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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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Korra in extreme duress > starts reaching deep trying to tap into her avatar powers she hasn't had before > can't quite get into the avatar state but still makes the connection enough to unlock her ability to use airbending (the same way Aang was fire/water/earth bending when he had no idea how to do that, albeit in full avatar state) > some small time later she has complete contact with her past lives, which she never did before> this comes back around to prove that what happened was indeed her getting in contact with the powers of the Avatar which unlocked her airbending to save her when she couldn't get all the way into the avatar state

It isn't filling in the blanks, it's pretty much all there and lines up with the established rules of the show.

In the chain of events you described, I cannot buy that conclusion at all despite you being seemingly convinced.

I can't buy the conclusion because:

1) there's literally nothing provided within ATLA or LoK that says the Avatar can gradually tap into their powers in extreme situations, especially considering within extreme situations surrounding Avatars, they've jumped into the Avatar State.

2) Aang mentioned nothing about the airbending, and anything he says being applied to when and how Korra learned to airbend has to be conjecture.

3) Wasn't it Aang's spirit who fixed Korra directly as opposed to her only getting connected to her past lives?

I mean, I'll watch Book 1 soon and keep your points in mind, but again, I'm pretty sure you're making leaps.
Here's my logic on those finales:

Book 1: Farenheit's been doing a pretty fine job at explaining the logic I got out of it. In addition, her restoring her bending via Avatar state isn't an issue. Her loss of bending is due to bloodbending, and we see during the Aang flashbacks that activating the Avatar State can essentially remove the influence of bloodbending. Plus, Aang knew how to energybend (different from spiritbending, which is what Unalaq taught Korra), and thus Korra entering the AS allowed her to use the knowledge of a past life. It's a bit abridged, but it works.

Book 2: I've made posts on this before, but I can't totally explain Jinora. Korra seems likely, but it's due to a plot device, which is the Tree of Time and Harmonic Convergence. She's essentially projecting her Cosmic Self (which is probably a person's very spirit and what gets projected whenever someone goes into the Spirit World or projects in reality) while under influence of a huge power boost. Jinora...did something. So that is definitely a wonky-ass ending. Jinora's powers were explained by it being Harmonic Convergence, and it is possible that her being the Avatar's descendant is responsible for her spiritual inclination.

Book 3: There's really nothing there. Unless people are counting Zaheer's flight, which is explained. The issue is that it doesn't carry a lot of weight because P'Li and Zaheer's relationship was never really focused all that much on. They were definitely in love, though and based on Zaheer's airbending philosophy, it's pretty clear he buys into the whole "earthly attachments needing to be released" thing that's so very common in their culture. You could bring up Bolin's lavabending, but that's because lavabending isn't explained properly. Still it was foreshadowed at bit, and we've seen accidental bending before (it's how Katara frees Aang in the opening of ATLA). Plus, he did follow the one rule of earthbending: Don't back down, stand your ground.

Book 4: Alright...so this. Korra bending the spirit energy cannon blast is the big one, right? Simple: Remember the Lion Turtle? "Before we bent the elements, we bent the energy within ourselves." Well, my assumption has been that since Korra has a deeper connection with Raava than most Avatars and based on her spiritual mastery (though rushed it may be, it does exist), she tapped into her "unlimited power" (foreshadow master Zaheer over here) and bent the energy. The massive explosive force ripped open a spirit portal.

I dunno, I bought all of them. Also, here's what I had to say on spiritual projection earlier:

I will never stop being baffled as to how many people think spiritual projection is an airbender technique. Yes, airbending culture was the most spiritual, next to the Water Tribe (They pretty much got their bending directly from the spirits and also possess spiritbending. Probably because of that connection) but Aiwei was a metalbender and he could spirituall project. Jinora just happened to be a special case prodigy that got awakened and boosted due to Harmonic Convergence. Jinora told Kai it was a secret airbender technique most likely because she didn't want to actually explain it.

