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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | Review Thread

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Lol my avatar.

Oh wow. Gaf works fast! Real talk last Nintendo console I owned was GBA. Once I had dispensable income Sony became my console of choice. I saw the pic and had to post it it's so much fun being a part of these releases. So many good games in a small window. We are blessed.
Seriously, based on the total number [so far] of critic reviews - is this the highest scoring game of all time?

Tied for 2nd highest after Ocarina of Time, fittingly enough. Definitely the highest scoring game in current review landscape though.

Honestly, with current review trends, it may even be the last game to score 98 MC. Ocarina of Time will always be the top game at 99. Nothing else is touching that, ever.


I keep waiting for the usual low score or at least sub-90 reviews to pop up, but they never do. I don't know how to process this.
There was a review that gave it a failing grade in this thread. Don't have the link, but it was jamz or something like that.


I can't wait to experience this game for myself. I'm sure it thoroughly deserves all the praise it's getting.
Surprised it wasn't 5/5 with EZA.


Eurogamer's point about the story lacking poignancy disappoints me a bit. I know Zelda games aren't known for their Oscar worthy writing but I've always found the 3D games' stories compelling, poignant, and at times moving (except Skyward Sword. Eff Skyward Sword). Does BotW lack that?

Also, to my French peeps: how is the French dub? Is it better than the English one?

From what I've read basically every dub seems to be better than the English one. Keep it!
Is there an Armond White type figure in games journalism who gives negative reviews to heavily praised games just to be a contrarian? Not that it would matter, this is getting insane praise! Excited to play it this weekend :)


Sounds like a great game. Hope to play it some day, one way (Switch) or another (Cemu)
I'm actually sort of shocked that the most negative review so far seemed to be from Gamexplain.

Or not so much negative as it had the most "complaints"
I'm actually sort of shocked that the most negative review so far seemed to be from Gamexplain.

Or not so much negative as it had the most "complaints"

Seemed like Andre overlooked the fact that you can literally just throw a weapon to get rid of it too, you don't have to go into the main menu.


Tied for 2nd highest after Ocarina of Time, fittingly enough. Definitely the highest scoring game in current review landscape though.

Honestly, with current review trends, it may even be the last game to score 98 MC. Ocarina of Time will always be the top game at 99. Nothing else is touching that, ever.

That's not really fair though- OoT has 22 reviews. Not saying that it's not deserving of that, but BOTW has way more to 'bog it down' if we're talking purely numbers.

Someone earlier asked if you take the same publications for BotW that reviewed OoT, what would the score be in that case, and I do have to wonder.
Making my way through this thread but people are still complaining about easy allies score? Give me a break guys. How are there any scores you can possibly complain about when every major press group is lauding the game? Even if some side site gave it a 6/10 at this point, it would matter less than it ever has.

When you're shooting for the highest score ever, anything below perfect hurts.

But no, of course it doesn't matter. It's just that we all have nothing better to do until tonight than look at reviews and scores. It'll disappear by tomorrow morning.
Jim Sterling? Can't think of anyone else.

3/10 from Armond White.

Is there an Armond White type figure in games journalism who gives negative reviews to heavily praised games just to be a contrarian?

I didn't even see this post haha. When I saw that Get Out went from an RT of 100% down to 99% after over a hundred reviews I was like, I know who, I fucking know exactly who did this shit.
That's not really fair though- OoT has 22 reviews. Not saying that it's not deserving of that, but BOTW has way more to 'bog it down' if we're talking purely numbers.

Someone earlier asked if you take the same publications for BotW that reviewed OoT, what would the score be in that case, and I do have to wonder.

I'd also say you couldn't compare publications with themselves now and when OOT came out. Would be completely different teams in place now


Is the 99 dream still alive?

Yeah, the major sites all put in their word. Now we wait for the smaller sites to start pouring in their reviews. I have a feeling that just some website will give it a ridiculously low score just for the clickbait value and ride some 15 minute of fame hate train.


Is the 99 dream still alive?

It is dead, I suspect. Opencritic vs Metacritic should indicate that it probably isn't like an internal 98.3 or 98.4 that is close to rounding up, thus boosting a 98 to a 99 would require a not just almost all of the rest to be 10s rather than 9s but also a very large number of reviews to come in. The Last of Us only got up to 98 distinct reviews. We're most of the way there already.

1) It is easier for a review to fall when it is near a limit than it is to rise (look at Rotten Tomatoes)
2) We're at the point where existing reviews are a pretty good judge of the average of future reviews (i.e. we have too many to blame it on selection bias or statistical noise)


Hearing a lot of problems with the frame rate which isn't mentioned in some reviews that are giving 10/10.

I really wish reviewers would mention the fps of games on their reviews as it genuinely does have an effect on the gameplay.

That goes for other games such as Bloodborne, which is one of my favourite games, but should have been heavily criticised on the state of the framerate.

If more reviewers spoke of the frame rate of games then i think we'd see less games released in a poor state. It's just unfortunate that a lot of reviewers seem to ignore it.

Kudos to Easy Allies for acknowledging the fps problems and not giving it a full 5/5 due to it.

Ugh what now?
That's not how reviews work.

A perfect 10 clearly doesn't mean a game is perfect.

C'mon now.


I'd also say you couldn't compare publications with themselves now and when OOT came out. Would be completely different teams in place now

Ah, yeah. That's a good point. Hard to say really. We can't just compare the games when their context in release are completely different.
Is the 99 dream still alive?


That's not really fair though- OoT has 22 reviews. Not saying that it's not deserving of that, but BOTW has way more to 'bog it down' if we're talking purely numbers.

Someone earlier asked if you take the same publications for BotW that reviewed OoT, what would the score be in that case, and I do have to wonder.

Very good point! 22 reviews compared to over 60 is a night and day differential. If you would look at it based on that average, Ocarina Of Time would be in second place behind Breath Of The Wild.
That's not really fair though- OoT has 22 reviews. Not saying that it's not deserving of that, but BOTW has way more to 'bog it down' if we're talking purely numbers.

Someone earlier asked if you take the same publications for BotW that reviewed OoT, what would the score be in that case, and I do have to wonder.

Yeah, that's what I mean when I say current review landscape. OoT was a different time. I mean, it's my favorite game and it tickles me pink that it's going to be the #1 game on MC forever so I can feel validated, but I won't argue that it would review the same if released in the current landscape.

Come to think of it, it did actually. The 3DS version is a better package and "only" scored a 94.
3/10 from Armond White.

I didn't even see this post haha. When I saw that Get Out went from an RT of 100% down to 99% after over a hundred reviews I was like, I know who, I fucking know exactly who did this shit.

lol I really think we wouldn't be able to deal with an Armond White.


when your game is so good that people need to find reasons to bring it down.

maybe the game is so good that you totally forgot about framerates?! maybe?


I’m hoping these framerates problems are overblown. I find it hard to believe that the game would rate so incredibly high, but have such problems on framerate. I’m hearing it has locked up for as much as 20 seconds at times, that is inexcusable. Having huge content and world is not enough to overlook something like that.

There is word from some that say the day 0 patch fixes the framerate issues, but there are some that say it doesn’t make any difference.
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