The 100 Trailerthey probably weren't, but it's still an adorable pic.
And yes, the streets want something new.... and if they can't get a picture I will provide them with some fan fics they can eat from
when I asked if I should finish it
PLEASE. Im in love with this already!! *Whispers* Dont stop
This is what we do on the SS Korvira, we feed each other. If you want to hop on, you're more than welcome.
Anyhow, anyone of yall watch the 100? Sleepysenshi keeps telling me to watch it and idk what the hell it is.
Yep it's great. Its starts off a tad slow and with the usual CW feel, but eventually grows out of that into greatness. Think of it as The Hunger Games meets BSG at first for the first season at least.
Also one of the more brutal shows on network TV right now. Example