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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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Yeah that got really annoying after while just how many times Jinora kept getting kidnapped or captured. Should have swapped positions around in Book 3 at least. Have Jinora save kai a tad more instead.

It would've been cool to have Asami save Korra like that one time.
I dont think the giant robot would have been as silly if they gave it a design closer to something like the Shagohad or Metal Gear Rex, if they wanted to keep it biped. It would have felt slightly more doable based on the other technology in universe.

It's scary to think about how fast technology moves at the usual rate it does in universe, but if they were to continue at the pace Kuvira was going then Varrick could have his first anniversary on a space colony.


Oh god, I forgot how silly that thing looks...actually outside the canon...what's the point of it having limbs?

It seems really unwieldy for just a canon, and lets face it, the entire thing is just dressing for the canon...so why not just make a giant tank canon. Maybe if it had other weapons, but it seems legit they wanted to build something cool looking without thinking about Practicality.


Neo Member
If we talk about the viability of giant mechs, broadly speaking, giant robots with the cockpit in the head are absurd thanks to the amount of force that will travel throughout the machine as it moves.

Animals have necks for reason: they work as gyroscopic stabilizers.

In any case that's not even the tip pf the iceberg regarding the mech, but I guess the main point of it being humanoid is so that it can be piloted by a human like in G-Gundam, only instead of a biometric suit, Kuvira bends hydrolic fluid or something...





I love mah eyebrows.
I think the reason for the mech's existence was they felt they had to have a big/epic finale with lots of destruction porn like a Hollywood film while also presenting Korra with a threat on a similar scale to the Kaiju in season 2 because anything else would have seemed like a step down in a series finale.

When you try to look for an in-story reason for it to exist, it starts to unravel.

Astral Dog

I know this is old hat, but I'd like to bring up what I think about Book 2. I had to remember what exactly went down in it, and thanks to several posts ITT I can recall a lot now. However, I take back something I said earlier; I don't think Book 2 is the worst of the show. I think that title goes to Book 1. Book 2 actually had promising episodes and concepts whereas Book 1 pissed them out and forgot to flush the toilet, all in the name of probending.

Book 2 had a civil war right? Tonrak's Southern Water Tribe vs Unalaq's Northern Water Tribe over who should lead the tribes, right? Damn, the Southern Tribe got filthy rich since A:TLA. You see Korra's house/mansion/castle? Holy shit.


I remember this castle more than I do the damn civil war. Then I remember stuff about Mako and Korra getting into a bout because Korra decided to get mad at him for existing, and Mako realized he had to character at all so couldn't do much except say "no u". He fucked up though since Korra is filthy stinking rich. Considering his on and off fling with Asami, we can say Mako wishes to be a house husband, and I honestly can't judge him for that because dammit I want to be with a girl who makes more money than I do.

In fact, how convenient was it that the Avatar was royalty? Not that much at all I think. This makes her like a princess, right? Isn't she an only child? If Tonraq dies, who takes up the tribe? Korra? Bryke, why wasn't this addressed? Didn't she have to scavenge for food in Book 1 at one point? Why? She's damn rich so wtf, did her parents not give her money? Does Water Tribe money melt the moment you get close enough to the equator?

So Korra and her ball-and-chained Not Zuko are upset at each other, and then we're given our constant source of intended comedic relief for the entire book: Eska and still-useless Bolin (Bolin becomes not useless in Book 3 and asset to team in Book 4). I don't think this interactions with Desna and Eska helped him at all in his redemption, and only reminded people that Sokka was funny by himself for the most part without having to rely on the life-support of situational humor. Unfortunately, the situational humor in Korra throughout all four books consisted of Bolin being Eska's pet, Meelo farting and existing, and Bolin being with Varric that whole time in Book 4. Guess which one was actually funny. And while you're at it, guess which one was used to acknowledge a character who'd prove to be useless piece of shit because apparently, farting kids with a sense of entitlement are what people want to see when watching the successor of Avatar: The Last Airbender.


This fucker right here was what prevented LoK from being a top-tier show. For every moment he was on the screen, we could've had more exposition and maybe more moments with Korra and Asami, but nope. We had him as filler for a show that no leeway at all to even have filler. OR DID IT? We'll see, but I think Meelo deserves his own write up because I genuinely think he serves as evidence that Bryke either wanted to separate themselves so much from whatever they achieved in A:TLA, or that they simply had no grasp on the demographic of people who watched and were watching both series.

