Favorite food place is probably my local Pizza place, if I can choose that then...Maybe Jakes Burgers.
Also still one of my favorite scenes in DBZ.
Man, I like Bruce's score more. Such a dope scene though, it's also one of my favorites.
We shit on all of LoK's characters, but in a small effort to help rejuvenate the thread, let's discuss:
Who is your most liked character?
Which character is the most well written? (which is a very different question than the first)
Who is your most disliked character?
Who the least well written? (ditto)
I'll post mine assuming I survive my tests Tuesday. And be sure to explain why you feel that way, of course.
My most liked character in TLoK? Ghazan. I really, really like him. He's a small character, for sure, but his belief system is one that I can understand. He believes that doing what he's doing will just let him be happy, and that's all he wants. He doesn't want to murder people, he just wants to achieve what he believes is a peaceful solution, and he's willing to accomplish that goal. He's not a fanatic, either. I like him.
Most well-written? Most would say Korra, and I'd agree, but I'm going to push Bolin. Since I don't think anyone else will.
Bolin's character arc is one I can appreciate. He's basically Xander from BtVS: a guy who hangs with all these super talented people who constantly know their purpose: Korra is the Avatar, Asami has the company, Mako becomes a cop, etc. Everyone important around him knows exactly what they're doing and what they want to do. They have a purpose and a drive. He doesn't. Or at least, he's not sure what his is.
In B1, he just wants to have a good, happy life. Get the girl, make money, have a roof and food. The good life. Then he starts to help people more and more, and gets dragged into the Avatar lifestyle. As time goes on and people move on, he kinda doesn't know what to do again. He tries to make the Fire Ferrets big, but that fails completely. So he goes to Korra, and when all the shit gets fucked, he tries to figure out a way to help. The problem is that everyone else is so far up their own asses, that they don't see that Bolin just wants to help. So he does what he believes is best, and gets manipulated (a common theme with Bolin). He gets pompous when it gets to his head, sure, but that's only because everyone else wrote him off and blew him off. He's hurt, but he gets over it when the need arises. In B3, he dedicates his full time to helping the Avatar and rebuilding the Air Nation. In B4, this ultimately translates to him helping Kuvira, since Korra is hurt and he isn't an airbender, this is the best way he can make a difference. When he realizes how fucked shit is, he goes against Kuvira, because she's the problem.
I think ultimately, Bolin just wants to make a difference. He wants to make people happy. That's why he's the entertainer, because that's what he knows in order to achieve his goal. But he also actually helps "fight the good fight" (so to speak), because to him, that's just another thing he can do to help. And yeah, he struggles, and can come off as childish and naive, but it's a purity that is welcome. When all the nitty gritty happens, Bolin is the one to be like "that shit? That shit right there? That's fucking no good." And it works! Sure, he gets played because of his naivete, but he's never darkened. He's a bright spot. He's a very empathetic character with a very empathetic arc. I appreciate how human he is.
Who is my most disliked character? I don't really have one. In order for me to dislike a character, I have to feel like their arc is unjustified. Irredeemable, no matter how hard they try to do so. There aren't any characters like that in TLoK for me. The closest is Mako, but it's not because I dislike him: it's because he's so bland. He's so nothing, and because of that, I just don't care about him. I don't dislike him, but I don't exactly like him either. He has moments, and I like his arc in B2, but beyond that I just don't quite care for him.
The least well-written character? Easy: Jinora. Again, many will say Asami, and I'd agree, but Jinora pissed me off the most. Based on the simple fact that here is this girl who has this two season arc dedicated to her basically coming of age. Unlocking spiritual abilities, becoming an airbending master, falling in love. And then, B4 happens and she just does...nothing. Kai gets booted from the picture, so her love life is effectively a non-story arc, and all she does after that is get kidnapped. She doesn't do anything truly worthy of those tattoos, and it's especially disappointing because of the time skip. You'd think she's become a huge badass by that point, but no. She does nothing. Truly the most misused character in the show.