I would count that as projecting. You aren't fully entering and your body isn't there, just your spirit. Isn't that exactly what projecting your spirit is? Your spirit leaves your body? If only being able to do it in the real world is the case, then Aang and Jinora were the only people we've seen so far capable of doing it that weren't already spirits. The Beginnings retcon makes the Avatar effectively part spirit and Jinora is Aang's descendant (That may not count for anything, though).

Fuck, realizing that, Korra is also capable of spiritual projection. How else do you explain Spirit Korra? So that means, even if we're only counting real world projection the only people capable have been Avatars and native airbenders (I can't remember if Unalaq did it). And Jinora is an Avatar's descendant.

So that makes me curious as to how projection works? I would assume that one's "Cosmic Self" comes into play. Are you detaching yourself, and projecting that cosmic image? Just temporarily accessing that specific chakra?

I think the whole being able to visit Iroh thing isn't that out there. Remember what Yu said in The Swamp (ATLA Book 2)? He said "death is an illusion." I mean, if you become a spirit like Iroh when you die, then the portals open...I was just thinking about it and it's not that far-fetched to me. Maybe I'm being too much of an apologist.


On Korra, Her Relationships With Women, And That Epic Series Finale
CONTINUE READING AT: http://www.themarysue.com/korra-relationships-with-women/

The following was originally posted on Dee Hogan’s blog The Josei Next Door and has been republished with permission.

I watched this episode twice—once when it premiered and again the next morning—because I spent most of the first time gnawing my fingernails down to the bone, and I didn’t want to write about the episode without having a chance to see it again, anxiety-free. The nerves were partly due to just plain old emotional attachment (characters were throwing up death flags left and right), but also due to the fact that endings are really, really difficult, and I’ve seen too many great series trip all over themselves in the final minutes. So there I sat, desperately wanting LoK to end well and seriously concerned that it wouldn’t.

So let me start by saying how elated I was when the end credits rolled, because Bryke & Co. have done it again and crafted a splendid finale, writing a lovely final page to a series that only seemed to get better with time. Much like with A:tLA, it’s not quite what’s expected—the protagonist’s real conflict proves to be more internal than external, the resolution reached due to an understanding of the Avatar’s own values rather than a big, violent showdown (although we certainly had that, too)—but it’s very much the ending the series needed, bringing together many of the show’s central themes as well as providing a kind of completion (of one stage, at least) to Korra’s growth and journey as a person. It may not have gone where I thought it would go, but it ended up exactly where it needed to be.

There’s so much we could talk about, but I really just want to focus on Korra, her relationships with two other prominent women this season, and how it ties in with ideas that have been running through the entire series... (continued)
In the chain of events you described, I cannot buy that conclusion at all despite you being seemingly convinced.

I can't buy the conclusion because:

1) there's literally nothing provided within ATLA or LoK that says the Avatar can gradually tap into their powers in extreme situations, especially considering within extreme situations surrounding Avatars, they've jumped into the Avatar State.

2) Aang mentioned nothing about the airbending, and anything he says being applied to when and how Korra learned to airbend has to be conjecture.

3) Wasn't it Aang's spirit who fixed Korra directly as opposed to her only getting connected to her past lives?

I mean, I'll watch Book 1 soon and keep your points in mind, but again, I'm pretty sure you're making leaps.

Okay, well I hope you do keep it in mind, because I'm not imparting my personal interperetation here, that's basically what happened.
Biggest problem I had with Korra airbending in season 1 was she was using 0 finesse that you see when anyone else does it. She was just throwing straight punches like she was earth/firebending.
Biggest problem I had with Korra airbending in season 1 was she was using 0 finesse that you see when anyone else does it. She was just throwing straight punches like she was earth/firebending.

