He's just doing his usual Kuvira stanning so its harmless
I know, he's still mean.
He's just doing his usual Kuvira stanning so its harmless
Yeah, at least Owler is lewd enough for the both of them.
Maybe one day Iahfy goes beyond the V-line.
Worst character got the back story. Unalaq would've been an evil douche bag that wanted a giant tentacled spirit vine monster inside of him with or without the fucking back story.We know nothing about Kuvira besides the fact she was abandoned when she was 8, same reason we don't know shit about Team Z, but we somehow managed to get a back story on Unalaq, smh.
Anyhow, Kuvira can easily stop the conflict by using my favorite method
She used to...then she got busted by her parents (I think) and hasn't done stuff that lewd since
Where were these chicks while I was in high school? Makes me wish I had met one of those weird Japanese women that secretly had fantasies of Jotaro Kujo spitting on them.Ah yes, them young female artists getting busted by their parents for their lewd drawings, a common tale, one I heard a lot back in High School lol
It's amazing how often this happens, some douche always rats them out.
Worst character got the back story. Unalaq would've been an evil douche bag that wanted a giant tentacled spirit vine monster inside of him with or without the fucking back story.
Where were these chicks while I was in high school? Makes me wish I had met one of those weird Japanese women that secretly had fantasies of Jotaro Kujo spitting on them.
Dude's name is probably Johto or Hoenn, you know he's a damn Pokemon region. Yeah Kuvira and and the Red Lotus really needed the extra development especially they're actually very well liked characters. There's just so many unanswered questions about those two. We don't even know if Kuvira was an only child. She was given up at 8 or something so if she actually had siblings and was forced to abandon then it would help to explain why Kuvira never really seemed that attached to Bataar. If she's too afraid to actually care about or too afraid to make human attachments it would make her a pretty sympathetic character.Exactly, he could've just been a crazy dude that wanted to absorb Vatu and send the world into chaos. Wouldn't have made Book 2 better or worse. Kuvira and the Red Lotus should've got the same treatment Amon (and Tarrlok) and Unalaq got. I want to see how Zaheer freed P'Li from that Warlord and how they came to meet Ming and Ghazan. I want to know who Kuvira's parents are, why they gave her up, and how Su came to find her... hell, Su still doesn't have a dad!!! lol
Man makes me wish I knew some while I was in college. English department women have problems.It was the art department girls, I hung about with them a lot due to my mate dating one of them, so I got to have a look at what they were drawing in their free time, it was Owler level stuff. If Tumblr was as big then as it is now, they would have been on there for sure.
Exactly. Kuvira wasn't really in the wrong, but the extremes she took were in the wrong. Neither was Su, but they're extremes on two opposite ends of the spectrum. If you can put them together and get enough people in the mix to force them to compromise and I would think the place to could governed fairly well. She went crazy, not stupid and probably only did some of the shit she did because she wanted to ram her success up Suyin's ass sideways.
She really was the secret villain of that show. If Toph raised her right and allowed Lin to chuck her ass in prison so she could learn something like Lin wanted maybe she would be a little more selfless as a person. I'm still shocked Kuv didn't just flat out chuck a brick at the woman's head on sight when she came back. Still should've had her tortured for the assassination attempt. "Try to kill me in the middle of the night while I'm in my fucking pajamas! Do you know how much shit I did for you! Fuck you Su I'm gonna have your fingernails yanked out!"
Exactly, he could've just been a crazy dude that wanted to absorb Vatu and send the world into chaos. Wouldn't have made Book 2 better or worse. Kuvira and the Red Lotus should've got the same treatment Amon (and Tarrlok) and Unalaq got. I want to see how Zaheer freed P'Li from that Warlord and how they came to meet Ming and Ghazan. I want to know who Kuvira's parents are, why they gave her up, and how Su came to find her... hell, Su still doesn't have a dad!!! lol
My god that shit would be hilarious. "But my Zaofu!!" "My Zaofu now bitch, now get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich!"If Su was an Avatar she would be Avatar Avatar Kuruk. Do you know the story of Avatar Kuruk? He did nothing for his entire life but catch big waves and 'let other people solve their own problems', so Koh the face stealer came and murdered his wife. I feel like Su was in the wrong though, she wouldn't even lift a finger to help anyone outside of Zoafu, not even in the form of supplies or medical aid.
