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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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Yeah he's missing for the whole first 13 episodes of JLU. More, in fact. He's quite prominent later on, though. Not sure why they did that.
Maybe DC was ordering them to not use him. If I'm not wrong, they had something for that for Batman too, that limited his rogue gallery. DC is silly sometimes.
Maybe DC was ordering them to not use him. If I'm not wrong, they had something for that for Batman too, that limited his rogue gallery. DC is silly sometimes.

I recall reading up on it. There wasn't anything regarding Flash. Batman villains, Blue Beetle, Wonder Woman, and I think Martian Manhunter all had those issues.


He get some good episodes, like when the rogues try to kill him or when he swaps bodies with Lex Luthor and satisfies his girlfriend for the first time. It's rare to have such heavily implied, outright told sex in a cartoon. But there it was.

He also had a lot to do with sex in the show. Just think of his Flashmobile :DFuck! >_>
I never tell you anything no more! Dx
Hehe yeah the Flashmobile.

Also, we have you now! Somebody get this man a new Avatar.
I hope when the LoK complete collection comes out on Blu Ray, we Brits get everything those in the US do. It sucks buying the Blu Ray and finding that so much stuff is missing that's in the US version.
Special features and whatnot?

I hope Book 4's blu-ray has some good bonuses. Maybe even an extended scene or two.
The Legend of Korra is a product of two guys who are really good at world-building and creating characters and action, and they got too ambitious for what they were allowed. Despite them saying they wanted the shorter format, they needed extra episodes. As a result, we got stuck with gaps that they created so they could maintain the basic cut. Granted, it doesn't help that Nick slashed the budget for Book 4 (fucking Remembrances), but none the less, it's what happened. I think I know what this series reminds me of: Darker Than Black. Specifically Gemini of The Meteor (Season 2). That too was an example of a team that tried to put far more than they could into it, and then ended up giving us something that was clearly choppier than the original plans, complete with a garbage ending.

Granted, no season of TLoK is near as bad as that, but Book 4 is precisely the same scenario, minus the garbage ending. Though underwhelming, it isn't garbage.

Nah they needed better writing. Madoka is 12 episodes but they managed to write a better story than Korra did with over 40.

World-building? We didn't get to see any of the Fire Nation at all and the technology used jumps erratically between 1900's technology and futuristic robots. It's impossible to say what is possible and natural in the world of LOK. World building is all about setting limits and keeping to them, not about throwing around wild ideas in order to make things exciting. What exactly is the technology profile? What exactly caused the spirit portal in the Finale? Could you do it again? What caused the giant blue Korra in S2? Could she do it again? The answer is no one knows because the writers regularly make stuff up as they go along.

Almost all the characters in Korra are terribly written with character motivations pulled out of the writer's asses at the last moment with no regard to narrative integrity. The romance is consistently atrocious, with the Asami-Mako-Korra triage being a disgraceful example of this. Nick did them a favour and gave them a recap episode and they still didn't even think to flesh out the lesbian relationship they were going to thrust in our laps at the last second. The villains are one-note who's ideas are instantly vaporised the minute they are defeated. None of the main characters have a political or social identity other than "the good guys". "Oh King Wu, your going to be a great leader" "Well the monarchy is a bit outdated, we should disband it" "Yes democracy is much better, you are so smart" flip flopping like a politician on The Thick of it, without a thread of political understanding. Normally I'd call Kuveira's surrender character assassination, but what character did she have in the first place? The best character in the entire show was Varrick but even he had to get hit with the sudden romance bug the writers have a hardon for.

Korra can't even say it has great battle scenes. Bending has been nerfed beyond all recognition, and the Avatar State moved from an anger/danger fuelled letting go of all power restrictions to a temporary powerup that is meh at best. Maybe there are 2 or 3 fights in the show that aren't dogshit,

So yeah. Korra has nice animation and a couple nice battles. That's pretty much it.

Opinion piece
Hama developed bloodbending. Makes you wonder how other people learned it, if Katara was Hama's only successor...

The Promise comic has a girl that used metalbending but didn't know Toph, so the only explanation is that bending was already invented by someone else. The same thing could had happened with electricity, who knows.