True, but considering the scenario it makes sense. Plus, her general fighting style is sort of a brawler. She's the Faith to Aang's Buffy (and I know a bunch of y'all mofos know what I mean by that). Aang's about finesse and creativity. Korra is a fighter that uses bending to enhance her skills, whereas Aang utilizes straight bending. I mean, we always see him avoid hand-to-hand or anything resembling it. Fuck, even Katara gets some hand-to-hand in her bending.



Okay, well I hope you do keep it in mind, because I'm not imparting my personal interperetation here, that's basically what happened.

Sorry, but you can't really force this interpretation as objective when it requires a major presumption of a facts on your part, specifically that you can activate the avatar state "partially". You can believe it as your own fan theory, but it's not 'what hapepned and you gotta deal with it'. This kind of activation your describing has never been shown to happen anywhere else. There isn't really any reason to assume that is even possible, as it hasn't been mentioned in the story and hasn't been shown to happen anywhere else.

The main key differences between what happened with Korra is the activation of the AS is in all instances marked by glowing eyes. If the AS was being activated even 'partially', why didn't the eyes then 'partially' glow. Aang's eyes glowed even when he was channeling a single past avatar.

Second is the fact that she retains her airbending. The AS hasn't ever taught the user anything. When Roku was summoned and he used firebending to get the Gaang out of the temple, Aang did not wake up knowing how to firebend. So why would Korra retain her abilities to airbend?

Lastly, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Aang's connection was due to her becoming so sad that she cannot bend the other elements, giving up is somehow connected to spriituality. Given the context of the scene and how Korra was despairing, I'm pretty sure her reconnection to past lives was due to that and not when she was panicked, but still clearly struggling against amon.

So you're arguing for a singular unique activation of AS that works in a way no other AS state has shown before or since and no character within the show feels this is worth any sort of commentary so we can get a handle on what is happening. Kind of hard to argue it's the obvious and objective interpretation here, man.

Beth Cyra

Korra herself is a very incomplete character honestly, she barely has arcs outside seasons 2/4. This would be okay if the story didn't try to keep saying she grew. Honestly, Season 1 could be erased from canon considering it didn't really do much for the over arcing plot of the series.

Now that I finihsed it I can say I agree with this.

By the end Korra really did win me over and of course I still loved Asame so them getting together wasn't really a bad thing in my mind.

I don't have the hang up alot of people seem to when it comes to their build up, maybe because to me Season 4 is much Less Korra's show so much as is Kuriva, Korra and Bolin's show. There was more time spent away from Korra then any other season and for me that was a good thing because it allowed her to breath and and fill out a bit more in other roles then being spoiled brat.

Sad Lin didn't really get as much time to shine as I was hoping she would near the end and Asami was great but got so little screen time I felt a bit jipped.

My two biggest complaints are that Valric and Jux Li got actual confirmation of their love where as Korra and Asame just got it hinted at, and I felt that having a Lesbian Love be used but hinted felt weak when we had so much straight love.

Still not a bad show and if Kurvia had died I would have liked it much more.

Lastly I do have one very major problem with it. Brava said specifically that she and Chaos have to exist together, and 10 minutes later they kill Chaos and we never see it again. I have a way bigger issue with this then the writing in Season 4.
Sorry, but you can't really force this interpretation as objective when it requires a major presumption of a facts on your part, specifically that you can activate the avatar state "partially". You can believe it as your own fan theory, but it's not 'what hapepned and you gotta deal with it'. This kind of activation your describing has never been shown to happen anywhere else. There isn't really any reason to assume that is even possible, as it hasn't been mentioned in the story and hasn't been shown to happen anywhere else.

The main key differences between what happened with Korra is the activation of the AS is in all instances marked by glowing eyes. If the AS was being activated even 'partially', why didn't the eyes then 'partially' glow. Aang's eyes glowed even when he was channeling a single past avatar.

Second is the fact that she retains her airbending. The AS hasn't ever taught the user anything. When Roku was summoned and he used firebending to get the Gaang out of the temple, Aang did not wake up knowing how to firebend. So why would Korra retain her abilities to airbend?