Y'know since Prince Wu abdicated the thrown an said he was going to set up a system where all the cities/regions in the Earth Kingdom had elected representatives that would probably apply to Zaofu as well, it would be hilarious if Su refused given everything (It would actually fit her character but she'd probably get away with it to). Obviously Su would be a representative, but:
*Kuvira runs for elected representative from prison*
*Kuvira loyalists (remember that the majority of Zaofu's army left with Kuvira) return to Zaofu*
*Civil unrest in Zaofu between Kurvira loyalists and people who are loyal to Su who (had others) build Zaofu*
*Kuvira wins a seat to represent Zaofu to the greater Earth Kingdom*
*Uses superior political skills to slowly gain favor with other representatives*
*Kuvira uses her majority control (or at least control of a large enough faction) to force Su out of politics more or less, eventually engineering Su to lose her next election*
*Kuvira is defacto ruler of Zoafu, the most advanced and prosperous city in the Earth Kingdom*
*Eventually has her sentence commuted as her loyalists white wash the darker parts of her army and she is painted as a true Patriot who united the Earth Kingdom in a time of need at great personal cost (completely with her being all remorseful about oversteps etc in prison and highlighting her rough upbringing etc 'just trying to help out people!')*
Funny thing is I could see that actually being a plotline.
I would take anything from Satuski sama.Gonna take a break from Kuvi-bae, and wish you all a good rest of V-day, besides those of us overseas where its already the 15th.
Accept this chocolate... or else.
I knew an asian girl I was friends with who did that kinda of stuff. Yaoi hetalia stuff. lol
I asked her if I could look at her sketchbook and she said yea. I think I caught a glimpse of something before she realized what was in it and took it away from me. Good times
Sounds about right. Korra spent her entire upbringing years training and basically owning face at the physical and bending elements of being the Avatar, she is insanely strong.
And I just want to reiterate again who absurdly impressive her bending was at the end of the series, that being when she air bended a bubble to protect her and Kuvira from the cannon that was drawing on the entire spirit forest for energy, and then energy bended the beam to nullify it and redirected the resulting equivalent of a nuclear explosion to create a new spirit portal.
Like, damn girl, slow down.
I would take anything from Satuski sama.
That guy knows his proper role in life.
No better existence than being under the dominating heel of Satsuki sama.Poor fool.
You know even Costanza almost got married.
Yeah he's even dragging Costanza down.Man, mako lost so hard it's crossing over into different shows.
Mako needs something to lighten the load of that titanic L resting on his shoulders.Oddly enough, if we ever do get Korra comics, Mako is actually the one I'd be most interested to see.Police Chief Mako incoming lol
She wasn't airbending. She was energybending. Every single season finale between ATLA and TLoK has energybending at the end. Save for Change and Earth, but that depends on whether you consider the activation and usage of the Avatar State energybending. I personally do.We all know that there is only one true ship anyway
Sounds about right. Korra spent her entire upbringing years training and basically owning face at the physical and bending elements of being the Avatar, she is insanely strong.
And I just want to reiterate again who absurdly impressive her bending was at the end of the series, that being when she air bended a bubble to protect her and Kuvira from the cannon that was drawing on the entire spirit forest for energy, and then energy bended the beam to nullify it and redirected the resulting equivalent of a nuclear explosion to create a new spirit portal.
Like, damn girl, slow down.
Got her killed though. Man he's a terrible person.You know even Costanza almost got married.
His lack of guilt over Susan dying was fucking horrible.She wasn't airbending. She was energybending. Every single season finale between ATLA and TLoK has energybending at the end. Save for Change and Earth, but that depends on whether you consider the activation and usage of the Avatar State energybending. I personally do.
Got her killed though. Man he's a terrible person.
That's the whole point though: they're all terrible people. The finale is them getting punished and then going about it like no big thing.His lack of guilt over Susan dying was fucking horrible.
There's not one character on that show you can root for, thank god they never procreated. No wonder why I like the Curb Your Enthusiasm characters more. And yes I know Larry is a douche bag too.That's the whole point though: they're all terrible people. The finale is them getting punished and then going about it like no big thing.
There's not one character on that show you can root for, thank god they never procreated. No wonder why I like the Curb Your Enthusiasm characters more. And yes I know Larry is a douche bag too.
