Idk I honestly can't recall seeing anyone else who hates Gaara in that way tbh
Hatred is the only emotion I have left.
I've always hated Sasuke but that just makes me hate him even more.
Check this out.
I'd say the avatar is capable of feats in the 10 billion joule range at most which pales in comparison to the sheer power of natural events such as a hurricane or volcano let alone the entire planet/universe.
Wait what power are you referring to exactly?
lol That was a joke. You're right. I'm not a hateful person at all.
Unfortunately, people walk all over me because of it.
What? Why the Garra hate? He actually became one of the most chill and nicest characters after his arc...
I know that.
But I'm a huge fan of everyone on Team Gai (I've even watched Naruto SD multiple times) so my hate for what he did to Rock Lee doesn't easily go away.
Sasuke doesn't have Izanagi.
I dunno I love Lee and all and felt bad for him, but it doesn't make me hate Gaara's character... I think he was a great crazy dude and now a great chill dude.
Lol... Ignore me breh. I know I'm being irrational just let me have this!! xD
Sasuke doesn't have Izanagi.
Well....you're right, I misremembered that, but the fact is this technique shouldn't exist at all. Whenever you bring literal reality warping into the game, it is over. It's the most OP thing in all of OPness.
Danzo called me. He takes issue with your claim![]()
It's fiction. You can light water on fire if you want, and an omnipotent god could be defeated by a bunny rabbit if you write it that way. That doesn't mean it makes much sense.
Ocular jutsu outside of the byakugan was so fuckin OP it was plain ridiculous
It made perfect sense for Danzo though. He got killed by Sasuke in their battle like 7 times or whatever because he's a scrub.
He can use Izanagi which evidently allows the user to remove the boundaries between reality and illusion, allowing the user to reinforce his vision of reality on himself.
By this logic, all he needs to do is deem his present version of himself an illusion, and create a reality where he is at the peak of his youth and strength, and even give himself godhood if he wishes. This power doesn't even have a limit, since if he runs out of eyes for Izanagi, he can just use the last one to decide that his used up eyes are actually illusions and create a reality where he has them all open.
There is NO room for error. Yeah, you can make the character so catastrophically stupid that it doesn't occur, but that doesn't mean it is a good reason because it is literally a free ticket to be God.
The ability has never been shown to be an all powerful technique as you're implying, or else i'm sure Madara would have done a lot more with it than he did. It's not limitless.
They explicitely say it rewrites reality. When that is the official description, there are no limits.
Those types of descriptions are all hype unless proven in feats. When Madara, the super ninja genius god of everything has limits on what he can do with Izanagi, then you can assume that anyone lesser than him has even more limits lol.
I mean that description isn't false in anyway. The technique does rewrite reality, but just because they don't mention limits in that description doesn't mean there aren't any.
People have called me aggressive in my posting style, so I hope you don't get the impression I am doing that. I just...really don't know how to say that I disagree with a person for what I feel are good reasons without coming off as a dick. I don't mean anything by these internet arguments.
Interesting perspective. I personally think Korra had the least development and progression during Air, only because it feels like Spirits is a weird reset button. Despite being one of the most self-contained seasons, it feels like the biggest outlier, and it seems like it only serves to "move the pieces in place," so to speak.Finished Season/Book 3.
I have mixed feelings about this.
Zaheer and the Red Lotus are top-tier antagonists that are genuinely exciting (and menacing; suffocating the Earth Queen to death!)
on screen for a majority of the season because of how mysterious they were, at least until their end-game was revealed. I did enjoy
Zaheer's fascination (obsession?) with Lahima's philosophies, culminating in attaining the power of flight shortly after P'li blew her own face up.
With that said, the anarchy angle didn't resonate with me like Amon's Equalist movement or Unalaq's attempt at uniting the Spirit and physical world.
Nor did Korra undergo any significant character development over the course of the season, unlike in Book 2.
Lin's character development was awkward and abrupt; her resolution with Suyin didn't feel natural at all. In fact, that entire episode
felt out of touch with the rest of the season, with regards to pacing and plot; I blame the writer Katie Mattila, who was responsible for that
one episode the entire season. It was easily the weakest out of the 13 episodes this season, the rest were fantastic.
The finale was outrageous; amazing action choreography. The parallel between Ozai/Aang and Zaheer/Korra was brilliant.
Having an airbender for a villain, especially someone as well developed as Zaheer, is refreshing.
Jinorah revealing her tattoos gave me goosebumps because of how similar she looks to Aang.
And Suyin is totally Sokka's spawn; her fascination with meteorites, her Skrillex son that looks so much like Sokka,
even Oppal looks like Katara with a different hair style lol
On to Season 4!
PS, Kuvira has a sexy voice :3
One of the 'limits' of that technique is that it only lasts for a few seconds. All Danzo has to do is envision a reality where it lasts forever, and it does. Because if it doesn't, then by definition it has rewritten reality when there is nothing really stopping it from doing so. It erases causality and the rules of logic to be at the whim of the user. Rewriting reality is a power that, by definition, does not have limits.
Also, you're using circular logic. Why didn't Danzo use the power to make himself a god? Because he couldn't. Why couldn't he? Because he didn't.
