Yeah I know, it's just weird. Also, R.I.P. Book 1 Mako.
Korrasami is cool, but the fanbase is making it much better than it was.
He really did become a punching bag.
Korrasami is cool, but the fanbase is making it much better than it was.
Nostalgia Critic LoK Vlog on the finale
LOL!!!! @ the Mako ribbing. This shit will never get old.
Korrasami is cool, but the fanbase is making it much better than it was.
Yeah I know, it's just weird. Also, R.I.P. Book 1 Mako.
Tumblr'll try to make you think it was single most beautiful thing ever crafted by human hands
Probably for the best all things considered.
Tumblr'll try to make you think it was single most beautiful thing ever crafted by human hands
Korrasami is cool, but the fanbase is making it much better than it was.
I'm just glad I don't have to hear people going crazy over Varrick's hamfisted out of nowhere proposal. Just awful.
My guess is that she is beyond her peak and not suited anymore for fighting. I guess, she could bloodbend without too much exhaustion, but we know that this is the thing she don't want.No but seriously though, I wonder how powerful is Katara at this point?
So pretty *__*This, right here. If anything, I felt Varrick's and Zhu Li's romance was forced at the end.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad the fanbase is so receptive of the pairing. That's how these shows are truly remembered - by how the fanbase carries its spirit.
It's a shame that it's pretty much the only thing people are going to remember it for.
My guess is that she is beyond her peak and not suited anymore for fighting. I guess, she could bloodbend without too much exhaustion, but we know that this is the thing she don't want.
It would really nice to see them all in their prime.So pretty *__*
It's a shame that it's pretty much the only thing people are going to remember it for.
This, right here. If anything, I felt Varrick's and Zhu Li's romance was forced at the end.
Not every old person can be Gouken.The thing we also have to consider is age and potential. While Ozai was stronger than Azula in ATLA, I am sure would've grown into a far stronger bender than him. She was an exceptional genius after all. But I agree, that Zuko wasn't that strong to begin with in the terms of the geniuses in every field.
We can assume that everyone became stronger, but they may as well hit a peak very early - we just don't know and that's the problem. I also kinda hate it, when aging and idling don't weaken people. Not being in wars and fights should make people's skills very dull. So in my mind Katara must have been not a very good fighter right now since she pretty much looked settled.
The thing we also have to consider is age and potential. While Ozai was stronger than Azula in ATLA, I am sure would've grown into a far stronger bender than him. She was an exceptional genius after all. But I agree, that Zuko wasn't that strong to begin with in the terms of the geniuses in every field.
We can assume that everyone became stronger, but they may as well hit a peak very early - we just don't know and that's the problem. I also kinda hate it, when aging and idling don't weaken people. Not being in wars and fights should make people's skills very dull. So in my mind Katara must have been not a very good fighter right now since she pretty much looked settled.
Although it would cool. Old people could work even longer in that case and didn't have to go in pension that early.Not every old person can be Gouken.
I think it was said that he was the strongest firebender. I does of course not help, that he didn't really fight outside of the final and that Azula was influenced too by the comet, but was weakened due her psychosis. Goddamnit, where are anime power levels when you need them?!But was he? I have it that way on my list, but I don't know if that's true. We only see him bend during Sozin's Comet, aside from a little lightning on The Day of Black Sun once the eclipse was over. They still never properly explained how Azula got blue fire, aside from the hints at the possible sources for different color flames during whole Sun Warriors thing.
But was he? I have it that way on my list, but I don't know if that's true. We only see him bend during Sozin's Comet, aside from a little lightning on The Day of Black Sun once the eclipse was over. They still never properly explained how Azula got blue fire, aside from the hints at the possible sources for different color flames during whole Sun Warriors thing.
I'm just glad I don't have to hear people going crazy over Varrick's hamfisted out of nowhere proposal. Just awful.
This, right here. If anything, I felt Varrick's and Zhu Li's romance was forced at the end.
So based on the little I have seen capped here, it seems like Korra is head over heels infatuated/crushing/interested in Asami, and Asami feels a similar attraction but is more reserved or conflicted about her emotions.
Would that be correct?
Korra seems to be the type of person that, when she falls for someone, falls hard. Hopefully she learned from her failed relationship with Mako!
