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The Legend of Zelda Community Thread: Timelines, Retreads and Colors Oh My

My favorite Zelda is Link's Awakening, and it's the only one I have ever finished.
(other than Link's Awakening, I've played LoZ, Zelda II, LttP, OoT, Ages, and WW)

Is this uncommon?


Of all the Zelda games, these are the ones I've finished:

Link's Awakening
Link to the Past
Ocarina of Time
Wind Waker
Twilight Princess
Four Swords Adventures

I never finished:

Legend of Zelda (Too goddamn hard. It's those knights that you can only hit in the back)
Oracle Ages/Seasons (Just never got around to finishing either)
Minish Cap (Got to the final boss, at least as far as I know, but he's too hard)
Phantom Hourglass (Just haven't gotten around to finishing it)
Majora's Mask (Sorry. I had it on N64 and didn't like it for being "different" at the time. But now I have it on both GameCube and Wii VC but I just haven't gotten around to finishing it.)

Never played:

Those three that don't exist for that console that didn't last long
Spirit Tracks (Haven't even finished PH, plus my DS doesn't get played since Apple entered the gaming world.)
Skyward Sword (Because it isn't out yet. Soon, my pretty. SOON.)
Link's Awakening is indeed an incredible game, but if you beat that you should really get on A Link to the Past. The first two games are difficult and somewhat obtuse for folks raised on modern games, but there are still interesting game design lessons to be learned by playing them.


Definitely. LTTP is a masterpiece and LA is a great portable followup. The two best 2D Zelda games if not the two best Zelda period.
I have beaten them all*.

For a given value of "All". The count does not include Wand of Gamelon, Faces of Evil, Zelda’s Adventure, Colour-Changing Tingle’s Balloon Trip of Love, BS Zelda, Ancient Stone Tablets, Legend of Zelda Game n Watch or Tetra’s Trackers.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
I have beaten them all*.

For a given value of "All". The count does not include Wand of Gamelon, Faces of Evil, Zelda’s Adventure, Colour-Changing Tingle’s Balloon Trip of Love, BS Zelda, Ancient Stone Tablets, Legend of Zelda Game n Watch or Tetra’s Trackers.

Where "all"=games that exist/games that exist according to NOA.

I still don't understand why Tingle is hated so much.

And why we don't have the BS Zeldas in some way, shape or form.


Junior Member
The moth in LttP is ridiculously hard. I've been stuck on it forever. I'm not exactly sure why everyone regards this as the best 2D Zelda. I enjoyed Link's Awakening much more than what I've played of LttP so far. Maybe it'll get better though.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
This game is hard.

It sucks.

:p I know you're not saying that but that's what it comes off as. As for Mothula, if you have a fairy or two it's a piece of cake. Oh and some green potion for your Flame Rod.


Junior Member
Andrex said:
This game is hard.

It sucks.

Haha, I knew I'd come off that way. Maybe I should have spaced out my current progress and how fond I am of the game. It really doesn't suck, it's very good, but it sort of seems like you're just going from one dungeon to the next, whereas Link's Awakening seems to have better pacing and has some stuff in between.

I had one fairy and a green potion because I only have two bottles. I still died. Maybe I'll go searching for some more bottles.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Yeah I dunno what it is, but when I replayed that a month ago, for some reason I was "in the zone" from the get go and dodged all the spiky things and compensated for the conveyor floor. Maybe it's my childhood coming back to help me. :p

Totally expected to get my butt kicked by all the spikes.

As for stuff in between dungeons, that's left up to you. There's usually quite a bit for you to do in between dungeons if you go looking. Like at that point, I had three bottles, so I know you missed at least one.


Junior Member
Andrex said:
Yeah I dunno what it is, but when I replayed that a month ago, for some reason I was "in the zone" from the get go and dodged all the spiky things and compensated for the conveyor floor. Maybe it's my childhood coming back to help me. :p

Totally expected to get my butt kicked by all the spikes.

As for stuff in between dungeons, that's left up to you. There's usually quite a bit for you to do in between dungeons if you go looking. Like at that point, I had three bottles, so I know you missed at least one.

I looked and ended up finding a bottle beneath a bridge. It made that boss fight way easier. I also did the next dungeon (the one in the middle of the town) and it was way better than the last. I didn't see the twist with the girl coming at all somehow, but now that I look at it, it was completely obvious haha. I think next I'll go looking for an upgrade for my bomb bag or arrows, they're still the lowest they can be. I'll most likely finish it up tomorrow and post what I think.


Cranzor said:
I looked and ended up finding a bottle beneath a bridge. It made that boss fight way easier. I also did the next dungeon (the one in the middle of the town) and it was way better than the last. I didn't see the twist with the girl coming at all somehow, but now that I look at it, it was completely obvious haha. I think next I'll go looking for an upgrade for my bomb bag or arrows, they're still the lowest they can be. I'll most likely finish it up tomorrow and post what I think.
You'll need money.

A lot of money.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Eh TBH you don't need the bomb bag upgrades at all, I found anyways. And you don't need the arrow upgrades much either, except for maybe the final boss. But yeah, as Roto mentioned, you'll need lots of ruppees.
Just beat Spirit Tracks last night, just in time now for Skyward Sword.

