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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword |OT| Home of Punkin' Chunkin' Champion 2011

Bullshit about the lack of effort. I'm trying my hardest to get it to work which makes it all the more frustrating when it doesn't work.
Probably different circumstances, different setup, possibly you're calibrating it weird, maybe the WM+ doesn't work right for you but I've never had a single issue with stabbing and it has been pretty effortless like I said I do it by accident all the time.

No amount of rationalizing will make the decision to make spin attack require you to swish BOTH the remote and nunchuck not suck.
It's really not hard at all for me or a big inconvenienve. Although I for some reason swish them both in opposite directions and once ripped the nunchuk out of the cord because I got really into it for some reason lol.


Bullshit about the lack of effort. I'm trying my hardest to get it to work which makes it all the more frustrating when it doesn't work.

It's very weird. You probably heard lots of tips, like: "don't waggle, do a more complete motion" or "recenter the cursor with the down button" or even "certify that you are holding the remote steady, pointing forward, when drawing your sword". That's pretty much all advice that I can give. But it works, trust me. Try to understand it a little better. It works wonderfully when you get it.


I don't have it so fuck what I say but it kinda have to be on your end if some aren't haven;t that much problem.

There might be a very specific way to play it or something. Hope I don't have the issues some of you are having.

lol perhaps there are too many cellphones in your room /Miyamoto e3
Probably is. I already spent about an hour in that sword training room. Time to spend another hour trying to get some consistency!

It's very weird. You probably heard lots of tips, like: "don't waggle, do a more complete motion" or "recenter the cursor with the down button" or even "certify that you are holding the remote steady, pointing forward, when drawing your sword". That's pretty much all advice that I can give. But it works, trust me. Try to understand it a little better. It works wonderfully when you get it.
Yep, I do all of that. The problem is motion plus gets confused about where your controller is, which means that I should aim the Wiimote at the sensor bar to get its head on straight. I read that in this thread after my last frustrating experience so that's some new ideas on how to get to work well.


never left the stone age
lol....I have a nunchuck that always constantly goes backwards and NEVER forwards on TP and ONLY TP........annoying as hell since I only have one and am poor.

Guess they are finicky like that :\. I'll go to the store tomorrow and trade it in and hope for the best. I did get a 6 month warranty. To be on the safe side I recorded it failing (This is GAME we're talking about after all)


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
I won't have the trouble to quote every single one, but... These people that have problems with the controls: you are doing it wrong. It's the only way. You guys aren't trying hard enough to master the control skin.
Feels so good to own the controls in this game.
I would also kill to be able to attack while running. Why was this removed? People loved it in TP. I can't fathom the thought process behind that. Every time I see grass I run and swing then realize......I hafta stop......then swing both my arms.....



Canadians burned my passport
I would also kill to be able to attack while running. Why was this removed? People loved it in TP. I can't fathom the thought process behind that. Every time I see grass I run and swing then realize......I hafta stop......then swing both my arms.....


Yeah this is something I've grown to really miss from TP.


Probably is. I already spent about an hour in that sword training room. Time to spend another hour trying to get some consistency!

Yep, I do all of that. The problem is motion plus gets confused about where your controller is, which means that I should aim the Wiimote at the sensor bar to get its head on straight. I read that in this thread after my last frustrating experience so that's some new ideas on how to get to work well.

You don't need to point it at the sensor bar specifically, you just need to recenter it. If your sword goes loose, press the map button or something and recenter the cursor. Just hold it pointing forward and press down. When you go back, the sword will be recentered. It's pretty simple, and becomes second nature quickly. But this uncalibration issue shouldn't be frequent, though.


[first dungeon area spoilers]

so i have to say i was kinda negative on the game last night, and people are still negative on the game today, but there have been two things to really stand out for me:

fi's theme, which is fucking fantastic and one of the best pieces of music in the zelda series in a long, long time, and

the first ghirahim fight. i played this at e3 twice, but i wasn't doing as well as i was back then. something i thought was pretty clever was the way you hide your moves when you have a shield, by using the shield bash to distract him so you can prepare your sword to catch him off-guard. i don't remember doing that at e3 and it's pretty damn cool.


You don't need to point it at the sensor bar specifically, you just need to recenter it. If your sword goes loose, press the map button or something and recenter the cursor. Just hold it pointing forward and press down. When you go back, the sword will be recentered. It's pretty simple, and becomes second nature quickly. But this uncalibration issue shouldn't be frequent, though.
It unfortunately is frequent for me and happens DURING combat. I'll try to experiment a bit more with the controls. If this game weren't Zelda though and everything else wasn't as polished and excellent, I probably would have ditched the game long ago and sold it. But everything else is winning me over so I'm willing to put in some time to get the controls right.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I, for one, applaud Nintendo's decision to implement full Motion+ controls for this game. It's nice for a game to really offer something new other than just a new, prettier coat of paint with lots of flash but no substance (gazes at the so called 'blockbuster games')

Not many companies had the confidence and gall to do something like this with one of their most prominent franchises/titles.