Larry doesn't stop till Susie calls him a "four eyed fuck" or anything for that matter. She's like a prison warden for rich Jewish people.Larry just simply doesn't stop. It literally hurts me to watch CYE sometimes, not because I think it's bad. I think it's hilarious. The reason it hurts is because Larry does not let things go. At all. You just want him to stop, and he doesn't. It's so cringe worthy, and yet I can't stop watching. Like a massive train wreck. A very well-made train wreck.
Larry doesn't stop till Susie calls him a "four eyed fuck" or anything for that matter. She's like a prison warden for rich Jewish people.
Larry seriously gets caught in the dumbest shit. If he wasn't a rich famous guy I swear somebody would've shot his ass.The most ridiculous debates happen on that show. Insanity.
She wasn't airbending. She was energybending. Every single season finale between ATLA and TLoK has energybending at the end. Save for Change and Earth, but that depends on whether you consider the activation and usage of the Avatar State energybending. I personally do.
Larry seriously gets caught in the dumbest shit. If he wasn't a rich famous guy I swear somebody would've shot his ass.
It's just energybending. No airbending at all. She's not airbending to create a space because you don't see her create any air. It's not visually identical, aside from one thing being split by another thing, which admittedly does occur.The part right before where she creates the space to protect herself and Kuvira is visually identical to scenes in TLA and Korra where air bending was used to create a vortex around the user to protect them from harm. Regardless I do agree that she was energy bending, and yeah energy bending (at least how the Avatar uses it) seems pretty clearly linked to the Avatar state.
Real life Larry is indeed a cool down to earth dude. Curb Larry probably should've been shot by Funkhauser.Based on pop culture history, I don't think status matters. Larry David in reality though, is a pretty cool dude from what I've heard and seen. Neurotic as hell, but cool.
Real life Larry is indeed a cool down to earth dude. Curb Larry probably should've been shot by Funkhauser.
Him, Susie, Jeff and JB Smoove were the best side characters on that show. Just with how they interacted with Larry and the hilarious hijinks that ensued.Funkhauser's actor is hilarious.
It's just energybending. No airbending at all. She's not airbending to create a space because you don't see her create any air. It's not visually identical, aside from one thing being split by another thing, which admittedly does occur.
Which brings up how overpowered airbending is and how insanely badass you have to be to defend against it. Your only cue is a slight distortion. Maybe some dirt or leaves or something. Because by the time you feel that breeze, it's too late. Makes you really realize how badass some benders are.
"Get up in that ass, Larry."Him, Susie, Jeff and JB Smoove were the best side characters on that show. Just with how they interacted with Larry and the hilarious hijinks that ensued.
I watched the scene earlier. It's basically her forcing it back and the two opposing forces make it go boom. If she could have redirected the laser with airbending, there's no reason she couldn't have done it much earlier to defend against the Colossus. Even if just to deflect it. Plus, there's a ton of foreshadowing throughout the season (and really the series) of people telling Korra how powerful she is, especially with the Avatar State. It's straight up energybending. You're not wrong in saying there's nothing to say there isn't airbending involved, except we don't see any of the artistic stylings used with airbending (a greyish white representation of wind emanating from the bender in some way). It just doesn't happen, so in reality there's less evidence suggesting airbending then there is for it.Fair fair, you're probably right. It was either pure energy bending (while using it in a way that mimicked the air bubble shield we've seen prior) or some combination that still relied on energy bending for everything after or even to supplement to air bending. We probably both agree that it was most likely energy bending, but I don't think there is enough proof to say that air bending wasn't involved at all. I mean Korra and Kuvira's hair doesn't start getting blown about until Korra creates the bubble so there is an argument to be made.
Regardless or that particular detail I can't think of a single greater feat in the series (protecting herself and Kuvira from the beam and then redirecting all of the energy during the massive explosion to create a new spirit portal. That last bit it a bit out of nowhere, but I guess that she had to do something with all that energy she was redirecting.
I'm thinking airbending in general. If someone attacked you with a blade-shaped air blast, could you block it? I suppose you'd just read their movement and try to block accordingly, but their projectile is invisible. You don't know how that's going to hit. Zaheer's air vortex isn't that overpowered considering his start up. It's like lightning in that way (though Mako is apparently a god-tier lightning master).Are you refering to Zaheers air vortex finisher?
"Get up in that ass, Larry."
