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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | Review Thread

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Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the reviews tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is Horizon losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Sony to be leading and fix this broken industry. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought Horizon was reviewing well on Metacritic???? This is so fucked.

I don't know why this meme makes me laugh as hard as it does.


The girl I'm seeing loves Zelda. LOVES. Still plays Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask on her N64.

She's torn on whether or not she should get a Switch or just get a WiiU for Breath of the Wild.


The WiiU's got some killer titles, but no future.

The Switch is some killer hardware, but only one title.

Personally I'd go for the Switch, a lot of the better WiiU games are getting either ported or direct sequels on the Switch.


The girl I'm seeing loves Zelda. LOVES. Still plays Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask on her N64.

She's torn on whether or not she should get a Switch or just get a WiiU for Breath of the Wild.


I mean, if you don't have either console, get the Switch, dude.


Easy Allies deserves a lot of praise for their review. They're one of the very few to not only talk about the awful frame rate dips, but not just brush them off as if they aren't an issue.

I can't exactly say I'm surprised that the game has gotten so many 10/10 scores. It's a Zelda game, after all. Still, no game with such glaring performance issues should be given a flat out perfect score. The frame rate issues are some of the worst I've ever seen from a triple A game, and this is just from seeing footage of the game (I'll rent it on Wii U soon).

I'm not exactly a huge Zelda fan, but I've been very happy with the changes and I think thi is a bold step in the right direction. I don't want a game like this to do poorly since this is the first console Zelda game in over a decade that I can call truly excellent but giving the game a perfect score is just straight up biased. You can't give a game a perfect score when it has frame rate deeps that literally freeze the game for a whole second or more!

10 doesn't mean it's perfect.

I take it that you've never played Shadow of the Colossus, or Goldeneye, or Ocarina of Time, or Horizon, or Bloodborne, or Witcher 3 on consoles then?


The girl I'm seeing loves Zelda. LOVES. Still plays Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask on her N64.

She's torn on whether or not she should get a Switch or just get a WiiU for Breath of the Wild.


Get the Switch, cause the Wii U is a bad system and still expensive


The girl I'm seeing loves Zelda. LOVES. Still plays Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask on her N64.

She's torn on whether or not she should get a Switch or just get a WiiU for Breath of the Wild.


For all of our sakes, get the Switch. We need a large base to encourage awesome future titles.


10 doesn't mean it's perfect.

I take it that you've never played Shadow of the Colossus, or Goldeneye, or Ocarina of Time, or Horizon, or Bloodborne, or Witcher 3 on consoles then?

Framerate drops only matter if it's a Nintendo game. This is why Dark Souls and Bloodborne are the GOAT and Nintendo shamelessly ripped them off with BotW.


oh man I regret not preordering the Switch lol

I knew it was going to be good, but I assumed it would fall into the same tired open-world game loop.

I'm glad to know I am wrong.

Man, I love how there's random wetlands here and there with grass growing up out of the water, just adds another layer of beauty to it all.
I heard Day 1 patch fixes some of these frame drops? I'm not sure.

The Last Guardian and Dark Souls got perfect scores regardless of technical performance.

No one has confirmed if the Day 1 patch fixes any of the frame rate issues. Doesn't matter anyways since the reviewers weren't playing with the Day 1 patch so it shouldn't change their score.

Also, TLG and DS getting perfect scores despite their technical performances is BS as well. Neither of those games straight up froze for seconds at a time, though.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Easy Allies deserves a lot of praise for their review. They're one of the very few to not only talk about the awful frame rate dips, but not just brush them off as if they aren't an issue.

I can't exactly say I'm surprised that the game has gotten so many 10/10 scores. It's a Zelda game, after all. Still, no game with such glaring performance issues should be given a flat out perfect score. The frame rate issues are some of the worst I've ever seen from a triple A game, and this is just from seeing footage of the game (I'll rent it on Wii U soon).

I'm not exactly a huge Zelda fan, but I've been very happy with the changes and I think thi is a bold step in the right direction. I don't want a game like this to do poorly since this is the first console Zelda game in over a decade that I can call truly excellent but giving the game a perfect score is just straight up biased. You can't give a game a perfect score when it has frame rate deeps that literally freeze the game for a whole second or more!
Read the reviews, the game is just too good, too rewarding, for framerate to make a dent on emotions you'll feel. And perfect scores don't mean perfect everything, they represent feelings towards a game as a whole.
The girl I'm seeing loves Zelda. LOVES. Still plays Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask on her N64.

She's torn on whether or not she should get a Switch or just get a WiiU for Breath of the Wild.


You might be able to get a WiiU a little cheaper, but you'd still be spending way too much for a dead console to play an inferior version of the game, imo. I'd go Switch, 100%.
Easy Allies deserves a lot of praise for their review. They're one of the very few to not only talk about the awful frame rate dips, but not just brush them off as if they aren't an issue.

I can't exactly say I'm surprised that the game has gotten so many 10/10 scores. It's a Zelda game, after all. Still, no game with such glaring performance issues should be given a flat out perfect score. The frame rate issues are some of the worst I've ever seen from a triple A game, and this is just from seeing footage of the game (I'll rent it on Wii U soon).

I'm not exactly a huge Zelda fan, but I've been very happy with the changes and I think thi is a bold step in the right direction. I don't want a game like this to do poorly since this is the first console Zelda game in over a decade that I can call truly excellent but giving the game a perfect score is just straight up biased. You can't give a game a perfect score when it has frame rate deeps that literally freeze the game for a whole second or more!