And I always had the feeling we overstimated the number of benders in the world. Just because the show has a lot of them, doesn't mean that they are common between the popolation, and in the past they were probably a smaller group, thus making difficult developing new tecniques.


I agree that romance is handled suddenly in ATLA and LOK for all the reasons cited. I don't get a feeling of true romantic connection from anyone in the series.

I will miss it, though. The world is fantastic.
Like extended Korrasami that was too hot for TV.

I wonder if Nick would allow the last scene to be extended for a kiss (assuming its already made, I don't know if they'd animate new content, even 2 seconds worth, for a blu-ray) for a blu-ray release? I mean it isn't going to be on TV.
I wonder if Nick would allow the last scene to be extended for a kiss (assuming its already made, I don't know if they'd animate new content, even 2 seconds worth, for a blu-ray) for a blu-ray release? I mean it isn't going to be on TV.
Maybe in story board form.


Maybe in story board form.

Yeah that could work. They've already had plenty of them before in the previous Blu-ray releases.
I really do hope they pack the Book 4 blu-ray to the brim with special features as it will most likely be the last one we ever get.
Just caught up. Great ending.

Just like I felt with Boardwalk Empire ending, I'm taking everything at face value and don't really feel like joining in criticism. There was a time when I used to commit myself to a post-finale shakedown like with Book 2, but I guess that urge for me has died out recently. Life events, I guess. I'm just happy to enjoy things as they come now.

The show as a whole contented me, and I'm happy with myself leaving it at that for me.
The world Bryan and Mike created is too rich and full of potential for it to end with Korra. I'll be writing a letter/email to Cyma Zarghami in the coming days about how I feel about the world of Avatar. I don't expect it to do anything, I just feel the need to do this.

The Legend of Korra is unlike anything I've ever seen before. It moved me in ways I didn't know I could be moved. The ending was so beautiful and emotional and it had such an impact on me, and I'm not even LGBT.

Neo Dark

Yeah but they're hoping some secret storyboard images that go beyond that.

Anyways, was watching harmonic convergence because... It was on. And wow... Book two was worst than I remembered. Northern forces folk... Are you kidding me? Even you guys wish you weren't there because of the evil spirits and all that jazz and yet you are listening to Unalaq. You too Desna. You just heard your father explain the creation of a DARK avatar and you believe that what he's doing is right.

Also... Team avatar literally just sat around while harmonic convergence was happening and Vaatu was being released. Know what you could have done with those three minutes? Kill off Unalaq which will help keep the scales tipped towards Raava.

Not really sure what I was watching in terms of book two anymore.


It's Christmas here in Australia now. So Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Korragaf.



Special features and whatnot?

I hope Book 4's blu-ray has some good bonuses. Maybe even an extended scene or two.

Yep, hopefully everything is in there, otherwise I'll have to import that shit from Amazon US......Which I will probably do anywhere since it's far cheaper to buy it from there than from a 3rd party seller on Amazon.co.uk lol


Special features and whatnot?

I hope Book 4's blu-ray has some good bonuses. Maybe even an extended scene or two.

Me, too. I've been kinda bummed at the features these Blu-Rays have. I mean, commentaries are a must have and I'm thankful they did them for Korra, but I need MORE MORE! ('Cause that's the Christmas Spirit and all).

Also, I'm surprised no one has tried doing a video of the Killer Robot and "Collective Consciousness" mashed up.


Romance was the worst part of the first 2 seasons and why I was really skeptical about season 3. Thankfully they toned it down but Jinora/Kai was still bad.

Season 3 was the ideal template for them to follow in so far as scope and focus goes. Season 1 would also qualify but the cast and world is probably too big at the point of season 4 for such a tight narrative. They really should have kept the plotting relatively simple and let the action do the talking, while focusing mostly on one romance (Korra/Asami beginning to form).
Another great show cut down in its prime. With no Korra and no Young Justice I've got no animation to watch outside of classic Nick.

Damn, I've got almost nothing to watch at all anymore. Just Flash and Arrow.
Another great show cut down in its prime. With no Korra and no Young Justice I've got no animation to watch outside of classic Nick.

