Fire for me. I've always wanted to lightning bend.
I do wonder how many times they wrote one another back. Did Korra start writing back to Asami 1 year into her three year hiatus? I feel like the writters should have had Korra writing back sooner, and not had the length of time be three years... I mean damn, Asami must be the most patient and devoted person on the planet.
Best episodes of Korra
Book 1...all over my face
Nice list Bk. That's probably what the top and bottom of mine would look like if I made a list of the atla episodes from best to worst. with a few exceptions of course.
Voice in the Night
And the Winner Is...
When Extremes Meet
A New Spiritual Age
Light in the Dark
Metal Clan
A Terror Within
Enter the Void/Venom of the Red Lotus
The Calling
Operation: Beifong
The Last Stand
Even the finale heh?
I guess the wait was worth it to have moments like these:
Wow. Is she even a cosplayer or does she just naturally look like that?
Nah, she's a model, that's her natural look, though she usually doesn't tie her hair in a long braid.Wow. Is she even a cosplayer or does she just naturally look like that?
Nah, she looks like that. Her name is Adrienne Ho.
Even the finale heh?
I guess the wait was worth it to have moments like these:
Toa, bruh, I think I found a real life Kuvira for you.
Other than the finale. I mean, season one has some great episodes.
Welcome to Republic City
The Revelation
The Voice in the Night
And the winner is...
When Extremes Meet
Out of the Past (just for that one scene alone)
And there are more, I just can't remember all their names
The Steel Mother
This is only a small sample of the comic, rest is linked below.
Still a better ending than what Mako got.
I guess the wait was worth it to have moments like these:
Other than the finale. I mean, season one has some great episodes.
Welcome to Republic City
The Revelation
The Voice in the Night
And the winner is...
When Extremes Meet
Out of the Past (just for that one scene alone)
And there are more, I just can't remember all their names
double post because I forget to edit my posts with added quotes sometime, ah fuck it.
I kind of wonder what stage their relationship is at by the end of the series. I mean Korra is clearly smitten, but Asami is a bit harder to read. I think she has loved Korra for a long time, but I don't quite see them tongue kissing the second they get through the portal. I kind of feel like Asami's va played the "Really?!... ok..." dialogue a little too flat and light when you compare it against the animations. It seemed like Asami was excited and then... scared? Worried...? Giving in? With the way everything played out I kind of thing that they're 'giving it a go' by the very end and they're no question that it will work out, but I would seriously doubt that they would have even kissed prior to the portal scene.
I hope we get some awesome Korra comics to flesh out the post season 4 story, I feel like season 5 deserves to be right around the corner. Sure some of that might be down to the fact that Season 4 ended very open ended and we didn't get a ton of time for great character moments in season 4, but damn it I want more Korra.
Wu just isn't the same guy without having Mako watching him pee and vice versa.Season 1 really is incredible, it's my favorite season of Avatar period and certainly my favorite of LoK; obviously season 3 is an absurdly strong 2nd for me in LoK, the only question will be if I will prefer season 2 or 4 on rewatch.
Woot got Water.
Yeah I absolutely love Book 1 even if it did falter towards the end in the rush to wrap everything up. Amon is still the best Korra villain despite that eh backstory.
Also I really do love the tone and atmosphere they gave to Republic City which was sadly mostly dropped after Book 1.
Woot got Water.
Yeah I absolutely love Book 1 even if it did falter towards the end in the rush to wrap everything up. Amon is still the best Korra villain despite that eh backstory.
Also I really do love the tone and atmosphere they gave to Republic City which was sadly mostly dropped after Book 1.
damn it guys I still need to start my ATLA and Korra rewatch. I havent seen ATLA in years now. That is so going to be a treat.
Not being a dick, but I find it interesting that you have Enter the Void and Venom of the Red Lotus together, yet you have The Last Stand separate from Day of the Colossus. Seems a bit disingenuous, no? Also, you have Light in the Dark on there?!Nice list Bk. That's probably what the top and bottom of mine would look like if I made a list of the atla episodes from best to worst. with a few exceptions of course.
