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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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what exactly in the last two seasons shows blossoming romance? Again excusing something as being viewed through 'hetero lens' is just covering up bad writing.

Because its bullshit. Hell I would have loved for them to actually write Korrasamai throughout book 3 and 4. it would have actually giving Asami something to do instead of being practically IMA for most of the story. The ideal that people didn't see it coming because the hint of romance were subtle is hot garbage because the romance didn't exist until the lest 4 minutes of the show.

The problem isn't the gender of the couple but that the coupling came out of no where and existed just as much as Zutara did in the first show.


Nope. You wanted to scoff that that vimeo video and then you went on to imply some folks were deluded.

yeah because your so called evidentiary vimeo video was really weak. Fandom latches onto many things when it comes to ships. But saying that there was plenty of evidence in season 3 and 4 and that viewers are looking through some kind of lens is just stretching it.


never would I have thought that writing letters, bringing tea or complimenting someone's haircut means something more than friendship.
When you are at your absolute lowest point emotionally, but you reach out to only one person while asking that the message be kept a secret? That probably means something. It suggests a deeper trust than what she had with Mako, Bolin, Tenzin... pretty much everyone. And no, complimenting someone's hair doesn't mean something more, but Korra's reaction to Asami being the one saying it does.


I like how you all are twisting Bryan and Mike's words when they flat-out admitted Korra/Asami wasn't perfect in regards to representation.

No one twisting their words. But I can't help but feel that there is a certain amount of above criticism from the two post. The same story flaws he rolled his eye at it, seemed to be written here.

It almost feels like the fact that Asami/Korra are a same sex couple automatically makes them above the pitfalls he was complaining about.



People stating that Korrasami was some beautifully written and subtle are full of it. Korrasami boils down to 4 minute, tacked on ham fisted scene at the end of the series. And even then nothing concrete is shown and was left just vague enough to give them an out. t.

No, it wasn't. You're obvious of the growing friendship that Korra and Asami had the past several seasons. Sure it could have been just friendship but it's more than that and the finale clearly show that. It was not hamfisted, it was two people showing their affection.

As Sai said before, it was easy to notice a popular 2013 having a gay protagonist for me. But several people were aghast and staunchly against it.

It's like we weren't watching a different show.


I'd buy it too because she actually had some interesting stuff set up for her, we just never really saw that much of it. It'd be nice seeing the rise of some one like Korra, but she has to earn the respect and status from the ground up. People look up to Korra because she's the Avatar. Kuvira literally had to earn all of her status and prove to people that she's the right person for the job.
I really want to see her in the aftermath. They butchered her rise enough that I'd rather see how she comes to terms with being the Good Hitler.

As for the Red Lotus, we know very little, I would love to see their rise.
Because its bullshit. Hell I would have loved for them to actually write Korrasamai throughout book 3 and 4. it would have actually giving Asami something to do instead of being practically IMA for most of the story. The ideal that people didn't see it coming because the hint of romance were subtle is hot garbage because the romance didn't exist until the lest 4 minutes of the show.

The problem isn't the gender of the couple but that the coupling came out of no where and existed just as much as Zutara did in the first show.

I can't agree with that. They'd been hinting at the romance between the two characters since book 3, and the hints grew less and less subtle in the early episodes of book 4. The problem is that there was no relationship for the romance to grow from. We got to see Korra and Asami do plenty of relationship-y things together, but we rarely ever (if at all) got to see them actually fucking bond as people.

Kuvira like most things in The Legend of Korra had of the ingredients of greatness but just didn't spend enough time in the oven to bring it out. Korra would have benefited greatly from having a single continuous run instead of 4 very short season.
This feels good.


Because its bullshit. Hell I would have loved for them to actually write Korrasamai throughout book 3 and 4. it would have actually giving Asami something to do instead of being practically IMA for most of the story. The ideal that people didn't see it coming because the hint of romance were subtle is hot garbage because the romance didn't exist until the lest 4 minutes of the show.

The problem isn't the gender of the couple but that the coupling came out of no where and existed just as much as Zutara did in the first show.

