I've already played and beaten Bayonetta 2, I oddly got pretty far in Bayonetta 1 afterwards, but then I just needed a break from the whole thing. Revengence needs a sequel though. Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword is interesting. It's definitely playable, but would probably beat the hell out of your screen. I haven't found Razors Edge cheap enough, if I find it for like $15 I'll get it. With Armstrong you really have to reign in your urge to combo. You pretty much have to run in for a quick swipe or two and then get out of dodge. Beating him is dependent on the quick time stuff. Luckily I got that weird special counter one twice that dwindles down a good portion of his health. Sundowner and Armstrong are really different from the rest, for some odd reason Mistral is my favorite though. The music with that one and the atmosphere and pacing really just gets me pumped. Speaking of Mistral, the woman that does the vocals for A Stranger I Remain has or had a group called KidneyThieves. They were pretty damn good too, fuck ton of attitude.He's said KLK and TTGL are "above criticism because they are special to me."
TLoK isn't anime, though.
Big O is one of the greatest mechs ever created. Such a cool anime. One of the main reasons people compare Roger to Batman is because the anime as a whole (characters, art, tone, everything) was heavily influenced and inspired by old-school sci-fi, noir, and Batman The Animated Series.
That's why I always tell people that The Big O is basically about Batman if he had a giant mech. Also there's a lot of philosophy (for better or worse). Great series.
Bayonetta 2 is a near perfect sequel. So is Anarchy Reigns.
Believe in Platinum.
Armstrong is tough because you can't parry him like you can others, but Defensive Offense is an amazing skill to have. Plus, you only need to cut 3/4 points in order to cut the entire object.
Also, Ninja Gaiden 3 sucked. It was easy, first of all. It's combat system was boring. There's honestly a lot of reasons. Razor's Edge improves on it in damn near every way, but it's still not as good as any of the previous ones. I haven't played Dragon Sword, though.
Ask me something on any given part of LoK's story, and it's going to be more criticism than praise. And when I see anything that is somewhat well done I usually think it could have been better. I don't think there's much to be uncertain about here. I don't like Legend of Korra.yeah, it's wild. I'll never watch it again, but I'm glad I saw it the once.
Veelk when asked if he likes Korra
Sundowner introduces the emphasis on precision cutting and having to line up multiple boxes. Armstrong is no more dependent on quick time than any other boss (save for probably Blade Wolf).I've already played and beaten Bayonetta 2, I oddly got pretty far in Bayonetta 1 afterwards, but then I just needed a break from the whole thing. Revengence needs a sequel though. Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword is interesting. It's definitely playable, but would probably beat the hell out of your screen. I haven't found Razors Edge cheap enough, if I find it for like $15 I'll get it. With Armstrong you really have to reign in your urge to combo. You pretty much have to run in for a quick swipe or two and then get out of dodge. Beating him is dependent on the quick time stuff. Luckily I got that weird special counter one twice that dwindles down a good portion of his health. Sundowner and Armstrong are really different from the rest, for some odd reason Mistral is my favorite though. The music with that one and the atmosphere and pacing really just gets me pumped. Speaking of Mistral, the woman that does the vocals for A Stranger I Remain has or had a group called KidneyThieves. They were pretty damn good too, fuck ton of attitude.
Kidneythieves - Before I'm Dead
Kidneythieves - Black Bullet
Kidneythieves - Dyskrasia
Is Sam pretty much like Jeanne in Bayonetta where you really can't do the slow mo shit? Last time I remember beating Blade Wolf I pretty much just parried the shit out of him.Sundowner introduces the emphasis on precision cutting and having to line up multiple boxes. Armstrong is no more dependent on quick time than any other boss (save for probably Blade Wolf).
You can combo him, but he has certain moves that make it tough.
He's far more difficult with Jetstream Sam, since he adds an extra move to his arsenal. Plus, all the enemies and bosses are harder on Jetstream Sam's DLC.
