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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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September 15? That's a long wait..

Book 3 isn't out till next year lol.

Seems like the books gave us more insight as to when book 3 and book 4 where originally supposed to air...

Also just updated my Avatar wishlist: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/BK27D3T5J0/?tag=neogaf0e-20

I already have Artbook 1 for Korra and the artbook for ATLA as well as the Promise hardcover. So that leaves everything else (and yes the drawing book is so I can learn Korrasami. I promised a friend that when I learned how to draw I'll make Korrasami images just for her
and lets not kid I'm mainly doing it for me as well

All thats left to make this the definitive Avatar buyers guide is to buy the sound-- oh.... =/


Meh, all the good artwork will be posted online anyway, no point in shelling out.

No way I want to support this series. Plus a lot of artwork on book 1 korra has really cool info and artwork thats not all up on the internet.

The top art does make it though like Korra and Asami in book 1 (the hints where there!)


That's your hang up. She could ride my sleigh anytime.



Kinda amazed no one posted the first "fan pic" of Korra and Asami, it happened during season one. Remember how they were all bringing her flowers, including the moon?

That was the first true event of them people went on about.


Kinda amazed no one posted the first "fan pic" of Korra and Asami, it happened during season one. Remember how they were all bringing her flowers, including the moon?

That was the first true event of them people went on about.
You gotta find it for us. For science.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Kinda amazed no one posted the first "fan pic" of Korra and Asami, it happened during season one. Remember how they were all bringing her flowers, including the moon?

That was the first true event of them people went on about.

Oh I need to see this.
I wonder if anybody on the internet knows the net worth of David Xanatos from Gargoyles. Dude buys a castle and restores it onto a giant ass skyscraper just to see if it'll break an ancient curse. Didn't even know if it was going to work. Has a company that makes pretty much everything and even steals from his own company just to further plan. R&D's some robots in like half an episode with integrated lasers and capable of flight. Dude probably wipes his ass with money.


I wonder if anybody on the internet knows the net worth of David Xanatos from Gargoyles. Dude buys a castle and restores it onto a giant ass skyscraper just to see if it'll break an ancient curse. Didn't even know if it was going to work. Has a company that makes pretty much everything and even steals from his own company just to further plan. R&D's some robots in like half an episode with integrated lasers and capable of flight. Dude probably wipes his ass with money.

I think I saw him on a list of the richest animated characters. He was up there with Scrooge McDuck, who is considered to be the richest character in anything.








Kinda amazed no one posted the first "fan pic" of Korra and Asami, it happened during season one. Remember how they were all bringing her flowers, including the moon?

That was the first true event of them people went on about.

Link? Because I don't remember this at all, even though I only watched season 1 just over a year ago lol
I think I saw him on a list of the richest animated characters. He was up there with Scrooge McDuck, who is considered to be the richest character in anything.
Yeah that giant ass money tower that he swims in. Xanatos just has money just to scheme and do whatever the fuck he wants. Even when he gets caught he has a good enough lawyer to reduce his sentence and he's a big enough criminal to the point that nobody is really going to fuck with him in jail. I haven't seen this since I was like 10 maybe and only have the recurring memory of Demona being an evil bitch. She's definitely living up to the memory.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Breath of Fire 3 reference detected.

And yes, Korra is teh gays for Asami. To be fair she always found her impressive and gravitated to her, even in Season 1 when they were rivals.

What Season 1 would have been like without the Mako Romance and about a million times more gay (just get rid of the noise in the dialogue)

Another good Korrasami AMV

Really Asamis' story in season 1 is hands down (arguably) the best character arc in the entire series.

Beautiful. The realization that Korrasami actually happened is starting to sink in. Doing my best not to cry as I don't want to freak out my dad who's nearby. :lol

There are no words to express how happy I am right now. :')
Yeah that giant ass money tower that he swims in. Xanatos just has money just to scheme and do whatever the fuck he wants. Even when he gets caught he has a good enough lawyer to reduce his sentence and he's a big enough criminal to the point that nobody is really going to fuck with him in jail. I haven't seen this since I was like 10 maybe and only have the recurring memory of Demona being an evil bitch. She's definitely living up to the memory.
Where can I watch Gargoyles in the US? Is it on Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon?


