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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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I disagree that it came out of nowhere. There were some hints at least in Book 4, they were just subtle (especially compared to previous relationships in this show). Korra responded only to Asami's letters, she blushed when Asami noticed her new hairdo, stuff like that.

It isn't great writing or anything, but there is enough, even if very little, material for me to accept it.
It's still a gay/bi relationship for the sake of it though, which is my problem with it.


Part of me is curious to see what the reaction would be if the relationship was between Cory and Sam instead of Korra and Asami.


Their excuses mustn't go unchallenged. By poisoning the well they try and deflect criticism from their sloppy writing.

I think that is my main problem with it, the fact that he quoted Miyazaki, while trashing a lot of other romances just made me wince considering how shitty romance have been over all in the series.

The fact that they think this is their legit best romance they had written confuses me greatly.


I disagree that it came out of nowhere. There were some hints at least in Book 4, they were just subtle (especially compared to previous relationships in this show). Korra responded only to Asami's letters, she blushed when Asami noticed her new hairdo, stuff like that.

It isn't great writing or anything, but there is enough, even if very little, material for me to accept it.
It's still a gay/bi relationship for the sake of it though, which is my problem with it.

Considering that every other romance plot in the show was up front. Considering that Korra and Asami spent no time together in Book 2 or 4. Yeah there were hints looking back. Considering they only became friends barely in Book 3 (and I say BARELY). But let me say this. If Korra ended up with Mako or Korra ended up with no one. You could take the same scenes with Korra and Asami and say it was a story of two best friends becoming closer.

They are interchangeable because they weren't overtly romantic. There is nothing wrong with that. I think it works. I don't think romance needs to be overtly romantic. Feelings can be friendly, they can be interpreted many ways. In fact, it's more realistic for feelings to grow. But given the overall story of Asami (how poorly handled it was), how odd her and Korra's relationship was going into Book 3. How quick their relations went from Book 3 to Book 4 (even though they only barely became 1 on 1 friends in Book 3, only had 2 episodes together, and didn't spend any time together in all of Book 4)....I just don't agree with Bryan that if it came out of left field fore viewers, then it wasn't the writings fault.

I think their writing certainly played a part in it not being seen by some.


I feel like Korrasami was the least horrible of the relationship options, but they should have gone all in with it or just avoided all together IMO. I'm sure the higher ups at Nickelodeon had something to say about it, but the way they did it just felt like tacking it on for fanservice.

I just got around to watching the finale and between the whole giant Robot, Korra Sith bending and Mako being Mako, just want to say I enjoyed the last five minutes of the series. Asami da gawd.

But Kuvira was handled extremely poorly. Where did she even get that liquid metal anyway? I know it was floating around the cockpit...but why? Movement apparatus? Whatever, first time we learnt about her underlying motivations. If that's so, wouldn't she have had a harder time abandoning Batar Jr.?

Hmm, I don't know if these are inconsistencies or just weird writing.
Kuvira used the liquid metal to turn the cockpit of the mech around. It's definitely a steering apparatus.


Ugh, maybe I've read/seen way to many other adventure or action Stories that handle romance a lot better.

like? All I ever ask for is a presentation of two characters who get along, have their own arcs, yet make each other's stories more interesting. And rarely do I ever come across such a thing.
While I'm fine with Korrasami, it really did come out of nowhere. I would like to say that romance stuff ruined Korra once again but I really did enjoy the season so its not a big deal. At least it was better than Makorra haha.

The bigger issues with the ending was just how many stuff it left unresolved. But I guess well find out more if they decide to make Korra comics.


Hey, Bolin/Opal and Varrick/Zhu Li were nice.

I have mixed feelings on Bolin/Opal. I wouldn't say their romance was great (writing wise). Was I okay with them together? Sure.

Varrick/Zhu Li oddly enough, ended up being the best romance in the show. lol I did like that.



"If it seems out of the blue to you, I think a second viewing of the last two seasons would show that perhaps you were looking at it only through a hetero lens."

Do I have to watch the whole last two seasons again or are the 2 and a half minutes of screentime Korra and Asami had together enough?


like? All I ever ask for is a presentation of two characters who get along, have their own arcs, yet make each other's stories more interesting. And rarely do I ever come across such a thing.

Have you read Tsukihime? Most of the romance in that is well done, since most of the time the characters start out as strangers, then become friends and finally a romance.

Even regardless of that, I don't think Asami/Korra did that either.