Oh yeah, Asami. What did she do again in Book 2? Again, before she kissed Mako? And after? I forget. I know later on in book 3 the writers kind of give up on whatever development she could possibly have as a character and make her a living multitool that can fix things, but she didn't even have that luxury in Book 2. Please correct me on this if I'm mistaken on her role. I know she had some ships that were being raided, and she kind of lamented about going broke, and somehow fiending after Mako's literally poor dick was supposed to be some comfort.

Korra gets gamed by Unalaq, which I felt was good considering her character commits suicide in terms of kicking curb whatever she could've learned about being an Avatar from Book 1. When she bragged about kicking Amon's butt, I kind of wished Tenzin drop kicked her in the face like a good master does to an unruly student.

Then we get Wan episodes, which were flawless and kind of cemented the notion that the best episodes in the show were the ones where Korra weren't featured at all or very little.

Oh yeah, I'm now remembering a ton of exposition around Aang's kids. Looking back, did this ever amount to anything considering there was no long-standing plot for any of them outside of Tenzin finally coming to terms with how Aang raised all of them? I also forget if this had anything to do with Jinora being able to go into the spirit world and have some sort of ethereal form.

I don't know how Jinora helped Korra beat Una-vaatu/Dark Avatar by being a glowing butterfly, but she did and the world was saved.

I'm mad because I genuinely think the concept of another Avatar created by Vaatu was a viable plotline to be followed. A show could've been made on that one concept alone. An Avatar of light opposing an Avatar of darkness, with both being reincarnated throughout time in an endless struggle.

This is the main reason why I consider Book 2 to be better than Book 1. Where Book 1 decided not to follow up with Amon being awesome and instead resorted to the bait and switch of him being some OP waterbender, we get Book 2 where the writers make up mythological shit that fits into the lore of the Avatar-verse and then follows up with it somewhat. Regardless of how many sharks were jumped in the giant kaijuu battle, I cannot complain about the addition of Raava and Vaatu, along with origin story of the Avatar.

Also, Korra took her dick out and outright said she and Mako can't be together. Our avatar was finally growing up, as we'd see in Book 3 and 4.

You know, that wouldn't be a bad idea...could be fun. I dunno where I'll be time-wise since I'm in the middle of looking for a new job while trying to leave my current one, but I think I'd like this. I'd also like to sit and watch Korra from the beginning now that it's finished. Kind of like what Nostalgia Critic did with TLA.
Yeah, they actually made farting a part of Meelos character.

Book 2 was a dissapointment compared to Book 1, but, the first season had the worst ending of the series by far,even worse than the Kaiju battle, it was awful on a narrative sense.

Book 2 also had the Wan episodes, that are generally considered good, if a little weird in terms of lore compared to TLA.

The ending plot point also was important for Book 3 and 4, so there is that.

This gif just made me realize something. Why did the Earth Empire need a giant bipedal mecha? I can see for pride and as a WMD to threaten people, but the secret revelation of it being a killing machine on top of it never actually utilizing its arms and legs in a practical manner kinda makes me wonder if it should've been just given treads or something.

Like if the giant robot climbed a mountain and shot the city from there like a Metal Gear was intended to do, then I'd think the robot made sense.

You dig giant robots, I dig giant robots, we dig giant robots, chicks dig giant robots.


Neo Member
One thing of note that I just remembered about the world of Korra was the remarkable amount of advanced electric engineering that heavily borrows from Tesla, I recall in Season 1 Mako had a part time job being a human tesla coil shooting electricity at other tesla coils to power the city, and in theory the giant purple spirit vine blob that mako blows up presumably worked on similar principles.

Just an idle thought
One thing of note that I just remembered about the world of Korra was the remarkable amount of advanced electric engineering that heavily borrows from Tesla, I recall in Season 1 Mako had a part time job being a human tesla coil shooting electricity at other tesla coils to power the city, and in theory the giant purple spirit vine blob that mako blows up presumably worked on similar principles.

