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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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You prefer DC to Marvel?

The general difference between the two as I see it is that Marvel is about ordinary people who happen to have super powers and DC has superheroes as archtypes that stand for something. There are exceptions on both sides, but that is the general rule of thumb. There is no right or wrong answer here, it's just a matter of preference, and I prefer DC's almost mythological feel to it.

I keeping hearing that its pretty good.

Would be interested in your take

Just saw the first two episodes. I don't want to make a judgement until I see the whole series, but it has the Batman problem of "How can this dark and gritty life exist in the same world as the wacky superheros", and it is a startling contrast. It's so dark and grimy. I've gotten so used to everyone and their mother having hologram technology, that seeing them stuck with ordinary tools we use is has some strange dissonance to it. I'll see if they can truly reconcile the different tones eventually.

But I like it. Marvel has 3 Batmen as I see it. 4 if you count Moon Knight I guess. Iron Man is Batman's billionare that can afford future tech side. Captain America is his aspect of physical condition, trained in all combat. But Daredevil is Batman's environment, the darkness that motivates him and that he rests in. That's my favorite part, so I'm really liking daredevil so far. The action is pretty good too, and I am SO GLAD we finally have a show that doesn't try to make every other line a flippant quip and just has them talking like real people.

Ray Down

From best girl Rin-trash who is once again in the drawing mood

More anime kuvira, looks a bit like something out of KLK.

The general difference between the two as I see it is that Marvel is about ordinary people who happen to have super powers and DC has superheroes as archtypes that stand for something. There are exceptions on both sides, but that is the general rule of thumb. There is no right or wrong answer here, it's just a matter of preference, and I prefer DC's almost mythological feel to it.

But I like it. Marvel has 3 Batmen as I see it. 4 if you count Moon Knight I guess. Iron Man is Batman's billionare that can afford future tech side. Captain America is his aspect of physical condition, trained in all combat. But Daredevil is Batman's environment, the darkness that motivates him and that he rests in. That's my favorite part, so I'm really liking daredevil so far. The action is pretty good too, and I am SO GLAD we finally have a show that doesn't try to make every other line a flippant quip and just has them talking like real people.

You got those thoughts from Linkara didn't you?

You really think Cap is like batman?

I get Iron Man since its obvious and Daredevil, I'm just not seeing the Cap comparison.


You got those thoughts from Linkara didn't you?

You really think Cap is a batman ripoff?

I get Iron Man since its obvious and Daredevil.

He was the one that eventually got me into comics, but I had that perception of DC characters before i saw it. I just didn't have any perception of marvel characters at all since I didn't read any marvel at the time.

I don't think Cap is a Batman rip off. In fact, I reject the notion that superheroes are characters at all. It is utter insanity to me to try to reconcile all the different stories, all the different writers that have worked on them and say "yes, this is the same character."

The breaking point for me was when I was reading the new 52 stuff and Damien died. Scott Snyder's Batman took it stoically, saying he had learned for Jason's death, and just had a bunch of quiet moments which he used to remember his son by. Thee Batman from Batman and Robin did torturous experiments on frankenstien to try and find out the secret of immortality so he could resurrect Damien.

DC would have me believe these are the same character. It's not tthat either one is necessarily a wrong reaction for batman to have, but he can't have both of them at once. He's either gone crazy with grief or he's bearing it maturely. It can't be both. They cannot be reconciled within the same continuity.

So they're not. Each person is just telling their own story of that particular archtype. I heard somewhere before that superheroes are the modern mythological heroes, and that's just something I totally agree with. There is no 'one' mythological story, it's a collection off the same story told in different ways and they're only as connected as you want them to be. If a particular story offends you, like One More Day, I have no issues whatsoever throwing it out of continuity because it's a poorly told myth of spiderman.

Captain America is not a rip off of Batman, nor is Iron man or even Daredevil. What I'm saying is that they overlap with pieces of batman's archtypical characteristics. Captain America has his physical capabilities, Iron Man has his money and gadgetry, Daredevil has his darkness. None of them are copies of batman, but part of their archtype is the same as batman's.