Beautiful. The realization that Korrasami actually happened is starting to sink in. Doing my best not to cry as I don't want to freak out my dad who's nearby. :lol

There are no words to express how happy I am right now. :')

The realization hits me every morning I wake up. I really didn't expect it to happen, but I'm damn glad it did.
I apologize for the length of the post and I am going to try to not do this ever again.

From this "Wasn't an ordinary AS activation" to "It's not really comparable to just knowing some trivia information on Azula's abilities."

All of the AS stuff directly involving spirits is actually answered quite simply: The Avatar is the bridge between the mortal and spirit worlds. That one sentence answers everything. Azula's blue fire is just a special case since the dragons let us know that fire is basically powered by emotions and there's a rainbow cavalcade of colors that follows. It's never explained how the AS works that way, but we know that it does. It isn't explained how fire works that way, but we know that it does. They're not vague, they're simple answers. The whole giant spirit fish activation looked the exact same usual activation to me: Aang saw dead fish, got upset, started glowing, giant fish. He merged with it, but again, not explained how. Just happened. The only thing that can genuinely qualified as needing a more in-depth answer in TLoK is (and this is my favorite name for it) Jinora, Queen of the Fairies.

They establish that healing uses chi paths in one particular technique, and later with lightning bending. I don't think that is a go ahead to assume all bending is fundamentally based on chi paths, or that this is what Amon does. Second, one can become spiritual due to a dire event depending how you react to it, but it is not inherent to the dire event itself. Bad shit happening to you and feeling sad doesn't automatically make you spiritual, it's in how you deal with it.

I think we're thinking of two separate things here. What I'm saying is that bending requires the usage of chi in order to function and that Amon chi blocks using precision bloodbending and chi blocking stops bending. I feel like you're talking about the case of water/lightningbending, which requires "feeling the movement" of ones chi in order to properly redirect the attack, since you aren't using brute force. Feeling ones chi for bending is only applied to water/lightning, because earth requires physical application than other bending (makes Bumi even more ridiculous), fire comes from the breath, and air seems to rely much more on your mentality than other bending. Even then, we've seen other people using other bending styles and mentalities on elements not associated with those styles or mentalities. The reason I point out waterbending using chi points and paths in healing, is because of the dummy used in the healing class Katara goes to back in Water. Just guiding it along chi paths, though in that case I may have just been assuming things since I can't recall if anything was specifically said about it.

I'm not going to debate what makes people spiritual. There's a wide variety of reasons, and there's not really a concrete way of defining it. People get fucked up, they turn to higher powers. It's happened in real life, it'll happen in fiction, and that's pretty much it. Not really any prerequisites for it other than "ya gotta believe!"

No, what he said was that if he left before he was finished, he would be unable to use the avatar state until he completed the last step that they never finished. Aang did that in the season 2 finale.

He said "By not giving up attachment, you have locked the chakra. If you leave now, you won't be able to go in to the Avatar State at all." I checked, because this seems to be a constant point of contention with people. The way he said it always gave off the vibe that he couldn't do it again, but that isn't the case.

"As for the lightning and rock, chi paths are evidently affected by physical things."[...]"If the chakra pool was free in the way it was supposed to be, that wouldn't have happened."

Katara affects chakra, Aang has flashback to getting killed. Aang never knowingly attempted to enter his AS again and in fact, it seemed like he tried to avoid it. He never did Katara's healing again, either as far as we know. I mean, he basically locked his chakras again: He was scared to fight Ozai without all the elements; He felt guilty about Ba Sing Se and was afraid that the world would abandon and hate him because he let them down; He was angry because of what had happened and what he had to do; and he lied about how his chakra was locked initially (because he left for Katara, not because Azula zippity-zapped him, although that was also the case). He did come terms with that stuff eventually, though. You're right with the fact that it was not a proper activation, but Aang did manage to pull out of it by himself without needing anyone else to do so, which as far as I recall is a unique occurrence. So yes, it wasn't a "proper" (seems like a weird word choice for that. Dunno why) activation, but he also gained more control of it at that time than he had at any other given point.

"No, because she doesn't complete any of the steps on how to activate the AS that were establlshed in the Guru episode, and they don't really establish any idea that there is an alternative way." [...] "How is that not awful storytelling?"

