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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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To be fair, when they were building up to Sakura's character you felt her development would justify everything. I honestly think she was supposed to be unlikable. Considering she legit made fun of Naruto for being an orphan and had no respect for him at all.

I don't think Kishi is sexist at all...I just think he really has problems just writing characters in general. I mean, Kiba and Shino get even less character motivation than Hinata and Sakura. I mean, Shino JUST likes bugs, I don't think his character actually ever goes past that.

I can only think of a few female characters (maybe) that haven't been shafted by kishi. They're either not focused on much at all, doesn't really do much but job, have an extremely simple and generally uninteresting moveset, never really get to know much about them, or are just terrible (Sakura). Something along the lines of that.

The only one I can think of right now that I'd say hasn't been hit too hard by kishi is Ino. They're may be more, but that's the only one that comes to mind right now. Maybe Tsunade?

Not saying he's sexist, he just sucks at handling his female characters. I'm sure if we need to, someone can go more in depth about it if what i'm saying doesn't sound convincing.


To be fair, when they were building up to Sakura's character you felt her development would justify everything. I honestly think she was supposed to be unlikable. Considering she legit made fun of Naruto for being an orphan and had no respect for him at all.

I don't think Kishi is sexist at all...I just think he really has problems just writing characters in general. I mean, Kiba and Shino get even less character motivation than Hinata and Sakura. I mean, Shino JUST likes bugs, I don't think his character actually ever goes past that.
No, it's more than that.

For example, in the first meeting of Team Seven, he asked what they're goals are. Sakura indicated she wanted to become Sasuke's wife, and Kakashi notes to himself "Yes, of course, girls are more worried about romance than actual careers" or something to that affect. He just openly generalized ALL female ninja's into being ditzy love obsessed idiots, while he believes that equally inexperienced and stupid boy ninja's have more varied and sophisticated motives and ambitions. And the narrative proves him correct.

This characterization of female characters holds up strongly throughout the cast. Ino is obsessed with being Sasuke's girlfriend. They made a big show in their fight to be not concerned about anything but their grudge against each other, but their grudge was over sasuke. Temari's one of the few capable ninja, but her interaction is mostly centered around her becoming Shikimaru's boo. Nothing is ever stated about her own personal goals and ambitions.

And even when we encounter female characters with goals, just about all of them are motivated by some kind of love for a male, usually romantic. Tsunade became Hokage because Naruto asked her and he reminded her of her fiance and brother. Konan was in love with whatshisface. Tenten never got characterized.

When you come to a few instances where that isn't the case, they're motivations aren't really delved into. That girl from the sound 4 and in the chunin forest were just generically loyal to orochimaru, Anko had a cool personality, but the most characterization we got for her was that she used to be Orochimaru's old plaything (something that never got revisited).

I'm not saying Kishimoto is sexist himself except in the sense that all of us have sexist tendencies without realizing it. Because sexism is a pervasive, entrenched idea that we all are susceptible to whether we like it or not. Feminists like me even fall into it occasionally. What we can probably say for sure is that he isn't misogynistic. But sexist? Well, I don't know the guy, I just know his work, and Naruto portrays an extremely sexist culture within it's world that is unchallenged and uncommentated on both by both by the characters within the world or the narrative itself.

Well the details you're listing are sounding like interesting topics. Kishi handled the female characters terribly for sure. We don't need to go over that, of course, that's blatant.

I'd like to hear more specifically our thoughts on the world building. Just from what i'm thinking of, we didn't know much about the other nations (part 2 naruto was better in that regard though) but I'd say that it wasn't really too relevant to the plot that it really got in the way of my enjoyment much.

I'd also like to hear more of your thoughts on the thing about poorly defined powers. It's something that I know is true, but I can't really recall all of the details of it. Although I still disagree about Izanagi thing. I don't think that discussion of ours had a proper ending.

Apparently, no, given 360pages thought the sexism extented only to Sakura. Sakura as a ditzy love obsessed idiot would be fine if whoever female characters fall in love with wasn't the central pillar of characterization for just about every female character or relevance.

