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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | Review Thread

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I kind of feel bad for playing the GOAT game on an outdated console <.<
it's objectively the inferior version.
fu Nintendo >.>
I absolutely love Majora's world/story/characters and all of the quest lines that explore and flesh all of it out, but it gets knocked down by its dungeons, which are the worst of the 3D Zeldas. I get why the rest might be enough to overpower that flaw for others however.

That's actually the thing TP really got really right though, it had amazing dungeon designs.

I wouldn't blink at people putting WW and OoT above it though.

That's fair with regards to the dungeons. TP had better dungeons than MM, without question. But the dungeons have never been my favorite things about Zelda games. I value the overworld, the characters, the story, the sounds & visuals, the sidequests, and the gameplay much more. Obviously, dungeons make up part of a game's overall gameplay, but it's not the only thing. MM makes up for its lack of inspiring dungeons with lots of interesting masks that completely change how the game plays and feels, and for the most part they're all fun.

Overall, I feel the areas in which TP excels over MM are very narrow. MM is just a superior game for me.
Weird how so many people seemingly can't believe people are entitled to different opinions and can question the reviews! So sad!

This would hold some weight if the opinions were based on playing the game.

Right now it's just bitterness and assumption from a subset of certain fans, and we all know why.
can i complain about skeletons on dark souls? they are cannon fodder, of course there are a lot of them

but that doesnt make the other type of enemies dissapear

Well if you didn't like fighting the skeletons in Dark Souls, then of course you could complain about them. My point is more about the combat not seeming appealing to me.

Anyway, I didn't mean to get into such a discussion with my original post. I'm really happy for the developers and for everyone who will have fun with the game. I just think it's a good example of how no game is for everyone.


Not to stir a controversy. But I am pretty sure it would have been 8 or 9.. which is a great score BTW..

But we have to accept that everyone has the nostalgic glasses with this game.. (Nothing wrong with that either)

I can't even imagine the mental hoops you must have had to jump through to discount that many reviews.


Sigh...too bad I have to wait. I just can't justify spending close to $600 to play Zelda right now.

Really hoping this stupid console drops in price, but knowing Nintendo, it never will. :(
This is kind of a strange question, but how do horses work in this game?

Do you just jump on a horse? Or do you need to tame it with food? Once it's "yours" does it always follow you (even via fast travel like Skyrim), or are horses more of a temporary thing you ride as you find them?
Sony: "We're so proud of our excellently critically received game Horizon Zero Dawn. We put a lot of work into it and hopefully it will win GOTY based on it's high scores and originality"

Nintendo: "Hold my beer...."

I think the Sony vs Nintendo fan wars are going to be insane this year. It's going to be Horizon vs BOTW comparisons all year right up until GOTY.

And then Persona 5 will beat them both. Winky face.
Have any reviews taken a close look at the WiiU version? I'm a bit concerned about performance issues because that will be the system I have to play this game on.


I don't get it.

Multiple times is it mentioned that this game has serious framerate issues. The fun I have with a game is impacted greatly by non stable framerates.

Still this games gets a 10 by the majority of the critics?

Am I mistaken or is stuttering framerates a valid concern?

You're saying this in a world where fallout and elder scrolls get high marks with way worse performance issues on console and immersion breaking glitches and bugs. The game must be doing something right to allow people to overlook those issues.


A lot of people assuming this only scored high because of the name while never having played it?

This forum is a weird, bitter place sometimes...

Franchise and the reviewers drive to write what people want to read.

It's always the same with such titles...

Only time will tell how the game is received in the end.. These scores say nothing.

getting it day 1 anyway
- Inventory cumbersome
- Okaish voice acting
- Visual shortcomings up close
- Simple Story

Seems to be the only gripes I've come across...Man, looking forward to it.


I don't get it.

Multiple times is it mentioned that this game has serious framerate issues. The fun I have with a game is impacted greatly by non stable framerates.

Still this games gets a 10 by the majority of the critics?

Am I mistaken or is stuttering framerates a valid concern?
Nobody really cared when it came to Fallout 4, so I doubt reviewers are going to care now.


Scared to go into the spoiler three so I'll ask here....Is the timeline placement revealed? And does it make sense altogether (Despite that none of it makes sense really). I'm really intrigued by the over arching lore.

I don't know the details, but yes, the timeline placement is apparently revealed and quite clear.
Weird how so many people seemingly can't believe people are entitled to different opinions and can question the reviews! So sad!

"The opinions of those who didn't play the game is based on discredit the opinions of those who did it".

I mean, you're totally free to dislike the game, it's your prerogative. But at least give it a try, or simply don't donwplay someone elses work (I'm talking about the press)


Weird how so many people seemingly can't believe people are entitled to different opinions and can question the reviews! So sad!

