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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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I think both of you are being guilty here tbh lol

What? Me? Never. When do I ever argue without a good excuse to do so? Don't be ridiculous, I never do that. Ever, and I'll spend a very long time convincing you otherwise if you disagree.

It made me believe that you were presenting that as an actual counterpoint to the relevant discussion at hand, which would of course be a prompt to respond pointing out that it doesn't do anything to my point. Within an argument, a faulty counterpoint calls to be, well, called out. So yes, that's a prompt.

No, it really isn't. I even mentioned "I'm not saying it's a bad thing or whatever", which was to indicate that it does not invalidate your discussion, just restate the nature of the discussion.

And no, a counterpoint, however faulty or valid, is not an invitation for more discussion. If you feel the need to reply to it, then that's on you, but I am not asking for a reply. It is not a prompt.

Why do you always at some point have to resort to ad hominem?

That's not an ad hominem. For it to be one, I'd have to be using it to discredit your arguments whereas I'm merely suggesting a motive for why you argue.

"Oh, and you're wrong."

*shrug* Well, they usually are. Such as the above part of this post.
I barely even argue like that here. It's mainly only with Veelk. And I think the majority of people here are guilty of arguing with Veelk.

Yea but not with the version of arguing i'm seeing here tbh

What? Me? Never. When do I ever argue without a good excuse to do so? Don't be ridiculous, I never do that. Ever, and I'll spend a very long time convincing you otherwise if you disagree.

Wtf i'm witnessing another Veelk and IcyFlame discussion based on some weird crosstalk?

this thread is really on some loop :O.

Also LOL @ this Mako discussion.

Now matter what he does this shit will always be the sticking point somehow and i wouldn't be surprised if any attempt at giving him a W is seen as a copout and completely ignored. :p
Bryke didn't even give enough of a shit about Mako and his love life to give him an ass pull daughter of Izumi like they originally planned on. They were just like, "Fuck Mako let's have the guy pledge fealty to Korra and then have Korra run off with Asami." I take a break from this place to play some Bloodc
borne and this place goes insane. Veelk stays Veelking. He'll be arguing with Icy till I get off from work tomorrow.
No, it really isn't. I even mentioned "I'm not saying it's a bad thing or whatever", which was to indicate that it does not invalidate your discussion, just restate the nature of the discussion.

Ok you're right! This is where I could have misinterpreted things then.

That's not an ad hominem. For it to be one, I'd have to be using it to discredit your arguments whereas I'm merely suggesting a motive for why you argue.

Whatever. You always end up going for some kind of personal attack at some point and it's annoying as hell.


Whatever. You always end up going for some kind of personal attack at some point and it's annoying as hell.

No, I don't. I have made it a specific personal policy to always attack the argument, not the arguer. Always attack the product, never the creator. I will rail against Legend of Korra day and night, but I have never said a single bad word about Bryke as people to get a dig in. I realize that the nature of my posting style can feel aggressive to some people. That I can't really help. I'm confident in my perspective and opinions and don't mind making that clear, but I take care to never employ ad hominem. I try to avoid all fallacies, but especially that one.

In any case, with that particular post, I was just ribbing you, because I am perfectly aware of the irony of me criticizing someone for arguing for the sake of it. Thatsthejoke.jpg.

Edit: I may make an exception if someone is being a truly rude about it. Like in this one thread, someone was actually flaming a user for liking and even wanting to make a mod of Final Fantasy 7 that alters the script to be better written, flat out calling him pathetic and stupid. In that case, I let that guy know he was being an asshole, but you need to truly need to work your inner douched hard to make me want to go after you personally.

Otherwise, no matter how much I disagree or even just think you're in the wrong, I don't judge you for it in any way. Sorry if you don't perceive things that way, but it's how I run my business.
Bryke didn't even give enough of a shit about Mako and his love life to give him an ass pull daughter of Izumi like they originally planned on. They were just like, "Fuck Mako let's have the guy pledge fealty to Korra and then have Korra run off with Asami." I take a break from this place to play some Bloodc
borne and this place goes insane. Veelk stays Veelking. He'll be arguing with Icy till I get off from work tomorrow.

I am firm in my Fuck Mako stance and nobody can change that
In any case, with that post, I was just ribbing you, because I am perfectly aware of the irony of me criticizing someone for arguing for the sake of it. Thatsthejoke.jpg.

Dang it Veelk you tamper with my mental state too much
Bryke didn't even give enough of a shit about Mako and his love life to give him an ass pull daughter of Izumi like they originally planned on. They were just like, "Fuck Mako let's have the guy pledge fealty to Korra and then have Korra run off with Asami." I take a break from this place to play some Bloodc
borne and this place goes insane. Veelk stays Veelking. He'll be arguing with Icy till I get off from work tomorrow.