You know an ending I wouldn't have minded would've been Korra sacrificing herself and ending the Avatar cycle and ending bending forever. The portals stay open, and the world is balanced back to the way it was in Wan's time.
like? All I ever ask for is a presentation of two characters who get along, have their own arcs, yet make each other's stories more interesting. And rarely do I ever come across such a thing.
Full Metal Panic. Kaname and Sosuke are pretty popular and handled well enough without the romance being thrown in your face. Sosuke's such an idiot military nut that romance practically bounces off him but seeing him shed that over the course of two shows is pretty fun.


Considering that every other romance plot in the show was up front. Considering that Korra and Asami spent no time together in Book 2 or 4. Yeah there were hints looking back. But let me say this. If Korra ended up with Mako or Korra ended up with no one. You could take the same scenes with Korra and Asami and say it was a story of two best friends becoming closer.

The blushing scene sealed it for me personally, I knew they were going somewhere with this, but let's be honest, the only way they could have worked a same sex relationship in a kids show was using hints and things that could pass as a friendship, until at least the final moments. Even after the finale you had people here disputing the romance angle, because even then it was done to be ambiguous.

Most of the same sex relationships I can think of in media before the last decade have often been treated and written in the same way so it doesn't bother me that much.


I'm glad they confirmed that Asami was initially conceived as a duplicitous mole.

First thing I thought of just the way she was drawn.


I'm perfectly fine with Korrasami, I just think their execution within the larger ending left a lot to be desired.

Yes, that's it. It's the execution and overall poor writing. Korrasami actually makes the most sense purely in terms of chemistry. And actually, their romance feels the most organic and fleshed out BECAUSE of how they did the friend plot first. It felt like the feelings were growing vs. just being out of the blue.

I just don't like the overall structure of their relationship. BUT that was an issue I had with all the relationships (especially Asami's writing).

And I still stand by the fact that, Korrasami as the ending shot was non-sense. It was not earned.

BUT...Korrasami was the best romance in the show (besides Varrick and Zhu Li)...and it was a really beautiful scene that was amazing. And I think it works even better after the fact (the show I mean).

The blushing scene sealed it for me personally, I knew they were going somewhere with this, but let's be honest, the only way they could have worked a same sex relationship in a kids show was using hints and things that could pass as a friendship, until at least the final moments. Even after the finale you had people here disputing the romance angle, because even then it was done to be ambiguous.

Most of the same sex relationships I can think of in media before the last decade have often been treated and written in the same way so it doesn't bother me that much.

I agree the Blushing scene + the fact she only wrote Asami, was pretty much the nail in the coffin. I agree thinking her blushing was definitely a sign of intimate affection more then just being embarrassed, absolutely. But I still think when you look at their overall plot, and just how they handled their relationship, I find it silly that Bryan is trying to make excuses for why some didn't see it.


I'm not surprised. A certain recent (kinda?) game DLC (
) had their leads kiss and you could still see people claiming the exact same thing. "Have you ever seen really close female friends? They kiss all the time!"

I'll always remember that thread as one of the worst I've read on GAF. Sooo much denial.


Full Metal Panic. Kaname and Sosuke are pretty popular and handled well enough without the romance being thrown in your face. Sosuke's such an idiot military nut that romance practically bounces off him but seeing him shed that over the course of two shows is pretty fun.

Also the new Fate/Stay Night Anime. (Not the 2006 one...that, that one was awful) Rin and Shirou both have their own arcs. Shirou wanting to be a hero and Rin wanting to live up to her family name and shutting everyone out.


I think that is my main problem with it, the fact that he quoted Miyazaki, while trashing a lot of other romances just made me wince considering how shitty romance have been over all in the series.

The fact that they think this is their legit best romance they had written confuses me greatly.

It's easy to be the best when everything else is so terrible.

Romance in A:TLA and TLOK is pretty vanilla bland for the most part.

It says a lot when your best relationship aka Varrick/Zhu Li was done primarily for laughs.


Aaaanyways, I'll stop arguing about it. Because as I said, I 100% think Korrasami is beautiful. I truly mean it. I think the scene with them at the end, was perfection. I think in hindsight, they had the most chemistry between characters (so their romance actually made sense). I think because they had to keep their plot in the background (due to network limitations)...focusing on their close friends plot, actually made their romance feel more organic and real.

So yeah, I take issue with writing aspects. But what else is new. This isn't exclusive to this relationship. IN fact, I think Makorra and some of the other romances were infinitely worse. So why is only THIS relationship getting so much focus?

The only gripe I think, is that I don't think it should have been the final scene. I think that puts a bit more weight to the romance, since it ends the entire show. But eh. If you are going to criticize Korrasami, then you better criticize the other romance/relationships that were in many cases worse.



