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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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How is the new Sailor Moon by the way? I've always had a thing for Mars and Jupiter.


Sound like my thirst for Sailor Mars and Jupiter will continue to be unquenched then.

I don't even know what this means but it looks funny.

The animation for Sailor Moon Crystal was pretty awful in places. Like 90s Sailor Moon had a low budget but the character animation was expressive.

Sailor Moon Crystal was supposed to have a better budget but the characters look really bad in places (hence the eye wandering off gif). The characters' expressions are flat too like they were more interested in making Usagi look pretty like a doll than making her express emotions like a human being.

The blu ray release corrected some of these animation errors but Crystal's bad rep remains.
The animation for Sailor Moon Crystal was pretty awful in places. Like 90s Sailor Moon had a low budget but the character animation was expressive.

Sailor Moon Crystal was supposed to have a better budget but the characters look really bad in places (hence the eye wandering off gif). The characters' expressions are flat too like they were more interested in making Usagi look pretty like a doll than making her express emotions like a human being.

The blu ray release corrected some of these animation errors but Crystal's bad rep remains.
Fuck. Too bad there will never be a female equivalent to Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, at least the characters emote and the first season was practically a motion comic.


The animation for Sailor Moon Crystal was pretty awful in places. Like 90s Sailor Moon had a low budget but the character animation was expressive.

Sailor Moon Crystal was supposed to have a better budget but the characters look really bad in places (hence the eye wandering off gif). The characters' expressions are flat too like they were more interested in making Usagi look pretty like a doll than making her express emotions like a human being.

The blu ray release corrected some of these animation errors but Crystal's bad rep remains.

i don't even know why they bothered, we have Precure which is way better than Sailor Moon, they honestly didn't even try with Crystal


I am doing it voluntarily. I could go out, but 1. I have a SHITTON of reading I need to do for school and 2. I've been kind of lone wolfing it for about a week now. Why break the streak?
Lol, I was invited out to go eat and to the club later on, but I said nope. Much rather stay in and watch Ranma, browse tumblr, and post here. Plus it is 10 degrees (F) outside, that is too damn cold
Lol, I was invited out to go eat and to the club later on, but I said nope. Much rather stay in and watch Ranma, browse tumblr, and post here. Plus it is 10 degrees (F) outside, that is too damn cold
Glad to see you're enjoying Ranma. Fuck outside, after work I spend it speed walking through the train station parking lot so I can dive into my car.


I'd love to have like a time bubble surround me and my apartment that gives me like....a month that would allow me to play through the games I have started and want to finish but are way too damn long. Wind Waker, Demons Souls, Planescape - Torment, KOTOR, and the Metroid Prime Trilogy all beckon to me, but I cannot answer their siren call...

That's not even counting the movie, TV, and book backlog I have...


Love the shop on that image. That was one of my favorite pieces from the "extras" chapter in the artbook. :) Happy 10th anniversary! In honor of how far we've come, I present you with: NeoGAF's very first ATLA thread!

Hoping to have the re-watch thread up by the middle of this coming week.


A few things that are more recent than Avatar's premiere (mostly based on information from You're Getting Old):

  • The first episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender airs on Nickelodeon (February 2005)
  • Benedict XVI became Pope (April 2005)
  • YouTube goes live (April 2005)
  • Hurricane Katrina devastates New Orleans (August 2005)
  • Angela Merkel becomes the first female Chancellor of Germany (November 2005)
  • Twitter goes live (July 2006)
  • Italy defeats France in the World Cup (July 2006)
  • Pluto is declared to no longer be a planet (August 2006)
  • The original iPhone is released (June 2007)
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows sells 11 million copies in 24 hours (July 2007)
  • Breaking Bad premieres on AMC (January 2008)
  • Fidel Castro resigns as President of Cuba (February 2008)
  • The Wire finishes its run on HBO (March 2008)
  • Bill Gates stops working full-time at Microsoft (June 2008)
  • The Dark Knight breaks the opening weekend box office record (July 2008)
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender finishes its initial run (July 2008)
  • China puts on the biggest Olympics opening ceremony ever (August 2008)
  • The Large Hadron Collider is inaugurated (October 2008)
  • Barack Obama is elected the first African-American President of the United States (November 2008)
  • Michael Jackson died (June 2009)
  • The other Avatar was released in theatres (December 2009)
  • The Burj Khalifa, tallest building in the world, opens in Dubai (Jan 2010)
  • Air travel over Europe is shut down due to an un-pronouncable Icelandic volcano (April 2010)
  • The Last Airbender is released in theatres, M Night Shyamalan becomes public enemy #1 for Avatar fans (July 2010)
  • Tunisia becomes the first country to overthrow its government in the Arab Spring (January 2011)
  • Japan is hit by one of the strongest earthquakes and tsunamis ever recorded (March 2011)
  • Game of Thrones premieres on HBO (April 2011)
  • Prince William and Kate Middleton marry (April 2011)
  • Osama bin Laden is killed by Navy SEALs in Pakistan (May 2011)
  • The Space Shuttle program ends (July 2011)
  • Occupy Wall Street begins (September 2011)
  • The full version of Minecraft is released (November 2011)
  • The Legend of Korra premieres on Nickelodeon (April 2012)
  • The Curiosity rover lands on Mars (August 2012)


So... Uhh, who doesn't have a life? Meaning, who is spending their Friday staying in the house?

*raises hand*

Almost stayed in. Lounged with friends. Good night. AvatarGAF should go out for drinks sometime, as long as yall don't run up on strangers and tell the to check out some Suvira hentai.


I don't know the artist but if you search for Kuvira on a certain website with green background then the newest pic you'll find is a really good and funny one of KorraxKuvira.


It's not exactly rare for a woman to play around with a guys head. I really don't think a hug even means much in this day and age.

You're right, girls give out hugs like candy these days, almost as if there's a daily minimum they have to meet or something. Girl's back in college were really bad for this sort of thing.
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