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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | Review Thread

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Majority's are quite often wrong. Wind Waker was an incomplete slog of a game. SS had minor issues with fi and the item notifications. I'll take the mostly skippable opening over WW's horrendous first few hours too. It smokes WW in just about every other department.

It comes down to personal enjoyment, which must count for something when determining which game left a better taste in the mouths of its audience. And sure - a majority can misconstrue facts, but that's not really my point. We're talking subjective enjoyment here, not objective truth. Individual complaints aside, I'd argue that more gamers would consider Wind Waker to be more than the sum of its parts than Skyward Sword, and that's a meaningful metric to keep in mind when comparing both games.

And, even if you disagree, to suggest that the majority is "beyond help" is a pretty fucking absurd way to argue a contrarian point of view.

I have not played the game. I don't even have a Wii U or Switch.

Ah - so your complaints are mostly without merit, then. Cool.


The ocean had a nice feeling to it at first, but it was so incredibly barren. Wind Waker is filled with filler, the first dungeon is the worst stealth area in any Zelda game and it is supremely easy, in particular wrt. puzzle design. SS on the contrary is very tightly designed and its overworld is packed with puzzles and thoughtful design. I agree that it was not focussed on giving mcuh of the impression of an adventure, but gameplay-wise there is nothing where Wind Waker is better than SS at. I can see how SS is less popular with some players with a different focus in Zelda games, but Wind Waker is just so clearly the worst 3D Zelda game in anything other than atmosphere that it isn't even funny.

It's touching to know I have such devout fans.


I will play Forskaen Fortress a thousand times over before i play the terrible stealth section in Skyward Sword ever again. The Overworld in SS barely exists the island are all small and tiny and all of them could of have been part of the main island. Skyward Sword had barely any exploration it made the Ocean in Wind Waker look incredible by comparison. I am honestly amazed you say Wind Waker is filled with filler but ignore the 75% of filler Skyward Sword has. There was nothing in Skyward Sword that has been done better in other 3D Zelda games. Plus its not like the 3D games were ever challenging to begin with out of all the 3D Zelda the only one that comes close is Majoras Mask.

Jack of all trades was OOT
Most unique was Majoras Mask
Wind Waker had best music and graphics.
Best dungeons and combat were in Twilight Princess
Skyward Sword had well pretty much nothing with the exception of most filler and downgraded Gameplay. Its also embarrassing that a game from 2003 looks better than a game released in 2011.
Why do you need DF to tell you if a game is great or not?

DF are not telling me if a game is great or not. How could they? They are only covering the technical aspect. That's just something that I'm interested in and they do it the best, nothing more.

You should just play it. Maybe not now, but eventually, and make your own opinion based on what you've experienced from doing so.

I will hopefully if Nintendo can give me some arguments to buy the switch.

But I'm out. People like marrec are obviously not capable of starting a discussion.


Been depressed lately. No interest in anything really, including this game. But it's delivering tomorrow nonetheless. If it's this good it might just save my life.

Real talk: regardless if the game is to your liking or not. Talk to someone, call 800-273-8255, just reach out to SOMEONE.
Skyward Sword is worse than TWW. Not by much, but SS takes TWW's flaws and multiplies them. The overworld is painfully uninteresting and the way to traverse it is a slog, there's barely any interesting locales and NPCs and it's chock full of padding.

A slog? Fuckin' hell some of the complaints leveled at that game are ridiculous. You can get to any given location in a very short period of time. The overworld simply connects the areas of interest just like Hyrule Field. I consider Skyloft part of the "overworld" and it's pretty dense. You use Hyrule Field in say Ocarina to get to Castle Town, or Kokiri Forest, or Lake Hylia, or Kakariko Village, whatever. You use the sky traversal to get from Skyloft to anywhere else and vice-versa and it takes like less than a minute.

If anything it's a lot more efficient than Wind Waker's by a country mile.


Put me on the TP and SS hate camp, for some reason I just could not play them, really some irrational aversion

They are also reasons why I cant wait to play Breath Of The Wild, it looks and sound so different from them
I was too young to really feel the OoT hype so I'm happy I can be here to see Zelda making history, again.
It was unreal for me even w/o internet at the time. The first trailer I saw was in 3D but Link looked more deformed, like Zelda 1 chibi Link, but in 3D. Then some time later a newer trailer came out that showed a version closer to what we got and it felt like one of the most amazing things I had ever seen at the time. Good times.
Been depressed lately. No interest in anything really, including this game. But it's delivering tomorrow nonetheless. If it's really this good it might just save my life.

I hope Zelda brings you some amount of happiness. Please seek some help because video games is just short term happiness though. <3
Been depressed lately. No interest in anything really, including this game. But it's delivering tomorrow nonetheless. If it's really this good it might just save my life.

Similar thing happened to me with Wind Waker. Truly helped me a lot. I'm in a better place now and super excited for BotW.

I hope you enjoy it and find some peace (in Hyrule and elsewhere).


Been depressed lately. No interest in anything really, including this game. But it's delivering tomorrow nonetheless. If it's really this good it might just save my life.

Chill out in bed, take it easy and play some Zelda. :) Great game to relax and get into.

Going for a run and then playing zelda after a shower will be my routine.


Been depressed lately. No interest in anything really, including this game. But it's delivering tomorrow nonetheless. If it's really this good it might just save my life.

Dude. Gaming always cheers me up...and this is Zelda. It's digital dopamine. A game that comes out every 4 or 5 years. I hope you find someone to speak with and I hope you feel better soon.
People act like Nintendo get a free pass from the press but my instinct is that they were going to lean into them hard on this one if it wasn't up to snuff. Nintendo isn't a holy cow anymore (or at least it wasn't).