Lastly, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Aang's connection was due to her becoming so sad that she cannot bend the other elements, giving up is somehow connected to spriituality. Given the context of the scene and how Korra was despairing, I'm pretty sure her reconnection to past lives was due to that and not when she was panicked, but still clearly struggling against amon.

So you're arguing for a singular unique activation of AS that works in a way no other AS state has shown and no character within the show feels this is worth any sort of commentary so we can get a handle on what is happening. Kind of hard to argue it's the obvious and objective interpretation here, man.

I would say being severely depressed is considered a form of extreme duress, and The Avatar state does activate during extreme duress. Wouldn't say it has anything to necessarily do with spirituality at all, and even then "desperate people in desperate times." It's not far-fetched that a person at their lowest would turn to spirituality. It's just that in this fictional universe there's an actual, tangible power attached to it, so everyone feels that it needs to be better justified than what it is.

And her forcing open her "chi paths" or whatever Amon sealed in a time of desperation or duress doesn't seem far-fetched either, Avatar glow or no. I get your point on that, but the idea that Amon couldn't lock her airbending because he either a) didn't know how (he's never locked an airbender before and he would've had to practice in order to learn) or b) her airbending was never fully closed or open (glass half-full, half-empty) and therefore he just couldn't detect it also doesn't seem like a stretch either. Besides, we've seen cases of people not being able to control their bending but still having access to it. I see Korra's airbending as one such case. It's a bit of a rush, but it's also not out there, either. Plus, she's the Avatar. The Avatar has done multiple things that can only be explained by "It's the Avatar" all the way back to Book 1 of ATLA.


True, but considering the scenario it makes sense. Plus, her general fighting style is sort of a brawler. She's the Faith to Aang's Buffy (and I know a bunch of y'all mofos know what I mean by that). Aang's about finesse and creativity. Korra is a fighter that uses bending to enhance her skills, whereas Aang utilizes straight bending. I mean, we always see him avoid hand-to-hand or anything resembling it. Fuck, even Katara gets some hand-to-hand in her bending.


Honestly her match against the Equalist Lieutenant is probably one of the best 'fights' in the show it is so beautifully choreographed.

She's much more direct than Ang ever was, but she's absurdly skilled at close quarters combat.

Also the full piece of art that the Korrasami photo was made from (same artist)



I would say being severely depressed is considered a form of extreme duress, no? The Avatar state does activate during extreme duress. And her forcing open her "chi paths" or whatever Amon sealed in a time of desperation or duress doesn't seem far-fetched either, Avatar glow or no. I get your point on that, but the idea that Amon couldn't lock her airbending because he either a) didn't know how (he's never locked an airbender before and he would've had to practice in order to learn) or b) her airbending was never fully closed or open (glass half-full, half-empty) and therefore he just couldn't detect it also doesn't seem like a stretch either. Besides, we've seen cases of people not being able to control their bending but still having access to it. I see Korra's airbending as one such case. It's a bit of a rush, but it's also not out there, either. Plus, she's the Avatar. The Avatar has done multiple things that can only be explained by "It's the Avatar" all the way back to Book 1 of ATLA.

Even if I were to consider the AS a state of hightened duress, using the AS while under duress is not considered the correct form of it, due to lack of individual control on the user. Correct usage of AS requires various things explained in the Guru episode. Otherwise, the AS is just an instinctive self preservation reaction.

Also, we have no idea whatsoever how Amon's bloodbending stops other people's bending. We don't even know if it stops chi paths or whatever. That's pure speculation. There's no real educated guess we can make as to why Amon couldn't block Korra's airbending. The lack of explanation for how things work here is one of the greatest faults of the show and why so much is unclear. It's important for the audience to know enough so that we can make coherent sense out of whats going on without flat out making stuff up.