Edit: To clearify, when I say Batman is an archtype and not a character, I'm not saying he can't BE a character. But he's a character only within the story that is currently being told, how he reacts to things in details. Batman as describing him across the all his books, his whole history, is an archtype, because you cannot reconcile the characteristics of every telling with each other.

Edit 2: I apologize for the spelling mistakes, but I am extremely sick. I don't know exactly how this is affecting my abilities to spell correctly, but it is.
Man remember when Damien's body got taken to Apokolips and then he had super powers after getting brought back and proceeding to job Kalibak, the jobbiest of the New Gods?

Robin Alpha was kinda dumb.

Ray Down

He was the one that eventually got me into comics, but I had that perception of DC characters before i saw it. I just didn't have any perception of marvel characters at all since I didn't read any marvel at the time.

I don't think Cap is a Batman rip off. In fact, I reject the notion that superheroes are characters at all. It is utter insanity to me to try to reconcile all the different stories, all the different writers that have worked on them and say "yes, this is the same character."

The breaking point for me was when I was reading the new 52 stuff and Damien died. Scott Snyder's Batman took it stoically, saying he had learned for Jason's death, and just had a bunch of quiet moments which he used to remember his son by. Thee Batman from Batman and Robin did torturous experiments on frankenstien to try and find out the secret of immortality so he could resurrect Damien.

DC would have me believe these are the same character. It's not tthat either one is necessarily a wrong reaction for batman to have, but he can't have both of them at once. He's either gone crazy with grief or he's bearing it maturely. It can't be both. They cannot be reconciled within the same continuity.

So they're not. Each person is just telling their own story of that particular archtype. I heard somewhere before that superheroes are the modern mythological heroes, and that's just something I totally agree with. There is no 'one' mythological story, it's a collection off the same story told in different ways and they're only as connected as you want them to be. If a particular story offends you, like One More Day, I have no issues whatsoever throwing it out of continuity because it's a poorly told myth of spiderman.

Captain America is not a rip off of Batman, nor is Iron man or even Daredevil. What I'm saying is that they overlap with pieces of batman's archtypical characteristics. Captain America has his physical capabilities, Iron Man has his money and gadgetry, Daredevil has his darkness. None of them are copies of batman, but part of their archtype is the same as batman's.

Yeah i edited it, because ripoff is to strong of a word.

With the third and forth breaks it sounds like you stopped reading DC or at least Batman, which I can't blame you. Both of the two have lost me atm especially DC.


Yeah i edited it, because ripoff is to strong of a word.

With the third and forth breaks it sounds like you stopped reading DC or at least Batman, which I can't blame you. Both of the two have lost me atm especially DC.
I still read snyder's batman. I just can't read Synder's Batman and Tomasz's Batman and Robin and think that they're the same character. Both are good stories, but they simply cannot be the same person. But they are the same archtype. That's my methodology of how I view superheroes.

Toa continues to try to convert people

Maybe I should try to get into KLK again.

Only thing stopping her now is Baatar Sr.
Why couldn't you finish KLK? Bataar Sr ain't stopping shit. We both know who wears the pants in that relationship.

Ray Down

Why couldn't you finish KLK? Bataar Sr ain't stopping shit. We both know who wears the pants in that relationship.

I only really saw the first episode in english, while the animation is nice I didn't like the dub of the main chick. So it didn't grab my interest immediately.

I do plan to watch it again soon, but some of the stuff I hear makes me a bit apprehensive.

Suyin would probably be like: "Oh, don't worry honey its fine if you are too busy with projects to make it back to bed tonight, I'll have Kuvira too keep me company".

Baatar Sr: "But aren't youy going to change first?"

Suyin: "Oh honey its just lingerie, its nothing that Kuvira hasen't seen and I doubt she would mind"

Baatar Sr: "..."
I only really saw the first episode in english, while the animation is nice I didn't like the dub of the main chick. So it didn't grab my interest immediately.

I do plan to watch it again soon, but some of the stuff I hear makes me a bit apprehensive.

Suyin would probably be like: "Oh, don't worry honey its fine if you are too busy with projects to make it back to bed tonight, I'll have Kuvira too keep me company".

Baatar Sr: "But aren't youy going to change first?"