Aang had a shitload of issues preventing him from connecting with the AS, and the Guru was basically a therapist. So Korra gets spirituality "right" at the end. She was also willing to do anything to get her powers, whereas Aang was in denial and scared of the whole thing until he saw the Guru, and even then he was having issues. Not only that, Korra was much more confident and assured than Aang was when it came to her abilities. I mean, Korra could use three of the elements by the time she was four, so I'm feeling she caught on a bit fast once she acquired the base skill. Fuck, airbending became her most used element next to fire after she learned it, even though it took her awhile.

As for her airbending unlocking, like I said: Her airbending was never fully locked or unlocked. Besides, she adopted the airbending mentality of effectively playing keep-away when she wanted to get away from Amon, so she got airbending.

I don't feel that ending was "awful" because I've seen "awful." That ending doesn't qualify for the term. The bottom line is: I saw Air's ending no different from Fire's.
I'm not Toa. I would like to think my history of complaints and my balanced view of how Bryke have mishandled her combined with my preference of Kuvira had been established enough around here. I'm not a fanatic like Toa, but I do have some appreciation for the woman.


I am not a fanatic. I just recognize the greatness and awesome power of The Great Uniter.

You're doing God's work, JadedWriter.


Where was Kya again in book 4? Did she start travelling again or something?

You see her in one episode, Korra Alone, leaving with Korra, Tonraq and Senna on a boat to the South Pole. She doesn't make an appearance after that and has no spoken lines in Book 4.

Presumably she's just off doing her own thing, since the only reason she was dragged into Book 3 was because of its close proximity to the events of Book 2, chronologically (two week gap between the end of Book 2 and the start of Book 3).

Bumi, of course, continued his airbender training, so he would've stayed on Air Temple Island with Tenzin.


Or something.

She was traveling away from our hearts.

You see her in one episode, Korra Alone, leaving with Korra, Tonraq and Senna on a boat to the South Pole. She doesn't make an appearance after that and has no spoken lines in Book 4.

Presumably she's just off doing her own thing, since the only reason she was dragged into Book 3 was because of its close proximity to the events of Book 2, chronologically (two week gap between the end of Book 2 and the start of Book 3).

Bumi, of course, continued his airbender training, so he would've stayed on Air Temple Island with Tenzin.

She lucked out missing all the shit that went down in Republic City. I wonder what adventures she got up too?


She lucked out missing all the shit that went down in Republic City. I wonder what adventures she got up too?

Honestly, who cares? Korra Book 4 desperately needed trimming down in the characters department. Or simply more episodes so the thing didn't feel padded with plot and not much in the way of individual character development/arcs/chemistry.

I have some thoughts after watching all of Book 4 in one go yesterday, but I have some work to do this evening before I can get to that. But yeah, Book 4 -- like the rest of Korra -- had a lot of flaws.

I still don't think Korrasami was specifically one of them, but it is a symptom of a bigger problem of how the series handled romance on a whole. More on that later. ;)


You respond like I'm against the pairing, because I'm not. I just don't like how 4 seasons worth of show with about 2 dozen characters has been boiled down to one fan pairing.

Nah, I was just playing, I agree with you. SO many people got given the backseat in order for Korrasami to get it's moment. We've already talked about how Mako took the biggest L out of everyone, but the entire supporting cast pretty much got ignored.
Nah, I was just playing, I agree with you. SO many people got given the backseat in order for Korrasami to get it's moment. We've already talked about how Mako took the biggest L out of everyone, but the entire supporting cast pretty much got ignored.
Just the fact that Mako pledged his eternal loyalty to her right before Korrasami happened was hilarious. L is the only letter in Mako's alphabet soup. Korra was like "Fuck yo couch Mako."
Say what you want about Bryke, they at least know how to design some great looking women.

Not a fan of the art style in that pic, personally.