The avatar powers have a few minor vagueries, but TLA never had the kind of vagueries LoK ended up with. You could make sense out of most things..That's not the case with LoK's Book 1 ending.
Young Justice S02E01

aw yeeeaaa, motherf***ing
nightwing. not sure how i feel about the new people though. i'm hoping they didn't pull a bryke and add too many characters,
Even if I were to consider the AS a state of hightened duress, using the AS while under duress is not considered the correct form of it, due to lack of individual control on the user. Correct usage of AS requires various things explained in the Guru episode. Otherwise, the AS is just an instinctive self preservation reaction.

Also, we have no idea whatsoever how Amon's bloodbending stops other people's bending. We don't even know if it stops chi paths or whatever. That's pure speculation. There's no real educated guess we can make as to why Amon couldn't block Korra's airbending. The lack of explanation for how things work here is one of the greatest faults of the show and why so much is unclear. It's important for the audience to know enough so that we can make coherent sense out of whats going on without flat out making stuff up.

The avatar powers have a few minor vagueries, but TLA never had the kind of vagueries LoK ended up with. You could make sense out of most things..That's not the case with LoK's Book 1 ending.

So, you can tell me why Aang became a giant spirit fish at the end of Water? Or why Avatars can physically manifest themselves? Or maybe why Azula just has blue fire? Her getting her AS isn't that vague at all. She was at her lowest. Let's say that that whole bit was about spirituality, and not necessarily duress. People have been known to become spiritual in their most dire moments. I don't really think that Air's ending requires that many jumps in logic. We learn in ATLA that healing using waterbending involves chi paths. We know that chi points can be physically harmed, and we also know that chi controls bending. It's pretty clear that Amon physically seals chi points within the body using bloodbending, and it honestly makes sense. At least to me.

Guru Pathik may have given Aang a way to control the Avatar State, but the good Guru also said that if Aang left before opening the final chakra (which are big ol' pools of chi) that it would be sealed forever even though he was able to reopen it awhile later in Ba Sing Se. Then it got zapped by lightning, which sealed it, and reopened with a rock just because...why? I mean, Katara apparently couldn't heal it, even though she could sense that there was a blockage of chi there. When she tried to heal it, he suffered a flashback to getting hit with lightning. Just like Korra's PTSD in Balance. Yet somehow, getting hit with a rock unblocks all of the chi, gets him over his PTSD (after cowering in a rock for awhile), and then he can immediately control it at will.

While I do agree that Korra's being able to enter the AS at will does come a bit fast, considering she was far more eager to attain her full Avatar abilities as opposed to Aang, it would make sense that she was able to come in to it much quicker. Even then, she couldn't totally communicate with her past lives in full. If I recall, she struggled with that quite a bit, which is why she was so quick to jump on the "Unalaq is da best" bandwagon.


So, you can tell me why Aang became a giant spirit fish at the end of Water?

Wasn't an ordinary AS activation. The ocean spirit took hold of him and used him as a medium to destory the fire nation for revenge.

Or why Avatars can physically manifest themselves?

I don't think it's an actual manifestation so much as it is visual projection. It's established that spiritual entities can project visions, not just in terms of the AS, but in various aspects. Aang, Sokka and Katara got various visions in the swamp for example. Otherwise, spirits can manifest themselves for real, like the panda spirit in that one episode. So the rules are pretty consistant here. A better question would be why wouldn't they be able to manifest themselves?

Or maybe why Azula just has blue fire?

Because people who are really damn good at firebending can produce unique flames. This isn't just blue, but various colors, as shown in The Sun Warriors. What does this even have to do with the Aang's AS though? The blue fire was mostly a narrative indicator of how Azula was special, but she could have had normal colored fire and just been a normal but really awesome firebender and the show would remain the same. Understanding how the AS functions on the other hand is a critical piece of plot so that we know what the heroes can and can't do to beat the villain. It's not really comparable to just knowing some trivia information on Azula's abilities.

Honestly, it looks more like you just haven't been paying attention to the show. There are reasons given for things happening pretty often.