But as far as worldbuilding, I mean more of the structure of Shinobi's and Konoha. This is more of a Part 2 problem, since the first part doesn't deal with too much of that. For the most part, I just think 3 ranks of ninja is way too shallow a ranking and there should be diverse ranks and catergories within those ranks. But what I am talking about is where the hell is Danzo at the time the 3rd Hokage died? Because there was never a better time to snatch that shit up. But Kishimoto just hadn't thought of him yet, so he was no where to be found in the moment that would grant him his most sought after opportunity with greatest ease. Basic stuff like that, which I could probably go into more detail if I had a reread of it. I remember having serious issues with how the Anbu and Root were portrayed. When you get into deep espionage of your deep espionage unit, which is even more espionage-r than the rest of your army of ninja's, then I want some answers as to how it all works, how he kept hidden, recruited his members. Kind of like the same problem how would you convince anyone in the modern age to join Hydra in the MCU?

As far powers go, I just wanted to get an explanation of how certain things worked. Like, okay, so creating fire and moving earth and water are understandable, that's just applying energy. But how the hell do you bend shadows to paralyze another person? Naruto came off as a very grounded series, so such an physics breaking power was odd. But more than that, it wasn't exploited enough. With this, Shikimaru was the PERFECT support unit for any fighter. He should have never been the one leading in any fight, but just paralyze the enemy using a power very few would see coming, and just have your partner nail him with some Jutsu. But it was never used like this. A lot of techniques were not used like this, or just didn't make much sense. Again, this was taken to it's extreme in Part 2 where Kishi tried to explain powers, but that only raised more questions.


I can only think of a few female characters (maybe) that haven't been shafted by kishi. They're either not focused on much at all, doesn't really do much but job, have an extremely simple and generally uninteresting moveset, never really get to know much about them, or are just terrible (Sakura). Something along the lines of that.

The only one I can think of right now that I'd say hasn't been hit too hard by kishi is Ino. They're may be more, but that's the only one that comes to mind right now. Maybe Tsunade?

TenTen actually got to open up the Weapon shop she wanted. And Ino despite being crazed about looks, enjoys flowers and runs a flower shop. Both are things that really don't have much connection to other characters and are their own goals.

But they aren't really focused on much.
TenTen actually got to open up the Weapon shop she wanted. And Ino despite being crazed about looks, enjoys flowers and runs a flower shop. Both are things that really don't have much connection to other characters and are their own goals.

But they aren't really focused on much.

Plus, Ino actually put in some good work throughout the series. Even during the war she was crucial at points.

A lot of those side characters aren't focused on too much, or get shafted in some way, but I don't particularly have too much of an issue with that. There were a good amount of relevant characters that I cared about. Just that male to female ratio is crazy.

I like that he had Ten Ten open her own weapons shop, but for the most part, she's like nothing to kishi. (well he did say Ten Ten was one of his favorite characters to draw at one point)
Part 2: The Rapening.

So, we begin our new tale by establishing that a bunch of people didn't wake up after the conclusion of SAO. That Kirito did not save everyone. Some people are still in their VR comas, including Asuna. So we see Kirito's daily life and find out that his sister is good at kendo and is playing this new game, Alfheim Online. Kirito is apparently also good at kendo, but not as good. Good thing SAO kept him in shape (not).

So, we find out their not siblings but cousins, his mom and dad died in a car crash and his aunt took him in. We never meet the aunt. We find out that Kirito is distant from people because he found this out on his own and he got really good at computer shit from his aunt. After he goes into his VR coma (for 2 years, by the way), his aunt tells his sister/cousin and she falls in love with his coma-ness. This love story permeates the second half of SAO, and it's garbage. She knows he's in love with Asuna and wants to sleep with him. She blames him for leading her on and all kinds of other bullshit. It's fucking weird and it makes no sense, but hey, they're only cousins. Also she's two years younger than him. Anyways, Kirito (who is not playing AO yet) visits Asuna on the regular. He then meets her parents and some guy who will marry her.

Let me set this straight:

Her parents are going to marry some guy, to her, so this guy can inherit the company. You see, McRapeface (as I call him) wants to get Asuna's dad's company because HE has created Alfheim Online in order to brainwash people in their sleep. He will then sell it to the military so they can create perfect soldiers or some bullshit. It honesty doesn't matter, since conditioning already exists in the world. However, not only that, but he wants to vigorously hate fuck her. See, she hated him as a kid. Apparently they're parents were friends, or Asuna and McRapeface were cousins. I can't recall. Anyways he tells Kirito that he's not allowed there, but can go to the wedding. Kirito's like "You can't marry a coma patient." McRapeface is like "No but the family can adopt me."

