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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | Review Thread

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Is posting my own in here to be added OK? If so, mine for Zam:


You have my attention and have me worried, spread out objectives is exactly why open world feels like a chore and it seems I will have cause for concern if what you have said pans out. I don't hold much weight in most reviews to be fair and whatever scores IGN etc are giving out won't matter when they have given plenty of games I didn't like decent scores.

I have to admit the heart, cooking and weapon breaking system already sounds more like chore than a fun zelda game. Hope to god the world is not a back and forth fest and hope the dungeons and game ends up good for me.
Yes, that's a good point.
I'm not a Legend of Zelda fan and didn't play more than 1 hour of this series in my life, but these reviews are so amazing and make me happy without a reason! lol Let alone it's die hard fans!

Haha yeah, me too. I just wanna see it stay at 98. It's always good to see a game perform well.
I really can't see how anybody in this forum can call themselves a gamer and not get a switch for this game. I hope this game sells well, it really deserves it.



Metacritic: 98

Opencritic: 98
I'm surprised and a bit disappointed to hear about Gamexplain. What sort of things were they negative about?

Haven't had a chance to watch but he gave it a liked it a lot which their scale is

Liked it a lot
Loved it

So I guess you can say he gave it a 4/5 which would be the lowest review score but they intentionally don't score games


I'm literally screaming with hype lol.
Congrats Nintendo, this is why we love you.
If this game grabs me like OOT then you have me locked in for another 20 years. 😌


Horizon probably already sold more than this will in its lifetime lol

Sales don't really matter but as explained in the Preview thread, no. Zelda's success is dependent on the Switch's own success but it has the potential to sell a fuckton of copies.
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