Her getting her AS isn't that vague at all. She was at her lowest. Let's say that that whole bit was about spirituality, and not necessarily duress. People have been known to become spiritual in their most dire moments. I don't really think that Air's ending requires that many jumps in logic. We learn in ATLA that healing using waterbending involves chi paths. We know that chi points can be physically harmed, and we also know that chi controls bending. It's pretty clear that Amon physically seals chi points within the body using bloodbending, and it honestly makes sense. At least to me.

They establish that healing uses chi paths in one particular technique, and later with lightning bending. I don't think that is a go ahead to assume all bending is fundamentally based on chi paths, or that this is what Amon does. Second, one can become spiritual due to a dire event depending how you react to it, but it is not inherent to the dire event itself. Bad shit happening to you and feeling sad doesn't automatically make you spiritual, it's in how you deal with it.

Guru Pathik may have given Aang a way to control the Avatar State, but the good Guru also said that if Aang left before opening the final chakra (which are big ol' pools of chi) that it would be sealed forever even though he was able to reopen it awhile later in Ba Sing Se. Then it got zapped by lightning, which sealed it, and reopened with a rock just because...why? I mean, Katara apparently couldn't heal it, even though she could sense that there was a blockage of chi there. When she tried to heal it, he suffered a flashback to getting hit with lightning. Just like Korra's PTSD in Balance. Yet somehow, getting hit with a rock unblocks all of the chi, gets him over his PTSD (after cowering in a rock for awhile), and then he can immediately control it at will.

No, what he said was that if he left before he was finished, he would be unable to use the avatar state until he completed the last step that they never finished. Aang did that in the season 2 finale.

As for the lightning and rock, chi paths are evidentally affected by physical things. Katara couldn't heal Aang because once she tried to apply pressure, he squirmed away in pain, so she stopped. One possible difference is that the rock applied the pressure whether Aang wanted it to or not. Also, Aang was not suffering from PTSD in the remotest sense of the word. It should also be noted that the activation of AS wasn't a proper one at first, during Ozai's fight. Even though the chakra point was 'released' by the rock, Aang was in his glowy, monster version of AS, when the proper AS is the one he did at the very end where his eyes only glowed for a second, wherein he was in complete control over his actions. If the chakra pool was free in the way it was supposed to be, that wouldn't have happened.

While I do agree that Korra's being able to enter the AS at will does come a bit fast, considering she was far more eager to attain her full Avatar abilities as opposed to Aang, it would make sense that she was able to come in to it much quicker. Even then, she couldn't totally communicate with her past lives in full. If I recall, she struggled with that quite a bit, which is why she was so quick to jump on the "Unalaq is da best" bandwagon.

No, because she doesn't complete any of the steps on how to activate the AS that were establlshed in the Guru episode, and they don't really establish any idea that there is an alternative way. She can want to be the best avatar evar as much as she wants, but that should not happen if she is not shown doing the things necessary to make it happen. If Korra wanted to study physics as much as she wanted to be the avatar, but she never opened a physics book or done experiments or made any efforts to correctly understand physics, but then somehow displayed an accurate knowledge of the subject, that would be bullshit. We see Korra incorrectly doing spirituality all season, but she gets it right at the end even though the events that occur within it go against established rules of how things work because she wants them to? How is that not awful storytelling?


Asami is easy, she needed more presence. She was practically moving scenery for most of book 2-4. When you forget a member of "Team Avatar" exists. You have done something wrong. There is nothing wrong with her personality, she just got screwed by the writers...or they couldn't pay her VA.

I agree with you that they should have given her more to do, but I never felt like she lacked presence. She basically had two core Asami plotlines in the entire series (Season 1 with her father and Season 4 with her father again) but both of those were incredible, in my opinion, as is she as a character. She of course had a storytelling in Season 2, but that season was overflowing with plotlines and constantly hoping around, so she got lost in the shuffle, and what was actually a very good story-line on paper was rendered a confusing mess because there was so much else going on.

