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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Preview Thread

I'm still expecting this game to score in the 80's on Metacritic. I just heard impressions on the DLC podcast and the guy made a big deal about it not being technically impressive, weapon degradation being annoying and the game feeling a bit grindy. There wasn't a lot of details but he didn't sound super impressed with it which kinda leads me to believe that more casual gamers will be less enthused with what Zelda is doing.

He also said something about it being the hardest Zelda.

LOL. There is no chance of it being in the 80s.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Yes I guess you're right. I haven't played the game for a while now and didn't remember exactly how it was done. Well I guess the lesson is that I prefer games without a durability.

Same here. I hate weapon durability. The more shit I have to manage and keep track of, the less I enjoy a game.

I'm definitely less excited about this Zelda than any recent mainline one (shitty DS games aside) due to the weapon degradation, reported higher difficulty and fewer (and/or smaller) traditional dungeons. Still getting it day one on Wii U, but where as Zelda's are usually my go to games I don't see myself playing a lot of it until I'm done with Horizon--unless that game unexpectedly doesn't grab me.


I'm still expecting this game to score in the 80's on Metacritic. I just heard impressions on the DLC podcast and the guy made a big deal about it not being technically impressive, weapon degradation being annoying and the game feeling a bit grindy. There wasn't a lot of details but he didn't sound super impressed with it which kinda leads me to believe that more casual gamers will be less enthused with what Zelda is doing.

He also said something about it being the hardest Zelda.

The one with Jeff Cannata? That's what you took away from the podcast? 80 metacritic? lol?
If you think to yourself the following question
"What do casual gamers really want"

and you think to yourself this answer:
"Amazing graphics; a technological showcase"

then congrats
you don't even know what you're thinking about.

It's seriously weird to me that we have multiple people on this page figuring that casual gamers won't accept Zelda because of its graphics.
It makes me wonder if those people are aware of the ten or twenty most successful games in the world, and why they are that.


Comparison Wii u / Switch version from youtube, not bad at all :

OK, obvious resolution difference and a bit of lens flare in the Switch version. I'm getting my Switch on Friday because I wanted to have the best possible Zelda experience, but the above comparison video is really about what I expected. Pretty minor variation overall, which is nice for those who will play it on Wii U.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Is anybody planning on rushing through this? Never understood how people beat a 30+ hour game (even on the weekend).

I won't rush per se, but I'd like to be done with Horizon and this by the time Mass Effect is out on the 21st.

Don't know that I'll make it, but it's possible. If I can get 2-3 hours a few weeknights and dump more on weekends I should be good. I'm a professor and the week of March 23rd is spring break--still have some meetings and research work but at least no classes--and my fiance is out of town for 10 days over that period too so I should be able to binge finish what I have left of Zelda then.

Only way I get behind is if things stay busy like this week, then I may not even be done with Horizon before spring break. Things at work should calm down for a bit after this week though.


Is anybody planning on rushing through this? Never understood how people beat a 30+ hour game (even on the weekend).

Not specifically planning on rushing, but I doubt that I'll spend that much time screwing around in the world, if only because I'm going to want to talk about this game on the Internet and avoiding spoilers is already a nightmare.
If you think to yourself the following question

"What do casual gamers really want"

and you think to yourself this answer:

"Amazing graphics; a technological showcase"

then congrats

you don't know what you're even thinking about, much less what you're talking about

idk man. Just look at all those "best graphics" awards won by Call of Duty and Madden

just look at how Infinity Blade pwned that lame Angry Birds in sales

/s... obviously

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
If you think to yourself the following question
"What do casual gamers really want"

and you think to yourself this answer:
"Amazing graphics; a technological showcase"

then congrats
you don't even know what you're thinking about

I think that's a gross over simplification. But I do think amazing graphics can bring in mainstream gamers (not casuals. they aren't buying/playing things like Zelda or Horizon), while cartoony artstyles turn many off and get games written off as "for kids." Regardless, the underlying concept, setting, characters, story, gameplay etc. has to be compelling regardless of graphics to truly bring them in.

