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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Preview Thread

At some point I will buy A physical game to fill the slot, but that will be the lone exception. For 3DS Kid Icarus was the chosen one, because it wasn't digital for the longest time.

edit: I am ready to leave the switch unplayed doing updates though, I have little confidence in dayone Nintendo servers. Hopefully Amazon will arrive a day early and the servers will be up by the 2nd.

I like to have everything digitally as well. It's just so convenient having everything on the system at all times. I'm skeptical about day 1 server load as well, so I took Friday off so I can (hopefully) get to downloading before the lion's share of users have their's.


This tweet from Alanah is also notable regarding Voice Acting


yeah I can't say I was thrilled by the english voice acting in the trailer

in general I just don't like voice acting in video games period. I think I can count on one hand finger how many times it's been successfully executed for me. it's easier to cover flaws when reading because your mind will compensate and it will also assign a voice to characters that might not jive with how they would sound if done with voice acting.
Three new images of Wii U copy




Not really spoiler-ish, but I don't want to embed.

Dat art style.

Ooooh good find. So it seems the increased draw distance we saw with the Switch version is also present on the Wii U version, at least when it comes to the details on death mountain.

I remember that in the E3 Wii U version you could not actually see the lava streams coming down the mountain, but here you can.


yeah I can't say I was thrilled by the english voice acting in the trailer

in general I just don't like voice acting in video games period. I think I can count on one hand finger how many times it's been successfully executed for me. it's easier to cover flaws when reading because your mind will compensate and it will also assign a voice to characters that might not jive with how they would sound if done with voice acting.

Yeah voice acting has to be really top notch for me to like it. And to be fair, when it's great it takes the game to a whole new level. But the voices in Zelda seem...fine? I don't think it'll hurt my enjoyment too much, but I'm kind of glad the main game doesn't have it, it's just in the cutscenes


Yeah voice acting has to be really top notch for me to like it. And to be fair, when it's great it takes the game to a whole new level. But the voices in Zelda seem...fine? I don't think it'll hurt my enjoyment too much, but I'm kind of glad the main game doesn't have it, it's just in the cutscenes

yeah they weren't bad but they weren't great. I just think that with voice acting in video games you're giving yourself such little room for error. I'm glad that Zelda went with voice acting for certain things and then text for everything else in the game. more immersive for me.
This tweet from Alanah is also notable regarding Voice Acting


Given the reactions to the previous trailer, something tells me this is going to be divisive.

It'd be a huge shame if it did end up sucking; not only has NOA been on a stride with voice acting over the past few years (barring Smash 4), but that people are already skeptical of a voiced Zelda would render it disastrous.
Has anyone finished the game yet? I just want to be sure that this game is actually feature-complete so that we don't have another MGSV situation.

It seems that the core gameplay is strong, which is great.


Ooooh good find. So it seems the increased draw distance we saw with the Switch version is also present on the Wii U version, at least when it comes to the details on death mountain.

I remember that in the E3 Wii U version you could not actually see the lava streams coming down the mountain, but here you can.

Yeah graphically it looks great for the Wii U. Makes me feel better about not buying a Switch for 1 game.

If those are new, where are the time and weather indicators?

They're definitely new, some shop in France selling copies. Can't answer your question though.
Has anyone finished the game yet? I just want to be sure that this game is actually feature-complete so that we don't have another MGSV situation.

It seems that the core gameplay is strong, which is great.

Nintendo didn't delay this game out of two calendar years to launch an incomplete product.


Yeah graphically it looks great for the Wii U. Makes me feel better about not buying a Switch for 1 game.

I'm actually considering getting a pre-owned WiiU just for Zelda, because at this point in time £279.99 is just too much to gamble on an unknown quantity like Switch.


Gold Member
Yup. Ekelundsgatan in Gothenburg to be exact.

When did you pre-order? I'm picking up at the same store, and I'm starting to worry a little bit... I pre-ordered on Dec 4th.

Before the PSVR launch they sent out an e-mail asking if I wanted to keep my pre-order (because they had more pre-orders than they could fulfill, I'm guessing), but so far I haven't received anything like that about the Switch.


I'm actually considering getting a pre-owned WiiU just for Zelda, because at this point in time £279.99 is just too much to gamble on an unknown quantity like Switch.

Wii U prices have probably seen a small bump given Zelda is coming out :/ I've had mines for ages, collecting dust :p Zelda is a great dust off release tho!!

Far too many games and not enough time for the Switch. It would just be an expensive purchase to say I have one. So I'm not shitting on it, just being practical. The pleasant surprise is the Wii U version looking decent enough.
Am I too late to pre-order this (just the regular version)? I have the Switch pre-ordered at Walmart, where they don't do game pre-orders, and since Zelda is the only game I care about, I'm worried now that they won't have enough copies.

There's a gamestop 5 minutes from the Walmart I'm going to. Think they would still take a preorder today?


Re concerns in terms of length:

[Mainlining the few dungeons and going straight to the end] would also mean:
* You know where the dungeons are located
* You skip most of the story
* You skip 116 mini dungeons (the 4 on the Big Plateau are required)
* You'll probably have no good weapons or armor during the end game
* You will reach the end game with 3 hearts and default stamina



It's amusing to think this is TP all over again, yet this time you would expect the WiiU to have the better interface with the touch-screen, as before we had the Wii controls to look forward to.
I'm actually considering getting a pre-owned WiiU just for Zelda, because at this point in time £279.99 is just too much to gamble on an unknown quantity like Switch.

Got mine for $80 at a pawn shop practically new in box and it had a copy of smash in the system. I sold the copy of smash and put that towards BOTW.


The idea would also mean:
* You know where the dungeons are located
* You skip most of the story
* You skip 116 mini dungeons (the 4 on the Big Plateau are required)
* You'll probably have no good weapons or armor during the end game
* You will reach the end game with 3 hearts and default stamina

They are? How do they restrict you?


Three new images of Wii U copy




Not really spoiler-ish, but I don't want to embed.

Dat art style.

If only Wii U was given some more love, we could have gotten some more of these for the system before its death. Nonetheless, they really aren't kidding when they said Wii U version would be no slouch compared to the Switch version.

Has anyone finished the game yet? I just want to be sure that this game is actually feature-complete so that we don't have another MGSV situation.

It seems that the core gameplay is strong, which is great.

I think there were already 2 outlets that gave BotW really high scores. And this is post MGSV from your example or any other "controversial" games that they can use as reference so I won't worry about that at least.


Those look great for the Wii U.

I think this shows that the draw distance was improved for Wii-U as well since the E3 build, or at least that they added the lava details to Death Mountain for both versions of the game and not just the Switch version.
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