It's easy to be the best when everything else is so terrible.

Romance in A:TLA and TLOK is pretty vanilla bland for the most part.

It says a lot when your best relationship aka Varrick/Zhu Li was done primarily for laughs.

The thing is, how do you make a romance that isn't Vanilla and bland? The amount of Drama?

Honestly, this is why I respect writers who skip over romance and just have it happen off screen or something. Dragon Ball Z had shit romance, but at least it didn't shove entire episodes down my throat with it. The writer said he was shit at romance so he didn't write it.

I wish more writers felt that way.


Unconfirmed Member
Having an episode and several moments dedicated to the pairing helps.

Was Suki even mentioned at all...even once, during Korra's four books?

nah, and Sokka in present time was only mentioned when Katara told us she was dead, and Toph relating what happened in Bitter Work, Amon flashbacks aside.


One thing to keep in mind, Bryke relied on that time jump to move along plot and characters in a place they couldn't get them to with a regular format (since they ran out of time). So since 3 years went by, that technically allows for feelings between the two to have grown over 3 years. The fact that they have a scene specifically showing Korra ONLY writing Asami during this time jump. When you pair that off with a 3 year time jump it then has bigger plot implications.

It might be lazy, but it is what it is. But that's clearly one of the benefits to using a time jump plot device. And looking back on Korrasami, you have to view it in that lens. That they did in fact, have time off screen for their feelings to grow. And the fact that Korra was only writing her during those 3 years....


Unconfirmed Member
How did Sokka die so relatively young anyway, he would've been like, what, 90, max? That's chump change in the Avatar world, plus he was good enough to fight when Korra was a baby.


How did Sokka die so relatively young anyway, he would've been like, what, 90, max? That's chump change in the Avatar world, plus he was good enough to fight when Korra was a baby.

Don't regular people die in Avatar...at regular ages? Only the Avatar lives 100 +? Or am I wrong? Does everyone live beyond 100?

Knowing Sokka, he prob got himself killed doing something stupid. Given his old age, he probably was trying to act younger then he was. He was probably trying to get himself into something his age wasn't right for. lol


I agree the Blushing scene + the fact she only wrote Asami, was pretty much the nail in the coffin. I agree thinking her blushing was definitely a sign of intimate affection more then just being embarrassed, absolutely. But I still think when you look at their overall plot, and just how they handled their relationship, I find it silly that Bryan is trying to make excuses for why some didn't see it.

I agree, they're probably in a position where they're proud because of the reviews and the relationship being so installed in their minds for so long that they're overly confident in the fact that it should have been noticed. Despite the fact that the nature of the relationship itself implies it had to be somewhat hidden.

They could/should have done more but maybe it is for the better, had it been just a little too obvious too early, there was no telling the PR disaster it could have caused if not received well. OR it could have been axed by Nick, despite what he is saying I doubt they were fully on board.

That said, I agree that something is missing.
Also the new Fate/Stay Night Anime. (Not the 2006 one...that, that one was awful) Rin and Shirou both have their own arcs. Shirou wanting to be a hero and Rin wanting to live up to her family name and shutting everyone out.
There's also the original Macross. Yes there is a love triangle, but it goes on and evolves for years. You see each character trying to deal with the jealousy and stresses around it. Two of the characters don't even like each other until like 5 years after the show begins or something. It's very involved. I recommend to everybody on here. I'm not going to lie, it does get to the point where you want to toss Hikaru and Minmei out of a fucking window, but after many watches of that show I feel Hikaru made the right choice with who he picks and no it's not a harem show. It's classic space opera.


Don't regular people die in Avatar...at regular ages? Only the Avatar lives 100 +? Or am I wrong? Does everyone live beyond 100?

Knowing Sokka, he prob got himself killed doing something stupid. Given his old age, he probably was trying to act younger then he was. He was probably trying to get himself into something his age wasn't right for. lol

Who knows how it works in the Avatar universe. Bumi was over 112 years old.


I agree, they're probably in a position where they're proud because of the reviews and the relationship being so installed in their minds for so long that they're overly confident in the fact that it should have been noticed. Despite the fact that the nature of the relationship itself implies it had to be somewhat hidden.

They could/should have done more but maybe it is for the better, had it been just a little too obvious too early, there was no telling the PR disaster it could have caused if not received well. OR it could have been axed by Nick, despite what he is saying I doubt they were fully on board.

That said, I agree that something is missing.