Are you confused? So am I. So, here's my next big issue: Alfheim Online. AO has no stakes, except for Asuna. You can't die in the game like you can in SAO, so any sacrifices made have no weight to them. They don't matter. The rules of AO in general, don't make sense, and Kirito just sort of cheats his way into the game. In fact, he gets to bring back his dead child from SAO (still not explaining it)! So anyways, he teams up with his sister-cousin to help him rescue Asuna in the game. They don't know that they are each other, but they team up and his sister-cousin falls more in love with him (only she didn't know it was him the whole time). Some bullshit happens, they meet these two female guild leaders who want to fuck Kirito. They team up later.

But I also want to tackle the villain, McRapeface. See, his plan doesn't make sense. The military probably already has super-conditioning bullshit, and his plan of entering the family in order to inherit the company..well, I don't get it. He's going to get adopted, but Asuna's parents are also condoning that they get married? It doesn't make any sense, let alone the fact that it's super disgusting.

Before the end of it all, Asuna tries to break out of her in-game jail cell and fails, having to fight off slug-scientists that try to tentacle rape her because, and I quote one of them, "I'm sick of using the dolls."


So Kirito makes it to the top. How he does, I don't know. You see, the World Tree (where Asuna is being kept) is guarded by a shit ton of endless, uberpowerful soldiers. Kirito's sister-cousin's friend (Yeah he's her best friend and in love with her or something. Honestly his only character trait is that he dies in game a lot. Somehow it ends up helping) uses a self-destruct and clears a path for Kirito, who is told by his not-dead child (not explaining it) that he's fast enough to beat the soldiers on their respawn. What does he do? He WAITS AND TRIES TO FIGHT THEM. Anyways, those two guild bitties that wanted him so bad? They show up with their super big guild alliance and help him out. So he makes it to the top and stumbles upon McRapeface with a tied up Asuna. McRapeface then, being the game master, forces Kirito to watch him rape Asuna, telling her that he'll record what's happening here, go to her hospital room, put it up on the big screen, and then rape her there while he watches it.


So, in order to beat McRapeface, Kirito is visited upon by Akihiko Kayaba, the creator of the first game a.k.a. Heathcliff. Kayaba tells Kirito that if he gives up now, the honor that their duel had will have meant nothing. What? Honor? You killed Asuna in front of Kirito and laughed about it! What honor! But no, Kirito doesn't think about this. Kirito goes "Yeah. You're right!" and then fucking cheats. He cheats. Kayaba gives him the admin codes because AO was built on the same architecture and engine as SAO, and Kirito then brutally "kills" McRapeface. Doing this wakes Asuna and the other VR coma patients up. Kirito races to the hospital and defeats McRapeface, who ambushes him in the parking lot with a knife. McRapeface goes insane and to prison.

Kirito and Asuna live happily ever after and recreate Castle Aincrad (the world of SAO) within AO using the World Seed that they got from Kayaba, because Kayaba just wanted everyone to have fun (I'm not shitting you, this is what happens). Kirito skydances with his sister-cousin, because she isn't over him, and he wants to remind her that she shouldn't be and she might have a chance.

The end. It's garbage.

The incest and rape is the worst. The timeskips hurt any semblance of character development, since things like Kirito doing his whole Dark Knight bit doesn't stick. It disappears over time, and with no explanation. He develops no real connections in SAO outside of Asuna. During the second half, he has no reputation, but he's god tier because a glitch allowed him to import his loot and stats from the first game. He cheats and wins! The rep means nothing in the end. He gets a rep for dualwielding, but that's a skill he shouldn't have gotten. Asuna's regarded as one of the fastest fighters in the game! Kirito says she is faster and yet HE gets the power up! WHY!?

Honestly, the series is a mess. There's other stuff, too. Like how we find out near the end of the SAO arc that people apparently went AFK due to being moved to hospitals. Question: How come that didn't happen to Kirito or Asuna? Apparently it was a big event, but it didn't happen to them? And how come no one tried to disconnect people from the servers, and then remove the helmets? Obviously you need to be connected to the servers via online connection. If that connection breaks, can't you remove the helmet then? Or better yet: Removing the power from the helmet will divert to a back-up battery power source that has a 4 hour limit. What happens when that battery runs out? We never find out. How do they know that doing that would still kill the person wearing the helmet? Unnecessary risk? I guess.
There's a lot of stuff that pissed me off about SAO, and I might not even have covered all of it. I just ranted like a madman, slowly scrawling on cave walls.

