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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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Yeah it will be a long time before you can try to level grind off them. That's the main reason why Zaheer felt so OP till he fought Tenzin, I would imagine Lin could probably take him, but that's probably about it.

I couldn't see Lin or Su defeating Tonraq though, and he couldn't hang with Zaheer (sure it was 2v1 with a handicapped Korra, but whenever Tonraq was in the ropes 1v1 versus Zaheer Korra ran interference).

I actually loved that fight for how well Korra and her father worked as a team.

Still, different bending styles means a different fight so who knows.
I couldn't see Lin or Su defeating Tonraq though, and he couldn't hang with Zaheer (sure it was 2v1 with a handicapped Korra, but whenever Tonraq was in the ropes 1v1 versus Zaheer Korra ran interference).

I actually loved that fight for how well Korra and her father worked as a team.

Still, different bending styles means a different fight so who knows.
Unalaq also managed to body Tonraq pretty hard. Tonraq definitely suffered from "The Worf Effect" he's definitely really good, but he always gets tossed around by the big bad, makes me wonder if Kuvira would've beaten him as well just because. I would imagine Lin has a good amount of experience fighting most elements from being on the police force for decades and growing up with Team Avatar so you never know. She's not afraid to bring the power either. With Su, I would assume differently. She's more acrobatic, but powerful, but I don't know if she can hold her ground as well. From what I've seen she had mostly fought in a team with either Lin or her kids. Solo she held her own against Kuvira, but still lost and beat Lin at her weakest.
Unalaq also managed to body Tonraq pretty hard. Tonraq definitely suffered from "The Worf Effect" he's definitely really good, but he always gets tossed around by the big bad, makes me wonder if Kuvira would've beaten him as well just because. I would imagine Lin has a good amount of experience fighting most elements from being on the police force for decades and growing up with Team Avatar so you never know. She's not afraid to bring the power either. With Su, I would assume differently. She's more acrobatic, but powerful, but I don't know if she can hold her ground as well. From what I've seen she had mostly fought in a team with either Lin or her kids. Solo she held her own against Kuvira, but still lost and beat Lin at her weakest.

Don't talk about Worf like that :(


Unalaq also managed to body Tonraq pretty hard. Tonraq definitely suffered from "The Worf Effect" he's definitely really good, but he always gets tossed around by the big bad, makes me wonder if Kuvira would've beaten him as well just because. I would imagine Lin has a good amount of experience fighting most elements from being on the police force for decades and growing up with Team Avatar so you never know. She's not afraid to bring the power either. With Su, I would assume differently. She's more acrobatic, but powerful, but I don't know if she can hold her ground as well. From what I've seen she had mostly fought in a team with either Lin or her kids. Solo she held her own against Kuvira, but still lost and beat Lin at her weakest.

Kuvira is interesting because metal bending with her basically means "oh my entire suit is made in such a way that I can use pieces of it offensively, defensively, and to disable my opponent or use their momentum against them".

I guess the height of that was in her command center for the Colossus where she had various types of metal that basically allowed her to pseudo replicate using the 4 elements, but that was a one time Batmaniam example of circumstantial prep time.
I didn't make that term up, it's an established trope:
The Worf Effect

I know it is, but still :(



As much as i want Kuvira to be a happy, i don’t think that she really had feelings for Bataar Jr. Or atleast if she did, it wasn’t Love. I feel that she’d just used him for his talents and a way to get back at Suyin.

Rin-trash out here spittin gospel to you lost souls.


I didn't make that term up, it's an established trope:
The Worf Effect


My god that shit would be hilarious. "But my Zaofu!!" "My Zaofu now bitch, now get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich!"

This sis something I could see happening. Much like how Korra spends the entire series trying to reconcile her (non-existant) sense of self worth as a person with the role of the Avatar (seriously she spends most of the series defining her self worth entirely by if she is fulfilling her duty as the Avatar or not, she was ready to kill herself at the end of book 1 because of if) Kuvira (due to her being orphaned and kept at a distance by Su) defines herself entirely by what she has accomplished. She is nothing now, no friends, no family, no status, no lover, and I can't see prison being good for her psychologically. She would take any opportunity to try and reclaim her status and thus identity, because she's nothing without being defined by her position relative to those around her.

I guess because LoK is kind of an all ages show that Kuvira might have some epiphany in prison, but I can't see her having said realization of self worth and yet still turning up the chance to be something other than a complete failure by her own values.


Airbending has always felt a bit too OP for me. Even though the wind effect is shown and animated in the show, in reality, if someone used wind against you, you wouldn't see shit and you would just feel it hit you and it would knock you down. How the hell do you even dodge something you can't see?

