spirit and became the bridge between the spiritual and physical planes as well as the Avatar of the light spirit of the planet.
A nonbender can defeat a bender, sure. It's conceivable, but have long odds in being actualized. That's what power disparity is: the relative control of odds - of outcome. But you're not going to tell me a man with an missile cannot defeat a man with nunchucks simply because that fight hasn't occurred yet.
The heights of bending have no answer from the best a nonbender can manage. But sure, a Ty Lee can defeat a random earth nation goon. Hence my point that benders have a distinct natural advantage with respect to their nonbending contemporaries.
Holy shit please make that a game. Saved as my next phone wallpaper.
Holy shit please make that a game. Saved as my next phone wallpaper.
That's more like it.
And give her back that long ass braid. Have her metal bend that shit into a fucking scythe or something. Her game would be hype as fuck.Get on it Platinum!! Give me some really absurd metal bending moves!!
That's more like it.
Better workout partner than Asami. Asami doesn't have that competitive hunger that Kuvira has.
I don't own it myself, but here's what the wiki said on it
Things like this is why I take what the creators say as a passing suggestion at best. Their original idea is much better.
Why did Captain Planet give a shit about 5 random kids?Weird.
It would have made for a different series if the Avatar was the Spirit of the Planet.
The avatar's main goal as it was presented in the series was to mediate conflicts between the four nations and sometimes between spirits and humans.
Why would a Spirit of the Planet give a crap about the Fire Lord?
Why did Captain Planet give a shit about 5 random kids?
That's really cool
It would have made for a different series if the Avatar was the Spirit of the Planet.
The avatar's main goal as it was presented in the series was to mediate conflicts between the four nations and sometimes between spirits and humans.
Why would a Spirit of the Planet give a crap about the Fire Lord?
That is seriously her most boring picture, her eyebrow game isn't even turned on.So of all the photos they could've used, they chose that one for Kuvira's wiki page? Come on. There are so many better ones.
Thanks for the clarification.Because Captain Planet couldn't form unless the kids let their powers combine.
Seriously. That's my "Is this class over yet, professor?" face in college.That is seriously her most boring picture, her eyebrow game isn't even turned on.
Seriously. We get that's she's very upright and no-nonsense, but even Hitler was more expressive.Kuvira had a fantastic design, but they never did anything with it. 90% of her shots are her with that same position and facial expression. The only time I felt she actually changed was when she fought Korra, both times. I realize she is supposed to be the hardass stoic badass character, but I felt she could do more. I mean, Satsuki is essentially the same character archtype and she game off as having more dynamic expressions.
Even Satsuki had layers. She was way different with her four friends and Nonon talked to her in a different manner than everyone else. After a certain point when she drops the fascist act she's a cool woman, made of steel and all that shit but definitely someone you could sit down with and eat food. Iroh would love Satsuki, spent half the series drinking tea.Kuvira had a fantastic design, but they never did anything with it. 90% of her shots are her with that same position and facial expression. The only time I felt she actually changed was when she fought Korra, both times. I realize she is supposed to be the hardass stoic badass character, but I felt she could do more. I mean, Satsuki is essentially the same character archtype and she game off as having more dynamic expressions.
Dat Nazi train cannon.Why does it always come back to Hitler with this character...
Why does it always come back to Hitler with this character...
I'd love to say Hitler didn't have fangirls, but I'm quite sure I'd be talking out of my ass. Bataar was Eva Braun...he was just lucky enough to survive. Even Hitler had fucking dogs. I would've found it fun if Kuvira had an animal companion. How you going to make her a mirror of Korra without a damn animal companion Bryke?You tell me:
I'd love to say Hitler didn't have fangirls, but I'm quite sure I'd be talking out of my ass. Bataar was Eva Braun...he was just lucky enough to survive. Even Hitler had fucking dogs. I would've found it fun if Kuvira had an animal companion. How you going to make her a mirror of Korra without a damn animal companion Bryke?
I'd love to say Hitler didn't have fangirls, but I'm quite sure I'd be talking out of my ass. Bataar was Eva Braun...he was just lucky enough to survive. Even Hitler had fucking dogs. I would've found it fun if Kuvira had an animal companion. How you going to make her a mirror of Korra without a damn animal companion Bryke?