Yes, it's always nice to see others contradicting reviews (scores especially) for a game they haven't yet played, or, better yet, don't care to. Bonus NeoGAF Gold Points&#8482; for those tempered, objective posters who claim impartiality in spite of an obvious agenda.


I'm thrilled that this is scoring so well. All of the previews have been really positive, and I've been waiting for the "but" for weeks now. Very glad that the game is delivering. Now if only Nintendo could release enough Switches for me to have a shot at buying one and playing.
Nobody really cared when it came to Fallout 4, so I doubt reviewers are going to care now.

I think framerate issues are not really a huge deal for reviewers or most players, but this is coming from someone who grew up with the N64, where framerate issues were expected and not having them was a pleasant surprise.

Big One

Not to stir a controversy. But I am pretty sure it would have been 8 or 9.. which is a great score BTW..

But we have to accept that everyone has the nostalgic glasses with this game.. (Nothing wrong with that either)
I mean aside from the brand name and the obscure references, nothing about this game's core mechanics is based on nostalgia, which is what's seeing praise here. What modern game would you say allows such interactivity on the level of "If you think you can do something and do it, it works!" as many reviewers are saying? Minecraft and similar types of games are examples of a similar game design philosophy, but those games are more about survival while Zelda has a real endgame goal with rewards.

Nintendo has always had a design philosophy where you can interact with everything in some capacity aka Mario can climb and flip off trees, he can jump off walls, he can throw things, etc. etc. but Breath of the Wild takes that philosophy into an open world setting. That's impressive in it's own right especially with how massive the game's world is compared to other mainstream open world games (and keep in mind it STILL has content in nearly every corner of that open world that rewards players for exploring).

Even though the philosophy of the game's design is based on the first Zelda, mechanically and how it approaches that philosophy is drastically different from any Zelda before it. There isn't really anything rooted in nostalgia about that in the slightest. It doesn't even approach open worlds like the majority of open world games like Skyrim do either which have a focus on narrative.


One thing I want to talk about is how to deal with spoilers in the OT. (When does that go up, btw?)

The problem is that what is an early game spoiler for some people will be a '30 hours in' spoiler for others. So if we don't have a system to deal with that, people will either click spoilers and be spoiled or won't click any and not help each other.

There are basically 9 regions in the game. If we were to preface a spoiler with the region, that might make it better. Because if you've explored a region you'll know it's probably safe to click. Only issue is that some region names spoil what race lives there. But otherwise it works. There is still a region I haven't visited after 30 hours of play - I'd know not to click those spoilers.

For example:

Necluda region spoilers: [spoiler tags]How do I climb the tower? In the village where is the X? What does Y NPC do?[/spoiler tags] and so on and so forth.

What do you think? If we were to agree on this it could go in the OT or in one of the first posts.

Honestly, if I have any advice for people it's to go in blind and not look for any help with puzzles or anything else. Playing without a guide was so good... I had to leave a couple of areas and come back with fresh eyes, then figuring it out felt incredible. Had I had the OT I'm sure I would have crumbled and asked someone.

If you're gonna go ask 'Where's the master sword' you're gonna rob yourself of what makes the game great when you stumble upon it for yourself, for example.


I think framerate issues are not really a huge deal for reviewers or most players, but this is coming from someone who grew up with the N64, where framerate issues were expected and not having them was a pleasant surprise.
I still would rather play OoT on the N64 than on the 3DS. It's overblown for some people.


This fragment from the Gamespot review is amazing:


(I don't think it's a spoiler, but just in case!)


Is there any mention of the reviews about any kind of HD RUMBLE support for Breath of the wild?

Still not sure if it's supported to some degree, would be really weird to not have it
Those are absolutely amazing, it's eerie how similar this all is.

Little Mons&#8224;er;231338661 said:
The delicious salT
He's not being salty, he's being sensible. You're part of the problem.

Not to stir a controversy. But I am pretty sure it would have been 8 or 9.. which is a great score BTW..

But we have to accept that everyone has the nostalgic glasses with this game.. (Nothing wrong with that either)
You should probably at least play it before making that assertion. The idea that professional games reviewers are almost unanimously informed by rose tinted glasses and either fail to see beyond that or don't care is just a bit silly.

I love everything about these posts.

Yes, it's always nice to see others contradicting reviews for a game they haven't yet played - or better yet, don't care to. Bonus NeoGAF Gold Points™ for those tempered, objective posters who claim impartiality in spite of an obvious agenda.

There are just some games where regardless of the reviews, the threads are going to be minefields. Zelda is one. Currently it's favoring all the people who are rolling on Zelda hype, but a new 8.8gate could erupt at any moment.

Big One

I kind of feel bad for playing the GOAT game on an outdated console <.<
it's objectively the inferior version.
fu Nintendo >.>
If it helps, the game are originally designed with the Wii U in mind, so playing on the Wii u isn't bad in the slightest. This might've been what we got if they never ported the game to the Switch.
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