Asami was a running joke in these threads for a long time for being a non-character with nothing to do. Now as soon as she is involved with shipping people are digging for any sort of character development.
I really want to see her in the aftermath. They butchered her rise enough that I'd rather see how she comes to terms with being the Good Hitler.

As for the Red Lotus, we know very little, I would love to see their rise.
I want to see how she has to come to terms with having to rebuild her life again for like the second time in 19 years or something. She actually had a pretty good life in Zaofu, now she just has nothing. Su hates her, Bataar is either super confuse or hates and Korra really just seemed to pity her. I would hope they'd become friends, but who knows. It'd be interesting to see. Would she find a way to redeem herself without getting Hiroshi'd.



mhm let em KNOW
I pity you.
Y u gotta bring up the painful memories when the wound is still fresh?
Don't be upset with those who don't know better.
I want to see how she has to come to terms with having to rebuild her life again for like the second time in 19 years or something. She actually had a pretty good life in Zaofu, now she just has nothing. Su hates her, Bataar is either super confuse or hates and Korra really just seemed to pity her. I would hope they'd become friends, but who knows. It'd be interesting to see. Would she find a way to redeem herself without getting Hiroshi'd.

Sounds too logical for Bryke to follow up with.


That is why the Trophy line struck me as odd. Asami is barely a character, she probably had the most to do in Seasons 1 and 4. But outside of that she could have easily been replaced with an airship or really anyone good with technology.

She was pretty much Korra's reward, they didn't develop or learn to understand one another or their situation.

Like say Arcueid/Shiki from Tsukihime. (Like 0 people actually read the VN or read the Manga)

We got some hints here and there, but we didn't even get to see them have a conversation about their lives or what they think about the world outside a clip show. What ideas they are for or against, their beliefs compared to one another, what they like or dislike.


I can't agree with that. They'd been hinting at the romance between the two characters since book 3, and the hints grew less and less subtle in the early episodes of book 4. The problem is that there was no relationship for the romance to grow from. We got to see Korra and Asami do plenty of relationship-y things together, but we rarely ever (if at all) got to see them actually fucking bond as people.

That could be said about...well most of the character interactions; platonic, romantic or otherwise. I must be looking at it through the wrong lens, better watch it again to pick up on the stuff I may have missed.


Was going to hold off posting in here but I just wanted to comment on Bryan's quote:

If it seems out of the blue to you, I think a second viewing of the last two seasons would show that perhaps you were looking at it only through a hetero lens.

I think it's valid to argue, people often view things through a hetero lens. But i still call bullshit on this. Why? Because when all was said and done, the relationships in this show were very poorly constructed. Expecting people to know Korra and both Asami were now romantic, when they barely had any plot time together, is rather ridiculous. And since the writing did not have any overt romantic plot (like we had seen previously with other couples), we are going purely off friendly interactions that even with straight people could be interpreted as both friendly or romantic.

To suggest that it's purely because people only see it through hetero lens is kind of ridiculous. And to be honest, it's nothing but an excuse for his hack writing.

I LOVE Korrasami. And I'm actually really happy about it in hindsight. I think it's a very important thing for animation/and entertainment in general. But I hate when writers make excuses. And Bryke has long made excuses for their bad writing.

I will say going back to Season 3 and 4, yes all the Korrasami scenes now work in hindsight. But I still don't agree that the audience should have known. And what's further, I still think logically, the entire plot from Book 1 to 2 and then from 3 is clunky as hell (Asami's relationship between the group, and Korra).

You go from:

Korra steals Asami's Boyfriend (her boyfriend cheats on her) > Has nothing to do with the group almost all of Book 2 (she tries to jump Makos bones, and wants to date him again) > Starts to hang out with Korra 1 on 1 for the first time. They spend most of the season apart, but do have two side missions together > She spends 3 years away from Asami and the group. When she comes back, she doesn't spend any time with Asami all season.

So yeah, hardly a fleshed out relationship. Expecting viewers to just know, and then blaming it on a hetero lens for it "coming out of left field"...is BS. You have no one to blame but yourself Bryke. Stop making excuses.