Suyin: "Oh honey its just lingerie, its nothing that Kuvira hasen't seen and I doubt she would mind"

Baatar Sr: "..."
I found Ryuko to be fine in the dub. Now dubbed Satsuki is a different story for me. She sounds way more commanding in Japanese and seems to have more vocal range to me. When Su comes back from seeing Kuvira. "Why's your lingerie torn to pieces?" "That Kuvira is damn fierce...the things she does with her metal bending, I must go back tomorrow. Bataar fetch my pain medication."

Ray Down

I found Ryuko to be fine in the dub. Now dubbed Satsuki is a different story for me. She sounds way more commanding in Japanese and seems to have more vocal range to me. When Su comes back from seeing Kuvira. "Why's your lingerie torn to pieces?" "That Kuvira is damn fierce...the things she does with her metal bending, I must go back tomorrow. Bataar fetch my pain medication."

I probably just going to watch the sub since thats what people recommend.

A friend told me that as the series goes on the fan service becomes more frequent and in some ways gets worse, is that true?

Baatar Sr: "Su why would you and Kuvira spare in the bed room?"

Su: "Oh kuvira wasn't tired so to release some energy me and her just spared to get her tired and obiously we could't leave the room with what we were wearing. Thats also why the other guards heard gasps and moaning for awhile."

Baatar Sr: "..."
I probably just going to watch the sub since thats what people recommend.

A friend told me that as the series goes on the fan service becomes more frequent and in some ways gets worse, is that true?

Baatar Sr: "Su why would you and Kuvira spare in the bed room?"

Su: "Oh kuvira wasn't tired so to release some energy me and her just spared to get her tired and obiously we could't leave the room with what we were wearing. Thats also why the other guards heard gasps and moaning for awhile."

Baatar Sr: "..."
Bataar knows he's only there for that sperm. To be honest with you the fanservice ain't even that bad and after a couple of eps it barely even bothers you. Towards the middle and end there's more man service than anything else. The women don't even have nipples. If you want an example of tasteless fan service then watch Freezing.
Bataar knows he's only there for that sperm. To be honest with you the fanservice ain't even that bad and after a couple of eps it barely even bothers you. Towards the middle and end there's more man service than anything else. The women don't even have nipples. If you want an example of tasteless fan service then watch Freezing.

Both father and son stay losing.

And Freezing is garbage so don't even try watching that.

Ray Down

Bataar knows he's only there for that sperm. To be honest with you the fanservice ain't even that bad and after a couple of eps it barely even bothers you. Towards the middle and end there's more man service than anything else. The women don't even have nipples. If you want an example of tasteless fan service then watch Freezing.

Just asking, cause while I don't mind fan service even in a light hearted series too much of it can just be off putting.

Like Veelk can back me up here, that fairy tail fan service can be so annoying with how frequent in it.
Just asking, cause while I don't mind fan service even in a light hearted series too much of it can just be off putting.

Like Veelk can back me up here, that fairy tail fan service can be so annoying with how frequent in it.
Just watch KLK for Satsuki sama. Her character arc is so well done that I honestly just stopped caring.


Just asking, cause while I don't mind fan service even in a light hearted series too much of it can just be off putting.

Like Veelk can back me up here, that fairy tail fan service can be so annoying with how frequent in it.

I've only read a few chapters here and there so I don't want to be called an expert on it, but I've seen enough to know those things would be major obstacles for me. I did a random sampling of chapters once, and 18 of 20 had women in skimpy outfits or stripped or clothing damage. History's greatest disciple Kenichi was ruined for me when fanservice became ridiculous.

As far fanservice goes in KLK, I'm of two minds on it. It's used as a means of both combat and also character development. In some cases, it's used to great effect.
Ragyo's molestation of Satsuki sent creepy vibes up and down the spine of the fanbase.
I don't mind when the characters are indifferent to being naked or even revel in it. What I don't like is how rapey stuff is used as the punchline of a joke. I feel that this is mostly in the early episodes while after a certain point, everyone just gets used to the rampant nudity and no one cares.