This sis something I could see happening. Much like how Korra spends the entire series trying to reconcile her (non-existant) sense of self worth as a person with the role of the Avatar (seriously she spends most of the series defining her self worth entirely by if she is fulfilling her duty as the Avatar or not, she was ready to kill herself at the end of book 1 because of if) Kuvira (due to her being orphaned and kept at a distance by Su) defines herself entirely by what she has accomplished. She is nothing now, no friends, no family, no status, no lover, and I can't see prison being good for her psychologically. She would take any opportunity to try and reclaim her status and thus identity, because she's nothing without being defined by her position relative to those around her.

I guess because LoK is kind of an all ages show that Kuvira might have some epiphany in prison, but I can't see her having said realization of self worth and yet still turning up the chance to be something other than a complete failure by her own values.
I can honestly see her just running that prison like a mobster. She likes the power game so I can't really see her just staying in prison and being a victim. Hopefully she would think about the shit she did and find a way to atone for it, but she really doesn't seem like a suicide case. I think she regrets it in the aftermath but she would just use it as a learning experience, but either way she has nothing. It would take a lot for her to reach out to pepole to form actual relationships again.
This sis something I could see happening. Much like how Korra spends the entire series trying to reconcile her (non-existant) sense of self worth as a person with the role of the Avatar (seriously she spends most of the series defining her self worth entirely by if she is fulfilling her duty as the Avatar or not, she was ready to kill herself at the end of book 1 because of if) Kuvira (due to her being orphaned and kept at a distance by Su) defines herself entirely by what she has accomplished. She is nothing now, no friends, no family, no status, no lover, and I can't see prison being good for her psychologically. She would take any opportunity to try and reclaim her status and thus identity, because she's nothing without being defined by her position relative to those around her.

I guess because LoK is kind of an all ages show that Kuvira might have some epiphany in prison, but I can't see her having said realization of self worth and yet still turning up the chance to be something other than a complete failure by her own values.

I can honestly see her just running that prison like a mobster. She likes the power game so I can't really see her just staying in prison and being a victim. Hopefully she would think about the shit she did and find a way to atone for it, but she really doesn't seem like a suicide case. I think she regrets it in the aftermath but she would just use it as a learning experience, but either way she has nothing. It would take a lot for her to reach out to pepole to form actual relationships again.

which brings me to more Rin-trash head canons and art.... (told yall I was gonna stan her hard)

I need to start writing again instead of drawing things like this.
Idea around this is mainly that Kuvira reflects on her errors and its eats her up inside and torments her. (Similar situation to when Korra is haunted by her enemies) Whenever she has contact with a guard or visitor, all she does is apologize or breaks down.

A headcanon of mine where Kuvira is released to take charge of Zaofu thanks to Korra and Suyin.
Not long after being set free and living in Zaofu once again ,as Matriarch, she discovers an earth bender orphan found in the mountains and takes her under her wing. The two of them being so similar, Kuvira does her best hoping that Xun, the child, won’t have to go through the same troubles she did.

yall mothafuckas with tumblr accounts better be faving and reblogging her stuff
which brings me to more Rin-trash head canons and art.... (told yall I was gonna stan her hard)

I need to start writing again instead of drawing things like this.
Idea around this is mainly that Kuvira reflects on her errors and its eats her up inside and torments her. (Similar situation to when Korra is haunted by her enemies) Whenever she has contact with a guard or visitor, all she does is apologize or breaks down.

A headcanon of mine where Kuvira is released to take charge of Zaofu thanks to Korra and Suyin.
Not long after being set free and living in Zaofu once again ,as Matriarch, she discovers an earth bender orphan found in the mountains and takes her under her wing. The two of them being so similar, Kuvira does her best hoping that Xun, the child, won’t have to go through the same troubles she did.

yall mothafuckas with tumblr accounts better be faving and reblogging her stuff
This woman really loves Kuvira, can't say I blame her. Yeah her actually feeling remorse and apologizing to every person she sees would go along way in showing she realized she made a mistake and hurt a lot of people. Her showing up to apologize to Su and Bataar would be good as well. I wonder how Su would react.


I think Su is firmly on the 'throw away the key' side of things.

I can honestly see her just running that prison like a mobster. She likes the power game so I can't really see her just staying in prison and being a victim. Hopefully she would think about the shit she did and find a way to atone for it, but she really doesn't seem like a suicide case. I think she regrets it in the aftermath but she would just use it as a learning experience, but either way she has nothing. It would take a lot for her to reach out to people to form actual relationships again.