Damn, I've got almost nothing to watch at all anymore. Just Flash and Arrow.
Just do what I do and find an anime to watch, I can suggest a couple just depends on how old you want something to be.
Looks like I should check out Young Justice then.
Just do what I do and find an anime to watch, I can suggest a couple just depends on how old you want something to be.

I've got no interest in modern anime. I've tried Attack on Titan and I just couldn't stick with it. The last two newest animes I've watched in full were Death Note and Code Geass. Beyond that it's just been DBZ, Cowboy Bebop, and The Big O (though is it technically an anime?).

They have to be just right to catch me, and much of the modern tropes used in anime turn me off instantly.


Book 2 had a civil war right? Tonrak's Southern Water Tribe vs Unalaq's Northern Water Tribe over who should lead the tribes, right? Damn, the Southern Tribe got filthy rich since A:TLA. You see Korra's house/mansion/castle? Holy shit.


I remember this castle more than I do the damn civil war. Then I remember stuff about Mako and Korra getting into a bout because Korra decided to get mad at him for existing, and Mako realized he had to character at all so couldn't do much except say "no u". He fucked up though since Korra is filthy stinking rich. Considering his on and off fling with Asami, we can say Mako wishes to be a house husband, and I honestly can't judge him for that because dammit I want to be with a girl who makes more money than I do.

In fact, how convenient was it that the Avatar was royalty? Not that much at all I think. This makes her like a princess, right? Isn't she an only child? If Tonraq dies, who takes up the tribe? Korra? Bryke, why wasn't this addressed? Didn't she have to scavenge for food in Book 1 at one point? Why? She's damn rich so wtf, did her parents not give her money? Does Water Tribe money melt the moment you get close enough to the equator?

Nice to see I'm not the only person who realised that Korra was essentially a princess/royalty and heir to the Southern Water Tribe. This shit bugs me so much since Bryke never bothered to mention it.
To what? Nobody is giving me an avatar.
Somebody should give him/her this Lin:

I've got no interest in modern anime. I've tried Attack on Titan and I just couldn't stick with it. The last two newest animes I've watched in full were Death Note and Code Geass. Beyond that it's just been DBZ, Cowboy Bebop, and The Big O (though is it technically an anime?).

They have to be just right to catch me, and much of the modern tropes used in anime turn me off instantly.
You should watch The Vision of Escaflowne, it's far from modern and came out when Bebop did I believe. It's like really good.
Dance of Curse is a bad ass fight theme:


Neo Member
Nice to see I'm not the only person who realised that Korra was essentially a princess/royalty and heir to the Southern Water Tribe. This shit bugs me so much since Bryke never bothered to mention it.

So how about that great aunt Yui?


Ok... Just finished watching the last few episodes. REALLY enjoyed it. That is how you have an epic ending fight without relying on some half assed ideas (i'm looking at you Season 2).

Actually started to like Wu towards the end actually haha. Some really good scenes in terms of writing and fights.

I did not expect them to go full Korrsami at the end. I mean it felt like they would, but idk, just expected them to go on the safe side - I guess not having them kiss is a good comprimise. At the end of the wedding both me and my wife were just like 'yeah...they're defo gonna make out'.

I am sad now though...I mean what can I look forward to, considering there prob won't be an other series?

Korra - you had your up's and down's, but I really enjoyed the ride.


Another great show cut down in its prime. With no Korra and no Young Justice I've got no animation to watch outside of classic Nick.

Damn, I've got almost nothing to watch at all anymore. Just Flash and Arrow.

I'm in the same boat, I don't have very many shows to watch.

Bryke better hurry up with their new animation asap.
I've been arguing on the internet so much I've been forgetting to build a Korrasami folder. Its so easy to forget that I'm actually happy about it when Im spending a better part of my day convincing people how poorly done it was.
Yeah, 1 ex deciding to date woman I can handle, but 2? In a row? And them dating each other? Nah, at that point you have to start wondering what part you played in your ex girlfriends(who were competing against each other for you)getting so close that they end up "falling in love".

This sort of thing goes above just being a simple coincidence.

See, it's not just me ;_; lol
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