Just an idle thought

Weren't they welding? I thought they were welding. Also, I rewatched the finale for some reason. To feel better, I guess. I dunno. Didn't help too much. Anyway, my point being:

Mako was gathering electricity from the mech and channeling it in to the power core. So, he can redirect lightning and channel it, too I guess.

Is Mako a master lightning bender? Can we get a 5th book, "Lightning", where the Fire Nation is being terrorized by *gasp* Mako's dad, whose a freak bender with the ability to do all kinds of unnatural lightning shit? And then we find out Mako and Bolin are half brothers and that Bolin's dad died.

Man, fuck everything.
70 years between giant zeppelin's and biplanes?

Supposedly. If you recall the equalists use biplanes and no one knows what they are. That seems consistent with the state of the automobile as well.

Weren't they welding? I thought they were welding. Also, I rewatched the finale for some reason. To feel better, I guess. I dunno. Didn't help too much. Anyway, my point being:

Mako was gathering electricity from the mech and channeling it in to the power core. So, he can redirect lightning and channel it, too I guess.

Is Mako a master lightning bender? Can we get a 5th book, "Lightning", where the Fire Nation is being terrorized by *gasp* Mako's dad, whose a freak bender with the ability to do all kinds of unnatural lightning shit? And then we find out Mako and Bolin are half brothers and that Bolin's dad died.

Man, fuck everything.

Mako was indeed at a "electricity factory". Powering the city with firebenders.
Supposedly. If you recall the equalists use biplanes and no one knows what they are. That seems consistent with the state of the automobile as well.

Mako was indeed at a "electricity factory". Powering the city with firebenders.

Was he? Fucking...this series...I love it. It's stupid as hell and I love it. The city runs off of firebenders. Giant fucking robots run off of magic vines. Spirits can be controlled using magic water that is regular water until you believe hard enough. Everything is just fucking great and super awesome always forever.

I think I'm having my meltdown now


Was he? Fucking...this series...I love it. It's stupid as hell and I love it. The city runs off of firebenders. Giant fucking robots run off of magic vines. Spirits can be controlled using magic water that is regular water until you believe hard enough. Everything is just fucking great and super awesome always forever.

I think I'm having my meltdown now

The funny thing is there's actual water near Republic City so folks could use hydroelectricity.

Also other places used electricity, so I'm wondering how practical it is to use Firebenders to power anything...unless it was for a company that wanted to skimp out on the electric bill by using human resources lol


I know realistically(and to a person with less insecurities) it shouldn't matter, but the way my head would do the mental gymnastics is as follows:
If I dated two seemingly straight women, and coincidentally after having dated me they both decide to date women, it would kinda throw me off. It could totally have nothing to with me in the slightest, but the timing would make me wonder "Did that have anything to do with me? Was I just that bad that I ruined guys for not one, but two women? In a row?" That would bother me, particularly given that I don't like to believe in coincidences. Whenever I would find out about hypothetical ex-girl friend "#1" dating women after our relationship, I wouldn't care at all and definitely wouldn't think I had anything to do with that. However, once I find out something similar about ex-gf "#2", my head takes the scenario from being a coincidence to becoming a pattern and that's when I would start to implicate myself.
Granted if I knew they were bisexual beforehand, that would void all of the prior text and go along my merry way
Just trying to give a view of the inner workings on my brain.

Yeah, 1 ex deciding to date woman I can handle, but 2? In a row? And them dating each other? Nah, at that point you have to start wondering what part you played in your ex girlfriends(who were competing against each other for you)getting so close that they end up "falling in love".

This sort of thing goes above just being a simple coincidence.


I just wish we didn't get that Gamagoori thing at the end because it just confused people *sigh*

Did trigger ever comment on the ending more?

Gamagoori is like Mako. He had no clue which way Mako went. Maybe Korra's Mako and Gamogoori should start a support group for males that tried to sex up lesbian women.

Wasn't it Korra who actually wanted Mako first? And after thinking about it a bit it finally occurred to me that the reason Mako suddenly dropped Asami was because they probably wanted him to break up with her after she revealed that she was a spy for Amon but after changing their minds on that had to do it the way they did.

And I don't think Gama is confused. I mean even if he was I don't think the other three divas would have been helping preparing him to ask Mako out if Mako was Ryuko's girlfriend. Of course, it could be that he plans to ask Satsuki out but that would be even more confusing as he never showed any attraction to her.