It also happens that the series sexualizes both sexes. I wish we could say it was a even split, but it's really not. Still, better than most. And I also enjoy that it understands sexualization doesn't necessarily have to do with nudity.
Gamagori's fight with Ryuko didn't have him indecently exposed at all, but the way he fought with likes like "YES I AM A BAD BOY, I DESERVE TO BE PUNISHED" made it clear how he was using his sexual kinks as a weapon

Overall, I'm happy it's a sex positive series. Or maybe not sex positive because nothing revolves around characters doing it, but it's a journey in which the protagonist's sex appeal becomes her literal weapon. I feel this important because I am sick to death of female characters who relate anything sexual as 'shameful' and shut down any expression of those feelings. I'm not saying I want shows to be gratutious, but sex is a healthy and normal part of living. No, scratch that, because it's more than that. it's how many people bond with another. It's the ultimate expression of intimacy. It's a powerful thing and telling a story centering around it is a difficult thing to do right. Kill la Kill isn't flawless. In fact, you'll find a lot of flaws. It's an extremely uneven show but I find it impossible not to love because of how enthusiastic it is to entertain and oddly ambitious and unique from typical fanservice shows.

Lastly, I wish designers of comics and manga would realize that women can just look really damn cool without being sexualized to a ridiculous degree. I thought both Ryuko and Satsuko looked awesome in their first outfits (before they get Senketsu and Jyugetsu (Though I guess Satsuki's pants were pretty tight....) but weren't sexualized (mostly)). My favorite example is how Yoruichi looked in her fight with Soifun.


She gets fanservice shots in other scenes, but here, she just looks cool to me. I like the butterfly shirt and her butterfly tattoo on her cheek. since she is wearing a shirt underneath, the emphasis is not on her side boob cleavage (it wasn't like that in the manga, so good on the anime team to add it). Yoruichi is obviously an attractively designed woman in this, but she's pretty ordinarily dressed in the context of what is going on here. I wish more female characters were designed with just making them look good rather than getting teenage boys off by portraying women as sexual objects.
Kenichi went hella overboard with that shit, in the anime it was the usual stuff but when I tried reading the manga afterwards, Miu somehow always found a way to lose her clothes.


Kenichi went hella overboard with that shit, in the anime it was the usual stuff but when I tried reading the manga afterwards, Miu somehow always found a way to lose her clothes.
Every female character did, and it was so pointless. The women for the most part didn't care that they were naked and the people fighting them didn't care. It was sexualization at it's most pointless, just....naked girls, for no reason.

Ray Down

Yeah, History gets really bad with its fan service I swear parts are straight up hentai in the later parts.

At least in the last arc I read there are scences where they just stop to have a swimsuit competition, an underwater battle thing with all woman, a striping comp that turns into a fight and later a dragon who entire purpose was to blow clothes off people which then later luck who is naked gets gruped by nature. It's bad.

Okay it doesn't sound bad, we'll see when I get to it. it's a series where you either like it or don't from pretty much everyone I know who watched it.

Wasn't that butterfly thing on yori because of font shikai?

Yori is probably the best female in the hst.
Yeah, History gets really bad with its fan service I swear parts are straight up hentai in the later parts.

At least in the last arc I read there are scences where they just stop to have a swimsuit competition, an underwater battle thing with all woman, a striping comp that turns into a fight and later a dragon who entire purpose was to blow clothes off people which then later luck who is naked gets gruped by nature. It's bad.

Okay it doesn't sound bad, we'll see when I get to it. it's a series where you either like it or don't from pretty much everyone I know who watched it.

Wasn't that butterfly thing on yori because of font shikai?

Yori is probably the best female in the hst.
Just watch KLK for Satsuki sama since she's the best character on the show. You'll bow down to her and let her call you a pig in human clothing and like it.
Kiryuin Satsuki's Real Life Speech


I actually wouldn't mind a Dynasty warriors type game featuring Avatar characters. Though that might be a bit much considering the Korra game was actually pretty violent, but got away with saying that no one really died.


That being said, I do kind of want more Avatar Content...just have it do nothing with the Avatar. Maybe a short story or adventure featuring Azula's decedents (If she had any) or just one featuring random adventures.