But I'm out. People like marrec are obviously not capable of starting a discussion.

Sorry I'm not letting you criticize specific aspects of a game you haven't played yet bro :(

Real talk: regardless if the game is to your liking or not. Talk to someone, call 800-273-8255, just reach out to SOMEONE.

Ya this.

Hit up my PMs when you get your Switch and lets be besties and play Splatoon 2 together.
This is such a long thread I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but just in case it hasn't: there's a mistake in OP. It claims "liked a lot" is the highest score from GameXplain but it's not. Their highest score is "loved".


This fragment from the Gamespot review is amazing:


(I don't think it's a spoiler, but just in case!)

Speed running of this game is going to be something else.
Skyward Sword is worse than TWW. Not by much, but SS takes TWW's flaws and multiplies them. The overworld is painfully uninteresting and the way to traverse it is a slog, there's barely any interesting locales and NPCs and it's chock full of padding.

Eeyup. Outside of the desert stuff, it's just painfully ordinary. TWW's my favorite, and yet while I think its rushed development betrays its ambitions, I'd much rather sit through the cathartic ocean than crap like SS's first two dungeons, Fi and the Tadtones again.

That said, that we get into this "my zelda is better than your zelda" shitfest the day before a new Zelda release is just lol.

In retrospect, that score was a solid point too high.

I'd have to agree. :(


Rapid Response Threadmaker
People act like Nintendo get a free pass from the press but my instinct is that they were going to lean into them hard on this one if it wasn't up to snuff. Nintendo isn't a holy cow anymore (or at least it wasn't).
Nintendo isn't. Zelda is.


If you were to take the same 22 reviewers who reviewed OoT (if they are still around) and used their same reviews from BOTW what would the Metacritic be? Out of curiosity.


A slog? Fuckin' hell some of the complaints leveled at that game are ridiculous. You can get to any given location in a very short period of time. The overworld simply connects the areas of interest just like Hyrule Field. I consider Skyloft part of the "overworld" and it's pretty dense. You use Hyrule Field in say Ocarina to get to Castle Town, or Kokiri Forest, or Lake Hylia, or Kakariko Village, whatever. You use the sky traversal to get from Skyloft to anywhere else and vice-versa and it takes like less than a minute.

Flying is just plain not fun, sorry. lt's slow, it's awkward, the vistas are boring as everything blurs into a mass of beige cotton balls and the fast travel system or lack thereof is a clear downgrade compared to the one in Twilight Princess.


I don't think there will be a single game that will surpass this score, until the next Zelda at least (and even then, I'm not sure).


But I need to see how many user reviews of 1 come out first to base my decision.

Seriously though people shiting on Skyward Sword, that was a great Zelda. That game in 1080p looks amazing and the waggle stuff I thought was interesting and it had great dungeons. Really enjoyed it.
The reviews scores aren't surprising at all, Zelda, like GTA, MGS or anything Bungie related is a series that scores high regardless, even if it was the worst Zelda in the franchise (not saying it is) it would still be mid 80s.

It's only weeks/months afterwards when you gauge fan reaction can you tell how good a game really is, that's what i'm very interested to see, especially after seeing these scores. Skyward Sword & GTA IV had people sending death threats to anyone criticising them or not giving perfect scores. Yet months later a lot of those same fans considered the games overrated, they didn't hold up. Hopefully this really is a masterpiece, wanting a game to be bad just means less great games to play, but I wouldn't be surprised if those scores are slightly inflated because Nintendo are very much an underdog currently.

Literally bought the Wii U day 1 knowing this was eventually coming, I've openly called the game out on the problems I've seen with it on GAF before and I stand by it, performance & visuals don't look great, especially compared to the reveal. But it will be interesting to finally get my hands on this tomorrow so I can form a proper opinion.

edit: A bit more ontopic, my guess is a 96, a lot of review sites want to generate clicks by deliberately giving bad scores, wouldn't be surprised if we seen one here.


I will hopefully if Nintendo can give me some arguments to buy the switch.

But I'm out. People like marrec are obviously not capable of starting a discussion.

I don't think you're being reasonable by ruling out even playing the game just because it's on the Switch. It sounds more like the argument will turn into "Breath of the Wild should suck and just because of technical issues framerates etc." Next thing it'll be a thinly veiled "I really wish Nintendo goes 3rd party so I can enjoy these games on Playstation.", and I've seen that song and dance a billion times in GAF already.


1 hour until I can go home

I have no idea if my copy arrived or not - hoping it did as it shipped yesterday

This is the most excited I have been for a game in such a long time



You should watch Boss Keys if you think Twilight Princess has the best dungeons.
The guy behind boss keys has his rubric and methodology behind appreciating a dungeon and that's fine, but he can't exactly make me (or anyone else) change their mind about whether those dungeons are good.


If you were to take the same 22 reviewers who reviewed OoT (if they are still around) and used their same reviews from BOTW what would the Metacritic be? Out of curiosity.

Do you mean outlets or people? I'd been surprised if there was more than one person who reviewed both.


You should watch Boss Keys if you think Twilight Princess has the best dungeons.

Why? He has a different preference for dungeons that he judges on. For him it's about non linearity as opposed to puzzles, atmosphere, bosses, or hell even room design.


You should watch Boss Keys if you think Twilight Princess has the best dungeons.

I love mark brown but he is overly reductive to a fault in that episode. he basically boils each dungeon down to the route you take to get through them and nothing more. for how great his youtube channel is in general that video was a huge disappointment.
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