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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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Unconfirmed Member
At least we got the dumb love triangle roundabout out of the way early in the show, unlike some other recent shows *cough regularshow cough gravity falls cough*


I'll say this. Even the most poorly handled relationship in AtLA or LoK was better handled and more set up than the best handled relationship in Naruto's younger generation (aside from Shikamaru and Temari).

Well, I'd say Naruto/Hinata was alright, I mean we at least know that Hinata liked Naruto...but I agree romance in Naruto is awful.
At least we got the dumb love triangle roundabout out of the way early in the show, unlike some other recent shows *cough regularshow cough gravity falls cough*

Hey, don't be talking bad about gravity falls.

I think Steven Universe is handling coupling the best way so far.


His post just sort of rubbed me the wrong way. But whatever. I mean, the bottom line is, they should be proud for what they did. Especially if it's a relationship they genuinely wanted. Could they have done better? Sure. But this is very important to a lot of people, and media in general. I want to say they did the best they could given the terrible limitations of the networks (and I think that's true, kind of. I still think there was issues beyond the romance plot, but just their relationship in general).

So it's fine. But I don't like it when writers try to make excuses, and explain away why they were misunderstood. You know, sometimes you just did a poor job. And honestly, Bryke has had their fair share of terrible writing with Korra. And they always irk me when they try to make excuses.

EDIT: I do agree that I'm probably taking his comment too harshly. I doubt he meant that in a challenging/offensive way. He's probably just coming at it from his perspective. But I think he's close to this project, that he might not see the issues with his own writing. *shrugs*

You know, despite my love for Avatar, you (and I mean "you" in the impersonal sense, not you :p) could very well have a point if you said they put the lesbian stuff in it at the last moment to send the series away in a buzz instead of quietly. I mean, we're mostly only talking about Korra/Asami rather than of the weaknesses of the finale, and I doubt the medias would have talked about it without that relationship.
After that, playing on the positive reception and saying "it was planned for years look at it because we're great guys" is very easy. I'm not familiar enough with the show runners to accuse/praise them either way, but this whole case could have been played both ways very easily.


Korrasami's development in the show was insufficient if we were supposed to think they were in a relationship during S3-S4.
Korrasami's development in the show was fine if you look it at as them acknowledging that they should be one in the very end.

I mean, they're just holding hands at the end and taking babysteps after 3+ years of interactions (they were writing to each other I believe). I mean, that is reasonable I suppose. I think a lot of the people annoyed with the lack of development are looking at it as if they ended the series with them ready to make out when it looked like they've barely begun.

I like that they went with the build-up root rather than the approach they had with Makorra. I can guarantee that if they developed the relationship in that style... it would not have been as well received since Bryke have a history of goofing in that department.

The problem is their overall relationship in the Series from Book 1 to 2 and then to 3. Asami herself, should not have wanted to be friends with the group after Book 1's incident. They didn't have her react at all to all that bullshit. She had no emotions.

It's also odd how, Asami was in love with Mako and wanted him back in Book 2. She got angry and upset when Korra thought they were still together. THAT was the last we saw Asami in Book 2. So cut to book 3. Her and Korra are shooting the shit, and hanging out for the first time in ever (and this is after Asami had nothing to do with her in all of Book 2). They have fun.

They have two side missions in the season. But Korra for 99% of it is off on her own. And worrying about her own issues. There is no deep jump in relationship for them in this season.

Then Book 4 comes. And out of no where, Korra is only writing Asami. Okay. Korra comes back after not seeing her for 3 years. She doesn't spend the ENTIRE Book 4 with her (barely sees her).

But oh yeah...romance at the end. I don't see how people don't look at that, and find that entire relationship arc to be...odd.

That said, I said in my post earlier, that Bryke decided to use the 3 year time jump. And because it's a 3 year jump (which is a plot device to move characters and plot ahead faster then they can with the time they have left), that's where I think they wanted us to believe Korra and Asami had their feelings advanced over 3 years. They would argue that logically, because 3 years has gone by, that was plenty of time for feelings to grow (even if it happens off screen). That is...what a time jump is as a plot device.