If nothing else, I'd have liked some sentimental scenes where Kuvira expresses love for Bataar or something. That'd make her betrayal weigh all the heavier, since she is then not just making a fiendish betrayal, but a personal sacrifice at the same time. But whenever Bataar tried to have one of those moments, she just made an excuse or something. I still remember that one scene before they went after Republic City. Bataar told Kuvira he loved her and she was all "kay, thanks."
It's weird because I still don't know if Bryke wanted us to buy whether or not their relationship was genuine. Like, Kuvira seems happy that they're engaged in the beginning of the season, then... nothing.
Because the fire nation is routinely fucking over the environment, explicitly connected to the spirit world? And humans are a part of the earth too, so the avatar is there to keep the balance of 4 nations is important to it. The planet cares about all it's inhabitants, but doesn't understand them, being a cosmic being and all that. That's why Yeng Chen said the Avatar needs to be human, so it can actually comprehend what is going on in our tiny little brains. It's a grander and more mystical story than what we got in Korra. And I think it makes more sense anyway.
Honestly, from what I got from the original series, the 4 nations are meant to be individuals. It was what Roku said and I assumed it was part of the way the planet has to be. I always wondered what that made republic city then, since that was definitely a mixing of the nations. It might make sense from a human perspective, but I would think the planet would have issues with the 4 mixing under any circumstances.
But the writers stopped writing from the mindset of TLA a while ago. That's been perfectly clear for a while now.
Firstly, on the level of a human being, His Holiness’ first commitment is the promotion of human values such as compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, contentment and self-discipline. All human beings are the same. We all want happiness and do not want suffering. Even people who do not believe in religion recognize the importance of these human values in making their life happier. His Holiness refers to these human values as secular ethics. He remains committed to talk about the importance of these human values and share them with everyone he meets.
Secondly, on the level of a religious practitioner, His Holiness’ second commitment is the promotion of religious harmony and understanding among the world’s major religious traditions. Despite philosophical differences, all major world religions have the same potential to create good human beings. It is therefore important for all religious traditions to respect one another and recognize the value of each other’s respective traditions. As far as one truth, one religion is concerned, this is relevant on an individual level. However, for the community at large, several truths, several religions are necessary.
Thirdly, His Holiness is a Tibetan and carries the name of the ‘Dalai Lama’. Therefore, his third commitment is to work to preserve Tibet's Buddhist culture, a culture of peace and non-violence.
I think the implication was that it was all an act. Which is making her more villainous for basically no reason, when doing the opposite would have been more interesting.
Look, we really need to look no further than the evidence of the series for this. You can point and look "wow, look at what a big explosion that is" or whatever, but answer me this: How many times has a nonbender explicitely lost to bender, specifically because they couldn't bend? Very few. Sokka couldn't do much against a volcano, and that's basically it.
It's going to be very interesting hearing brykes thoughts about kuvira and her development in the book 4 commentaries.They did a poor job with that, too, because it can go either way. She's all content with everything once they go in for their hug once Bataar Jr. confesses his love for her, but honestly, if they did ANYTHING with her character it would've been more interesting.
And now that we're at that point again, we've gone in circles about Kuvira. Again. =(
It's going to be very sad.It's going to be very interesting hearing brykes thoughts about kuvira and her development in the book 4 commentaries.
That's not what I got at all from the original series and definitely not what was intended by the writers.
The avatar concept has always been inspired by the dalai lama who is the physical manifestation of the divine spirit of compassion and light (Avalokiteśvara). The deity refused to ascend to nirvana until all sentient beings were free from suffering and instead chose to be reincarnated in order to teach humanity these divine values.
Look at all this:
Aang is quite literally the dalai lama.
But to humor your request, Zuko fought a random earthbender with only his broadswords and came up short, at which point he used firebending in order to win the confrontation. An entire invasion was launched under the premise that the fire nation would not have access to their most powerful and defining weapon: firebending. Suki lost to Azula for free.