Man what a terrible review. I'd do way better if I spoke it.
I always heard that the show got really bad with the real life stuff. I kind thought it always had a lot to do with how much it'd change the tone of the show in general. Like people watched it for the game world, so when it got to real life, they're just like "what are we doing in real life tf" Seems like there is definitely some legitimate crap going on with that lol
I always heard that the show got really bad with the real life stuff. I kind thought it always had a lot to do with how much it'd change the tone of the show in general. Like people watched it for the game world, so when it got to real life, they're just like "what are we doing in real life tf" Seems like there is definitely some legitimate crap going on with that lol

It's a bad show and now I'm tired. I feel like it was a poor breakdown of what pissed me off, though.


There's a lot of stuff that pissed me off about SAO, and I might not even have covered all of it. I just ranted like a madman, slowly scrawling on cave walls.

Man what a terrible review. I'd do way better if I spoke it.

No, no that was good. If everything here is generally accurate, thank god you stopped me because holy goddamn. Dodged a bullet there. Those are all pretty valid complaints as far as I can see. The rape here isn't being treated with respect, it's just something that is used to rub in the main character's face. Otherwise, we'd have a pretty lengthy exploration of Asuna's feelings on it, because she's the one who went through that shit. The cousin thing is just a culture difference though. A lot of the world, including japan, sees not much wrong with marrying your cousin, or atleast not anywhere near as much as America. Still gross though, because, what, she fell in love with a comatose dude? Why?

I am curious about the dead baby. Like, is it an AI now, or what?
Apparently, no, given 360pages thought the sexism extented only to Sakura. Sakura as a ditzy love obsessed idiot would be fine if whoever female characters fall in love with wasn't the central pillar of characterization for just about every female character or relevance.

But as far as worldbuilding, I mean more of the structure of Shinobi's and Konoha. This is more of a Part 2 problem, since the first part doesn't deal with too much of that. For the most part, I just think 3 ranks of ninja is way too shallow a ranking and there should be diverse ranks and catergories within those ranks. But what I am talking about is where the hell is Danzo at the time the 3rd Hokage died? Because there was never a better time to snatch that shit up. But Kishimoto just hadn't thought of him yet, so he was no where to be found in the moment that would grant him his most sought after opportunity with greatest ease. Basic stuff like that, which I could probably go into more detail if I had a reread of it. I remember having serious issues with how the Anbu and Root were portrayed. When you get into deep espionage of your deep espionage unit, which is even more espionage-r than the rest of your army of ninja's, then I want some answers as to how it all works, how he kept hidden, recruited his members. Kind of like the same problem how would you convince anyone in the modern age to join Hydra in the MCU?

As far powers go, I just wanted to get an explanation of how certain things worked. Like, okay, so creating fire and moving earth and water are understandable, that's just applying energy. But how the hell do you bend shadows to paralyze another person? Naruto came off as a very grounded series, so such an physics breaking power was odd. But more than that, it wasn't exploited enough. With this, Shikimaru was the PERFECT support unit for any fighter. He should have never been the one leading in any fight, but just paralyze the enemy using a power very few would see coming, and just have your partner nail him with some Jutsu. But it was never used like this. A lot of techniques were not used like this, or just didn't make much sense. Again, this was taken to it's extreme in Part 2 where Kishi tried to explain powers, but that only raised more questions.

Ah, okay I was thinking you were just talking about how much of the world outside of the leaf village was pretty much unknown to us in part 1. I've seen the discussion about Danzo a lot though. A reason why they didn't make Danzo the 5th is because he was old as heck and the Sannin were the first priority. As to why Danzo didn't try taking up the position himself, idk. He seemed like a man who was caught up in pulling the strings underground with running the ANBU division and all. But yeah I don't think kishi had the character thought up at the time either, but I'm not sure if I'd call that an outright hole. It was overlooked for sure though as I feel like it's something that could have been easily cleared up.

With the powers thing, I also found it kind of weird how the brought up the elemental rock-paper-scissors thing out of nowhere in part 2. I feel like that's something that should have been introduced way earlier, but I know for sure kishi hadn't thought of that. Why do I know? Because everyone (including Kakashi I think) was surprised when Sasuke's chidori went through Garra's sand barrier thing. It shouldn't have really been much of a surprise considering lightning is strong against earth. It did bring about one of my favorite fights in the series though (Sasuke vs Deidara) although I hated the ending to it.