I think that has even more potential than world ending events.
Satsuki are all people seem to talk about and I know some people who don't like the main chick.
Satsuki had the most character growth. Ryuko isn't bad per se, but she isn't Satsuki. Best thing about Ryuko was her interactions with Mako. I liked the show enough to watch it twice and it might actually be more fun the second time around.
KLK has superior Mako.
Mako is so low level he don't even get to have a last name. He can't fuck with Mako Mankanshoku and I'm sure the creators had more respect for her too.

Not exactly much of a milestone right there
I think even the bulk of the fanbase likes Mako Mankanshoku. Korra's Mako can not say the same thing with his massive L holding ass. Mankanshoku at least had plot relevance and was actually cared for by the main character.
I've only read a few chapters here and there so I don't want to be called an expert on it, but I've seen enough to know those things would be major obstacles for me. I did a random sampling of chapters once, and 18 of 20 had women in skimpy outfits or stripped or clothing damage. History's greatest disciple Kenichi was ruined for me when fanservice became ridiculous.

As far fanservice goes in KLK, I'm of two minds on it. It's used as a means of both combat and also character development. In some cases, it's used to great effect.
Ragyo's molestation of Satsuki sent creepy vibes up and down the spine of the fanbase.
I don't mind when the characters are indifferent to being naked or even revel in it. What I don't like is how rapey stuff is used as the punchline of a joke. I feel that this is mostly in the early episodes while after a certain point, everyone just gets used to the rampant nudity and no one cares.

It also happens that the series sexualizes both sexes. I wish we could say it was a even split, but it's really not. Still, better than most. And I also enjoy that it understands sexualization doesn't necessarily have to do with nudity.
Gamagori's fight with Ryuko didn't have him indecently exposed at all, but the way he fought with likes like "YES I AM A BAD BOY, I DESERVE TO BE PUNISHED" made it clear how he was using his sexual kinks as a weapon

Overall, I'm happy it's a sex positive series. Or maybe not sex positive because nothing revolves around characters doing it, but it's a journey in which the protagonist's sex appeal becomes her literal weapon. I feel this important because I am sick to death of female characters who relate anything sexual as 'shameful' and shut down any expression of those feelings. I'm not saying I want shows to be gratutious, but sex is a healthy and normal part of living. No, scratch that, because it's more than that. it's how many people bond with another. It's the ultimate expression of intimacy. It's a powerful thing and telling a story centering around it is a difficult thing to do right. Kill la Kill isn't flawless. In fact, you'll find a lot of flaws. It's an extremely uneven show but I find it impossible not to love because of how enthusiastic it is to entertain and oddly ambitious and unique from typical fanservice shows.

Lastly, I wish designers of comics and manga would realize that women can just look really damn cool without being sexualized to a ridiculous degree. I thought both Ryuko and Satsuko looked awesome in their first outfits (before they get Senketsu and Jyugetsu (Though I guess Satsuki's pants were pretty tight....) but weren't sexualized (mostly)). My favorite example is how Yoruichi looked in her fight with Soifun.


She gets fanservice shots in other scenes, but here, she just looks cool to me. I like the butterfly shirt and her butterfly tattoo on her cheek. since she is wearing a shirt underneath, the emphasis is not on her side boob cleavage (it wasn't like that in the manga, so good on the anime team to add it). Yoruichi is obviously an attractively designed woman in this, but she's pretty ordinarily dressed in the context of what is going on here. I wish more female characters were designed with just making them look good rather than getting teenage boys off by portraying women as sexual objects.
Well, it also helps that they give a reason for why that outfit that Yorouichi wears looks that way, since Soi Fon also wears the same outfit.

The energy from using that technique (I can't recall it) blows outwards through the back, blowing off anything there, so the outfit is just designed with that in mind.

Yorouichi is cool as fuck. And Soi Fon is straight garbage.

Ray Down

Well, it also helps that they give a reason for why that outfit that Yorouichi wears looks that way, since Soi Fon also wears the same outfit.

The energy from using that technique (I can't recall it) blows outwards through the back, blowing off anything there, so the outfit is just designed with that in mind.

Yorouichi is cool as fuck. And Soi Fon is straight garbage.

Its named Shunko

Like I said Yorouichi is probablly the best woman in the HST representation wise.