So fair enough, but I never forgot that she was a member of Team Korra, she is probably the most popular character in the series aside from Korra herself.

Korra is a bit tougher. But for the longest time, she became a cosmic plaything more or less. Things just happened to her, both to get her in and out of trouble. I understand it's called the Legend of Korra, and it's about her development from hotheaded teenager to mature Avatar, but I can't buy into this development because of the lack of agency she had a lot of the time. And even when things happened that go against this concept, I found it hard to overcome my other impressions. It is hard to care about a main character, when you don't care for their story.

My only comment here would be that it is inherently harder to write a main character with agency after you've already established that she had a guided upbringing. What allowed Ang to have Agency even in his inaction and running away was that there were was little infrastructural to guide and make decisions for him.

One he wakes up, his core support group are equals around his own age, but because the writers wanted to do something different for LoK, she had to be surrounded and influenced by teachers and parents, people who were essentially looked at by her as superiors. The biggest issue with that beginning (when you aren't planning on killing or doing away with those guiding influences) is that they can suffocate the agency of your lead because the story will organically grow out of the decisions that the naturally more authoritative characters are making. Then it's also a hard trap to avoid to simply have your antagonists operating in ways that subvert that infrastructure, but are out of the control of your protagonist, because if your protagonist who is still learning can anticipate it, why didn't the superiors.

That being said, I thought her development was fine, logical even.


*Spits out water*

This should be cannon.

EDIT: Nope! too epic to leave it at that. With the context of sending it to Mako, I've never seen a bigger smug face of 'fuck you' complete and total planetary annihilation in my life. The very essence of "Hey remember when you had both of us and ruined it three times over? Yeah, this is mine now. ;)

Mako has it coming. The dude had it made with two of the most desired women in the world having the hots for him, but he made the rookie mistake of being indecisive and fucked it all up. Korrasami have every right to rub it in and remind Mako what he could have had, I'm crying just looking at the picture myself, I've never seen two more perfect specimans.

Also the full piece of art that the Korrasami photo was made from (same artist)


Mako has it coming. The dude had it made with two of the most desired women in the world having the hots for him, but he made the rookie mistake of being indecisive and fucked it all up. Korrasami have every right to rub it in and remind Mako what he could have had, I'm crying just looking at the picture myself, I've never seen two more perfect specimans.

What was that? more Mako hate you say? then here you go :D



What was that? more Mako hate you say? then here you go :D


Ok whats with all the fan art of Korra and Asami being jerks to Mako. I get that they both dated him and what happened with that, but they were over that. Plus, Mako gets enough shit as it is. Why do we keep piling it on.


I hate planes so much holy god my ears are no.more
Could be worse

Ok whats with all the fan art of Korra and Asami being jerks to Mako. I get that they both dated him and what happened with that, but they were over that. Plus, Mako gets enough shit as it is. Why do we keep piling it on.

The hate for Mako is still very strong despite turning into a decent if boring character in the past few seasons.
Most of it stems from the awful Makorra romance back in Book 1.


His fail is just too much to bare. You can't come out from seeing all the series without wanting to punch him for how badly he messed everything up, yes, when he's down on top of it all. He really did redefine fail.

EDIT: It also stems from how the show often kind of... brushed past characters a bit. As much as TLA got on my nerves with so many episode simply dedicated to a character freaking out over something (in the case of TLA a simple misunderstanding) LoK could have used another handful of episodes over the course of the run with a similar focus, if only to give characters time to resolve pivotal issues. Asami should have a mountain of resentment towards Korra for a lot of things, but mostly for abandoning her for three years, and the characters never did get a ton of time to address the whole Mako love triangle thing. So that's part of it, a lot of stuff in the show seemed to get resolved with 'oh they moved past it' when that kind of seems unlikely.

Also Mako suffering such a fate is highly entertaining.