As for non elemental jutsu, I remember reading databook info explaining that more in depth. Had something to do with ying/yang chakra manipulation? Anyway, they didn't actually bring it up at all in the actual series until super late part 2.
Interesting information there BK and while i agree it kinda felt a bit rambling at spots i think the issues you had came across and it doesn't sound appealing at all.

hell that Chapter 16.5 stuff now sounds like the better part of this series and thats fucking saying something. :O

No, no that was good. If everything here is generally accurate, thank god you stopped me because holy goddamn. Dodged a bullet there. Those are all pretty valid complaints as far as I can see. The rape here isn't being treated with respect, it's just something that is used to rub in the main character's face. Otherwise, we'd have a pretty lengthy exploration of Asuna's feelings on it, because she's the one who went through that shit. The cousin thing is just a culture difference though. A lot of the world, including japan, sees not much wrong with marrying your cousin, or atleast not anywhere near as much as America. Still gross though, because, what, she fell in love with a comatose dude? Why?

I am curious about the dead baby. Like, is it an AI now, or what?

Is it wrong for me to hope you would have watched it regardless and await your impressions?

i guess that's the Schadenfreude talking though :p


Ah, okay I was thinking you were just talking about how much of the world outside of the leaf village was pretty much unknown to us in part 1. I've seen the discussion about Danzo a lot though. A reason why they didn't make Danzo the 5th is because he was old as heck and the Sannin were the first priority. As to why Danzo didn't try taking up the position himself, idk. He seemed like a man who was caught up in pulling the strings underground with running the ANBU division and all. But yeah I don't think kishi had the character thought up at the time either, but I'm not sure if I'd call that an outright hole. It was overlooked for sure though as I feel like it's something that could have been easily cleared up.

With the powers thing, I also found it kind of weird how the brought up the elemental rock-paper-scissors thing out of nowhere in part 2. I feel like that's something that should have been introduced way earlier, but I know for sure kishi hadn't thought of that. Why do I know? Because everyone (including Kakashi I think) was surprised when Sasuke's chidori went through Garra's sand barrier thing. It shouldn't have really been much of a surprise considering lightning is strong against earth. It did bring about one of my favorite fights in the series though (Sasuke vs Deidara) although I hated the ending to it.

As for non elemental jutsu, I remember reading databook info explaining that more in depth. Had something to do with ying/yang chakra manipulation? Anyway, they didn't actually bring it up at all in the actual series until super late part 2.

There's also the way stuff is introduced that is just badly written. Veteran Jonin-level ninja Naruto has to be sat down and explained basic elemental RPS, and the dumb turd still has trouble processing it, at which point Kishimoto movied him away from a lovable idiot hero to Forest Gump.

Naruto is just a big, big mess on multiple fronts, and I haven't read the manga in years. I'd have to reread 700 chapters to give it the analysis it deserves, including the new stuff I haven't seen, but it just kill me dead inside.

Is it wrong for me to hope you would have watched it regardless and await your impressions?

i guess that's the Schadenfreude talking though :p

It's not wrong, but it's also not happening. I might have a lot of trouble stopping a series I start, but I have no problem dropping series I've never seen.
No, no that was good. If everything here is generally accurate, thank god you stopped me because holy goddamn. Dodged a bullet there. Those are all pretty valid complaints as far as I can see. The rape here isn't being treated with respect, it's just something that is used to rub in the main character's face. Otherwise, we'd have a pretty lengthy exploration of Asuna's feelings on it, because she's the one who went through that shit. The cousin thing is just a culture difference though. A lot of the world, including japan, sees not much wrong with marrying your cousin, or atleast not anywhere near as much as America. Still gross though, because, what, she fell in love with a comatose dude? Why?

I am curious about the dead baby. Like, is it an AI now, or what?

It's not an actual baby. It's an AI they found that was designed to be like a sort of counselor to players. Kayaba had it disabled, Kirito and Asuna found it by their cabin in the woods, raised it to be their child. It then sacrificed itself to save them from this unstoppable Reaper or some shit. When Kirito went into AO, it got brought over as a navigational pixie. It was fucking weird.

There. I explained it.

Ray Down

Naruto didn't really explain the elemental jutsus well

Why does Wind element stronger/better against Lightning?

Why does Lightning beat Earth?

Did they explain Yin and yang chakara?


It's not an actual baby. It's an AI they found that was designed to be like a sort of counselor to players. Kayaba had it disabled, Kirito and Asuna found it by their cabin in the woods, raised it to be their child. It then sacrificed itself to save them from this unstoppable Reaper or some shit. When Kirito went into AO, it got brought over as a navigational pixie. It was fucking weird.

There. I explained it.

So the writer decided to copy
then except made it stupid.