Voice in the Night
And the Winner Is...
When Extremes Meet
A New Spiritual Age
Light in the Dark
Metal Clan
A Terror Within
Enter the Void/Venom of the Red Lotus
The Calling
Operation: Beifong
The Last Stand
You know what, for all the shit that I give that finale for the final fight being disappointing as hell, I think the rest of the episode covers for it.Even the finale heh?
Just use the wiki. That's what I did.Man I barely even remember most episodes names... I should start compiling a list myself...
According to that TVTropes page, Asami was way more into Korra as opposed to the other way around. I dunno. I still contest a couple pf points that page makes.I kind of wonder what stage their relationship is at by the end of the series. I mean Korra is clearly smitten, but Asami is a bit harder to read. I think she has loved Korra for a long time, but I don't quite see them tongue kissing the second they get through the portal. I kind of feel like Asami's va played the "Really?!... ok..." dialogue a little too flat and light when you compare it against the animations. It seemed like Asami was excited and then... scared? Worried...? Giving in? With the way everything played out I kind of thing that they're 'giving it a go' by the very end and they're no question that it will work out, but I would seriously doubt that they would have even kissed prior to the portal scene.
I hope we get some awesome Korra comics to flesh out the post season 4 story, I feel like season 5 deserves to be right around the corner. Sure some of that might be down to the fact that Season 4 ended very open ended and we didn't get a ton of time for great character moments in season 4, but damn it I want more Korra.
EDIT: on that note people REALLY wanted Korra and Asami together
How the heck did Korra never go to the fire nation in this series -____________-
How the heck did Korra never go to the fire nation in this series -____________-
They're gonna be Korra comics?
we got boring ass water tribe. and then the series focused way too much on the earth kingdom, and su's family in particular. they had such a prominent role in season 3/4. fuck, they should've gone back to the fire nation.
Not being a dick, but I find it interesting that you have Enter the Void and Venom of the Red Lotus together, yet you have The Last Stand separate from Day of the Colossus. Seems a bit disingenuous, no? Also, you have Light in the Dark on there?!
Plus lightning generation > waterbending and metalbending > firebending.
Well, the reason I point those out is because the episodes are technically separate, but they were aired together so I can understand counting them as one. I always count multi-parters as a single episode. That's why on my least favorites for ATLA, I count both of The Winter Solstice's parts even though the one I actually dislike is Part 1. That's just a nitpick for me when I see lists like this. It feels kinda unfair to do it for one as opposed to the other, but it's not my list.I really liked Big Blue Korra. Even on rewatch I found the Jinora ex machina stupid as hell, but it doesn't take away from the climax. It's entertaining, which is most important to me. And I thought the tree of time was really cool.
I contemplated putting Day of The Colossus in there as well. It's a good episode, but I think the reason I liked the Book 3 finale so much was due to how complete the two episodes felt together. I also left out Spirits' penultimate episode, while representing Beginnings as one episode.
Jesus, this thread is still going strong?
I'm proud of you guys.
All hail The Legend of Korra!
Korrasami, the unquenchable thirst and veelk posts keep this thread alive.The power of Korrasami must not be underestimated.
Jesus, this thread is still going strong?
I'm proud of you guys.
All hail The Legend of Korra!
Baavira just isn't that steamy. She needs to hop on the SS Korvira or some other crack ship.I'm fueled by my desire to get Kuvira-senpai to notice me.
Also, Terra-7 on my dash talkin about let's celebrate Baavira week... She must be out her rabid mind. I love her artwork but damn, she on the wrong side of history.
Baavira just isn't that steamy. She needs to hop on the SS Korvira or some other crack ship.
Jesus, this thread is still going strong?
I'm proud of you guys.
All hail The Great Uniter!
Because somebody has to chain Suyin to the bedposts.There's only one way I'll ever ship Baavira.Baatar Sr. trying to find out what makes Suyin magically disappear during the middle of the night