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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | Review Thread

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The reductio ad absurdum hipothesis is that zelda getting high scores has nothing to do with the brand name

Which is highly unlikely, considering that reviewers are far from being paragons of objectivity

Nothing to do with bitterness, its just logic
Not that there is anything wrong with that, I mean, brand name is built with quality
Yeah, if it weren't for the high expectations that people have of every Zelda entries, it would score even higher.
I don't take reviewers seriously as their playing habits and priorities tend to differ from mine, and I will resist the temptation to take them seriously now just because they are telling me what I was hoping to hear.

The real story here is that we're this far in and there still isn't a shocker of a contrarian lowball. I doubted that was possible anymore in the current media climate.

We'll know in a month or two where the serious, committed, and pickiest of players steer the conversation.

And even then, it's highly likely that the DLC is geared towards those players specifically and may win most of them over as well.
Full agreement. Having played and completed both Tingle games: They would not change your mind on that either ;). I think SS did a particularly splendid job on making the overworld rich with gameplay content of high quality.

I also love Skyward Sword (especially the motion controlled combat), but I can understand people that don't. Skyward Sword was very puzzle focused and linear, almost one giant dungeon, and it lacked a lot of the openness and cohesive world that other games in the series had, not to mention the handholding.

This almost looks like it went in the completely opposite direction of Skyward Sword, emphasizing exploration and player agency a lot more.



Two times The Witcher, i like you


I don't take reviewers seriously as their playing habits and priorities tend to differ from mine, and I will resist the temptation to take them seriously now just because they are telling me what I was hoping to hear.

The real story here is that we're this far in and there still isn't a shocker of a contrarian lowball. I doubted that was possible anymore in the current media climate.

We'll know in a month or two where the serious, committed, and pickiest of players steer the conversation.
I agree. Hyperbole can often kill a game's own great merits by overlooking its flaws. Iif you intend to get it or play it later to avoid such a media climate then I can empathize with your condition.

All I want to do is play this game, though. Seeing from the footage of what mechanics can be done alone, I can see myself getting lost in this the same way I got lost in Red Facion: Guerilla.
Weird how so many people seemingly can't believe it's just a fantastic game. So many posts saying "paid reviews" "nostalgic reviewers" and other statements like that. You can find them all over the internet.


Hey guys what's up did you see the Ze--

"Belda would be bomba"

"Lol Whorizon?"

Smh at both "sides."

Anyway, so much great stuff in these reviews. Trying to soak in as much as I can before work.
Y'know, I had buyer's remorse about my Switch preorder... but then this thread and these reviews, man...

I'll gladly pay $360 to experience the same feelings that I had playing OOT for the first time
Not to stir a controversy. But I am pretty sure it would have been 8 or 9.. which is a great score BTW..

But we have to accept that everyone has the nostalgic glasses with this game.. (Nothing wrong with that either)

You're trying to cover up the salt (nothing wrong with that), but it just flows down your face through the tears.

The Lamp

Sony: "We're so proud of our excellently critically received game Horizon Zero Dawn. We put a lot of work into it and hopefully it will win GOTY based on it's high scores and originality"

Nintendo: "Hold my beer...."

Don't do this.

Horizon is fantastic. It's possible to like both games equally or even prefer Horizon.
It did fucking great for a new IP though. Can't exactly knock it against the juggernaut that is Zelda

No shit. This thread is starting to get fucking stupid. Why can't people be happy that two amazing games just came out. Most people are going to play both of them anyway. The comparisons between the two are mind boggling. Other than being open world they aren't anywhere near the same type of game, and one is a brand new IP which was made by a developer who honestly has a "meh" stable of games they have made in the past. One is a series that has been around since the 80's, and has one of if not the most rabid fan bases on the planet. Be happy both exist ffs.
Completely agree, even though I still feel that SS was not on the level of OOT/MM/WW, it was still leaps and bounds better than TP for me. I consider Twilight Princess to be the black sheep of Zelda games when it comes to quality, despite the fact that it has gained some popularity among the Zelda community over the years. The only thing I really enjoyed about TP was the character of Midna and the concept of the Twilight Realm.
I absolutely love Majora's world/story/characters and all of the quest lines that explore and flesh all of it out, but it gets knocked down by its dungeons, which are the worst of the 3D Zeldas. I get why the rest might be enough to overpower that flaw for others however.