Edit: Well, sorta.
The baby of berserk is corrupted, but still cares for his parents and is helping guide them in many ways.
So it kind of reminded me of that except it's dumb.
Naruto didn't really explain the elemental jutsus well

Why does Wind element stronger/better against Lightning?

Why does Lightning beat Earth?

Did they explain Yin and yang chakara?

That kind of thing pissed me off about DBZ. I never understood why certain techniques were favorable over others. Or auras. In a show where everyone has unique ki auras and even Kamehamehas can be different colors, I would have liked details on why that was. Or shit like mouth lasers. I can understand why that'd be useful, but it was never used in a way that made it seem like a better option over using your hands. Like, make a situation where using a mouth blast is the best option. Otherwise it just seems stupid to have someone use it (looking at you Dodoria).

That's an issue I have. If you're going to make a battle series, explain how techniques work.
Naruto didn't really explain the elemental jutsus well

Why does Wind element stronger/better against Lightning?

Why does Lightning beat Earth?

Did they explain Yin and yang chakara?

I could be wrong, but I remember it finally being brought up late in the war arc.

I don't really have problems with why the elements beat each other, I just have to adjust from pokemon mode :p
You know SAO is bad when the romance (as terrible as it is) is the best part about the show.


Naruto, however, is so bad, that I'm starting to feel like Fairy Tail is better written and cohesive.

Easily the worst manga ending I've seen, period.

Ray Down

I do like how in both series there never is a point were they state that one element is superior to another.

That two fire benders really don't have a automatic disadvantage if they were to fight two air benders, two water benders or two earth benders and vice versa.

It pretty much comes down to who is the better bender

Also someone actually made this:
It's not wrong, but it's also not happening. I might have a lot of trouble stopping a series I start, but I have no problem dropping series I've never seen.

Fair enough.

Also for the Naruto stuff along with Danzo appearing out of nowhere , Asshole Neji being right, i was surprised at how he kinda character assassinated the 3rd Hokage and made Jiraiya look like an idiot both in regards to Naruto's apparent heritage.


Finally Iruka is the most important character in Naruto because of all that horsehit.

Ray Down

I could be wrong, but I remember it finally being brought up late in the war arc.

I don't really have problems with why the elements beat each other, I just have to adjust from pokemon mode :p

But ground/Earth shouldn't conduct electricity.

And even in pokemon mode:

Earth resists lightning/electricity and Wind/Flying is weak to lightning.

Like BK said they just don't explain why, if they didn't say one was superior use against one I be fine but if you say one is then explain it.
But ground/Earth shouldn't conduct electricity.

And even in pokemon mode:

Earth resists lightning/electricity and Wind/Flying is weak to lightning.

Like BK said they just don't explain why.

I'm not saying it makes sense, I just said I don't really care that much about it and it doesn't really detract from my enjoyment of it. Lightning I can kind of rationalize by the creasing energy being able to shatter the earth.

As long as it's not fire beating water, then i'm good lol

Eidt: Oh okay if the problems lies with them just not explaining it at all, then yeah that's understandable.
But ground/Earth shouldn't conduct electricity.

And even in pokemon mode:

Earth resists lightning/electricity and Wind/Flying is weak to lightning.

Like BK said they just don't explain why, if they didn't say one was superior use against one I be fine but if you say one is then explain it.
Oh I have no fucking idea about Naruto. What you said just reminded me of something that tends to bother me.
You know SAO is bad when the romance (as terrible as it is) is the best part about the show.


Naruto, however, is so bad, that I'm starting to feel like Fairy Tail is better written and cohesive.

Easily the worst manga ending I've seen, period.

I stopped trying to make sense of what was going on in part 2. It got so over the top and crazy. I was just in it for the ride and I never really got salty over anything because of that. I just stopped expecting a coherent story, so I enjoyed it enough to finish it. I liked parts of the ending itself, like Naruto and Sasuke finally becoming bros, but the lead up to it all was like what the heck.

I still say part 1 Naruto was good though.

Ray Down

I'm not saying it makes sense, I just said I don't really care that much about it and it doesn't really detract from my enjoyment of it. Lightning I can kind of rationalize by the creasing energy being able to shatter the earth.

As long as it's not fire beating water, then i'm good lol

Eidt: Oh okay if the problems lies with them just not explaining it at all, then yeah that's understandable.

Yeah its just they don't explained it that bothered me, I mean even if they gave a lame excuse its still better then nothing.