Anti Korrasami rant!
Just saw the ending, pretty good and action pack. Didn't expect the twist ending, I was hoping for a Korra/Earth King ship. Is a great one for Juri shippers that finally got their canon ending, they must had lose their minds and cheered on the street.


It is, it really is. Glorious karma.

I can see where they're coming from, I think Korrasami could have been built up much better, even with the Nick censors breathing down Bryke's necks, but eh, I still love it.

Yeah I just posted it to generate some discussion, it's always good to hear the other point of view on things, and I mean I can't disagree with a lot of their points, but at the end of the day my feels are more important in this case.


Yeah I just posted it to generate some discussion, it's always good to hear the other point of view on things, and I mean I can't disagree with a lot of their points, but at the end of the day my feels are more important in this case.

Yah, it is a decent video, especially the final 3 minutes where they start talking about the other BS in the show, starting with that Deus ex Jinora crap from season 2. Bryke god damnit, so many fuck ups.
Is Escaflowne being streamed anywhere? I don't want to have to hunt down box set of a 1996 anime.
It's on some stream sites, Sunrise was never one to stream their stuff on Netflix and since they pretty much pulled out that'll never happen. But you can easily find their shows on some online streaming sites.
Cheshire from Young Justice has such a sultry voice hnnnggg
She's my favorite for a really good reason. Kicks ass really well too, she even broke out Chun Li's spinning bird kick.
Young Justice S02E01

aw yeeeaaa, motherf***ing
nightwing. not sure how i feel about the new people though. i'm hoping they didn't pull a bryke and add too many characters,
It feels a little clunky for the first couple of eps, but the new characters get worked in pretty well and they still get a good amount of screen time. None of them feel tacked on by the end and seem to serve a purpose to balance out the team dynamic. Though fuck Lagoon Boy.
So much buzz for Young Justice, I plan to check it out. I've heard it was also mistreated and cancelled? Did it even reach the end of a season, or was is cancelled mid-way?

But who was the cameraman?
They finished 2 seasons. Maybe Kuvira was the cameraman...or spirit Zaheer.


Breath of Fire 3 reference detected.

And yes, Korra is teh gays for Asami. To be fair she always found her impressive and gravitated to her, even in Season 1 when they were rivals.

What Season 1 would have been like without the Mako Romance and about a million times more gay (just get rid of the noise in the dialogue)

Really Asamis' story in season 1 is hands down (arguably) the best character arc in the entire series.

1. Billion. Times. Better. Than. Book. 1.

Asami's story arc in Book 1 is phenomenal (just like her makeup). Too bad Book 2 onwards completely ignores her and then hits the reset button up until Book 4.

Seriously even before Korrasami got big I remember how mad everyone was that Asami was being shoved aside in Book 2. Can you imagine if we had more Korrasami moments?

Further proof that the whole romance angle they tried to pull in B1/2 was such bullshit.


Is artbook 2 even out yet?


This is the first book where Korra shares the front cover spotlight with

EDIT: Book 4 blu-ray also up for pre-order but it doesn't have any image yet. The artbook 4 cover looks really dull. I hope its a placeholder as the first 3 artbooks had incredible covers.
Is artbook 2 even out yet?


This is the first book where Korra shares the front cover spotlight with

EDIT: Book 4 blu-ray also up for pre-order but it doesn't have any image yet. The artbook 4 cover looks really dull. I hope its a placeholder as the first 3 artbooks had incredible covers.
Is the fuck up where Bryan called her Kurira still in there?
You guys are well ahead of me in Young Justice, I've only watched a few episodes. I'll try and remedy that today.
Prep time Lex Luthor is fucking hilarious.


Is artbook 2 even out yet?


This is the first book where Korra shares the front cover spotlight with

EDIT: Book 4 blu-ray also up for pre-order but it doesn't have any image yet. The artbook 4 cover looks really dull. I hope its a placeholder as the first 3 artbooks had incredible covers.

Meh, all the good artwork will be posted online anyway, no point in shelling out.
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