Considering I'm only about three eps into Book 3 and have had little spoiled for me beyond Korrasami, it'll be interesting catching up and seeing how their scenes play.


I can't help but laugh at the amount of tears that had to go into photoshopping this again.


Why laugh at what would be a superior ending. They could've kept Asami and Korra holding hands without ignoring EVERYONE else. Then again, why would Mako and Bolin walk off with those random strangers.


asami is so iconic, the fumes she incites

i feel like my book 1 self again

i told yall to get into Goddessami, her seduction techniques 2 years ago but yall didnt listen.


The only reason I even bothered watching the show after season 2 was because of Asami, she's a goddess and by far my most favourite character on the show. I am so glad she's found happiness at long last, after being screwed over so much.


Why laugh at what would be a superior ending. They could've kept Asami and Korra holding hands without ignoring EVERYONE else. Then again, why would Mako and Bolin walk off with those random strangers.

Did I miss the superior ending part or is this part of the joke


Credit to Azula for the avatar.

He needs to get in here, if just for one post.

Thank you so much. I love Korrasami, and I love this avatar. I'm so glad I could make it for you. If you ever need another one made, I could go back and find other moments with them. Just let me know. But I do think that scene captures their romantic feelings quite well in hindsight.:)

Fuck the haters, Korrasami is canon and was well done. And I ain't gonna bother ranking the seasons cause I liked them all.

Psh. Not everyone is a "hater" for not liking the way something was written.

EDIT: Unless you mean the people that are just anti-gay. Then yeah, fuck them.
Because its bullshit. Hell I would have loved for them to actually write Korrasamai throughout book 3 and 4. it would have actually giving Asami something to do instead of being practically IMA for most of the story. The ideal that people didn't see it coming because the hint of romance were subtle is hot garbage because the romance didn't exist until the lest 4 minutes of the show.

The problem isn't the gender of the couple but that the coupling came out of no where and existed just as much as Zutara did in the first show.

I really wish I had more friends in this discussion, both sides get very "all or nothing"-y. That isn't true, they had a good few moments peppered throughout 3 & 4 and I saw them as heading in that direction through my non-shipping, non-hetero lens (am I going to have to start saying this every time too?), the problem was that it didn't feel like there was enough material of them together to realistically justify the descision to jump into a romance, unless you want to say a lot of it happened in the letters over the three years, which is just a lazy way to get out of writing the material.

Can someone link this, seemingly infamous, Vimeo video? I'd like to see it.


brb gotta platinum KH2. I'd like to make a post that doesn't involve me swooning and has me being a critical curmudgeon.

In a nutshell, I think LoK was kinda horribly written and for the most part, a waste of time. Hell, I think the best part of the show had to have been some parts of Book 3 and the ending of Book 4.

I'll make a longer post later.

I really wish I had more friends in this discussion, both sides get very "all or nothing"-y. That isn't true, they had a good few moments peppered throughout 3 & 4 and I saw them as heading in that direction through my non-shipping, non-hetero lens (am I going to have to start saying this every time too?), the problem was that it didn't feel like there was enough material of them together to realistically justify the descision to jump into a romance, unless you want to say a lot of it happened in the letters over the three years, which is just a lazy way to get out of writing the material.

Can someone link this, seemingly infamous, Vimeo video? I'd like to see it.

Here you go: http://vimeo.com/115101891


That blog post changed very little for me. I suppose they deserve their victory lap though, I liked the show well enough to not grill em for it.

i told yall to get into Goddessami, her seduction techniques 2 years ago but yall didnt listen.



Its too bad they couldn't use good writing to justify it in the show rather than post about it on tumblr.

ayyy lmao

Point is they should have made Asami much more important to the plot and have her own arc...while Korra's arc could have been executed much better, and extraneous characters cut to make time for all that, and grand ideas being shot into the story and quickly vacated should never have been a thing, and Republic City's growth should have felt more organic, and the whole show should have been written better.