Does anyone know?

My buddy is dying to get his hands on the LE bundle. Does Nintendo plan to release more or is he basically looking at eBay?

i believe they said it was being discontinued after january 1, 2012. not sure if it means they'll be shipping more. maybe it'll be like the super mario collection and it'll get two shipments and that'll be it.


So I thought I'd post this again for anyone wanting to play the game on Hero Mode without unlocking it first:


Drag and drop onto your SD card. If you have a softmodded Wii with the homebrew channel or a USB Loader (or anything else that can use cheat codes), turn Ocarina codes to ON. The app to use cheat codes with the homebrew channel is included.

With these codes active, just save the game, and it will become a Hero Mode save!

For those without hacked Wiis, the download also has save data with Hero Mode unlocked, so just copy it from your SD card to your Wii.

Save data is NTSC-only, but the codes work with NTSC and PAL. Also has some other optional codes to make the game harder if you want to use those.

♪ღ♪░H░A░P░P░Y░ Z░E░L░D░A░D░A░Y░░♪ღ♪

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
A comment on the controls for people having issues:

From what I can tell, there's a difference between sword orientation calibration, and "cursor mode" calibration. Even if what is considered center cursor alignment drifts, my sword doesn't. Also, don't point the wiimote at the sensor bar to reset it. That is not what you're aiming at.

The wiimote is not being used in IR pointer mode in this game - the tip of it isn't supposed to be intrinsically locked to 1:1 to the cursor on the TV. The wiimote is an air mouse. When you hit down on the d-pad, it snaps the camera cursor straight, center, and level, and assumes that you're now holding the wiimote level in your hand at whatever position your arm is comfortably resting in for playing. This isn't about holding your arm up and sighting down the barrel at the cursor on the screen.

Using the down button reset is more like recentering a mouse on a pad when you've moved it too far. It's almost like the solution some proposed for first person shooters on the Wii.

If you're playing at an angle that the wiimote does have sight of the sensor bar, it seems to ping that every so often to keep itself centered without user input. But that appears to be a backup system. Mostly, this interface is designed to be used, again, like a gyroscope air mouse on the PC.

As for swinging the sword at angles.. big motions aren't required. It's more about lining up the position and angle of the sword at a normal movement speed, since that part is 1:1 with the wiimote, then snapping your wrist along the desired path. That triggers an actual slash animation with a hit box. It's similar to Red Steel II but doesn't require motions as big as Red Steel II. This is designed so you can play it sitting down, with hands on your lap or knees.

And doing a spin slash doesn't require a big motion either. A short snap of both wrists in either direction will trigger it. You don't even have to wind up by first moving left, then snapping right, or vis versa.

I don't want to discount folks who are struggling with the controls. All I can say is, I am not having trouble with the swordplay. I'm using a standard Wiimote with the external attachement, so I've got no possible calibration advantage of a Wiimote+ with the extra gyro closer to the original gyro inside the case.
Disclaimer: i worship all and anything Zelda. I went into media blackout and truthfully know NOTHING outside the 4 hrs i've played thus far. I'm in the first temple.

I have'nt been this bored with any game thus far this year. I do not get the controls, fighting those Piranha plant thingies are a chore instead of an after thought. I unintentionally jump when I do not mean to during combat. I just do not get it.

More importantly, I am bored as all hell. Only one character matters: zelda. In TP, I was greatly respected by a village so much so that when I rescued the kiddos, i was invested in the characters. So far here, in SS, I'm just running and playing hide and go seek with whatever the fuck these things are so i can get into a temple.

I just do not get it.

I have to fly in the overworld, Why? Why does there always have to be a gimmick that differentiates each entry? this is what i hate about nintendo right now. They're more interested in gimmicks than anythin else. Why do i fucking need a bird to get to a forest?

Man, so far, and i hope things change soon andfast, but for anyone who complaing about TPs first three hours...fuck. They shouldn complain after playing this.

So frustrated right now. I'll say it again: nintendo needs to focus whats going on screen not whats goin on in my hand. (heh).

:lol :lol :lol

Let it all out man...


The only small complaint I have about the story is how forthcoming they are with the fact that you are special. I know every Zelda game tells you that you are the special hero and all that but this one was a little too much.
You just see some random lady contacting you and she tells you that you are special and then some unibrow dude walks in and says you are the chosen one and have to save destiny or whatever, and then they give you the special sword.
Couldn't they at least pretend for a little while that I am some random kid? I am only 5 hours in by the way.