My point is just a graphic style that isn't "cool" or "impressive" to the mainstream can turn them off from even taking a closer look and seeing what the game is like. They just think it's for kids and move on, where as games that look like Uncharted, Horizon, GTA, COD etc. catch their eye and get them interested. Same reason why spectacle-driven blockbuster movies do so well at the box office and so on. The mainstream is shallow and fickle.
I think that's a gross over simplification. But I do think amazing graphics can bring in mainstream gamers (not casuals. they aren't buying/playing things like Zelda or Horizon), while cartoony artstyles turn many off and get games written off as "for kids." Regardless, the underlying concept, setting, characters, story, gameplay etc. has to be compelling regardless of graphics to truly bring them in.

My point is just a graphic style that isn't "cool" or "impressive" to the mainstream can turn them off from even taking a closer look and seeing what the game is like. They just think it's for kids and move on, where as games that look like Uncharted, Horizon, GTA, COD etc. catch their eye and get them interested. Same reason why spectacle-driven blockbuster movies do so well at the box office and so on. The mainstream is shallow and fickle.

You know, I'm not going to tell you you're wrong, but I really don't believe that the general gaming audience rejects 'kiddish' things as strongly as they were a decade ago. Partly because that audience no longer primarily composed of teenage guys, and partly because many 'kiddish' games have proven themselves to be indispensably good or pervasive regardless.
The most popular game is GTA V and minecraft, i doubt it's the graphical style that shot these games in stardom. Overwatch is also another game that is extremely popular, and it's far from a realistic art style

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
You know, I'm not going to tell you you're wrong, but I really don't believe that the general gaming audience rejects 'kiddish' things as strongly as they were a decade ago. Partly because that audience no longer primarily composed of teenage guys, and partly because many 'kiddish' games have proven themselves to be indispensably good or pervasive regardless.

Maybe, but a simple counterpoint would be how few "kiddish" games are on the PS4 which is selling gangbusters, how things like Tearaway, Rayman, LBP etc don't sell great etc. And even if it isn't the "kiddish" turn off, it's just games that look like that don't have the "wow factor" of things like Uncharted, Horizon etc. that catch mainstream gamer's interest and make them want to find out what the game is about.

For me I don't give a shit about things being "kiddish," it's just that the main draw for gaming for me these days is immersion and escapism. I much more easily get immersed in games that look like Witcher 3 or Horizon than cartoony games.

Adult focused subject matter is a different story though, I do get more immersed in games with more mature story focus, dialogue trees, relationships between characters (friendships and romance/sex) etc. that are missing in most cartoonish games as those tend (with notable exceptions of course) to be aiming at lower age/all ages type of market.
I think that's a gross over simplification. But I do think amazing graphics can bring in mainstream gamers (not casuals. they aren't buying/playing things like Zelda or Horizon), while cartoony artstyles turn many off and get games written off as "for kids." Regardless, the underlying concept, setting, characters, story, gameplay etc. has to be compelling regardless of graphics to truly bring them in.

My point is just a graphic style that isn't "cool" or "impressive" to the mainstream can turn them off from even taking a closer look and seeing what the game is like. They just think it's for kids and move on, where as games that look like Uncharted, Horizon, GTA, COD etc. catch their eye and get them interested. Same reason why spectacle-driven blockbuster movies do so well at the box office and so on. The mainstream is shallow and fickle.

A lot of people you call "casual" don't care as much about graphics as we do on GAF.
Games written of as "kiddy" is done by people on GAF and insecure dudes who just want pew-pew-army games and have the imagination of a dead banana.

Mainstream isn't shallow. Mankind is shallow in general and certainly also a lot of people on GAF.
The only thing we do different from the people you call casual or mainstream is that we talk about games more. Only some of us actually PLAY more games.


If you think to yourself the following question
"What do casual gamers really want"

and you think to yourself this answer:
"Amazing graphics; a technological showcase"

then congrats
you don't even know what you're thinking about.