Was he? Fucking...this series...I love it. It's stupid as hell and I love it. The city runs off of firebenders. Giant fucking robots run off of magic vines. Spirits can be controlled using magic water that is regular water until you believe hard enough. Everything is just fucking great and super awesome always forever.

I think I'm having my meltdown now

Yeah definitely looks like it. Must be an exhausting job to do lightning bending all day even with all of the breaks.



I know this is old hat, but I'd like to bring up what I think about Book 2. I had to remember what exactly went down in it, and thanks to several posts ITT I can recall a lot now. However, I take back something I said earlier; I don't think Book 2 is the worst of the show. I think that title goes to Book 1. Book 2 actually had promising episodes and concepts whereas Book 1 pissed them out and forgot to flush the toilet, all in the name of probending.

Book 2 had a civil war right? Tonrak's Southern Water Tribe vs Unalaq's Northern Water Tribe over who should lead the tribes, right? Damn, the Southern Tribe got filthy rich since A:TLA. You see Korra's house/mansion/castle? Holy shit.


I remember this castle more than I do the damn civil war. Then I remember stuff about Mako and Korra getting into a bout because Korra decided to get mad at him for existing, and Mako realized he had to character at all so couldn't do much except say "no u". He fucked up though since Korra is filthy stinking rich. Considering his on and off fling with Asami, we can say Mako wishes to be a house husband, and I honestly can't judge him for that because dammit I want to be with a girl who makes more money than I do.

In fact, how convenient was it that the Avatar was royalty? Not that much at all I think. This makes her like a princess, right? Isn't she an only child? If Tonraq dies, who takes up the tribe? Korra? Bryke, why wasn't this addressed? Didn't she have to scavenge for food in Book 1 at one point? Why? She's damn rich so wtf, did her parents not give her money? Does Water Tribe money melt the moment you get close enough to the equator?

So Korra and her ball-and-chained Not Zuko are upset at each other, and then we're given our constant source of intended comedic relief for the entire book: Eska and still-useless Bolin (Bolin becomes not useless in Book 3 and asset to team in Book 4). I don't think this interactions with Desna and Eska helped him at all in his redemption, and only reminded people that Sokka was funny by himself for the most part without having to rely on the life-support of situational humor. Unfortunately, the situational humor in Korra throughout all four books consisted of Bolin being Eska's pet, Meelo farting and existing, and Bolin being with Varric that whole time in Book 4. Guess which one was actually funny. And while you're at it, guess which one was used to acknowledge a character who'd prove to be useless piece of shit because apparently, farting kids with a sense of entitlement are what people want to see when watching the successor of Avatar: The Last Airbender.


This fucker right here was what prevented LoK from being a top-tier show. For every moment he was on the screen, we could've had more exposition and maybe more moments with Korra and Asami, but nope. We had him as filler for a show that no leeway at all to even have filler. OR DID IT? We'll see, but I think Meelo deserves his own write up because I genuinely think he serves as evidence that Bryke either wanted to separate themselves so much from whatever they achieved in A:TLA, or that they simply had no grasp on the demographic of people who watched and were watching both series.

Oh yeah, Asami. What did she do again in Book 2? Again, before she kissed Mako? And after? I forget. I know later on in book 3 the writers kind of give up on whatever development she could possibly have as a character and make her a living multitool that can fix things, but she didn't even have that luxury in Book 2. Please correct me on this if I'm mistaken on her role. I know she had some ships that were being raided, and she kind of lamented about going broke, and somehow fiending after Mako's literally poor dick was supposed to be some comfort.

Korra gets gamed by Unalaq, which I felt was good considering her character commits suicide in terms of kicking curb whatever she could've learned about being an Avatar from Book 1. When she bragged about kicking Amon's butt, I kind of wished Tenzin drop kicked her in the face like a good master does to an unruly student.

Then we get Wan episodes, which were flawless and kind of cemented the notion that the best episodes in the show were the ones where Korra weren't featured at all or very little.