Someone explain bug>dark to me

No idea
It's the Ranma/Naruto/Justice League/Gundam/KLK/everythingunderthesunbutKorra thread now

Man if we had another Korra thread, the title should be something like

"Legend of Korra |OT| Where we talk about everything but The Legend of Korra"

But the next OT is just going to be an avatar general.
Now that I recalled SAO, I have to watch something that I genuinely enjoy.

Which is either Buffy the Vampire Slayer or John Wick for the 4th time.

I'll go with Buffy...for now.
I'm gonna continue my playthrough of Deus Ex HR.

Speaking of that, the setting always reminded me of season 1 of Legend of Korra (and vice versa)

There are even better pictures to compare, but I trust this gets across my point enough.
I'm gonna continue my playthrough of Deus Ex HR.

Speaking of that, the setting always reminded me of season 1 of Legend of Korra (and vice versa)

There are even better pictures to compare, but I trust this gets across my point enough.

Book One is the GOAT for atmosphere. Republic City was my favorite setting in Korra, wish they had explored more of it with less superficial plot lines in later seasons.

But it's better than Korra. Korra and her simpleton side kicks wouldn't be able to out smart the light period. Luthor would just laugh at Korra and go get his suit dry cleaned or something. "The only thing you managed to do was put an extra crease into my suit."

Yeah, you're right. Korra doesn't hold a candle to YJ's character development and payoffs.


Book One is the GOAT for atmosphere. Republic City was my favorite setting in Korra, wish they had explored more of it with less superficial plot lines in later seasons.

Yeah, you're right. Korra doesn't hold a candle to YJ's character development and payoffs.

To be fair one has 26 episodes to work with compared to 12 for the other. Should be interesting though if Mike or Bryan stick to a shorter episode length again with whatever new series they create. Hopefully they go back to 20+ again if they have the option.

Ray Down

To be fair one has 26 episodes to work with compared to 12 for the other. Should be interesting though if Mike or Bryan stick to a shorter episode length again with whatever new series they create. Hopefully they go back to 20+ again if they have the option.

That will depend on where they go and what genre.

If its Amazon or Netflix I think they would probably get Avatar number of episodes.

But if its on network and action based it might not be made or just given 13 episodes, since at-least with animation networks don't have an confidence in predominately action shows.
To be fair one has 26 episodes to work with compared to 12 for the other. Should be interesting though if Mike or Bryan stick to a shorter episode length again with whatever new series they create. Hopefully they go back to 20+ again if they have the option.

Well if we're counting the whole series against each other, then it's 26 vs. 52 episodes.


That will depend on where they go and what genre.

If its Amazon or Netflix I think they would probably get Avatar number of episodes.

But if its on network and action based it might not be made or just given 13 episodes, since at-least with animation networks don't have an confidence in predominately action shows.
Yeah i'm hoping its Amazon or Netflix next. From the way they where sounding in interviews towards the end. They weren't exactly happy with the way Nick was treating the show so I don't think they'd go running back to them. Then again due to their previous work with the channel it might be easier for them to develop a show there. Plus Bryke is no more. So they'll be working separately. RIP Bryke.

Well if we're counting the whole series against each other, then it's 26 vs. 52 episodes.

46 vs 52 more like heh. Young Justice they had a clear 26 episodes to flesh out the characters from the start. Whereas Korra was hamstrung by its uncertainty over its length at the start. Still there's no denying Bryke could have done a better job.

Man that disappointment/sadness is growing up again over YJ not getting a third season.

Pretty sure Hamlet was just comapring the just one season of both shows and not the whole.

If its full series its:

46 episodes with two seasons and 52 with four.
Yep. I do wonder sometimes what the show what have been like it Nick had just ordered the four seasons from the get go. Would we still have that disappointing Book 1 finale and the uneven start to Book 2.

Ray Down

Yeah i'm hoping its Amazon or Netflix next. From the way they where sounding in interviews towards the end. They weren't exactly happy with the way Nick was treating the show so I don't think they'd go running back to them. Then again due to their previous work with the channel it might be easier for them to develop a show there. Plus Bryke is no more. So they'll be working separately. RIP Bryke.

Yep. I do wonder sometimes what the show what have been like it Nick had just ordered the four seasons from the get go. Would we still have that disappointing Book 1 finale and the uneven start to Book 2.

Depending on what type of show they do Nick might not want to invest into it that much.

If its a predominantly a comedy I could see it but Mike and Bryan seem more like action people.