Until Korra throws a Dragon of the Darkness Flame at someone I'll take my anime power levels.Who needs Anime power levels?
Yeah it wasn't great, but at least it was telegraphed throughout starting with the train.
If nothing else the timing for the proposal was right since it was right before the final battle....WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN A GREAT TIME FOR ASAMI OR KORRA TO PULL THE OTHER ASIDE FOR A TENDER MOMENT OF THEIR OWN, BRYKE! It makes the payoff of Varrick and Zhuli work, if you think everyone's plot armor might be in danger of falling off (cause Kuvira was supposed to be a credible threat right...?) That's a great time to get shit off your chest, instead we got marriage and Asamis dad getting ready to die.
Beats me. Based on season 3's ending it seems more like Asami is the one who falls for Korra based on how tenderly she treats her
And then sometime during the 3 years Korra develops feelings via letters... ehhh....
I'm of the camp that Korrasami and most of season 4 is poorly written, so forgive any cynicism on my part.
Really, anytime would have been a better time for that moment than the one they picked.Yeah it wasn't great, but at least it was telegraphed throughout starting with the train.
If nothing else the timing for the proposal was right since it was right before the final battle....WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN A GREAT TIME FOR ASAMI OR KORRA TO PULL THE OTHER ASIDE FOR A TENDER MOMENT OF THEIR OWN, BRYKE! It makes the payoff of Varrick and Zhuli work, if you think everyone's plot armor might be in danger of falling off (cause Kuvira was supposed to be a credible threat right...?) That's a great time to get shit off your chest, instead we got marriage and Asamis dad getting ready to die.
Would that be correct?
It's not so much 'Varrick realizing his feelings" as much as "I've never said anything the least bit kind to you ever. MARRY ME NOW"
You could tell he was about to say something important during the "Mrs Beaks" story before he got cutoff by Kuvira's mech, so I assume he was about to tell her how he feels about her then. Then after that they were about to go on a suicide mission so it's either say it now or possibly die without airing a word of it.Kind of. Varrick is an interesting character because you really need to pay attention to his tone of voice as he switches between silly-mad-genius-guy to calculating and thoughtful smart guy.
Well, I look at it this way:
During ATLA, Toph and Katara were effectively the best benders in their fields (Earth and Water) next to Bumi and Paku, respectively. Now we get to TLoK, and Toph is effectively the strongest earthbender, period. I'm guessing Katara was probably on that level, but then again, Toph continued to wander and fight. Katara became a healer. Based on what Toph said during Operation BeiFong about Katara being right about letting the kids take care of it. My guess, Katara is powerful as fuck, but like Toph leaves it in others hands.
Zuko was never the strongest firebender to begin with. I mean, ranking the major firebenders in ATLA (my guess):
1. Iroh
2. Jeong Jeong
3. Ozai
4. Azula
5. Zuko
6. Zhao
Zuko's up there, but he's not up there. So him not being super strong during TLoK wasn't surprising to begin with.
Eh I still say Iroh was a stronger firebender than Ozai. He could have easily taken him, but didn't because of the implications. Which is funny, because Zuko taking down Azula has similar implications, doesn't it? A brother fighting a sister (in Iroh's case, a brother) to grab power? I mean, she was technically Fire Lord at the time, and Zuko was doing so in order to take power from Azula.
But Zuko beat Azula.
But Zuko beat Azula.
She was not at full power. Her shattered mind made her visibly weaker. She was certainly not on the top of her game.But Zuko beat Azula.
She was not at full power. Her shattered mind made her visibly weaker. She was certainly not on the top of her game.
But was he? I have it that way on my list, but I don't know if that's true. We only see him bend during Sozin's Comet, aside from a little lightning on The Day of Black Sun once the eclipse was over. They still never properly explained how Azula got blue fire, aside from the hints at the possible sources for different color flames during whole Sun Warriors thing.
So Azula is endorsed by Hank Hill?Azula's fire is blue because she is powered by propane.
dat clean burning fuel
Yep... and they still went back to it in the end. SMH. I thought Varrick-Zhu Li was really awful, too. Zhu Li being in love with Varrick is one thing, but him suddenly proposing was awful.
Plus, the 'do the thing' was about 1/8th as funny as they thought it was. That gag got old real fuckni' fast.
Man, I really wish we could have this series without any of the shipping at all. =(