I do think that if Madara couldn't abuse it in that way, then it couldn't be done unless you had more mastery over it than he did, tbh. I mean, Madara is Madara.
If Madara can't do it
No one can
Even the wiki says "To a degree this allows the user to control their state of existence, but it is normally active for only the briefest of moments"
Wait, where did you get your description from?
I'm saying it can't be done without having a certain mastery over it. I see what you're saying, but I do think it's legit. Madara used the technique to the best of his abilities and couldn't go beyond what he did in his particular state. Possibly it could be abused more than Madara and Danzo abused it, but they didn't have the ability to use it to a higher potential than what they did.
Another thing, the technique can't change events prior to it's activation, and it was explained that it makes anything that happens to you in the span of time akin to a dream. I don't think it was stated that you could literally rewrite anything you wanted.
Again, there's no real reason you can provide on why there should be. Why it can go back for 5 seconds, but not 10, or a minute, or 10,000 years.Edit: Wait, yeah it has to be able to change events prior to it's activation, or else it'd be completely impractical. Still, there are limits on how far back you can go.
Why? That the thing about writing outside reality, the laws of causality become null and void and you can literally make anything you want happen. There is no logical reason why anything you mentioned can't happen. If this technique is outside of reality, then it is outside time and space, so it can go back and, say, have Danzo been born an Uchiha or whatever. You can make rules for what you can and can't do, but there is nothing to substantiate those rules, because those rules can be unmade by the very reality altering power you have. There just is no limit here.
From what I remember being explained in the show, it was said that you can only make whatever event happened to you (including injury or death) merely a dream. Not that you can re-write anything you want, which would also mean you can't rewrite the laws. Also, the genjutsu can only be casted on yourself, anything else that you'd need to cast it on to effect universal laws.
If you can make one thing a dream, there is no reason you shouldn't be able to make anything a dream.
Look, I know that the show itself set up 'rules', but what I am saying is there nonsensical. It's like if I gave you a sheet of paper and you could write anything you want on it, but not the word "paper". There is nothing physically stopping you from being able to write that word, even if the 'rules' say it's physically impossible. Even if it's true, it's nonsensical. If you can make a single mark on it of any kind, then 'paper' is just an arrangement of marks like any other and there is no logical reason it isn't possible. If the laws of physics allow any mark at all, then they must allow paper. If you can rewrite any part of reality, you can rewrite all of it.
Again, there's no real reason you can provide on why there should be. Why it can go back for 5 seconds, but not 10, or a minute, or 10,000 years.
You can't buy into Naruto hype like that. Naruto has contradicted itself with hype statements multiple times. Amaterasu being as hot as the sun and would burn through anything instantly was eventually completely disproven. It was also said to be instant, which was also disproven. Baki's wind blade was said to be unavoidable. Neji's defense was said to be "perfect", and a lot of other things like that.
Feats prove everything here. If Danzo and Madara didn't go back and change whatever they wanted, they it's highly likely that they couldn't. I don't agree that they didn't do it because they just didn't. They didn't do it because they couldn't. Again, the genjustsu can only be casted on the user himself. There is only so much you can do when you can only change certain events that happened to you.
The weird thing with you is, you're not even going off of hype statements. It was never said "there were no limits on this technique." You're just assuming that, because they never addressed the limit on how far you can go back, means there's no limit... You're just trying to make up your own rules when it's much more logical to at least make reasonable theories on the limit based on actual feats.
Kind of surprised he didn't just throw Korra into the detox box because that doesn't sound like a sane story. Bolin is like Ned from The Venture Brothers at times in fan art.Love it haha
LoK: Big Hero Korra
Saying "It didn't say there are no limits to this technique that rewrites reality" is like saying "It didn't say there was any water in this ocean". An ocean IS water. Rewriting reality IS having no limits. It is literally the rearranging the fabric of the universe without to the limits of causality and logic. If you can rewrite that even a little, you can literally do anything. And that is the literal description that everything regarding the technique gives us. Even you admitted it does rewrite reality. So, logically, that's game over for anyone who wills it. But Naruto is written horribly, so we get the buffoonery we ended up with.
And I'm sorry, but repeating a circular logic some more does not make it any more convincing than last time.
Love it haha
LoK: Big Hero Korra
The guy thought up a logical plan in Operation Beifong and it hurt him. You can't blame people for thinking he's mentally stunted when that's how he's written half the time. Not to mention the bird call incident during the life or death mission debriefing in season 3. How Tonraq didn't smack his ass out the airship through the cockpit is beyond me.*sigh*
Why do artists always portray Bolin like he has the brain of a 5 year old? The dude is carefree and idealistic, he's not mentally challenged.
Glad to hear your updated impressions!Finished Season/Book 3.
I have mixed feelings about this.
Zaheer and the Red Lotus are top-tier antagonists that are genuinely exciting (and menacing; suffocating the Earth Queen to death!)
on screen for a majority of the season because of how mysterious they were, at least until their end-game was revealed. I did enjoy
Zaheer's fascination (obsession?) with Lahima's philosophies, culminating in attaining the power of flight shortly after P'li blew her own face up.