Either you can get with that, or you don't.

I still think in hindsight, Korrasami is still better then the other romances, just for the fact that they both had a lot of chemistry. And when the writers did make their relationship jump from 3 to 4, I do think the little moments they had in Book 4 was cute. And then when you consider their friendship in Book 3. LOOSELY it all comes together. And it works for me.

But if I'm going to be critical of the overall writing, yeah their overall story was weird. It was clunky and sloppy. And I'm not going to blame someone for not "seeing" it coming.
Sokka's steady diet of hookers and cactus juice is probably what did him in.
He snorted too much granulated cactus juice off a hookers cleavage. Probably freaked out and Lin killed him while busting him.
Toph killed him during sex. >>>>
Snu snu


I'll say this. Even the most poorly handled relationship in AtLA or LoK was better handled and more set up than the best handled relationship in Naruto's younger generation (aside from Shikamaru and Temari).

Naruto relationships fully redeemed itself for me when the best crack pairing ever happened from the rookie 9
Choji/ Karui
. Korra will be good too, if they make a comic and give me Lin/Mako. New canon where Mako needs the love of an older woman to teach him how to be in relationships after the scars he got from Korra.


Sokka's steady diet of hookers and cactus juice is probably what did him in.

Sokka was the last Pheromonebender. His legacy is there, we just don't realize it, well except a lot of single mothers.

Speaking of which, if Kuvira was treated like Su's daughter. Wouldn't that make her relationship to Bataar Jr. kinda incestuous? Sure they aren't blood, but isn't it kinda familial?


At least we got the dumb love triangle roundabout out of the way early in the show, unlike some other recent shows *cough regularshow cough gravity falls cough*

Gravity Falls at least dealt with that head on in season 2. I'd say in a pretty mature way. Got no arguments with Regular Show though especially after the latest incident.


I think most stories caught on to the love at first sight thing. But the second point confuses me as a story telling device. Unless you put in a throwaway line that they dated someone in the past, most stories revolve around teenage characters so it's natural the romance would be their first love. It would be silly just to have two characters break up just because it was their first romance if they have a good flow going in story.

Though that is more on how the story is structured and the age of the characters.

I'm not saying two characters should break up just because.

I just find it very contrived that teenagers/children would end up marrying their first crush when people that age go through relationships faster than toilet paper. Which reminds me...

Gravity Falls at least dealt with that head on in season 2. I'd say in a pretty mature way. Got no arguments with Regular Show though especially after the latest incident.

Gravity Falls handled the subject of first love/crush very well and what romantic emotions are like for a kid. Props to them.



I tried to tell some of you Makorra was done in Season 2.

Where ya'll at?!

Stand and be counted!

I argued it too. I was with you. I remember I think it was Satch, that quoted me and laughed at me. I said the way the plot arc was set up in Book 2, it was a definite end for the relationship. And going back on that plot, would undermine things in a massive way.

I then quoted Bryke in an interview to back up my assertion. But I got laughed at with a "you will see".

Well then....

Actually it wasn't just her. I think several people jumped in and said I was being ridiculous. :p

EDIT: that said, I would never have seen Korrasami. I figured MAYBE Bolin (depending on what they did in Book 3, although I quickly realized that wasn't happening). Then I figured she would end up single.
I'm not saying two characters should break up just because.

I just find it very contrived that teenagers/children would end up marrying their first crush when people that age go through relationships faster than toilet paper.
I knew a woman in her late 20's that went through both genders like toilet paper, some people are just shit at relationships. Getting rid of that headache was one of the best things I did this year.


I'm not saying two characters should break up just because.

I just find it very contrived that teenagers/children would end up marrying their first crush when people that age go through relationships faster than toilet paper.

I think it's the context of the story really. I don't mind it as long as the relationship itself is well written. If they are clearly not right for one another have them break up, but if they are a good interesting couple let them have it. Even if it is their first.
Again, I think they shouldn't have had Makorra at all, considering.