His post just sort of rubbed me the wrong way. But whatever. I mean, the bottom line is, they should be proud for what they did. Especially if it's a relationship they genuinely wanted. Could they have done better? Sure. But this is very important to a lot of people, and media in general. I want to say they did the best they could given the terrible limitations of the networks (and I think that's true, kind of. I still think there was issues beyond the romance plot, but just their relationship in general).

So it's fine. But I don't like it when writers try to make excuses, and explain away why they were misunderstood. You know, sometimes you just did a poor job. And honestly, Bryke has had their fair share of terrible writing with Korra. And they always irk me when they try to make excuses.

EDIT: I do agree that I'm probably taking his comment too harshly. I doubt he meant that in a challenging/offensive way. He's probably just coming at it from his perspective. But I think he's close to this project, that he might not see the issues with his own writing. *shrugs*


Unconfirmed Member
Don't regular people die in Avatar...at regular ages? Only the Avatar lives 100 +? Or am I wrong? Does everyone live beyond 100?

Knowing Sokka, he prob got himself killed doing something stupid. Given his old age, he probably was trying to act younger then he was. He was probably trying to get himself into something his age wasn't right for. lol

It just seems weird, we've known tons of people who have lived long, like Bumi and most likely the Guru, plus Katara, Toph and Zukko all seem relatively healthy enough to get at least 5 more years.
How did Sokka die so relatively young anyway, he would've been like, what, 90, max? That's chump change in the Avatar world, plus he was good enough to fight when Korra was a baby.

In my head cannon, after Sokka retired from the republic city council. He and his family took a few ships to explore the other side of the map and is just presumed missing/dead. He became a high seas adventurer.


The thing is, how do you make a romance that isn't Vanilla and bland? The amount of Drama?

Honestly, this is why I respect writers who skip over romance and just have it happen off screen or something. Dragon Ball Z had shit romance, but at least it didn't shove entire episodes down my throat with it. The writer said he was shit at romance so he didn't write it.

I wish more writers felt that way.

Characters not "falling in love" at first sight is a good start.

I'm also a personal fan of characters not marrying their first crush/love. Because that almost never happens in reality.

Yeah. Is she even in the latest Comic? I didn't finish the Rift.

She was in a side-comic called "Shells" that released earlier this year on free comic day.


It just seems weird, we've known tons of people who have lived long, like Bumi and most likely the Guru.

True. Hmmm.

I think it's weird in general to kill him, bring it up, and then not say anything about it. That's really what is weird to me, Not necessarily the age. Even if people live 100 + in this universe, 90 is still old. And people can die from natural causes earlier then the highest age limit. But bringing up the fact that one of the most pivotal characters in ATLA is dead, and then never saying anything again. Strange. Especially when everyone else in the Gaang was still alive (Besides Aang, who's death made sense given he was in an ice block for 100 years).

Characters not "falling in love" at first sight is a good start.

I'm also a personal fan of characters not marrying their first crush/love. Because that almost never happens in reality.

She was in a side-comic called "Shells" that released earlier this year on free comic day.

Was the comic any good? Did it have Sokka + romance? Or was it just her on her own.


Korrasami's development in the show was insufficient if we were supposed to think they were in a relationship during S3-S4.
Korrasami's development in the show was fine if you look it at as them acknowledging that they should be one in the very end.

I mean, they're just holding hands at the end and taking babysteps after 3+ years of interactions (they were writing to each other I believe). I mean, that is reasonable I suppose. I think a lot of the people annoyed with the lack of development are looking at it as if they ended the series with them ready to make out when it looked like they've barely begun.

I like that they went with the build-up root rather than the approach they had with Makorra. I can guarantee that if they developed the relationship in that style... it would not have been as well received since Bryke have a history of goofing in that department.
I'll say this. Even the most poorly handled relationship in AtLA or LoK was better handled and more set up than the best handled relationship in Naruto's younger generation (aside from Shikamaru and Temari).


Was the comic any good? Did it have Sokka + romance? Or was it just her on her own.

Sokka was in it.

Considering it was just a free comic given out on one day, I didn't have the chance to read it.

It looked inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. Not bad but not necessarily a must-read either.


Characters not "falling in love" at first sight is a good start.

I'm also a personal fan of characters not marrying their first crush/love. Because that almost never happens in reality.

She was in a side-comic called "Shells" that released earlier this year on free comic day.

I think most stories caught on to the love at first sight thing. But the second point confuses me as a story telling device. Unless you put in a throwaway line that they dated someone in the past, most stories revolve around teenage characters so it's natural the romance would be their first love. It would be silly just to have two characters break up just because it was their first romance if they have a good flow going in story.

Though that is more on how the story is structured and the age of the characters.
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