With that said, the anarchy angle didn't resonate with me like Amon's Equalist movement or Unalaq's attempt at uniting the Spirit and physical world.
Nor did Korra undergo any significant character development over the course of the season, unlike in Book 2.
Lin's character development was awkward and abrupt; her resolution with Suyin didn't feel natural at all. In fact, that entire episode
felt out of touch with the rest of the season, with regards to pacing and plot; I blame the writer Katie Mattila, who was responsible for that
one episode the entire season. It was easily the weakest out of the 13 episodes this season, the rest were fantastic.
The finale was outrageous; amazing action choreography. The parallel between Ozai/Aang and Zaheer/Korra was brilliant.
Having an airbender for a villain, especially someone as well developed as Zaheer, is refreshing.
Jinorah revealing her tattoos gave me goosebumps because of how similar she looks to Aang.
And Suyin is totally Sokka's spawn; her fascination with meteorites, her Skrillex son that looks so much like Sokka,
even Oppal looks like Katara with a different hair style lol
On to Season 4!
PS, Kuvira has a sexy voice :3
Finished Season/Book 3.
I have mixed feelings about this.
Zaheer and the Red Lotus are top-tier antagonists that are genuinely exciting (and menacing; suffocating the Earth Queen to death!)
on screen for a majority of the season because of how mysterious they were, at least until their end-game was revealed. I did enjoy
Zaheer's fascination (obsession?) with Lahima's philosophies, culminating in attaining the power of flight shortly after P'li blew her own face up.
With that said, the anarchy angle didn't resonate with me like Amon's Equalist movement or Unalaq's attempt at uniting the Spirit and physical world.
Nor did Korra undergo any significant character development over the course of the season, unlike in Book 2.
Lin's character development was awkward and abrupt; her resolution with Suyin didn't feel natural at all. In fact, that entire episode
felt out of touch with the rest of the season, with regards to pacing and plot; I blame the writer Katie Mattila, who was responsible for that
one episode the entire season. It was easily the weakest out of the 13 episodes this season, the rest were fantastic.
The finale was outrageous; amazing action choreography. The parallel between Ozai/Aang and Zaheer/Korra was brilliant.
Having an airbender for a villain, especially someone as well developed as Zaheer, is refreshing.
Jinorah revealing her tattoos gave me goosebumps because of how similar she looks to Aang.
And Suyin is totally Sokka's spawn; her fascination with meteorites, her Skrillex son that looks so much like Sokka,
even Oppal looks like Katara with a different hair style lol
On to Season 4!
PS, Kuvira has a sexy voice :3
Why do artists always portray Bolin like he has the brain of a 5 year old? The dude is carefree and idealistic, he's not mentally challenged.
All you're doing is assuming that it was possible for the characters to do much more than they did with Izanagi based off of nothing. What you keep calling "circular logic" I call a logical deduction of what you can actually do with the technique based off of feats, while your claims are completely baseless.
Only you and probably me and SDBurton would have no problem with that.
All you're doing is assuming that it was possible for the characters to do much more than they did with Izanagi based off of nothing. What you keep calling "circular logic" I call a logical deduction of what you can actually do with the technique based off of feats, while your claims are completely baseless.
Because he comes off as a fucking 5 year old with the dumbshit he does or fails to realize? And when you think he's about to get better instead he grips the idiot ball more tightly (the decision to join the army was like the most progressive thing he has done...until they layed it on real thick that he obviously picked the wrong side).
And i'm not sure if you can blame Mako for that or not since they never went any further with that whole dynamic.
so Blame the writing.
but it isn't based off nothing though since you can rewrite the fabric of reality, you are just placing generic "rules" on a technique that's really limitless and that's just the writer failing to rein in his own technique.
Its funny that the sister technigue is just as broken but its limits were clearly mentioned and you had an exit clause of sorts
Saying "It didn't say there are no limits to this technique that rewrites reality" is like saying "It didn't say there was any water in this ocean". An ocean IS water. Rewriting reality IS having no limits. It is literally the rearranging the fabric of the universe without to the limits of causality and logic. If you can rewrite that even a little, you can literally do anything. And that is the literal description that everything regarding the technique gives us. Even you admitted it does rewrite reality. So, logically, that's game over for anyone who wills it. But Naruto is written horribly, so we get the buffoonery we ended up with.
And I'm sorry, but repeating a circular logic some more does not make it any more convincing than last time.
Bring on the ships!
How that simp ended up with this is beyond me:welcome back ! there's nothing stopping this ship!!
I was going to link her new stuff, but too much Baavira. Yall know how I feel about that simp, Kuvira fucked up twice.
When she got with him, and when her spirit weapon didn't kill him.
At least there's always Nikkipet,and Owler when she finally decides to draw her Korvira pic.
"Kuvira save me from my mom!"Nice to see that Bataar Jr is just being used no matter who he is with, he probably felt as though Kuvira was his ticket out from underneath his selfish controlling self obsessed mother.
Wait ok, stop, what conditions do the writers place on this ability?
What I'm seeing here is that it is extremely limited in duration and scope, restricted to negating something that happened to you.