Oh yeah, I'm now remembering a ton of exposition around Aang's kids. Looking back, did this ever amount to anything considering there was no long-standing plot for any of them outside of Tenzin finally coming to terms with how Aang raised all of them? I also forget if this had anything to do with Jinora being able to go into the spirit world and have some sort of ethereal form.

I don't know how Jinora helped Korra beat Una-vaatu/Dark Avatar by being a glowing butterfly, but she did and the world was saved.

I'm mad because I genuinely think the concept of another Avatar created by Vaatu was a viable plotline to be followed. A show could've been made on that one concept alone. An Avatar of light opposing an Avatar of darkness, with both being reincarnated throughout time in an endless struggle.

This is the main reason why I consider Book 2 to be better than Book 1. Where Book 1 decided not to follow up with Amon being awesome and instead resorted to the bait and switch of him being some OP waterbender, we get Book 2 where the writers make up mythological shit that fits into the lore of the Avatar-verse and then follows up with it somewhat. Regardless of how many sharks were jumped in the giant kaijuu battle, I cannot complain about the addition of Raava and Vaatu, along with origin story of the Avatar.

Also, Korra took her dick out and outright said she and Mako can't be together. Our avatar was finally growing up, as we'd see in Book 3 and 4.

You know, that wouldn't be a bad idea...could be fun. I dunno where I'll be time-wise since I'm in the middle of looking for a new job while trying to leave my current one, but I think I'd like this. I'd also like to sit and watch Korra from the beginning now that it's finished. Kind of like what Nostalgia Critic did with TLA.

Reading this post only reminds me of one thing: Where the hell was Korra's head writer? Because it needed one to develop this. All of it. Desperately.

It needed to go from shit to adventure to epic to mythic.


Is Republic City powered by just Firebenders? I interpreted it as Firebenders providing extra energy on top of whatever power source the city uses. Though now that I think about it, they never did go into what powers the city. And if Firebenders do power the city with lightning bending, then how do things like radios work? And what do Satomobiles run on?


Neo Member
Is Mako a master lightning bender?

I remember that being a criticism back during book one insofar that everyone was like " look at all these lightning benders! How did it become so easy?"

Is Republic City powered by just Firebenders? I interpreted it as Firebenders providing extra energy on top of whatever power source the city uses. Though now that I think about it, they never did go into what powers the city. And if Firebenders do power the city with lightning bending, then how do things like radios work? And what do Satomobiles run on?

They also probably had gas and coal based on the cars and whatnot... I think.

I could swear there was a time Korra got hit with automotive exhaust, which means carbon being burned.
I remember that being a criticism back during book one insofar that everyone was like " look at all these lightning benders! How did it become so easy?"

I wasn't around here at that time. I remember it being a big critique with me, but I just kind of rolled with it. I friend of mine brought up that "Hey maybe they found an easier way to do. Bending techniques evolve over time, probably." I would have agreed, were it not for an episode in ATLA that caused Zuko and Aang to go back to the original firebenders! Proving that new techniques aren't always that easy. Then again, Hama developed bloodbending. Makes you wonder how other people learned it, if Katara was Hama's only successor...


Neo Member
Oh man now that I'm reminded of the original firebenders/ sun warriors... I really have to wonder what happened to all of them...

You'd think a city built like Tenochitlan would stick out like a sore thumb in a country based primarily off of east asia...

And speaking of weird aboriginals, WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SWAMP BENDERS? Shouldn't Toph and them been like best buds, or at least major irritants to one another?


And speaking of weird aboriginals, WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SWAMP BENDERS? Shouldn't Toph and them been like best buds, or at least major irritants to one another?

I seem to recall Toph making an off-handed comment about tossing swamp benders around and how she got bored of it after awhile.


I seem to recall Toph making an off-handed comment about tossing swamp benders around and how she got bored of it after awhile.

I like how every single natural progression of Toph's character is tossed away by the writers as her being lazy.

"I got bored!"
"I'm old, I could never fight! coughcough"
All we know is Zuko got a dragon from... somewhere.

And of course that was never delved into.

Well we never learned much about the Fire Nation at all. We meet Zuko and Izumi, but that's about it. Iroh is part of the United Republic Army.

Book 1 was entirely in Republic City, Book 2 was split between that, the Spirit World, and the Southern Water Tribe. Books 3 and 4 were entirely in the Earth Kingdom, with a smattering of Republic City.