I watched the scene earlier. It's basically her forcing it back and the two opposing forces make it go boom. If she could have redirected the laser with airbending, there's no reason she couldn't have done it much earlier to defend against the Colossus. Even if just to deflect it. Plus, there's a ton of foreshadowing throughout the season (and really the series) of people telling Korra how powerful she is, especially with the Avatar State. It's straight up energybending. You're not wrong in saying there's nothing to say there isn't airbending involved, except we don't see any of the artistic stylings used with airbending (a greyish white representation of wind emanating from the bender in some way). It just doesn't happen, so in reality there's less evidence suggesting airbending then there is for it.
I'm thinking airbending in general. If someone attacked you with a blade-shaped air blast, could you block it? I suppose you'd just read their movement and try to block accordingly, but their projectile is invisible. You don't know how that's going to hit. Zaheer's air vortex isn't that overpowered considering his start up. It's like lightning in that way (though Mako is apparently a god-tier lightning master).
It's a weird thing that I really liked. Korra is an incredibly physical person. Totally embraces the power that the Avatar State gives her, but can't figure out how to tap into it. Aang can tap into, but rejects it. I always thought those dynamics were cool.Yeah fair enough, I agree with you. I do wish (on the point of people basically telling Korra that she is the Konami cheat code) that Zaheer had elaborated a bit on that (but I've gone over that before). This Avatar was bending 3 of the 4 elements on her own by the age of 4; it seems like her greatest weakness is herself, but that is less so an issue by the end of the series.
That's what I'm saying. Otherwise, airbending is no more or less powerful than firebending, but in reality I assume they can't see the projectiles. Makes you wonder...I can see it being taken in that direction; I've always kind of assumed that what the viewer sees as a visual indicator is more or less what the characters see in the moment and fights more or less seem to back that up, but that (in a practical real world sense) makes no sense, air doesn't suddenly turn white simply because it has been manipulated.
Lightningbending was not a widely taught ability, because a lot of people couldn't use it. The Royal Family all know it, but consider the people rather than the source.On the topic of Lightning though, who knows how good Mako really is with it (well he's good obviously but-); The first time we see Mako more or less he is in a PowerPlant with other fire benders bending lightning into capcitors to power the city. There was a Simpsons reference there but I forgot what Homers actual designation was... but on point, along with the technological boom that the world experienced following FireLord Zuko opening up the Fire Nation and sharing all of their war time advancements, he must have made public the teachings of Lightning Bending (where as previously it was only taught to Royalty if memory serves).
Lightningbending was not a widely taught ability, because a lot of people couldn't use it. The Royal Family all know it, but consider the people rather than the source.
Also, Mako is insanely good with lightning. Look at what he does against Amon and Ming Hua. Now compare that with other feats involving lightning.
It's a weird thing that I really liked. Korra is an incredibly physical person. Totally embraces the power that the Avatar State gives her, but can't figure out how to tap into it. Aang can tap into, but rejects it. I always thought those dynamics were cool.
But Zaheer is always vague. He loves being cryptic. In a way, he's a natural teacher, though. He originally was going to be one of Korra's teachers (presumably).
That's what I'm saying. Otherwise, airbending is no more or less powerful than firebending, but in reality I assume they can't see the projectiles. Makes you wonder...
It was a rare skill because according to Bryan in the Book 1 art book the training of it was usually reserved only to the inner circles of Fire Nation royalty and high-ranking military officers. It's become a tad more commonplace now due to the training not being so secretive anymore. Also it is incredibly taxing on a persons chi reserves according to Bryan. So power plant bosses tend to find it quite difficult in getting people to do it.
I'm going to assume airbending is a pain in the ass to fight because you can't really train against fighting an airbending. With every other element you can run into a bunch of them and learn how to counteract the nuances of each technique. Airbending? fuck not really, back in Ozai's time they were practically unicorns and even in Korra's time they're not that easy to find. Didn't get solved till post Harmonic Convergence. Pretty much after you roll through a couple of dozen of each element you learn how to fight them, not enough airbenders to get experience points on.
Yeah it will be a long time before you can try to level grind off them. That's the main reason why Zaheer felt so OP till he fought Tenzin, I would imagine Lin could probably take him, but that's probably about it.And even after Harmonic convergence there is like what 40 active air benders tops? I'm sure the number will continue to go up but it will be generations until they have a decent population size.