I just got around to watching the finale and between the whole giant Robot, Korra Sith bending and Mako being Mako, just want to say I enjoyed the last five minutes of the series. Asami da gawd.

But Kuvira was handled extremely poorly. Where did she even get that liquid metal anyway? I know it was floating around the cockpit...but why? Movement apparatus? Whatever, first time we learnt about her underlying motivations. If that's so, wouldn't she have had a harder time abandoning Batar Jr.?

Hmm, I don't know if these are inconsistencies or just weird writing.


I think people are taking Mike and Bryan's comments a little too harshly. They already accepted that it wasn't perfect.

Interpretation does factor into certain things. If you viewed Korra and Asami's interactions with the idea that they couldn't possibly be romantic, then, yeah, you would be caught off guard by the ending.

I see this happen in books where people assume characters are white when there's no evidence to suggest otherwise. It's all up to the reader but their interpretation usually goes to what society has labeled as the default.


Makorra was awful. The way the romance started was awful. The way it played out and quickly destructed, was awful. They had no chemistry. It was always forced. They were both hot heads, and terrible for each other.

I do not get anyone that shipped Makorra. And I especially don't get those that are mad that Makorra didn't happen over Korrasami. Like no. I may think that Korrasami was poorly written (well not given enough time, and clunky more like it)....but Asami and Korra at least were great around each other. They were gentle and kind around one another.

Makorra was the worst thing in the entire show.

That said, Bryke totally did Mako dirty. Mako and Bolin for all their problems, deserved better then what they got. Korrasami did not earn that ending (and it was pretty shit ending).

Korrasami is still beautiful. <3 But yeah.


Ugh, maybe I've read/seen way to many other adventure or action Stories that handle romance a lot better. But I should just probably accept it, the same way I accept Goku ending up with Chichi without thinking too hard about it. I'll accept Korra ending up with Asami without thinking too hard about it.
Sounds too logical for Bryke to follow up with.
Once you take a step back and look at her she's not that hard to write either. They sprinkled some stuff in that you have to look at closely, but it's there, there's just a lot to fill in. As I said if they concentrated more on writing a good narrative for her instead of "look we have a dictator" then it would've been a lot better. That gap in the pace after the Attack on Zaofu honestly could've been used to build her as a character like with the 2 part Wan episode or that Avatar Roku/Sozin flashback.


Was going to hold off posting in here but I just wanted to comment on Bryan's quote:

I really love your posts Azula. I think you explained alot of what I feel about that post.

brb gotta platinum KH2. I'd like to make a post that doesn't involve me swooning and has me being a critical curmudgeon.

In a nutshell, I think LoK was kinda horribly written and for the most part, a waste of time. Hell, I think the best part of the show had to have been some parts of Book 3 and the ending of Book 4.

I'll make a longer post later.

Here you go: http://vimeo.com/115101891

I hate it, but this is how I really feel about Korra. It was a waste of time and at times really hampered my enjoyment of the Avatar universe. Kinda wish they had made 4 different mini series about previous avatars instead.


I think people are taking Mike and Bryan's comments a little too harshly.

Interpretation does factor into certain things. If you viewed Korra and Asami's interactions with the idea that they couldn't possibly be romantic, then, yeah, you would be caught off guard by the ending.

I see this happen in books where people assume characters are white when there's no evidence to suggest otherwise. It's all up to the reader but their interpretation usually goes to what society has labeled as the default.

Yeah that's fair. I'm not offended by it. Like I'm not saying the guy is accusing me lol But I do think, their writing plays a big part in why I feel the relationship was clunky. It's not just about Korrasami, it's just Asami in general had very poor writing. The relationships in general had poor writing.

So it kind of bugs me to see writers kind of, trying to justify why some people think it came out of left field. I wanted Korrasami since Book 2, and even I didn't expect it.

THAT SAID...Makorra was garbage. Most of the romance was garbage on this show. Korrasami was beautiful. And it actually made the most sense in terms of chemistry. So I'm not challenging it. I'm embracing it. :) I'm happy about it.

I just chalk it up to, flawed writing. But that's something that was common with the show. So it's okay.
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