How do you write this, watch this before it airs, and NOT see "Holy fuck...what the hell are we thinking?"


Never posted here and the only episodes of Avatar I've seen are the last 5-6 of this season, but I've gotta say that I am super happy that Korrasami is real. It's not perfectly represented, but it's something, and it counts.

:) the tears are real <3
Posting in a similar vein. I haven't watched TLA or Korra (maybe I should?), but this Korrasami stuff has blown up my Tumblr this weekend, and as a bisexual woman I'm tickled pink that it has :) Much love to the creators and to you folks too!


Unconfirmed Member
Gravity Falls at least dealt with that head on in season 2. I'd say in a pretty mature way. Got no arguments with Regular Show though especially after the latest incident.

regular show
I hope they deal with it quickly cuz CJ is just too good and i'd hate her to be written out of the show.


Again, I think they shouldn't have had Makorra at all, considering.

How do you write this, watch this before it airs, and NOT see "Holy fuck...what the hell are we thinking?"

Yeah, him cheating on Asami really soured the whole relationship with Korra. Mako probably should have been single if they were even going to attempt that.


Korrasami's development in the show was insufficient if we were supposed to think they were in a relationship during S3-S4.
Korrasami's development in the show was fine if you look it at as them acknowledging that they should be one in the very end.

I mean, they're just holding hands at the end and taking babysteps after 3+ years of interactions (they were writing to each other I believe). I mean, that is reasonable I suppose. I think a lot of the people annoyed with the lack of development are looking at it as if they ended the series with them ready to make out when it looked like they've barely begun.

I like that they went with the build-up root rather than the approach they had with Makorra. I can guarantee that if they developed the relationship in that style... it would not have been as well received since Bryke have a history of goofing in that department.

I can completely buy this, If the moment at the end is not them becoming a couple in a relationship, but both finding out that they want to try to be more than friends.

Yes, it works, I approve.


Again, I think they shouldn't have had Makorra at all, considering.

How do you write this, watch this before it airs, and NOT see "Holy fuck...what the hell are we thinking?"

By that time, it's way too late to make changes.

I think that's a problem in animation. Not enough time goes into the writing and they dive straight into animating.
Again, I think they shouldn't have had Makorra at all, considering.

How do you write this, watch this before it airs, and NOT see "Holy fuck...what the hell are we thinking?"

Makorra made me never truly like Mako. I don't hate him I just never cared about his character.
edit: I do like his and Wu's interaction though.


Again, I think they shouldn't have had Makorra at all, considering.

How do you write this, watch this before it airs, and NOT see "Holy fuck...what the hell are we thinking?"

They can make all the excuses they want, but that was some terribad writing. Like no one went "Hey having our main character and guy character cheat on his girlfriend is a bad idea and will in no way make them likable!" No one noticed how how it made Asami look like a wet rug. Or how Bolin's feelings got stepped over. Or thought maybe they should give Mako more character before jumping into relationship mess that made people hate him.
There is something I feel like I should clarify about my stance since I'm always talking about how Korrasami was poorly built and there wasn't enough material. I stand by that for the most part, but I would've let it slide if it wasn't what they decided to end the show on. The closing point of a series should be something major to the story and something that is built and prepared very well, and Korrasami just wasn't at the level where it could support that burden.

If it had happened at any other time than when it did, it still wouldn't be perfect, but I wouldn't have taken as much issue with the execution.

The problem is their overall relationship in the Series from Book 1 to 2 and then to 3. Asami herself, should not have wanted to be friends with the group after Book 1's incident. They didn't have her react at all to all that bullshit. She had no emotions.

It's also odd how, Asami was in love with Mako and wanted him back in Book 2. She got angry and upset when Korra thought they were still together. THAT was the last we saw Asami in Book 2. So cut to book 3. Her and Korra are shooting the shit, and hanging out for the first time in ever (and this is after Asami had nothing to do with her in all of Book 2). They have fun.