My god how NSFW is Doxy? Looking at some of this stuff, a real woman would either tip the fuck over or grow up with severe back pain with the proportions he gives women.Iahfy is running a stream right now for those who want to see her art from it's beginnings.
Doxy is running one also, but his art make's Owlers look like church paintings.
He has an entirely different style to his combat. He has no AR and can't do stealth kills, but he has a taunt which causes enemies to be more aggressive but they take more damage (applies to bosses). His combat has an emphasis on air combos and charging attacks.Is Sam pretty much like Jeanne in Bayonetta where you really can't do the slow mo shit?
See guys and gals! Veelk doesn't like anything!Ask me something on any given part of LoK's story, and it's going to be more criticism than praise. And when I see anything that is somewhat well done I usually think it could have been better. I don't think there's much to be uncertain about here. I don't like Legend of Korra.
But I'm of the belief that stories are more that just how 'good' they are. I wouldn't have spent hours upon hours writing about something that wasn't important to me in some way. I think the fact that I care about LoK is more important than whether I like it or not. Stories are more than mere entertainment to me.
Sounds really challenging since I'm not the best at landing the launcher. Pretty much it sounds like my crutch is taken away. How does Blade Wolf play?He has an entirely different style to his combat. He has no AR and can't do stealth kills, but he has a taunt which causes enemies to be more aggressive but they take more damage (applies to bosses). His combat has an emphasis on air combos and charging attacks.
Seeing all of you give Legend of Korra an eh rating is saddening.
Blade Wolf is the opposite of Sam. Strong emphasis on stealth with extremely limited combos and limited items. No taunt, has AR.Sounds really challenging since I'm not the best at landing the launcher. Pretty much it sounds like my crutch is taken away. How does Blade Wolf play?
Seeing all of you give Legend of Korra an eh rating is saddening.
I don't hate it, I actually quite like it, it's just that some aspects of it are very easy to pick apart.Seeing all of you give Legend of Korra an eh rating is saddening.
It's only accurate if Bataar is sleeping in the bath tub or on the toilet.OMG Ew!! Damn you Terra-7!!! What have you done!!!??
I like it.Seeing all of you give Legend of Korra an eh rating is saddening.
It's not saddening, really. It's a successor series, and as such there are expectations. For a lot of people, those expectations were not reached. That includes a good chunk of AvatarGAF. Me personally, I loved it, but I've been shown to be far more lenient on issues a lot of others seem to have.
I like it.
I'd say about it's about evenly split amongst avatargaf over Korra and critics absolutely love the show.
Just those more super negative ones are usually a lot louder. Case in point the recent LTTP Avatar thread.
It's only accurate if Bataar is sleeping in the bath tub or on the toilet.
That thread wasn't nearly as bad as the "The Legend of Korra is the greatest show I've ever seen!!" thread.
Good lord that was horrendous.
Interesting, he seems more dodge focused, but that doesn't look bad at all. Granted I just got decent at dodging today so what do I really know.Here's a Blade Wolf S-Rank video. Skip to 6:03 to skip the cutscenes.
She really just does not need the guy. Too many holes in that leaky ship, barely even a ship, more like a pontoon.Bath tub it is. He just has to move Desna out the way. Yes, he goes to the North Pole to sleep.
I like his posts, but whenever ATLA is brought up, TLoK hate is bound to follow.Haha yeah, though I feel bad about the recent one as he's trying to talk about Avatar but getting overshadowed by people piling the hate on Korra.
Blade Wolf's DLC and Sam's are harder than Raiden's story, but for different reasons. With Sam, its because he's fighting high-level enemies. With Blade Wolf, it's because Wolf is weak as shit. He can't take a punch, deal a punch, his parry is shit, and his dodge is huge (which is good and bad), and he has few combo strings.Interesting, he seems more dodge focused, but that doesn't look bad at all. Granted I just got decent at dodging today so what do I really know.