The controls work a certain percentage of the time. Sometimes, it misinterprets my motion. The faster I go, the quicker it loses calibration and the more chance it has to misinterpret my motion. A button press would be better, plain and simple.
Yeah sometimes I go into waggle mode and a horizontal swing becomes diagonal or something. It doesn't help that going too slow for most enemies means they get ready to block or something.

I really loved the Lanayru mining facility part of the game, just started the 3rd dungeon but the lead-up to it was pretty damn fun, especially playing with
the time shifting stones, reminds me alot of PoP 2008, except you can revert it


How are you jumping accidentally? I don't think you can jump without pushing A.

You can leap when you perform a finishing move, but that's not possible unless you're knocking people down. That is, it only happens when things are going well.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
How are you jumping accidentally? I don't think you can jump without pushing A.

Z lock + A makes you hop forward.

I find it really weird that despite the game makers apparently thinking everyone who plays their game is mentally slow, the actual portion where you get the sword has you walk right by an optional tutorial.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
This is my playing position:


As you all can see, I am sitting on the floor--hell, occasionally I'm lying down on my stomach as well--but I had little issues controlling this game: flying, swimming, sword fighting, aiming; so as for me, the Motion+ works very well.


Canadians burned my passport
Z lock + A makes you hop forward.

I find it really weird that despite the game makers apparently thinking everyone who plays their game is mentally slow, the actual portion where you get the sword has you walk right by an optional tutorial.

I know, that's what I'm saying. You can't jump without purposely trying to jump. You have to push a button. You can't just waggle your way into a jump unless you're doing the finishing blow.

This is my playing position:


As you all can see, I am sitting on the floor--hell, occasionally I'm lying down on my stomach as well--but I had little issues controlling this game.

Ah, I too love a game of egg-tied-to-box!

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Yeah sometimes I go into waggle mode and a horizontal swing becomes diagonal or something. It doesn't help that going too slow for most enemies means they get ready to block or something.

You can't waggle in this game, that's for sure. It's not even built to properly allow it; so I guess it's going to cause problems if one panics and starts to flail.

I have to wonder - are some people swinging their arm around when trying to do multiple slashes, or combos? You have to be fast, but precise... raise the sword at the right angle, snap the slash out, move it to the next angle to line up your next slash, snap again, etc.

Also, the rotation of the sword is tracked... rotating the wiimote rotates the sword. It helps to slash at the right angle if you treat it like a knife in your hand, and rotate the "blade" correctly before cutting the air.


The bad news is that I won't get it until tomorrow.

But the good news is that Amazon gave me an unexpected $10 credit. Guess I'll pick up Cave Story 3D after all.


The controls work a certain percentage of the time. Sometimes, it misinterprets my motion. The faster I go, the quicker it loses calibration and the more chance it has to misinterpret my motion. A button press would be better, plain and simple.

Not better, but more reliable yes.
I just encountered a bug that will have set me back several hours because I don't really save often outside of dungeons. =(

I was looking for the windmill propeller in order to get the Tower of Light to do it's thing, found it and had the guy repair it. When I turned the windmill, it unlocked something at the top of Tower of Light and played the "dun dun naaa." However, now it's stuck looking at the top of the Tower and won't let me do anything. No menus, no buttons other than the home button do anything but I don't want to lose the last several quests I've done for people. Am I screwed? Here's a video of what I got to enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfSzVlGATo4

Edit: Rebooted the system and I just lost the last two or three hours of my life. Ffffffuck. I kind of don't want to play after this now.


Unconfirmed Member
Just finished the pre-dungeon #3 stuff.
When I powered up the gate and climbed on top of the tower, it felt so good looking around and realizing that yeah, I just traversed and explored that vast area.


Struggling with combat a bit. How do you beat those red guys? I'll swipe the wiimote according to how they hold their sword (Ex, if they are holding the sword vertically, I'll do an up/down motion), but the guy will just block me. I end up waggling half the time. The best fight I had was with the first
in the first dungeon. There, my attacks registered perfectly. Outside that, I must be doing something wrong.

Same with the lizards.
I poke them when they taunt me, but outside that I'm sort of a sitting duck.

Girahim (sp?)
battle was somewhat ruined because of this. It was harder than it should have been for me.


Okie dokie

So I finally beat the 2nd dungeon the Earth Temple, with an amazingly hectic boss battle

I spent a lot of time afterwards doing side quests like finding the kidnapped child, dropping off Pumpkin Soup. I found Beedle's Airship got the bug catching net. I bought an Iron Shield, and upgraded it to be reinforced. I discovered a floating ship in the skies meant to be some kinda amusement park I reckon called Fun Fun Island that was not yet finished.