From the looks of it my dad is going to lose his pension and my car is breaking down and I'm not even in my state atm.
For him, that'll be the greatest day of his life. For her, it was the day her shoes got dirty.
"Gamagoori make this guy clean the filth off my boots." *turns on Shackle Regalia* "Make me feel it! Tell me I'm a bad boy!" "Dude what the fuck is your problem?" *Mako gets tentacle whipped and licks Satsuki's boots*

God I love Luthor. "President? Do you know how much power I'd have to give up to be President?" Flashpoint really does prove that there's a fine line keeping Superman from turning into Justice Lord Superman. Amanda Waller and Lex keep playing the Justice League like cheap ass fiddles, god damn. Flushed the public image of the JL right down the fucking toilet.
Someone's been watching too much Zeta
Rosamia, Fa, Four, and Emma Sheen are some of my favorite Gundam women. Lol. Though I finished Zeta for like the 4th time a couple of months ago and went to Double Zeta, now I'm on Turn A Gundam.
I do like Kamille and Fa as a couple, one of my favorite UC couples:
God I love Luthor. "President? Do you know how much power I'd have to give up to be President?" Flashpoint really does prove that there's a fine line keeping Superman from turning into Justice Lord Superman. Amanda Waller and Lex keep playing the Justice League like cheap ass fiddles, god damn. Flushed the public image of the JL right down the fucking toilet.

He's at the multi-billion dollar level of trolling.

At least the JL isn't the X-Men, where if you're a mutant, then lawd help you. Despite all the other super-powered people in the world who are different. Mutants, though. Well now, stop the presses.

Only reason I bring up X-Men is because I just read the first trade of Whedon's Astonishing X-Men. Mutant cure's a bitch.
He's at the multi-billion dollar level of trolling.

At least the JL isn't the X-Men, where if you're a mutant, then lawd help you. Despite all the other super-powered people in the world who are different. Mutants, though. Well now, stop the presses.

Only reason I bring up X-Men is because I just read the first trade of Whedon's Astonishing X-Men. Mutant cure's a bitch.
I do find the mega rich manipulative bad guys to be my favorite. They can toy with your life at a whim and still get away with it. Lex Luthor and Xanatos from Gargoyles would make an unbeatable combo. With the mutants the government is trying to either exterminate them or put them in concentration camps, the Justice League don't have those problems. What's going on in Astonishing Xmen?
I do find the mega rich manipulative bad guys to be my favorite. They can toy with your life at a whim and still get away with it. Lex Luthor and Xanatos from Gargoyles would make an unbeatable combo. With the mutants the government is trying to either exterminate them or put them in concentration camps, the Justice League don't have those problems. What's going on in Astonishing Xmen?

It's an older book, but there's alien conspiracies and the mutant cure. So, yeah. Also, scumbag SHIELD and SWORD tactics.



He's not bad, he's just nothing. At the end of the day he has a heck of a lot more going for him the most. He's just nothing, its why i never liked him, it took me a while to figure out why I never liked him, but i learned he is a another character.

"I am male tall attractive character for women to be attracted to "
He's not bad, he's just nothing. At the end of the day he has a heck of a lot more going for him the most. He's just nothing, its why i never liked him, it took me a while to figure out why I never liked him, but i learned he is a another character.

"I am male tall attractive character for women to be attracted to "
So he's nothing more than a walking dick?


So he's nothing more than a walking dick?


Thats the entire point of the character arguably. He's sexy. The only way it would be more apparent if he was shirtless half the time.

It seems like they were going to actually do something with him, but every time, nothing. Just " hey oh man so hot , all these ladies man "

Thats the entire point of the character arguably. He's sexy. The only way it would be more apparent if he was shirtless half the time.

It seems like they were going to actually do something with him, but every time, nothing. Just " hey oh man so hot , all these ladies man "
But Zuko was a heart throb and still had an actual story and character trajectory. Mako was just a living breathing tool with zero personality that brooded and when they fixed his character arc he was just a detective with zero personality. And the dude fucked up all of his relationships, he was worse than Bolin. After Mako's two relationships he was borderline asexual like Morrissey.
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