I will say that I liked absolutely everything about the game except for the parts that involve the train. Which is an unfortunately large portion of the game. The dungeon design, music, and story are all leaps and bounds ahead of Phantom Hourglass (especially the music)

Oh, I should mention that I didn't really care for the Flute duets either. The DS mic just doesn't work well enough for a mechanic like that, and the game doesn't tell you at all what you did wrong when you fail, just that you did it wrong. It never tells you one very key point--you are supposed to start playing when the camera shifts its focus to Link, not when the notes on the screen light up (why they're not synched I do not understand).

The final section of the Tower of Spirits came this close to making me hate the Phantom controlling mechanic due to it requiring ridiculous backtracking at certain points if you accidentally came in with the wrong Phantom. Outside of that, I think it's a great mechanic.

The ending sequence from the beginning of the Dark Realm to the end felt appropriately epic--I can't think of any other Zelda game that features a climax as monumental in feeling as this one, though by the final phase it was kind of wearing thin. It's a bit longer at the end than I feel it should be. One of the phases of the final sequence could have been removed (probably the duet, which is kind of a pacing killer).

And now that I have beaten the three Zeldas I had not (Zelda II, Minish Cap, and Spirit Tracks), I am now ready for Skyward Sword tomorrow.

Exciting stuff!


The moth in LttP is ridiculously hard. I've been stuck on it forever. I'm not exactly sure why everyone regards this as the best 2D Zelda. I enjoyed Link's Awakening much more than what I've played of LttP so far. Maybe it'll get better though.

Yeah the moth kicked my ass too.

Worst part is having to go through the entire dungeon again just to fight it again. So tedious. One of my main problems with LTTP.


I was replaying Spirit Tracks, but then Super Mario 3D Land came out, and a few days later I got no fewer than five games to review in the mail (counting MGS HD Collection as three :p) so it fell by the wayside. And now I'll be getting Skyward Sword tonight, so there's that too.




Got it early from the Future Shop Zelda prelaunch thing. Also, lanyard.

Think I'll be avoiding all Zelda threads until I'm done. :p


Junior Member
I just finished Link to the Past. It's a great game with a few minor problems. The difficulty is really high in this one, and I found myself frustrated a lot of the game, especially towards the end. Some stuff is really hard to figure out, like the flute, the medallions, and the silver arrows. I didn't like the focus on magic towards the last half of the game, I've never been much of a fan of that. I also didn't like that some of the later dungeons didn't even have items, they just had upgrades that were pretty much optional. And like Anth0ny said, having to restart a dungeon after dying at a boss is extremely tedious and gets pretty old. Ganon's castle was a nightmare. But really, those are my only complaints with the game, and that's really not that much. I liked pretty much everything else. I respect that it started the formula that every Zelda afterward follows, but I feel Link's Awakening used that formula and did it better, although I'm sure most wouldn't agree with me.
I respect that it started the formula that every Zelda afterward follows, but I feel Link's Awakening used that formula and did it better, although I'm sure most wouldn't agree with me.

I don't think about it in terms of "better" and "worse"; the two games were running on different hardware, had different ideas, and tried to attempt different goals. Link's Awakening is a remarkable game because of how compact it is. The overworld is packed with cleverly-designed areas that allow the player to see places that they aren't yet able to reach. The dungeons are tiny but use their space remarkably well. There's much more of an emphasis on combat. The game's design encourages experimentation; you don't have to always have the sword equipped to a slot, you can mix and match various combinations of items.

Link to the Past is comparatively much more open, cinematic, and exploration-driven. When you get access to the dark world, the game's designers correctly assumed you would want to go crazy exploring the overworld, so they wisely limited your access to the tools that would give you unfettered access. The dungeons are bigger, moodier, and have more puzzles. You spend much more time roaming around and testing the limits of the game than following the largely linear game plan.

If poetry is language condensed and distilled and prose is language expounded upon and explained, then Link's Awakening and Link to the Past are the poetry and prose of the series, respectively.


Junior Member
I don't think about it in terms of "better" and "worse"; the two games were running on different hardware, had different ideas, and tried to attempt different goals. Link's Awakening is a remarkable game because of how compact it is. The overworld is packed with cleverly-designed areas that allow the player to see places that they aren't yet able to reach. The dungeons are tiny but use their space remarkably well. There's much more of an emphasis on combat. The game's design encourages experimentation; you don't have to always have the sword equipped to a slot, you can mix and match various combinations of items.

Link to the Past is comparatively much more open, cinematic, and exploration-driven. When you get access to the dark world, the game's designers correctly assumed you would want to go crazy exploring the overworld, so they wisely limited your access to the tools that would give you unfettered access. The dungeons are bigger, moodier, and have more puzzles. You spend much more time roaming around and testing the limits of the game than following the largely linear game plan.

If poetry is language condensed and distilled and prose is language expounded upon and explained, then Link's Awakening and Link to the Past are the poetry and prose of the series, respectively.

