The last movie was the greatest vegeta backhanded compliment, ever.
Veggie, ain't my favorite dbz character, but I gotta feel for hard core veggie stans who have to see this an job all the time. This last movie established the only reason veggie wasn't just s strong as goku the entire time, was because he never had formal martial arts training and training how to train. Even during the cell saga that while goku is a imbecile, he knows how to fight. he also knows how to teach you to fight. Because there were masters who taught him. Veggie was just a refugee, and just scrapped. Hell he didn't even know how to sense ki, no one did they never had formal training. Veggie gets to train with a master BOOM super Saiyian god Super Saiyin. Beating the cold shit out of the villain and then the villain basically rage quits. Apparently no one knew. Sure he lost, but at least they gave veggie stans that.And the chance he might do something in the future, which is more than gohan, gotenks, trunks and piccolo stans get.
This sort of conversation and tone is why , and some recent conversations with some writters on other forums have caused me to see why other series don't have definitive winners to fights a lot of the time. Because people just delegate people to jobbers and winners instead of valuing them as characters