I know this is old hat, but I'd like to bring up what I think about Book 2. I had to remember what exactly went down in it, and thanks to several posts ITT I can recall a lot now. However, I take back something I said earlier; I don't think Book 2 is the worst of the show. I think that title goes to Book 1. Book 2 actually had promising episodes and concepts whereas Book 1 pissed them out and forgot to flush the toilet, all in the name of probending.

Book 2 had a civil war right? Tonrak's Southern Water Tribe vs Unalaq's Northern Water Tribe over who should lead the tribes, right? Damn, the Southern Tribe got filthy rich since A:TLA. You see Korra's house/mansion/castle? Holy shit.



I think it's just made of ice bro.
Well we never learned much about the Fire Nation at all. We meet Zuko and Izumi, but that's about it. Iroh is part of the United Republic Army.

Book 1 was entirely in Republic City, Book 2 was split between that, the Spirit World, and the Southern Water Tribe. Books 3 and 4 were entirely in the Earth Kingdom, with a smattering of Republic City.

What a fucking shame. I wanted to see Ba Sing Se and the Fire Nation the most in this series.

Got half my wishes.


Oh man now that I'm reminded of the original firebenders/ sun warriors... I really have to wonder what happened to all of them...

You'd think a city built like Tenochitlan would stick out like a sore thumb in a country based primarily off of east asia...

And speaking of weird aboriginals, WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SWAMP BENDERS? Shouldn't Toph and them been like best buds, or at least major irritants to one another?

I'm surprised that there weren't any scenes of them trying to stop Kuvira and others from cutting the giant tree. Guess they didn't have time/money.


What a fucking shame. I wanted to see Ba Sing Se and the Fire Nation the most in this series.

Got half my wishes.

+1 would have loved to see the modern fire nation oh so very much. Oh well at least next years ATLA comics are going to be based in the Fire Nation.

Neo Dark

Well we never learned much about the Fire Nation at all. We meet Zuko and Izumi, but that's about it. Iroh is part of the United Republic Army.

Book 1 was entirely in Republic City, Book 2 was split between that, the Spirit World, and the Southern Water Tribe. Books 3 and 4 were entirely in the Earth Kingdom, with a smattering of Republic City.

That's what bugged me the most about the series. We got to look at each nation and how it changed for each one with the fire nation being the biggest exception.


Neo Member
I'm surprised that there weren't any scenes of them trying to stop Kuvira and others from cutting the giant tree. Guess they didn't have time/money.

As a matter of fact, despite Toph being lazy or old or whatever, she was still a god tier bender... You'd think with her ability to basically see around the world via the spirit vines and her blind earth bending she'd have been waging guerilla warfare against the mechs...

I mean she stepped in and saved her family when the time came to it and didn't seem too worse for wear.


As a matter of fact, despite Toph being lazy or old or whatever, she was still a god tier bender... You'd think with her ability to basically see around the world via the spirit vines and her blind earth bending she'd have been waging guerilla warfare against the mechs...

I mean she stepped in and saved her family when the time came to it and didn't seem too worse for wear.

Mmhmm. Toph still could've been a part of the finale, even if she wasn't a major player. Would've loved to have seen her try. Because she would.


Azula made a good post pointing out that at the end of S2 Asami is pretty peeved at Korra for taking Mako back from her, and before that they were never really friends, they didn't have much interaction at all in S2 and in S1 they weren't too into eachother cause they both wanted that Mako. Cut to S3 and they're buddy-buddy as hell almost over night.

After that they built up the friendship a reasonable amount, but you can actually see the moment Bryke spun on their heels and decided they wanted it to be a thing.

To be fair they did attempt friendship in season 1. After Korra was told to more or less 'deal with it' that Mako and Asami were together, she really did put aside her feelings for him and start trying to form a non hostile relationship with Asami, but that went by the wayside given time and events in the season.

Neo Dark

Mmhmm. Toph still could've been a part of the finale, even if she wasn't a major player. Would've loved to have seen her try. Because she would.