That's actually the thing TP really got really right though, it had amazing dungeon designs.

I wouldn't blink at people putting WW and OoT above it though.


Hey guys what's up did you see the Ze--

"Belda would be bomba"

"Lol Whorizon?"

Smh at both "sides."

Anyway, so much great stuff in these reviews. Trying to soak in as much as I can before work.

I pity anyone who is "taking sides". At the end of the day, the gamers won. We have two amazing games just a week apart from each other.


Jesus, are people really saying that it would be an 8/10 if it didn't have Zelda in the title. Take a step back and think about what you are saying before saying it! If that was the case then all these new IPs such as Horizon should be lower as they don't have an establish name in the title either.

Can't wait to get both games.


Oh man that's a lot of 10s. I mean I was expecting a high metacritic, maybe 95 or so, but not THAT high.
It's not the 10's that surprise me, it's the fact there's nothing below a 9 yet. I expect that to change sooner or later as more reviews come in but man there won't be many.
I don't know why some folks think BotW will be mainstreams GOTY.

Are y'all forgetting Shadow of War is coming out this year? 🙄


Amazing review scores! O: I'm glad Zelda is back to top form. Now I only have to think of how to play this game... I don't have a WiiU and the Switch...nah, not really convinced yet.

I can't possibly ruin this experience for myself watching a lets play for now, can I?


Weird how so many people seemingly can't believe it's just a fantastic game. So many posts saying "paid reviews" "nostalgic reviewers" and other statements like that. You can find them all over the internet.

It's a Nintendo thread on GAF, what else?

Haters are going to hate.


Not to stir a controversy. But I am pretty sure it would have been 8 or 9.. which is a great score BTW..

But we have to accept that everyone has the nostalgic glasses with this game.. (Nothing wrong with that either)

Would you be saying the same if it were a From game....or Naughty Dog....or Rockstar? Guess it's time to start applying that logic to all of those...

It couldn't be that it's just a great game...nah....


Scared to go into the spoiler three so I'll ask here....Is the timeline placement revealed? And does it make sense altogether (Despite that none of it makes sense really). I'm really intrigued by the over arching lore.
Would you be saying the same if it were a From game....or Naughty Dog....or Rockstar? Guess it's time to start applying that logic to all of those...

It couldn't be that it's just a great game...nah....
Who are you kidding? We all know Nintendo games suck, and they only get good scores because of name recognition and nostalgia.


I guessed a 92MC though to some reviewers bashing the game due to technical underprowess...shame on me, will gladly east all the crow I can find
when I roam Hyrule this night XD
. It´s awesome how a 90 is considered a bad score for this game, Nintendo has done it again. I think they´re the best at inventing and reinventing genres: they did it with Mario, Metroid and Zelda, then when switching those series to 3D, they also did it when reinventing the racing genre with MK and shooters with Splatoon...and have done it again with BotW. I can´t imagine what Mario Odissey is going to bring and am becoming more and more hyped for ARMS as well.

On another topic, this thread has been very underperforming. 10 after 10, not a single low review to instill a witch hunt, gaffers congratulating each other on the fantastic games we´re getting for all systems instead of throwing scores at each other´s faces (well, for the most part)...I´m VERY disappointed GAF. I give you a 90/100.
Haha oh god.

Oy I already am annoyed of this year, it is going to be constant, "but I still think botw is better than this game".

It's like The Last of Us and Witcher 3 all over again.

I wonder if we'll get any "BOTW has ruined all other games for me" threads like we did for TLOU.

Wouldn't nostalgia glasses actively hurt this game's reception, since it supposedly radically changes the series's conventions?

Not if the glasses produce a "wow such innovation on the Zelda idea!" feeling. As much as people love game series - they rarely want more of the same. That's why Bloodborne is more highly regarded than Dark Souls sequels, for instance. Or why people started rolling their eyes at every New Super Mario Bros iteration when they were only a few years ago clamoring for more Mario sidescrollers.

Zelda nostalgia + new variations = evoking that feeling of wonder back when you played your first Zelda. And you can insert any game you want in there.


Weird how so many people seemingly can't believe it's just a fantastic game. So many posts saying "paid reviews" "nostalgic reviewers" and other statements like that. You can find them all over the internet.

Weird how so many people seemingly can't believe people are entitled to different opinions and can question the reviews! So sad!
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