Running the prison like a mobster would be a little difficult since they would most likely have to Magneto her (put her in an isolated area where everything is platinum) much like the Prison for Zaheer was isolationist and completely sealed.
I think Su is firmly on the 'throw away the key' side of things.

Running the prison like a mobster would be a little difficult since they would most likely have to Magneto her (put her in an isolated area where everything is platinum) much like the Prison for Zaheer was isolationist and completely sealed.
Just wait till she learns how to bend the trace amounts of iron in a person's blood and learns To fly...how the fuck does Magneto fly any way?


Magnetic Flight: Magneto is also capable of sustaining flight for very long distances and at varying speeds. He apparently has several means by which he achieves flight, one of which is by gliding along the planet's natural magnetic lines of force, another by simply creating a repulsive force between himself and the planet, propelling himself thus. By using his magnetic powers, Magneto can virtually travel at trans-light speeds; however, in order to travel in space, Magneto also requires his force field to breathe.
It was a rare skill because according to Bryan in the Book 1 art book the training of it was usually reserved only to the inner circles of Fire Nation royalty and high-ranking military officers. It's become a tad more commonplace now due to the training not being so secretive anymore. Also it is incredibly taxing on a persons chi reserves according to Bryan. So power plant bosses tend to find it quite difficult in getting people to do it.
Oh really? I didn't know that. I was just basing it off of what Iroh said about it being a very difficult technique to do, and therefore is not widely known or taught.
I don't know if his team was ever in the good books of the White Lotus/the established powers, but they did say that he could hold his own and be a threat to benders even when he had no bending so he would have made a great hand to hand teacher.
They told Korra they were going to be her teachers, which is why they tried to kidnap her. The only logical conclusion is that he would teach her the philosophy and ideals of airbending culture, as well as their physical movements. Hell, he probably would have been her spiritual guide as well. He may not have been an actual airbender, but he still would be her teacher in that area.
For as unexplained as it was I did like how good Zaheer was made at bending, he was top tier but not quite the best. He was clearly more than a match for Tonraq (would beat him 1 on 1) which show's Zaheers skill level, but it was nice to see that he couldn't keep up with Tenzin when it came down to it. "The son of the Avatar" got a small handful of pretty cool scenes throughout the series.
It wasn't really unexplained at all. I'm honestly not sure why people act like it is. He was an incredibly good physical fighter already, so he had the athletic ability and fighting style pretty much down. He also had the mindset of an airbender, something that we know is an important. Plus, in his fighting style he used air more as an enhancement to his preexisting style, where as Tenzin was an airbender from the beginning and thus was an actual master.
Mako a god tier lightening bender? LOL! Come on now, dude is nowhere near the level of Ozai and Azula.
Mako lightningbends in a practically instantaneous manner. As far as I'm concerned, he's a better lightningbender than they are. He would still get beaten by them in an actual fight, though. That part's for sure.
Airbending has always felt a bit too OP for me. Even though the wind effect is shown and animated in the show, in reality, if someone used wind against you, you wouldn't see shit and you would just feel it hit you and it would knock you down. How the hell do you even dodge something you can't see?
I brought up this exact point already. You can't dodge and block it. At best you can read their movements and try to create a defense against it. That's it.
Magnetic Flight: Magneto is also capable of sustaining flight for very long distances and at varying speeds. He apparently has several means by which he achieves flight, one of which is by gliding along the planet's natural magnetic lines of force, another by simply creating a repulsive force between himself and the planet, propelling himself thus. By using his magnetic powers, Magneto can virtually travel at trans-light speeds; however, in order to travel in space, Magneto also requires his force field to breathe.

I can buy that.
Magnetic Flight: Magneto is also capable of sustaining flight for very long distances and at varying speeds. He apparently has several means by which he achieves flight, one of which is by gliding along the planet's natural magnetic lines of force, another by simply creating a repulsive force between himself and the planet, propelling himself thus. By using his magnetic powers, Magneto can virtually travel at trans-light speeds; however, in order to travel in space, Magneto also requires his force field to breathe.
Kuvira needs to learn this shit in the comics. She can fly around with Zaheer and spoil the Korrasami spirit world field trip as well.


Then again its not like Korra is a shit tier show. I have been on a binge watching anime streak. And Korra is still one of the best I have seen. Kill la Kill is worth watching. Sure its dumb but its also pretty good.
Then again its not like Korra is a shit tier show. I have been on a binge watching anime streak. And Korra is still one of the best I have seen. Kill la Kill is worth watching. Sure its dumb but its also pretty good.
Korra is far from a bad show, I just like several animes better, that's just me though.
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