I am finally at the third world, Lanayru mines and decided to pause there for the time being.

Great game, so much like Wind Waker to me.


Man I just dont get the control complains they just work for me and I dont even like motion controls, but in this game they rock, I dont think I want to go back to buttons for Zelda.

Edit: Talking mainly about swordplay here btw.


You can't waggle in this game, that's for sure. It's not even built to properly allow it; so I guess it's going to cause problems if one panics and starts to flail.

I have to wonder - are some people swinging their arm around when trying to do multiple slashes, or combos? You have to be fast, but precise... raise the sword at the right angle, snap the slash out, move it to the next angle to line up your next slash, snap again, etc.

Also, the rotation of the sword is tracked... rotating the wiimote rotates the sword. It helps to slash at the right angle if you treat it like a knife in your hand, and rotate the "blade" correctly before cutting the air.
As far as I can tell (in the 3rd dungeon atm) that flailing works well enough except against electrified enemies ... either I can't figure it out (very likely) or I'm too slow but goblins with a regular blade will block me 9 out of 10 times if I slowly line up a swing, but I can bait them to block one side then move my wrist to the other side and snap back for a swing, but to be fair, flailing works just as well cause there is no real consequence to it.

I just end up using the gadgets alot more often because it isn't as "tedious" (for the lack of a better term) compared to jumping in to sword combat.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Struggling with combat a bit. How do you beat those red guys? I'll swipe the wiimote according to how they hold their sword (Ex, if they are holding the sword vertically, I'll do an up/down motion), but the guy will just block me. I end up waggling half the time. The best fight I had was with the first
in the first dungeon. There, my attacks registered perfectly. Outside that, I must be doing something wrong.

Same with the lizards.
I poke them when they taunt me, but outside that I'm sort of a sitting duck.

Girahim (sp?)
battle was somewhat ruined because of this. It was harder than it should have been for me.

Lizards? When they "Lolololololololol" you pay attention to the sides that do not get covered by his armored hand and slash from that direction. Once the first strike hits, just continue to attack rapidly to connect several more in quick succession. Repeat repeat repeat. They're actually pretty easy.

Also, shield parry is the most effective move to strike down normal mobs. Learn it, use it, love it.
Might be a silly question but does the game let you use other controllers? Such as the classic, gamecube, or is it wiimote+motion plus only?


Unconfirmed Member
Struggling with combat a bit. How do you beat those red guys? I'll swipe the wiimote according to how they hold their sword (Ex, if they are holding the sword vertically, I'll do an up/down motion), but the guy will just block me. I end up waggling half the time. The best fight I had was with the first
in the first dungeon. There, my attacks registered perfectly. Outside that, I must be doing something wrong.

Same with the lizards.
I poke them when they taunt me, but outside that I'm sort of a sitting duck.

Girahim (sp?)
battle was somewhat ruined because of this. It was harder than it should have been for me.

You can always use a well timed shield bash (watch when an enemy pulls their weapon back before they strike) to easily create an opening to attack. Shield bash -> spin attack -> finishing move makes quick work of most normal enemies.

Bokoblins (the red guys) are actually surprisingly hard to just swing at and find an opening since they guard so quickly... Instead of trying to fake them out, put up your shield to hide the direction of your swing, smack them while they pull back for an attack, or just use the shield bash as mentioned.

Lizalfos... you can swing at them until they taunt, then slash your sword from the opposite direction (if they're holding their arm horizontally above their head, swing down to up) to get a hit in.

If you do get an opening, on any enemy, try to capitalize by comboing into a spin attack (regular swing -> spin attack) to get a knockdown and finish them.


I really, really like the sword combat. It messes up here and there, but boy is it satisfying.

Still doing the pre 2nd dungeon stuff, enjoying the game alot. First dungeon was just okay.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Struggling with combat a bit. How do you beat those red guys? I'll swipe the wiimote according to how they hold their sword (Ex, if they are holding the sword vertically, I'll do an up/down motion), but the guy will just block me. I end up waggling half the time. The best fight I had was with the first
in the first dungeon. There, my attacks registered perfectly. Outside that, I must be doing something wrong.

Same with the lizards.
I poke them when they taunt me, but outside that I'm sort of a sitting duck.

Girahim (sp?)
battle was somewhat ruined because of this. It was harder than it should have been for me.

For the red guys just keep doing different directions. If they hold left, swipe right, they'll block, swipe down, they might block, then swipe up and it will probably hit. Just keep changing the angle you attack.

Lizards, just attack wherever they're taunting you. Avoid their attacks(or parry) until they do that because they typically dodge.

ghirahim, you were meant to "trick" him into blocking a certain way. So hold your wiimote to the right to make link extend his arm in that direction, then actually swipe up instead. Stuff like that.
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