Yeah as much as the two could have done things better I would say Nick did just as much damage if not more damage and also managed to piss bryke off. I don't mind season 1 ending so much because it was made when Korra was just supposed to be those 13 episodes and just that so i can see why they did what they did, Korra was renewed for more when episode 12 premiered.

If they knew they would have had more seasons I bet that ending would probably be a lot different along with other things.

Like I hope the rushed schedule of season 2 had with being made in like 5 months wouldn't have happened.

In the book 3 commentary they talked about how Nick was always telling them "less talking more action".

And I doubt anyone working on the show was happy when Korra was taken off the main nick network.
Pretty sure Hamlet was just comapring the just one season of both shows and not the whole.

If its full series its:

46 episodes with two seasons and 52 with four.

Yeah i'm hoping its Amazon or Netflix next. From the way they where sounding in interviews towards the end. They weren't exactly happy with the way Nick was treating the show so I don't think they'd go running back to them. Then again due to their previous work with the channel it might be easier for them to develop a show there. Plus Bryke is no more. So they'll be working separately. RIP Bryke.

46 vs 52 more like heh. Young Justice they had a clear 26 episodes to flesh out the characters from the start. Whereas Korra was hamstrung by its uncertainty over its length at the start. Still there's no denying Bryke could have done a better job.

Man that disappointment/sadness is growing up again over YJ not getting a third season.

Yep. I do wonder sometimes what the show what have been like it Nick had just ordered the four seasons from the get go. Would we still have that disappointing Book 1 finale and the uneven start to Book 2.

Shit I can't count.


Depending on what type of show they do Nick might not want to invest into it that much.

If its a predominantly a comedy I could see it but Mike and Bryan seem more like action people.

Yeah as much as the two could have done things better I would say Nick did just as much damage if not more damage and also managed to piss bryke off. I don't mind season 1 ending so much because it was made when Korra was just supposed to be those 13 episodes and just that so i can see why they did what they did, Korra was renewed for more when episode 12 premiered.

If they knew they would have had more seasons I bet that ending would probably be a lot different along with other things.

Like I hope the rushed schedule of season 2 had with being made in like 5 months wouldn't have happened.

In the book 3 commentary they talked about how Nick was always telling them "less talking more action".

And I doubt anyone working on the show was happy when Korra was taken off the main nick network.

I remember them talking about wanting to do a show that is Peanuts meets FLC. I just hope they stick with action as western action animated shows are dying out right now sadly. We need more of them.
Oh no doubt Nick did a lot of damage to the show. In one one the nerdist podcasts they talk quite a bit about how disappointed they were with how Nick treated Book 3 and launched it. They only found out about the airdate a week from its premiere also. They also messed up so much with the scheduling/timeslot of the show also. Became a joke just how often they changed the timeslot for Korra during Book 2.
If they had all of the seasons from the get go. I'm sure they wouldn't have given Korra or her powers back again in the Book 1 finale. Might have done a similar thing to the start of Book 4 with Book 2.
Depending on what type of show they do Nick might not want to invest into it that much.

If its a predominantly a comedy I could see it but Mike and Bryan seem more like action people.

Yeah as much as the two could have done things better I would say Nick did just as much damage if not more damage and also managed to piss bryke off. I don't mind season 1 ending so much because it was made when Korra was just supposed to be those 13 episodes and just that so i can see why they did what they did, Korra was renewed for more when episode 12 premiered.

If they knew they would have had more seasons I bet that ending would probably be a lot different along with other things.

Like I hope the rushed schedule of season 2 had with being made in like 5 months wouldn't have happened.

In the book 3 commentary they talked about how Nick was always telling them "less talking more action".

And I doubt anyone working on the show was happy when Korra was taken off the main nick network.
I'd like to think Korra had a pretty decent talking to action ratio actually. Only real problem is that nobody knew how to use their brains outside of the villains. Korra didn't really out smart anybody, she out punched them. Even in the final season Kuvira was in the right for the most part until they doubled down on her being Hitler. The show in general needed more spacing out and actual filler episodes where the characters are actually just chilling being themselves and that would've helped the characters more and flesh them out better as people. I still find it weird that the only enemies that got a backstory episode were Amon and Unalaq. Amon's came too late and ended up being a huge info dump and Unalaq was an asshole that wanted an evil hentai demon inside of him that didn't need character development cause he'd be the same with or without it.

Man Brainiac just never stays dead does he? Luthor has turned into a biomechanical tentacle monster because of Brainiac and Luthor's like:
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