Makes me worried about the quality of shows they have now.
If they want these new shows to take off they need to prioritize those shows above all others. Especially Super girl since it will be on a big time network, which means less time for Arrow and Flash.
Arrow took a nosedive this season compared to season 2, which Flash had some part in (wanting to get Flash off the ground) and even though I see people praising Flash so far its only a bit better then Arrow season 1 which is nothing to write home about.
And now there are like three more shows they have to work on.
Supergirl is being worked on by a completely different team, if I'm recalling correctly. Then there's the Vixen animated web series. Then there's the crossover show.
So yeah.
I just started watching the last airbender, I saw Korra before it and I gotta say 3 episodes in it's not grabbing me as well.
Not sure why I was more drawn to Korra than Aang, might be an age thing. But again, 3 episodes in lol. Anything could change. Just felt like sharing that.
You didn't like
The Southern Air Temple?
Wow...I'm shocked you stuck with YYH during Chapter Black, that's one messed up season in a good way. So much character development came off the back of that season in my opinion which led into the spirit world tournament. Still my favorite Shounen show.
I don't get why Chapter Black is regarded as being so terrible. I really liked Chapter Black. It's not as good as the Dark Tournament, but it's incredibly close and certainly better than the Spirit Detective and Demon World sagas.
Dunno why you say that. YYH has it's own issues, but it's a wonderful series all the same, particularly because it's 4 mains are so damn good.
You know, if Leorio would get more love, HxH's core four would be just as good.
It makes me sad that I legit think that Pirate Warriors 2 has better unlocked/skill pacing than the Korra game.
(What I mean by that is how the games distribute skills combos among other things throughout the main game to keep players interested and not dull) they really messed up the Korra game by locking all your bending at the start. Either set it to level 1, or give us 2 from the start and let us have all of them by halfway though the game.
PW2 is a musou, and musous are designed to have you throwing enemies left and right from the beginning. On top of that it's really long. Of course they're going to give you tons of stuff. TLoK is designed to have you build back up, totally familiarize yourself with each element, and then eventually become a full Avatar. The only problem with it in that regard is that TLoK is too short. By the time you've unlocked every skill, the game is over. It's essentially designed to be a New Game+ game.
Had the game been longer, it wouldn't have been as much of an issue. The pacing is off, but not by that much.
Besides, musous and character-action aren't exactly 100% comparable.
The reason he gets away with it is because the man is immensely talented. I can't think of many characters with as rich character development as Meruem. One can only imagine what he'd accomplish with actual motivation.
We need to find a way to extract the work ethic of the Fairy Tale guy and put it into Togashi. Seriously, there is almost nothing of worth in fairy tale, but the mangaka heading it is a goddamn machine.
Is Fairy Tail still going? For the life of me, every time someone tries to convince me to get into that series, they tell/show me something that immediately makes me go "Absolutely not" and I bail.
Every fucking time.