They have two side missions in the season. But Korra for 99% of it is off on her own. And worrying about her own issues. There is no deep jump in relationship for them in this season.

Then Book 4 comes. And out of no where, Korra is only writing Asami. Okay. Korra comes back after not seeing her for 3 years. She doesn't spend the ENTIRE Book 4 with her (barely sees her).

But oh yeah...romance at the end. I don't see how people don't look at that, and find that entire relationship arc to be...odd.

That said, I said in my post earlier, that Bryke decided to use the 3 year time jump. And because it's a 3 year jump (which is a plot device to move characters and plot ahead faster then they can with the time they have left), that's where I think they wanted us to believe Korra and Asami had their feelings advanced over 3 years. They would argue that logically, because 3 years has gone by, that was plenty of time for feelings to grow (even if it happens off screen). That is...what a time jump is as a plot device.

Either you can get with that, or you don't.

I still think in hindsight, Korrasami is still better then the other romances, just for the fact that they both had a lot of chemistry. And when the writers did make their relationship jump from 3 to 4, I do think the little moments they had in Book 4 was cute. And then when you consider their friendship in Book 3. LOOSELY it all comes together. And it works for me.

But if I'm going to be critical of the overall writing, yeah their overall story was weird. It was clunky and sloppy. And I'm not going to blame someone for not "seeing" it coming.
Excellent post. Poor Asami just gets stuck being whatever is convenient for Bryke. And the "a lot happens in three (offscreen) years" thing... It's valid, but extremely lazy.


Again, I think they shouldn't have had Makorra at all, considering.

How do you write this, watch this before it airs, and NOT see "Holy fuck...what the hell are we thinking?"

Yes. Makorra was awful through and through.

I would have lost my shit if they got them back together. Since there was zero foundation for that. Would have been a total WTF. Much more out of left field then Korrasami (which at least had the deep relationship plot, even oddly paced).


regular show
I hope they deal with it quickly cuz CJ is just too good and i'd hate her to be written out of the show.

I really hope they don't drag it out the same way the did with Margaret/Mordecai will they won't they thing from the earlier seasons. CJ is way to good to stuff her around like that.
I really do like how the Rigby/Eileen has developed in the background these past couple of seasons. Nice to see Rigby slowly maturing.


Makorra made me never truly like Mako. I don't hate him I just never cared about his character.
edit: I do like his and Wu's interaction though.
Mako really grew on me a lot in book 4. I thought his character worked really well as the down on his luck straight man comapred to Wu being very eccentric.
With the confirmation I can put the show to rest in my mind. I'll never stop talking about it of course, but now I can finally do something else. I had no desire to do anything but talk about the ending all weekend, I really need to start my second play through of Dragon Age Inquisition.


With the confirmation I can put the show to rest in my mind. I'll never stop talking about it of course, but now I can finally do something else. I had no desire to do anything but talk about the ending all weekend, I really need to start my second play through of Dragon Age Inquisition.

Second? Holy fuck.

I put 140 hours into my first play through. Don't think I can do another play through any time soon. :p


Azula hitting the nail on the head as usual. As much as I like korrasami and that final scene got me good their whole relationship was built of a very flimsy board. It's even worse when the interactions they do have together are so great that I wish there was more.

Hell they had more chemistry than katara and aang.


Azula hitting the nail on the head as usual. As much as I like korrasami and that final scene got me good their whole relationship was built of a very flimsy board. It's even worse when the interactions they do have together are so great that I wish there was more.

Hell they had more chemistry than katara and aang.

Asami in general was poorly handled. Which sucks. Back in Book 1 she was actually my favorite side character. It feels so...cheap how they never really gave her anything to do in the plot. :( I had so much hope. I just remember thinking they were going to do something with her in Book 2, and then being floored that I. She had barely any screen time (and spent zero time with Team Avatar)....and II. She was a booty call for Mako, after Mako cheated on her.