Anyways, I've said it before and I'll say it again: Bryan and Mike are good a 3 things: Creating characters, creating worlds, and creating dope action. I would love to see a fresh project from them. Yeah, they slip up a bit in the plot department, but I forgive that for the rest. I recall a quote from Shinji Mikami (although it was requoted by Hideki Kamiya) about how, when designing a game, one should make the good stuff even better, as opposed to trying to fix every negative. Now, game design is different obviously, but I think that's important when creating anything. You take what you know is good, and make it better. As much as I love the world of Avatar, I'm okay with it being carried on in more comics and (hopefully) games. I want to see them do something new and fresh. I'm pretty sure they wanted to do a comedy series before they got roped back in to TLoK, right? I want to see what they can do with that, based on what their strengths are. Maybe they'll iron out some of their weaknesses as well, writing-wise.
Not a fan of the art style in that pic, personally.

Anyways, I've said it before and I'll say it again: Bryan and Mike are good a 3 things: Creating characters, creating worlds, and creating dope action. I would love to see a fresh project from them. Yeah, they slip up a bit in the plot department, but I forgive that for the rest. I recall a quote from Shinji Mikami (although it was requoted by Hideki Kamiya) about how, when designing a game, one should make the good stuff even better, as opposed to trying to fix every negative. Now, game design is different obviously, but I think that's important when creating anything. You take what you know is good, and make it better. As much as I love the world of Avatar, I'm okay with it being carried on in more comics and (hopefully) games. I want to see them do something new and fresh. I'm pretty sure they wanted to do a comedy series before they got roped back in to TLoK, right? I want to see what they can do with that, based on what their strengths are. Maybe they'll iron out some of their weaknesses as well, writing-wise.
They are good at creating characters and the world building, even pretty good at adding some depth, but they do lose some of it in the smaller details. Sometimes when you're trying to add in a theme around a character you just have to make sure that you're able to make the character itself actually interesting. Sometimes you just have to take a step back analyze what you're doing with the character and make sure that he/she is heading in the direction that's intended. I really don't hate any of the characters either. I even liked Kai, but if you add a character without having further direction for them then why even bother adding them?
They are good at creating characters and the world building, even pretty good at adding some depth, but they do lose some of it in the smaller details. Sometimes when you're trying to add in a theme around a character you just have to make sure that you're able to make the character itself actually interesting. Sometimes you just have to take a step back analyze what you're doing with the character and make sure that he/she is heading in the direction that's intended. I really don't hate any of the characters either. I even liked Kai, but if you add a character without having further direction for them then why even bother adding them?

But that's their weakness, and hopefully they've learned a bit from it. I mean, they did ultimately drop Kai, so they must have realized that he was too much at that point. They're learning.

EDIT: Besides, they are still very capable of doing good character development. I know it's still a point of contention, but I think most of the characters in TLoK have good arcs, or at the very least decent. Bolin, Lin Beifong, and Korra are all solid examples. I think the only big screw-ups in that department were Amon, Kuvira, and Jinora. Sadly, those are pretty big in and of themselves.
But that's their weakness, and hopefully they've learned a bit from it. I mean, they did ultimately drop Kai, so they must have realized that he was too much at that point. They're learning.
Yeah and by the time they dropped him he had already developed a relationship with several of the main characters. It kind of just shows how much pre planning they do with their characters. Don't worry I get what you're saying in that it's a weakness, hopefully one they'll fix for their next project. Kai could've been worked in better. He could've been sent to Zaoful by Tenzin as back up before Jinora and siblings found Korra or could've even went with them. I'm going to assume they all know him by now since he's been dating Jinora for 3 years, they never even had dialogue together. For all we know Meelo wouldn't have pulled his immature nonsense with Kai there. Kai theoretically could have served as like a big brother type role for Meelo since we know Meelo loves to cause trouble. There are just ways to add characters in that can serve a purpose.

EDIT: Besides, they are still very capable of doing good character development. I know it's still a point of contention, but I think most of the characters in TLoK have good arcs, or at the very least decent. Bolin, Lin Beifong, and Korra are all solid examples. I think the only big screw-ups in that department were Amon, Kuvira, and Jinora. Sadly, those are pretty big in and of themselves.
Good points there. They should've just written Bolin tighter without relying on PJ Byrne to adlib some stuff. I've said a lot about Kuvira already. Regarding Jinora, they really should've shown her mature more instead be stuck in "Uptight I'm too good for this shit" mode. And always having her getting captured every season pretty much just never helped prove to the audience that she deserved her tats.
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