It's seriously weird to me that we have multiple people on this page figuring that casual gamers won't accept Zelda because of its graphics.
It makes me wonder if those people are aware of the ten or twenty most successful games in the world, and why they are that.

Successful in what regard? Financial? Critical?

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
A lot of people you call "casual" don't care as much about graphics as we do on GAF.
Games written of as "kiddy" is done by people on GAF and insecure dudes who just want pew-pew-army games and have the imagination of a dead banana.

Of course. But note I'm not talking about things like frame rate and resolution.

Just that the average mainstream gamer (again not casual playing candy crush, the CoD, Madden, Halo, Gears, Uncharted, GTA type gamers) gets wowed when they see things that look like Uncharted 4 or Gears of War 4 or Horizon and that piques their interest to check out the game. Something that looks like Zelda catches many fewer of those eyes. They don't all write it off as "kiddy," it simply fails to pique their interest the way something with a "wow factor" like Horizon does. Horizon looks incredible and Sony knows it has appeal for that among that mainstream market hence the nonstop TV advertising blitz on channels like ESPN that hit that 18-40 male market.

Zelda is also hurt on that front by not even having a good "wow factor" in screens even by cartoony art style standards. It looks great (IMO)in motion, but very blurry and jaggy in a lot of screens, youtube videos etc. that make it look much worse than things like the Ratchet and Clank Remake or Gravity Rush 2 etc.


"Four insane, near-sleepless days and 40-50 hours of play time later, I finally finished The Legend of #Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I don't remember the last time I was so obsessively consumed by something. Overwhelming exhaustion aside, I'm so, so glad I managed to do it before I had to give the Switch back to IGN (in roughly 5 hours). That was a task and a half."



Im keeping my expectations in check. Im honestly approaching this title not as a "ZOMG ZELDA" but the next offering of what open world means to Japanese developers.

Japanese developers have not quite put their finger on what makes western open world games so compelling. (Witcher 3, Elder Scrolls, Ultima before those). Dragon's Dogma came close with best in class combat, but again...just missed out on nailing that "open world experience."

Im curious to see what they have come up with as this will be a sign post.

And hey man... Yakuza 0, Nioh, Horizon, and Zelda?! Are you kidding me!!!!! So much good...high quality stuff.


"Four insane, near-sleepless days and 40-50 hours of play time later, I finally finished The Legend of #Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I don't remember the last time I was so obsessively consumed by something. Overwhelming exhaustion aside, I'm so, so glad I managed to do it before I had to give the Switch back to IGN (in roughly 5 hours). That was a task and a half."

I feel like she ruined her experience with the game by rushing through it before she had to return her unit to her work. I wonder how much she had to skip just to see the story conclusion.


Zelda is also hurt on that front by not even having a good "wow factor" in screens even by cartoony art style standards. It looks great (IMO)in motion, but very blurry and jaggy in a lot of screens, youtube videos etc. that make it look much worse than things like the Ratchet and Clank Remake or Gravity Rush 2 etc.
What? You make it sound like it looks like A Link Between Worlds.


I feel like she ruined her experience with the game by rushing through it before she had to return her unit to her work. I wonder how much she had to skip just to see the story conclusion.

judging from the GAF impressions it's probably best she finished it on Switch instead of going through it again on Wii U

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
What? You make it sound like it looks like A Link Between Worlds.

Not at all. As I said, it looks great in motion. It's just on weak ass hardware with poor IQ so it looks rough in a lot of screens, shitty YouTube videos etc. even compared to other cartoony games on more powerful systems.

It's just not eye catching to people who aren't huge fans of Zelda/Nintendo/these type of art styles is all I was saying. My fiance (who doesn't like games) has walked by when I was watching a stream of this and said nothing, and comments everytime we see a Horizon ad about how she can't believe games look like that now for instance. Zelda lacks that "wow factor" is all I was saying, as we were talking about artstyle, graphics and appeal to mainstream/casual gamers.