I've done all I can with my male Qunari mage. I'm going to do a female elf rogue this time. Nightmare too. I'm going for platinum.

Man, I'll never be a platinum player. I have nothing but respect for players that can do that. But I've just never been able to get that deep into games. Not even Persona 4 Golden which is my favorite game of all time. I've probably played it 4 times. But I can't be arsed to pay attention to the trophies lol


The Krew/Team Avatar writing and interaction weren't wasn't really special either. It even became rare to see all four of them together.

Must have been some magic trick then. Because by the end of Book 3, I felt they had a great relationship and really bonded over the entire journey.

Korra on the other hand, I had no idea why they were even friends. And pretty much felt nothing by the finale.
Must have been some magic trick then. Because by the end of Book 3, I felt they had a great relationship and really bonded over the entire journey.

Korra on the other hand, I had no idea why they were even friends. And pretty much felt nothing by the finale.

Which is also hilarious considering they only had...what four months of interaction? Yet still pulled it off.

Lightning in a bottle I say
Must have been some magic trick then. Because by the end of Book 3, I felt they had a great relationship and really bonded over the entire journey.

Korra on the other hand, I had no idea why they were even friends. And pretty much felt nothing by the finale.

Book 3 so happens to be the season they spent the most time together. :D


Katara and Aang's plot was more established and was more important to the story. But yeah, the chemistry there was odd. Mostly because, as the show progressed, Katara became more of an adult. And it was odd because Aang had this really child side to him (given his Age). Even though he was also forced to get older, he was still a kid.

They also kind of had the brother/sister relationship going on. It was really cringe when Aang got angry at Katara for not knowing how she felt. So there were little moments that I found off putting with them.

So yes, Korra and Asami had more chemistry then Katara and Aang. No doubt. But Korrasami still wasn't as important in the plot (in terms of the set up), therefore should not have been the shows ending.

Really, ATLA is pretty vanilla in some respects. I think it does some things very well. But it also sticks pretty closely to the traditional hero's story. And that is how Aang and Katara felt like. It felt like puzzle pieces falling into place. As much as I like Aang and Katara as characters, their relationship wasn't the most interesting.

I think TLOK sometimes pulled off the emotional interactions better. While I do think the relationships overall were much worse in TLOK (in terms of the writing), and just the chemistry overall (a bigger issue was characters in TLOK being not as likable or dull), I can say in terms of scenes/moments, TLOK could pull off more emotional interactions.
I was going to say something similar. I mean Aang and Katara's relationship was pretty one sided in my opinion. Was mostly just Aang wanting a relationship and Katara constantly rebounding.

This is where I agree with Zutara (ugh) fangirls.

Kaataang, while certainly not bad, was pretty fucking boring to be honest. While I won't go as far as to say they seemed more like siblings, I can definitely see where people who believe this are coming from.

I'm not saying Bryke needed some KiritoxAsuna like romantic tension, but jesus, throw me some believable bones here.


To be fair, the final left such a little impact on us the only thing we can talk about is shipping.

I'm starting to think if it would have been better if they animated the Comics as short 13-14 EP seasons and made Korra the Comicbook.


Man, I'll never be a platinum player. I have nothing but respect for players that can do that. But I've just never been able to get that deep into games. Not even Persona 4 Golden which is my favorite game of all time. I've probably played it 4 times. But I can't be arsed to pay attention to the trophies lol

You should go for the Far Cry 4 platinum it's easy as hell to get.
Thanks again for helping me get it.
But yeah getting Platinums can be fun at times just for that sense of accomplishment at getting them all. Even if they don't matter in the end ha.
To be fair, the final left such a little impact on us the only thing we can talk about is shipping.

I'm starting to think if it would have been better if they animated the Comics as short 13-14 EP seasons and made Korra the Comicbook.
I still don't like how 30 seconds gets more discussion than the previous 11 episodes, though yeah at least there are those bringing up the wasted potential. It's socially progressive while being a narrative regression at the same time.
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