But the preceding paragraph was more for my benefit to see test my memory. The premise of my point remains unchallenged: a bender can conceivably learn any martial art or tactic available to a nonbender, while the reverse is not true. And the practical benefits bending confers to an individual can reach superhuman heights that cannot be reckoned with, countered, or otherwise mitigated by anything inherent to a nonbender.
The true evidence of the series is the feats of strength shown by nonbenders and benders. That's how we determine their power.
Which is why the Equalist movement truly came to fore in a meta sense, though any grander point the show was trying to make about equality and the understanding of power was - like in AtLA - thoroughly ignored.
We do see Wan doing the dragon's dance with a dragon when trying to master firebending. So I would assume to some degree he may have learned to master the bending styles from creatures. That's an assumption though, but it's not unreasonable and to some degree it would support the whole learning bending from various sources.I'll keep it short and simple.
Technically...not necessarily. As far as I remember, all that's confirmed is that the lion turtles gave the ability to the people, but the people might have learned how to use it from the moon and badgermoles and such. One gave the ability, the other gave the technique. And moon and dragons and bisons and badgermoles could have had the ability before humans or anyone else, making them the 'original' benders. Though I guess it is weird since it either implies the lion turtles took the ability from them and gave them away, or always had the abilities, but could not use it themselves. Both explanations can co-exist, but it's awkward.
But realistically, yeah, I think the writers forgot they already had an original story in place and it's just a sloppy retcon. Fuck the lion turtles explanation, it sucks.
Edit: hm....according to the wiki, the lion turtles liked to hang around the element they were associated with. The water one liked to submerge itself, the earth one liked to dig into the earth, which might suggest bending, but doesn't necessarily confirm it....but then the air one liked to fly. It's kind of hard to explain that as anything but airbending, so....it must be that the lion turtles took the bending away from the other creatures for the explanation to work.
I respect the amount of work that people put into that, though there are a couple of things that I would argue.
I wouldn't say Wan was just lucky. He did legitimately try to make things right after he fucked up. It was a redemption story. Then again, I'm a sucker for a good redemption story.They stated it in the art book. I rarely go outside the material to gain understanding over a work, but that explanation was unique and cool and made things like the lion turtle make a lot more sense, so I went with it.
Now it's just some guy who got lucky through a series of contrivances. I find that tale much less compelling. And makes a lot of TLA make less sense in hindsight.
I want my second game, and I want a boss fight against Kuvira, and I want it to basically be Jetstream Sam
Why does it always come back to Hitler with this character...
I just remembered, I'm pretty sure I made that image....
And if such a power disparity exists that 4 old men can be 'stronger' than a fucking army that is in a superior stronghold with more weapons, then the only answer you ever need when you question why a group of nonbenders have no reason to fear a group of benders is that they're 'stronger' too.
Do you want more proof than anything? Look how Aang lost in book 2. A shot to the back. Now, Azula used lightning, but would it have been any less efficient if Mai had thrown a knife or Ty Lee snuck up behind and hit him when he's not looking? No. Literally the most powerful human in the entire world, capable of leveling entire cities of he wanted to, and a teenager with a lucky shot can take him out. That's how fights work.
Look, I don't disagree that in ideal circumstances where benders have trained to the fullest of their abilities in all the arts they encountered, yes, benders are basically humans+extra. It is true that, all things being equal, the bigger guy always wins. But they are never equal. Everything the show has shown proves repeatedly that, if a nonbender wants to put their mind to it, they can exploit some weakness that the bender in question has, be it physical or mental.
That's what power disparity is: the relative control of odds - of outcome.
As far as Aang goes, Mai's knives would have been buffeted and Ty Lee wouldn't have a shot at a dude floating in mid air channeling cosmic energy. The perks of being able to shoot an electric current from one's fingertips.
I really don't know how many ways I can possibly phrase this. What you say is true if and only if both sides maximize every art they want can physically employ, and are fighting on entirely equal terms. No one does this. This never happens.
I will always just be hyper annoyed that they didn't just allow her to be her own character.LOL! Hitler Kuvira. Poor girl had to be saddled down with all that crap.