I'm too scared to play Bloodborne man. I'm so intimidated.

i feel like i've become a filthy casual
I am firm in my Fuck Mako stance and nobody can change that
It's not hard. They never really even showed him speaking to a woman that wasn't either Korra or Asami with the exception of I think Lin. If did eventually become a ladies man they could've showed it in book 4 easily because enough time had went by for it to be plausible. They didn't he was still simping for Korra.
I'm too scared to play Bloodborne man. I'm so intimidated.

i feel like i've become a filthy casual
I just managed to beat the third boss today. Put it in the PS4 and just learn from it. It's challenging yes, but it's not that bad. I had to unlearn some stuff I did in Dark Souls and once you get used to it being a more aggressive game it's some what manageable. You pretty much have to grind for levels every so often, pay attention and try to memorize the areas because you'll need to regarding shortcuts. Have a decent idea on how you want to level your character and pay attention to what weapons scale to what stats because that makes a pretty good difference. You're going to die yes, but as long as you learn from it and realize that there was probably a better way to take that situation you'll do fine. I'm having fun with it.


I'd play dark souls, but my laptop seems to die when it plays any game, regardless of resolution, for 15 minutes.

Which is baffling because I played the entire Arkham City campaign on it in 1080p resolution with full effects last semester.
You have to grind?
I haven't done any super extensive grinding. Just getting blood echoes to level up a stat or two for a boss fight or some items. Though I ended up getting a good amount of an item for upgrading starter weapons. With certain things shit just winds up accumulating the more you play.
Ah well can't speak for that.

my time haven't been long but it seems weird given how these things go.

Bryke didn't even give enough of a shit about Mako and his love life to give him an ass pull daughter of Izumi like they originally planned on. They were just like, "Fuck Mako let's have the guy pledge fealty to Korra and then have Korra run off with Asami." I take a break from this place to play some Bloodc
borne and this place goes insane. Veelk stays Veelking. He'll be arguing with Icy till I get off from work tomorrow.

Its very unfortunate how relationships basically defined him (even when they tried to make him actually be useful) and it was to his detriment since that aspect was one of the worst parts of the series lol.

Oh well

The fuck is going on in here?

Shit. I leave you kids for like, a day.


Eh it was a bit more interesting that the fanarts/shipping/Ranma 1/2 stuff tbh.

Maybe it was due to it being a return to form in some ways.
Its very unfortunate how relationships basically defined him (even when they tried to make him actually be useful) and it was to his detriment since that aspect was one of the worst parts of the series lol.
Mako should've just been a heroic sacrifice, he would've been remembered better, but nope Bolin had to fuck it up and save his ass. You can tell he wanted to go out in that scene too. "I'm going to be remembered as a real hero." "I can't let you do that breh." "God damn it Bolin, you fucked up my moment!"

Justice League Double Date:

The Huntress and The Question is an odd couple, but I don't mind it, it's actually pretty funny and they play off each other pretty well.


The first sign that LoK wasn't what it should have been. I don't know how I missed it the first time around. Lin was intended to be someone who wouldn't let Korra run rampant, but she didn't care about the legality of what Korra did, she was just misdirecting her authority to punish Tenzin as a personal vendetta. I guess Tophs corruption ended up rubbing off after all.
The first sign that LoK wasn't what it should have been. I don't know how I missed it the first time around. Lin was intended to be someone who wouldn't let Korra run rampant, but she didn't care about the legality of what Korra did, she was just misdirecting her authority to punish Tenzin as a personal vendetta. I guess Tophs corruption ended up rubbing off after all.
Beifongs corrupt all that is good and pure.
Justice League Double Date:

The Huntress and The Question is an odd couple, but I don't mind it, it's actually pretty funny and they play off each other pretty well.

Wanna hear some shit about what that episode was supposed to be?
DC Animated Wiki said:
Early drafts for this episode featured Barbara Gordon in a Birds of Prey storyline. It would have Barbara getting injured during a case as Batgirl. Since Batman forbids her from participating she would recreate herself as Oracle, and get in touch with Black Canary and Huntress to finish her case. Neither of them would meet her in person. Due to the Bat-embargo, the story replaced Batgirl with Green Arrow and The Question.
If we had gotten the original concept, we wouldn't have gotten as much Question and Ollie. So, trade-offs.
Ollie's a great character actually so I really don't mind him at all. The Question allows for some darker humor and sarcasm as well, so yeah it's definitely a trade off.
You haven't been around so the energy we use to power our Kuvira thirst has been directed elsewhere
But eyebrow man doesn't thirst for Kuvira.
Of course he won't, then he goes laying in bed with a Kuvira body pillow.

And are we sharing Ukyo-bae right now?!
To make it less awkward I gave you back exclusive use of Ukyo. I wanted to change my avatar before I go to another office for the next week and a half where I don't have any of my excess avatars. This is what I get for having a simp as my replacement. He's vacationing in Barcelona after having a vacation in fucking Paris during the summer, fuck my fucking life.
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