Let's face it. The real reason she can't be in the finale is because episode 13 of book 4 would have ended in 2 minutes. Hiroshi would not have died. There would be no new spirit portal and Kuvira would have been taken away cussing at the world (with plenty of cars that happen to drive by honking their horns by some weird coincidence)


You could still roll with her being old and not having the stamina to hold a fight with a giant mech for long, but have her do a couple cool things, plus maybe getting knocked out protecting her kids even after she's been totally exhausted.
The Legend of Korra is a product of two guys who are really good at world-building and creating characters and action, and they got too ambitious for what they were allowed. Despite them saying they wanted the shorter format, they needed extra episodes. As a result, we got stuck with gaps that they created so they could maintain the basic cut. Granted, it doesn't help that Nick slashed the budget for Book 4 (fucking Remembrances), but none the less, it's what happened. I think I know what this series reminds me of: Darker Than Black. Specifically Gemini of The Meteor (Season 2). That too was an example of a team that tried to put far more than they could into it, and then ended up giving us something that was clearly choppier than the original plans, complete with a garbage ending.

Granted, no season of TLoK is near as bad as that, but Book 4 is precisely the same scenario, minus the garbage ending. Though underwhelming, it isn't garbage.


I hope when the LoK complete collection comes out on Blu Ray, we Brits get everything those in the US do. It sucks buying the Blu Ray and finding that so much stuff is missing that's in the US version.
God... the more I think about it, the more I realize from start to finish what a disaster that whole series has been. From Saturday morning prime-time to internet only.

Avatar 1's 3rd season was like Return of the Jedi. I liked it when I first saw it, but having seen what came after, I have come to see the beginning of a lot of issues that would be magnified greatly in the following seasons.

One thing is for sure... they shouldn't try to do romance. They really like to do this hack stunt-writing where characters go from zero to one-hundred with romance. Katara to Aang at the end. Asami for Korra at the end. Bolin for fucking ESKA, ruining a great bit about him saving the world with his acting, at the end. Varrick for Zhu Li... Suki for Sokka. It's like they don't know how to write natural romance. I was really disappointed when they did Zuko and Mai off-camera. They went from not even meeting each-other for years to being in a serious relationship. Knowing how focused, serious, and cold Zuko was up to that point... it doesn't make sense.

Like, you might believe Korra has a crush on Asami... but tell the truth... does it feel like good writing to have them both fall in love suddenly, mutually, and without any hint or communication between them... It''s just baffling. Especially coming from Asami's end. Am I missing something? I got 0 romantic vibe from her toward Korra. Korra, though? She seemed a little hot for Asami here and there after season 2.


Off topic but JLU has a severe lack of Flash.
He get some good episodes, like when the rogues try to kill him or when he swaps bodies with Lex Luthor and satisfies his girlfriend for the first time. It's rare to have such heavily implied, outright told sex in a cartoon. But there it was.

He also had a lot to do with sex in the show. Just think of his Flashmobile :D
Chariot told me that nobody remembered to punish him, and he wanted to keep it that way.
Fuck! >_>
I never tell you anything no more! Dx
God... the more I think about it, the more I realize from start to finish what a disaster that whole series has been. From Saturday morning prime-time to internet only.

Avatar 1's 3rd season was like Return of the Jedi. I liked it when I first saw it, but having seen what came after, I have come to see the beginning of a lot of issues that would be magnified greatly in the following seasons.

One thing is for sure... they shouldn't try to do romance. They really like to do this hack stunt-writing where characters go from zero to one-hundred with romance. Katara to Aang at the end. Asami for Korra at the end. Bolin for fucking ESKA, ruining a great bit about him saving the world with his acting, at the end. Varrick for Zhu Li... Suki for Sokka. It's like they don't know how to write natural romance. I was really disappointed when they did Zuko and Mai off-camera. They went from not even meeting each-other for years to being in a serious relationship. Knowing how focused, serious, and cold Zuko was up to that point... it doesn't make sense.

Like, you might believe Korra has a crush on Asami... but tell the truth... does it feel like good writing to have them both suddenly, mutually, and without any hint or communication between them... It''s just baffling. Especially coming from Asami's end. Am I missing something? I got 0 romantic vibe from her toward Korra. Korra, though? She seemed a little hot for Asami here and there after season 2.

Romance was the worst part of the first 2 seasons and why I was really skeptical about season 3. Thankfully they toned it down but Jinora/Kai was still bad.
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