Ouch, Wolf needs to eat better dog food, dude's a glass canon...not even actually, just glass. I'll have to mess around with those two at a later date.Blade Wolf's DLC and Sam's are harder than Raiden's story, but for different reasons. With Sam, its because he's fighting high-level enemies. With Blade Wolf, it's because Wolf is weak as shit. He can't take a punch, deal a punch, his parry is shit, and his dodge is huge (which is good and bad), and he has few combo strings.
Granted, he does have the longest range on his zandatsu, so that's a cool thing.
Ask me something on any given part of LoK's story, and it's going to be more criticism than praise. And when I see anything that is somewhat well done I usually think it could have been better. I don't think there's much to be uncertain about here. I don't like Legend of Korra.
But I'm of the belief that stories are more that just how 'good' they are. I wouldn't have spent hours upon hours writing about something that wasn't important to me in some way. I think the fact that I care about LoK is more important than whether I like it or not. Stories are more than mere entertainment to me.
Ouch, Wolf needs to eat better dog food, dude's a glass canon...not even actually, just glass. I'll have to mess around with those two at a later date.
Criticize the book 3 finale.
The Bolin-Zaheer sock in mouth moment.
I've had a rough weekend, and I still have some stuff to do for tomorrow. I don't have the energy for anything more elaborate.
Need a pick me up?
Rough as in exhausting, not bad. I'm fine, just kind of a zombie inside for the moment.
Yall better stop messing with him before he fucks around and blesses us with a Veelk of epic proportions. We gonna be on OT3 when he finishes.
Yall better stop messing with him before he fucks around and blesses us with a Veelk of epic proportions. We gonna be on OT3 when he finishes.
I wouldn't worry too much. The emotional and physical exhaustion I've gone through in the past two days means I'm not gonna be making another Veelk for atleast a few days.
I wouldn't worry too much. The emotional and physical exhaustion I've gone through in the past two days means I'm not gonna be making another Veelk for atleast a few days.
I don't hate it, I actually quite like it, it's just that some aspects of it are very easy to pick apart.
Not me, I love LoK.
I like it.
I'd say about it's about evenly split amongst avatargaf over Korra and critics absolutely love the show.
Just those more super negative ones are usually a lot louder. Case in point the recent LTTP Avatar thread.
The feats don't lie
He has done lightning/electricity redirection, one handed no windup lightning, shot someone out of a car, killed Ming Hua, and he killed the giant mech.
The feats don't lie
Legit adorable Korrasami picture
Well this is true, personally I love the series (uneven as it is) but everyone knows that I suppose.
It's a good thing that the Korra bashing died down, I was pretty close to going Veelking all over that thread, copy pasting posts from an old account on the subject, mods be damned.
This was probably Mako's best moment in the entire series I'll give you that, I'd still only place him as 'very good' but there isn't much to compare him against.
you ok? You have us to vent should you need it. At this point BK is right, we're pretty much a mini family at this juncture that talks about anything while Jaded and I post fan art.
Other than the "holy shit they actually did it!" Korrasami ending, Makos lightning was the only thing that got me excited in the finale.
bolin said i'm a corner backer
This is true, probably why I stay away from Korrasami art in general. I enjoy posting Kuvira art though... any reason to make Toa angry makes me smile on the inside.Korrasami art in general has become too wholesome and sweet for this thread. Needs more kink/umph to incite reactions, but not too far [i.e. Owler] to get banned. Iahfy is usually a safe bet for the middle ground kinky korrasami stuff.
Again, it's nothing bad or anything. I'm perfectly fine. In fact, I enjoyed this weekend a lot. Saw my aunt and uncle for the first time in like 4 years, went to a surprisingly fun party, met a cute girl, and made a dent in my huge school workload. The worst thing that happened is a really drunk aunt made some hilariously inappropriate comments to me that I made me scream internally, but that's going to make for a funny story later. It's all good.