My take on it: it's good that reviews mention this for gamers that can't live with unstable framerate...Thast does NOT mean the 10s aren't deserved. A 10 doesn't equal "perfect" in most rating systems. Masterpieces should be allowed to get the deserved praise even if there are issues here and there. As long as the vision of the game itself isn't impacted in a huge way I don't see the problem.
I forgot to list GoldenEye on my previous list, but that's absolutely also one of my all-time greats. Same with Super Mario 64, of course.


The WiiU's got some killer titles, but no future.

The Switch is some killer hardware, but only one title.

Personally I'd go for the Switch, a lot of the better WiiU games are getting either ported or direct sequels on the Switch.

She doesn't have MK8 which is coming up next month and there's some killer indie titles coming this year. Switch is easily the better choice.
Well if the Daily Telegraph and some acronym gave it a 10, of course Easy Allies shouldn't dock points

I'm not saying that they shouldn't dock points. People can do and say what they want.

I'm just giving justification that it is okay to give a games a perfect score regardless of technical performance.

It has happened in the past, and I'm sure it will happen again.


Easy Allies deserves a lot of praise for their review. They're one of the very few to not only talk about the awful frame rate dips, but not just brush them off as if they aren't an issue.

I can't exactly say I'm surprised that the game has gotten so many 10/10 scores. It's a Zelda game, after all. Still, no game with such glaring performance issues should be given a flat out perfect score. The frame rate issues are some of the worst I've ever seen from a triple A game, and this is just from seeing footage of the game (I'll rent it on Wii U soon).

I'm not exactly a huge Zelda fan, but I've been very happy with the changes and I think thi is a bold step in the right direction. I don't want a game like this to do poorly since this is the first console Zelda game in over a decade that I can call truly excellent but giving the game a perfect score is just straight up biased. You can't give a game a perfect score when it has frame rate deeps that literally freeze the game for a whole second or more!

IIRC they gave The Last Guardian 5* and it has framerate drops even on the ps4 pro.
Lots of (valid) comparisons with Ocarina of Time and the reviews back then, but you know what else this reminds me of?

Metroid Prime.

I remember how excited the reviews got me. There was one in particular that had a line that said something like "This isn't just one of the best games of the year. It's one of the best games of all time".

And, of course, Metroid Prime is indeed still standing as one of the best ever.

I remember back then, for a brief time, Gamestop had a thing where you could pay $5 to get a game a day early. I did that for Metroid Prime. I'd do it right now, if I could.


First tragedy, then farce.
Oh man, I have to go out of town for a work trip to Vegas in a week, and then to Baltimore and Tokyo, and I am super pumped that this guy will be with me on the flights and in the hotel when I'm trying to wind down.
10 doesn't mean it's perfect.

I take it that you've never played Shadow of the Colossus, or Goldeneye, or Ocarina of Time, or Horizon, or Bloodborne, or Witcher 3 on consoles then?

If you have a decimal system in place in your scoring, a perfect score should mean it's perfect, or at the very least doesn't have major flaws. For the record, I don't agree with any of those games besides maybe Bloodborne getting a 10 and that game had less technical issues, anyways.


No one has confirmed if the Day 1 patch fixes any of the frame rate issues. Doesn't matter anyways since the reviewers weren't playing with the Day 1 patch so it shouldn't change their score.

Also, TLG and DS getting perfect scores despite their technical performances is BS as well. Neither of those games straight up froze for seconds at a time, though.

I can't believe people are harping on this minor frame rate issue in an otherwise technical masterpiece. how did Skyrim score on PS3 and Xbox 360? If Zelda should be docked for some frame rate hiccups when it seems to have basically zero major glitches, Skyrim should have gotten 5s across the board.


The girl I'm seeing loves Zelda. LOVES. Still plays Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask on her N64.

She's torn on whether or not she should get a Switch or just get a WiiU for Breath of the Wild.


Switch! Absolutely.

I have a Wii U and it has fantastic games, but it will not get any more games. The Switch is more powerful, has built in 2-player support, will get all the new titles, and you can play Zelda portable on the go if you want.
No one has confirmed if the Day 1 patch fixes any of the frame rate issues. Doesn't matter anyways since the reviewers weren't playing with the Day 1 patch so it shouldn't change their score.

Also, TLG and DS getting perfect scores despite their technical performances is BS as well. Neither of those games straight up froze for seconds at a time, though.

You should revisit Blight-town on an Xbox 360. Your memory might be a little hazy.


Oh man this is going to be quite something lol, and a wonderful end to the WiiU while also being a wonderful start for the Switch. I can't wait to obtained my WiiU copy.


Man, I love how there's random wetlands here and there with grass growing up out of the water, just adds another layer of beauty to it all.

I adore the designs of the lizalfos in this game.

I think Breath of the Wild may end up having my favorite renditions of each Zelda enemy that ends up appearing in the game.


I can't believe people are harping on this minor frame rate issue in an otherwise technical masterpiece. how did Skyrim score on PS3 and Xbox 360? If Zelda should be docked for some frame rate hiccups when it seems to have basically zero major glitches, Skyrim should have gotten 5s across the board.

To this day I don't know how Skyrim scored so well on PS3 when the game literally broke on you


Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the reviews tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is Horizon losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Sony to be leading and fix this broken industry. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought Horizon was reviewing well on Metacritic???? This is so fucked.

I'm in tears over here

"I thought Horizon was reviewing well on Metacritic????"

I'm dead


So this asshole of a game just came into my house, beat my face up and forced me to impulse buy a switch today.

The fucking asshole.

I have no money.

I am a weak man.
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