Well said. Link's Awakening just struck a chord with me for some reason. I guess I didn't mean to say that Link's Awakening did it better, but that I liked its way of doing it better. They're pretty hard to compare, but they're both great games.

Anyway, can't wait to pick up Skyward Sword tomorrow!

Big One

I posted this a while back but this is an interesting cameo from Skyward Sword. Don't worry, it has nothing to do with the story in the game and is from an area in the beginning of the game, but does imply something about the series lore: http://i.imgur.com/nheb8.jpg

Looks like the sages creating the Master Sword (as the Goddess Sword), or being involved with it's creation, is still valid. At least this confirms sages existed pre-SS.
Don't want to read this thread for fear of Skyward Sword spoilers (I'm on a blackout till mid-December), but I thought I'd post this Majora's Mask music video for those who haven't seen it before. Gets really good towards the end.

First I was 'Coldplay, really?' and I'm a big fan of coldplay I just didn't think it would mix with zelda that good other than the 'clock' theme, but that was one hell of a tribute video for Majora's Mask. Really nice editing at the end part indeed.


Oh my... The Wind Waker Symphonic Movement on the 25th Anniversary soundtrack.

So many memories.

And this does confirm that the Spirit Tracks world theme is one of the finest pieces of Zelda music.


Just got my 25th Anniversary bundle.

Fucking hell. I don't know how, but for some reason it is showing me an unskippable, uncancelable video of how to connect a Wii Motion Plus adapter which I DON'T NEED BECAUSE I GOT THE FUCKING COMBO! Holy hell. Stupid. Why can't I escape out of this?? Damn. It's over.

Also, Nintendo skimped out on a stupid piece of corrugated cardboard in the box for support and Amazon's Super Saver Shipping company put it in a padded envelope and crushed the no-longer mint gold box. Nothing inside was damaged, but the box won't look as nice anymore. :-/ It's Nintendo's fault because they always used to strengthen the box inside to prevent crushing. Why did they skimp out? This is like when the Mario 25th Anniversary music CD had a mediocre selection of songs that didn't even fill the disc. Does Nintendo not know how to celebrate the anniversaries of their biggest franchises or what?

Anyway... TIME TO PLAY THE GAME!!!!!
Great Zelda sales for Skyward Sword(500,000)+. Was wondering how it would do for a moment.

Thoroughly enjoying SS. Got my booty kicked on 1st dungeon boss. Can really see why some ppl had difficulty with the controls. I just think the controls are really on point and it might take you a few swipes to figure out an enemy. No more waggling LOL


Just got my 25th Anniversary bundle.

Fucking hell. I don't know how, but for some reason it is showing me an unskippable, uncancelable video of how to connect a Wii Motion Plus adapter which I DON'T NEED BECAUSE I GOT THE FUCKING COMBO! Holy hell. Stupid. Why can't I escape out of this?? Damn. It's over.

When was the last time you did a firmware update? That used to happen with Wii Sports Resort until they released an system update. Zelda was my first Motion Plus game and it didn't make me go through a tutorial video even once.


Just crossed two dream items off the list.

Purchased both a Zelda DS Lite and a Zelda 3DS today.

That is my 4th DS and my 2nd 3DS.




Posted in the Club Nintendo thread, but here seems appropriate also:

Received my Zelda posters today! They're huge, and the paper/print quality is amazing. Got them from the Australian catalogue, all 3 came in a set. Bad iPhone camera does not do them justice, lol



Posted in the Club Nintendo thread, but here seems appropriate also:

Received my Zelda posters today! They're huge, and the paper/print quality is amazing. Got them from the Australian catalogue, all 3 came in a set. Bad iPhone camera does not do them justice, lol


So beautiful.

I wish they were available on North American Club Nintendo. I have 1200+ points =(
This thread has inspired me to start a new game of TP and actually beat it this time. It's the only Zelda in the series I haven't beat aside from SS (I don't have a Wii).

I didn't get a chance to read all the way through this thread but I hope there's some good Majora discussion going on in here that I can get in on!
This thread has inspired me to start a new game of TP and actually beat it this time. It's the only Zelda in the series I haven't beat aside from SS (I don't have a Wii).

I didn't get a chance to read all the way through this thread but I hope there's some good Majora discussion going on in here that I can get in on!

There needs to be more discussion generally in this thread, so I would be happy with anything, Majora's Mask included.




This thread will have SPOILERS for games, mangas, spinoffs and everything people want to backup their claims ... and since this started from a Ocarina of Time "spoiler", or you use the tags to spoil one thing or you don't use the tags at all, so we are using the "no spoiler tags" policy here


EVERY Zelda thread this appears ... so .. why not a place to focus on it ?

So ... for you ... what is your theory about Sex/gender/Orientation in relation to the Sheikah known as Sheik ??

This thread is about SHEIK !
Only discuss the timeline if this helps in your theory about SHEIK !

To help ... some official art !


Ocarina of Time


Smash bros Meele


Smash bros Brawl


Ocarina of Time 3D


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
did you claim this OT in the claims thread? I cant find your post if so. please clarify this issue thanks.
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