Dunno, I'm personally at the stage of acceptance when it comes to certain Bryke decisions/priorities. Like, why spend so much time on Wu? When it is better served for Korra to ultimately make the executive decision on abolishing of the Earth Kingdom monarchy instead of that bugger. Therefore proving she understood the reasons behind Kuvira's extremes, "Kuvira was crazy, but she was right about the monarchy and you Wu. You aint shit and never will be shit. Gimme that brooch." and throws it on the ground proclaiming that the Earth Empire and Kingdom are no more. None of that "I learn how to be compassionate" nonsense.
Another would be Kai, 2-3 episodes wasted on dat fool. Could've just use one of the Air Kids, Ikki maybe? Which would give us roughly 1-1.5 episodes dedicated to the Z-team or whatever.