Not at all. As I said, it looks great in motion. It's just on weak ass hardware with poor IQ so it looks rough in a lot of screens, shitty YouTube videos etc. even compared to other cartoony games on more powerful systems.

It's just not eye catching to people who aren't huge fans of Zelda/Nintendo/these type of art styles is all I was saying. My fiance (who doesn't like games) has walked by when I was watching a stream of this and said nothing, and comments everytime we see a Horizon ad about how she can't believe games look like that now for instance. Zelda lacks that "wow factor" is all I was saying, as we were talking about artstyle, graphics and appeal to mainstream/casual gamers.

Not really my experience. A lot of my non- zelda friends are really excited about this.


I feel like she ruined her experience with the game by rushing through it before she had to return her unit to her work. I wonder how much she had to skip just to see the story conclusion.

She mentioned earlier that they have to rush through games for reviewing purposes and that that was not a way she preferred(implied) to play games.
Not at all. As I said, it looks great in motion. It's just on weak ass hardware with poor IQ so it looks rough in a lot of screens, shitty YouTube videos etc. even compared to other cartoony games on more powerful systems.

It's just not eye catching to people who aren't huge fans of Zelda/Nintendo/these type of art styles is all I was saying. My fiance (who doesn't like games) has walked by when I was watching a stream of this and said nothing, and comments everytime we see a Horizon ad about how she can't believe games look like that now for instance. Zelda lacks that "wow factor" is all I was saying, as we were talking about artstyle, graphics and appeal to mainstream/casual gamers.
In terms of visuals, I certainly agree with you but, more often than not, I've noticed that games, if they're compelling enough, are successful regardless of graphical fidelity or art style, such as Overwatch, Rocket League, Pokémon and MineCraft. I wouldn't call any of those games impressive in terms of graphics but people find them so fun that they don't really care. I get where you're coming from though but I don't think it'll be an issue if people think the game looks enjoyable


Not really my experience. A lot of my non- zelda friends are really excited about this.

yeah casual gamers seem surprisingly hyped for Zelda that I've seen

Nintendo's marketing is did a good job in that regard with the 30 second TV spot they've had playing


judging from the GAF impressions it's probably best she finished it on Switch instead of going through it again on Wii U
Ahh that makes sense then. Didn't know she wasn't getting her own Switch at launch. I'd rush through as well if I didn't have another option to play after a week.


I'm still expecting this game to score in the 80's on Metacritic. I just heard impressions on the DLC podcast and the guy made a big deal about it not being technically impressive, weapon degradation being annoying and the game feeling a bit grindy. There wasn't a lot of details but he didn't sound super impressed with it which kinda leads me to believe that more casual gamers will be less enthused with what Zelda is doing.

He also said something about it being the hardest Zelda.

Who was giving the impressions? Was it Jeff, or Steve Tilley (the guest on the episode)? Cuz Steve, while completely entitled to his opinion, speaks to a very uninformed audience. He really doesn't know his shit.


I'm still expecting this game to score in the 80's on Metacritic. I just heard impressions on the DLC podcast and the guy made a big deal about it not being technically impressive, weapon degradation being annoying and the game feeling a bit grindy. There wasn't a lot of details but he didn't sound super impressed with it which kinda leads me to believe that more casual gamers will be less enthused with what Zelda is doing.

He also said something about it being the hardest Zelda.

I hate to say it but I might reduce my anticipated score too.

People like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/zelda/comments/5wkr91/warning_sony_shill_site_dualshockers_will_give/

Will be bringing the score down in a big way.

These criticisms don't really apply to me. Boo hoo the graphics aren't the same as Horizon, that must mean every game on the ps3 and below is worse than Horizon.


"Four insane, near-sleepless days and 40-50 hours of play time later, I finally finished The Legend of #Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I don't remember the last time I was so obsessively consumed by something. Overwhelming exhaustion aside, I'm so, so glad I managed to do it before I had to give the Switch back to IGN (in roughly 5 hours). That was a task and a half."


Legs or hot dogs?
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